When A Freddie Can't Sleep, He Needs A Sam by Random Dice

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When A Freddie Can't Sleep, He Needs A Sam by Random Dice

TV » iCarly
Rated: T
Language: English
Genre: Romance
Characters: Sam P., Freddie B.
Words: 1,519
Published: Jul 16, 2009

A/N: One: They are in their twenties.
Two: Carly, Sam, Melanie, Spencer and Freddie all live in the same apartment building. Three: iCarly is a show.


He sat there in his bed, head cradled in his hands. He couldn't sleep. He knew they had to be at the building for the performances early on iCarly and that was why he went to bed hours before he was use too.

Now, hours after he usually fell asleep, he got to his feet and walked to his hotel bathroom and turned on the bath. Fredward Benson figured he could use this time and take a relaxing soak. He stripped him-self of clothing and dropped into the tub.

Once he was settled, he closed his eyes. Thoughts of her entered his mind. God, why can't I stop thinking about her? Freddie thought. Her golden colored hair, the way it hung around her shoulders or when she just woke up or the way it tickled his face when she was close enough, her ocean blue eyes that showed her every emotion, even when she didn't want them too.
And her lips! God those lips, how he loved to kiss those full, pouty luscious lips. They tasted so sweet, tangy, like an exotic fruit in which he'd never had the delight of putting in his mouth.
Oh, and her teasing without fully meaning too, by wearing the cloths she did, showing every curve, clinging to her body like second skin. The legs that-

Freddie shook his head and slapped him-self in the forehead, water ran down his face. He looked down and groaned. His member stood erect as a man's would who was looking at a woman nude right in front of him. He pulled plug out of the drain and stood. He turned on the shower head and put it to freezing cold.

Freddie shivered as the artic water pierced his skin like little needles. He pressed his hands to the edges of the shower, fingers spread wide. His head hung low as his body cooled down to the water's temperature that was pouring over him.

Half an hour later, his manhood now limp, Freddie stepped out and wrapped a towel around his waist. He took another to dry his upper body and hair. Walking into his room, he glanced at the clock. It read three fifteen. God damn.

"I need to get some sleep." He muttered. Freddie yanked the towel from his body. Now naked, he went to the dresser in the room. After pulling on a pair of boxers that she bought him, he deposited him-self in bed.

Rolling the covers over his body, he shut his eyes, hoping the images of her would stay out of his mind. They didn't and sleep wouldn't come to him. He shot up with a growl. He threw the blankets off his sleepless form and stomped to the door that led to the hallway.

If she wasn't going to leave his mind, he would need to see her and do something to make sure he did get some sleep. He reached her door and knocked and knocked until she opened the door. Freddie was speechless.

Sam stood there, eyes half open, rubbing one of them with a tiny closed fist, yawning. Her hair, even with the bed-head, still looked as beautiful as ever. Her black night shirt was one from OzzFest and Ozzy was on the front looking creepy. It was too big for her, her shoulder peeking out the neck of it, but it still ended a few inches too short, showing off the bottom of her black boxers. It didn't help that it was rumpled, riding up her hips.

The tired look on her face made him a wee bit ashamed of him-self, knowing with her slight insomnia that she had developed over the years, that it was hard for her to go to sleep and once she awoke from that sleep, it was difficult, if not impossible, to fall back asleep.

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