Seddie Oneshots: 376 by shana852963

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Seddie oneshots by shana852963

TV » iCarly
Rated: K+
Language: English
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,415
Published: Dec 5, 2010


"Well, baby, we made it," Freddie smiled, putting his arm around his girlfriend. "One year together."

"Who would've thought," Sam grinned, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Everyone probably thought we would've murdered each by now," Freddie said.

"Yeah, well, we've had a few close calls," Sam chuckled.

"But we always manage to work things out," Freddie said.

The couple was sitting out on Freddie's fire escape, looking up at the stars. They had just gotten back from their special date, and since his mother wasn't home, Freddie was taking advantage to the opportunity to keep Sam around as long as he could.

"Would you have ever imagined having a one-year anniversary with me five years ago?" Sam asked softly.

"Well would you have imagined having one with me?" Freddie pointed out.

Sam gave him a small smile. "Nah...I guess if someone told me that I'd fall madly in love with your nubby self, I would've punched them silly."

"And I probably would've passed out if someone told me that I'd fall madly in love with a certain blonde-headed demon," Freddie said. He placed a gentle kiss on Sam's lips. "But I'm sure glad I did."

Sam squeezed his hand. "Thanks for tonight, by the way, baby. It was great. Good food, fancy show..."
"Anything for you," Freddie said. "Oh, and I have one more thing for you."

"What?" Sam asked as Freddie dug into his pocket. He pulled out a small box and opened it up to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with a tiny purple heart.

"Whoa," Sam said softly, staring at the jewelry. "Freddie, you-you didn't have to get me that. It probably cost you a fortune. And-And you just spent all that money on the dinner and tickets for the show-"

"Sam, don't worry about that," Freddie said, stringing the necklace around her neck.

"But-But I didn't get you anything," Sam whispered, playing with the tiny charm in her fingers.

"Sam, you've given me enough tonight just by being with me," Freddie said, wrapping both arms around her.

Sam laughed. "You don't hear yourself when you talk, do you? How can you handle being that cheesy?"

"Do you want me to stop?" Freddie smirked knowingly.

"Mmm, maybe tomorrow," Sam said, leaning her chin up to kiss him.

"You know," Freddie said, taking in the moment. "I know we're going to have a lot more anniversaries together, baby. I love you so much; you have really just-just made my life so perfect."

Sam blushed and stared back up at the stars, enjoying the feel of her boyfriend's arms around her. "I love you too," she said. Then she turned around and looked right at him. "Hey, actually, you know...I-I do have something for you."

"Sam, you don't have to-"

"I already have it, so just shut up and take it," Sam said firmly, and then quickly kissing the tip of his nose so he would know she didn't mean that. She reached into her purse and pulled out an envelope. She looked at for a few seconds, holding it tightly in her hands, and then she handed it to Freddie. "Here."

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