Innocence - Part 2

Start from the beginning

" where ... where did you get that ? " Minato glared at his sister " didn't you say the owner of the club didn't allow ... don't tell me you were late so you could ... ! "

" details , bro bro " Minako sticked her tongue to her brother slightly

" you know , that was unnecessary on your part " Minato sighed " Chihiro learned this morning that Saori tutoring the neighbor's son for his exams for two weeks , so there was no way she would be hanging out with crowds . I wanted to tell you that , but your phone wasn't on ... I guess you forgot to charge it ... yet again "

" I ... but that's ... ! "

" Mr. Ekoda , this is the second time " Mitsuru interrupted " the second time you placed the school reputation of the school above the future of the student "

" I ... Kirijo-san , you know I wasn't ... "

" you remained silent about the disappearance of Fuuka Yamagishi , and now you sided with the mass media against a helpless student as opposed to conducting an honest investigation " Mitsuru impatiently interrupted " For two students to successfully debunk the allegations in two days while you immediately accused the student is just shameful on your entire career as a teacher ! "

" but ... but I wasn't ... "

" school should be viewed as our next home , and the teachers our second guardians after our families . They should protect our innocent minds from those who seek to use us for their needs . You failed to be that figure in the life of Geggokan high school students , not once but twice ! "

" we will discuss this later in my office , Mr. Ekoda " the principal sighed

" and now ... today should mark the end of a shameful and despicable time in Geggokan , a time when the entire school came together to end the future of an innocent student , with nothing but rumors and falsified evidence " Mitsuru stepped forward and spoke furiously " I want to say , that as a student , I feel ashamed and embarrassed to no end to study under the same roof as such hateful people "

" had it been only for ignorance , we would have understood it " Minato added " but you clearly sought to end the school-life of Saori Hasagawa , even going as far as to frame her closest friend of betraying her and laughing at her behind her back , just because she was defending her " Minato played the recording of what Minako said

" I have never said any of that to anyone , and I would never go to such an extreme extent for a joke " Minako said firmly " and if you know me since middle school , you know a more concrete reason for I would never do that to a student , because I lived through it , and I wouldn't wish that life upon anyone "

" I ask each and every single one of you , can you imagine for even a second that such rumors be spread about you ? " Mitsuru continued " Your reputation would be tarnished , your life would be an endless nightmare , your parents would be disappointed to no end , did you think even for a second about what the student felt when you talked behind her back about her? I don't know if she would forgive you , but after this day I will never trust any student of this school ever again , and will always look for the worst among you , because such despicable lot does not deserve the simple right to be given the benefit of the doubt . I can only hope that a better future awaits this school "

" Hasegawa-san ... Do you have something to say about this ? "

" Oh ... Um ... I ... " Saori looked at Minako for a second , before nodding " yes ... I do... "

" then by all means ... " Minato stepped aside , allowing Saori to take the stand

" my name is Saori Hasagawa , and there has been a lot of rumors going on about me , so I want to say here that they are all false . I love this school , and every student in it , and I bear nothing but good will toward the school with its students , teachers and staff . I wanted to helpful for you all , I wanted to show you that I will always be there when you need me . Nevertheless , this experience helped me grow as a person , and it introduced me to such kind-hearted people who stood by my side and helped me prove my innocence before it rammed me into those who want to take advantage of me . Thank you , Geggokan , for giving me a push forward to maturity "

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