" yes ... it was my wife who insisted that I hire someone , I don't really care , myself " the man groaned tiredly " I'm Hiroshi Shirogane , but just call me Hiro or whatever floats your boat "

" okay , Shirogane-san ... I'm ... I'm Sumire Masen "

" Sumimasen ? " the man raised an eyebrow with confusion

" no , it's Sumire Masen " she embarrassedly corrected

" well , just don't get in the way of me preparing coffee , and I wouldn't mind your presence , Sumimasen "

" r—right ... " Sumire took a step forward , but in doing that she stepped on a cat's tail , and the screaming cat startled her , causing her to fall back onto the table that was behind her . She nervously stumbled upon herself and her words as she tried to stand up and apologize " I'm so sorry !!! "

However , by then the Hiroshi had disappeared in the kitchen , leaving her with the cats surrounding her curiously . While she was desperately trying to prevent herself from screaming , the front door was opened , and a blue-haired high schooler entered the café . Sumire immediately recognized the boy , with the earphones tightly snuggled in his ear , and his blue hair partially covering one of his eyes . That was definitely Minato .

" oh ! Arisato senpai ! " she exclaimed " is that you ? "

" what ?! " Minato was startled that someone recognized him " how ... how do you know who I am ?! "

" oh ... I ... well ... I'm your underclassman , my name is Sumire Masen " Sumire was disappointed that Minato didn't recognize her , but then there was no reason he would recognize her , when they've never even spoken to each other " I know we've technically never met , but you're famous in school . You're that student who caught the perverts that used to peek at girls in the school , and with your sister you stood up to Mr. Ekoda "

" I ... I see ... " Minato nervously replied " anyway, if anyone asks , I was never here ! It's embarrassing to admit that I frequent these places , okay ?! "

" I ... um ... okay ... "

" oh ... phones , you again ? " Hiroshi groaned as he peered his head from the kitchen , seemingly calling Minato by a nickname based on his earphones " the usual ? "

" Yup ... "

As Minato sat down on one of the chairs by the window , Sumire continued cleaning the café , occasionally freezing up every once in a while as a cat passed by her , and breaking into cold sweat whenever a cat purred and rubbed its furry body against her leg . She was just glad that Minato didn't notice it , and tried her best to continue her work .

" agh ! My back ! " Hiroshi screamed in the kitchen " agh ! Damn it , son of a bitch back ! Agh ! "

" Shirogane-san ?! " Sumire hurried to the kitchen , and she found him clutching his back in front of the cupboard " wh—what happened ?! "

" what... do you think ... happened ?! " Hiroshi glared at her " I pulled my back ! Why ?! All I did was reach out for the goddamn coffee bean jar !!! "

" m—maybe you should close the café for today ? "

" and then I'll never hear the end of it from my wife ! She's gonna go on and on about hiring employees and all that load of bull ! " Hiroshi glared at her for a second , before saying " you know how to make black coffee , right ? "

" I ... I think so .... ? "

" great , make that kid a cup of coffee or you're fired ! " Hiroshi said decidedly as he painstakingly walked out of the kitchen

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) Where stories live. Discover now