Fleeting happiness

Start from the beginning

" slow down , I don't understand what you're staying " Shinjiro lightly and playfully bashed her on the head

" he had regained consciousness late at night , and his condition mostly stabilized by morning " the nurse explained " he was undergoing checkup just a moment ago ..."

" you dork ... " Shinjiro sighed as he brushed her hair " people are watching , you know ... "

" well , you can talk to her in your room , Aragaki-san , I'll leave you to each other "

" thank you ... " Shinjiro thanked the nurse who left them in the hall , before looking at the crying Minako who was still attached to him " hey , can you let go of me ? I can't walk with you hugging me like that ! "

" muffer ! " Minako said a muffled yet stern ' never ' as she buried her face in Shinjiro's clothes

After some dragging around , the two of them were finally in Shinjiro's room . Then after a few minutes , Minako finally felt comfortable letting go of him . She then tried to fit her scarf onto him but it was too long for him , so she tried to include herself as well , but it was still long enough to wrap the two of them completely . When that messy situation was resolved , Minako took out a small plastic box , and from it she took two cupcakes , one wrapped in a pink handkerchief , and the other in blue .

" I've been wanting to give you these for a long time ! " Minako eagerly said " give each one a bite and tell me how they taste ! "

" what's that about ? " Shinjiro looked at them curiously

" never mind the details , just do it ! "

" okay ? "

Shinjiro took a bite of the one in blue , and commented his opinion on it . He thought it was it was lacked a little in sugar , but beside that it was good . Then he took a bite of the one in pink , which had a bolder taste , as if more sugar was put into it . He then noticed that Minako was grinning triumphantly , and he wondered if there was a trick that he didn't figure out .

" don't tell me they're both made from cotton and sugar or something , and you just did that to prank me ! " Shinjiro said accusingly

" actually , Fuuka baked the cupcake that was wrapped in blue ! " Minako declared victoriously

" cough ! Seriously ?! " Shinjiro choked at the surprise " the Fuuka Yamagishi ?! Our Fuuka ?! She cooked ?! "

" the one and only ! She's been training daily in our cooking club to impress you , and I've been helping her out , too ! " Minako said proudly " she had a problem with sweets , and would add sugar and honey to basically everything , that's why I had to train her against using it ! "

" looks like you've been very busy , haven't you ? " Shinjiro sighed , but then he noticed the noise if the mess that was outside of his room , and became aware of the panic in the hospital " what's going on out there ? "

" oh ! There was this one time that a friend of mine was accused of tarnishing the school's reputation , but me and Minato ... ! "

" Minako , how was your life in the time I was hospitalized ? " Shinjiro noticed that Minako was hiding something

" w—well ... it's a long story ... ! " Minako mumbled

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