" you probably won't believe this , but I know how you feel ... " the nurse placed her hand on Minako's shoulder " a demon that will take my loved one away from me , and no matter how hard I try I can't defeat it . It's what took my sweetheart away from me ... "

" Yuzuru-san ... " Minako remembered that Uzaki had lost her lover in an accident

" for the longest time after that , I thought that such nonsense as hope are nothing but childish fairy tales , and that the world is filled with nothing but cruel logic . However , the more I watch you spending time with this patient , the more I watch him recover , and the more I hear him mumble in his unconscious state , the more I want to believe that the world isn't just ones and zeroes ... "

" Shin-chan ... he's ... ? " Minako looked at Shinjiro in disbelief

" my grandmother used to tell me something , Minako , but after my lover died I blocked it off of my memory ... right now , though , I want to believe it is true ... I think you need to hear what she used to say ... "

" I ... I would love to ... "

" when the world around you falls apart , when you think that all is lost , look up to the sky and pray . This universe has a God , and He is always watching us . Pray to Him , beg for Him to be by your side , and believe in Him . The impossible would ... fall apart ... below His will ... " Uzaki stopped as a sob rose up her throat and interrupted her " That's ... that's what she used to say ... "

" Yuzuru-san ... " the words that the crying nurse said rendered Minako speechless , and she couldn't even feel the tears strolling down her eyes

" I've been blinded by despair for so long after my love died , but after you helped me open my eyes again , I've been seeing miracles happen a lot around me , people who were in a losing fight with their illnesses suddenly got the upper hand and recovered , sometimes when the doctors had abandoned all hope . That's why I don't want you to lose hope , too , since you're the one who helped me find it ... "

" Yuzuru-san ... thank you ... " Minako wiped her eyes " I can't believe I needed to hear that this much ... "

" I don't know what you're facing , but I know you can fight it and overcome it "


Minato arrived at the shrine, his minded was clouded by thoughts of the upcoming impossible fight . However , all these thoughts dispersed when he saw someone standing before the stairs leading to the shrine . It was a blond girl with a short hair , cladded in a blue robe that fluttered in the cold wind .

" Ai ?! " Minato anxiously called her

However , she started running away from him the moment he called her . Minato found himself chasing after her , and she continued to run as he called her . She was running way too fast for him to catch up , and he feared he might lose her . However , a puff of smoke erupted from her and she collapsed , and by the time she hurriedly stood up , he was close enough to grab her wrist .

" wait ! " Minato exclaimed " why are you running ?! "

" I ... I apologize ... " Aigis kept her back to Minato

" all this talk about not disappearing from my side ... and now you're running away ... don't do this ... " Minato said in a pained tone , before yelling at her " turn around and talk to me ! I was worried about you ! "

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα