Deep breath in the hot springs -Part 1

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" the lady working at the souvenir shop in this inn told me that on this night , twenty years ago , a girl was relaxing in the hot spring . Little did she know , that a pervert from the boys' section slowly crept into the spring , and began eyeing her figure . The only thing that clued her to him was when she saw a puddle of blood spreading in the surface of the water, because he had a nosebleed ! "

" b-blood ... ?! " both Yuko and Yukari shivered as they tightly held each other

" honestly , such an imaginative mind " Mitsuru shook her head with disinterest

" you're not lying , are you ?! " Rio asked sternly

" do I look like I'm lying to you ?! " Minako said decisively

" don't stop there ! What happened after that ?! " Natsuki asked eagerly

" Natsuki-chan ... please ... " Fuuka wasn't as enthusiastic

" well ... the girl panicked , and grabbed a nearby rock , before slamming it at whatever was in front of her . More blood emerged , and the girl screamed as she made her escape out of the pool , but not before the man grabbed onto her ankle as she struggled to reach the door "

" then ... then what ?! "

" the girl managed to escape , but the man who stalked her drowned in the pool , after he lost consciousness from the boulder that struck him , and they say he's still haunting this spring , stalking girls and eyeing them , and when he sees a girl he likes , he pulls her into pool , to where no one knows ! "

" Minako ! " Yuko yelled at her angrily

" this isn't funny ! " Yukari yelled at her , too

" but I'm not lying ... it's the ... the ... what ?! " Minako looked at the water at her feet and then at the girls with a terrified look on her face " girls ... something grabbed my ankle ... help ... ! "

Before Minako could finish her sentence , she sunk into the pool . The girls were horrified , and even Mitsuru had her attention on the situation . She immediately told the girls to calm down and look for her . Fuuka began crying , Yukari screamed and Yuko was ready to get out of the hot spring . Suddenly , Minako emerged from the hot spring and splashed everyone with a bucketful of hot water .

" surprise ! " She happily declared

" we were WORRIED about you ! " Yukari furiously yelled at her

" how can you do this to us ! " Yuko threw a bucket at her , which she swiftly dodged

" I thought I would never see you again ! " Fuuka wept

" you're horrible ! " Rio glared at her

" I actually had fun " Natsuki laughed " you had me going there for a second , girl ! "

" Minako ... " Mitsuru wasn't happy with the joke , in fact , she was furious " you have five seconds to leave this place ... before I execute-! "

However , another splash interrupted their conversation . At first , they all looked at Minako , but she immediately denied any further involvement . It was then that the girls realized that they were indeed not alone .

PERSONA 3 RED and BLUE ( COMPLETED ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ