Controversal photos - Part 3

Start from the beginning

" iT wAs—cough ! ... yOuR iDeA ... " Minako glared at him

" What're you saying , Minatan ? " Junpei pondered " wasn't you who suggested ... and I quote ... ' we're going to the karaoke hall , and we're singing until our throats give up ' ? "

" oH ... riIiIght—cough ! Cough ! Cough ! "

" enough ! You're not helping your condition improve by continuing to talk despite how painful it is ! " Yukari went to her school bag and gave each of the twins a notebook " for now , use this to communicate "

The weird shenanigans were far from over . The members of SEES began eating breakfast , and Mitsuru caught wind of the situation , and said she would contemplate a fitting punishment for the irresponsibility of the twins , to which the twins chose not to speak . As for Junpei , he had a mischievous plan in motion , he decided to ask Minato questions that he knew he would definitely refuse to oblige . For instance ...

" Minato , I have a question for you , but seeing as your throat is broken , if you approve , just stay silent ! Are you going to give me the password to your account for Eternal Punishment Online ? "

" yEs " Minato surprised them all by saying that , especially Minako who looked absolutely appalled

" ooh ! Sweet ! " Junpei rejoiced " I should benefit from this while I can ! ... let's see ... oh ! Who do you think is the strongest and most stylish Persona user in SEES ? "

" yOU ... " Minato whispered , his eyes remained fixated on his cup of black coffee .

" oh my God ! I can't ... ! " Junpei exploded in laughter

" cut it out , Stupie ! You're being childish ! " Yukari furiously yelled at him

" I know ! " an evil grin appeared on Junpei's face " Minato , are you in love with Yukatan ... or do you prefer Aigis ? "

" WHAT ?!!! " Yukari screamed

" wE aRE gETtiNG lATe " Minako interrupted , smiling as she pointed at the clock

" y—yeah " Yukari stuttered , her face was glowing red traffic light " enough of these childish antics ! "

" wAiT , sIS . Is tHAt jAm iN yOur—? " Minato stopped his sister just as the crowd was beginning to disperse , to which Minako responded by pulling him toward her , whispered a few words to him , before turning to her dorm mates and joining up with Yukari and Fuuka .

That was probably the weirdest morning the SEES had lived through ever since they were formed , and it seemed that the weirdness was still going . As the twins left the dorm , Minato walked straight into a telephone pole , and it seemed it was not intentional, as he rubbed his face and groaned , clearly in pain from the impact . Yukari wondered if the twins were alright , but they both assured her the only thing wrong with them that morning was their throat .

" so this is their plan ... huh ... " Mitsuru clutched her forehead and sighed " is this really going to work ? "

As the twins walked toward the school , Minako seemed to want to stay close to Minato , but as much as they tried , they ended up each grouping up with their own circle of friends . Minato found himself going with Junpei , Kenji and Kaz , while Minako went with Yukari and Fuuka . Kenji started his morning by telling dirty jokes , before painfully slowly and obviously explaining them , Junpei would laugh , share a joke as well , or if the joke was terrible he would cringe . As for Minato , he wasn't sure which was more cringy , the jokes or Kaz who began his morning by jogging , and was sweaty and smelly . He thought his morning could not possibly get any worse , and even though his tired throat saved him the effort to participate and gave him a good reason to feel grumpy , he could only think of how lucky his sister was . His sister wasn't exactly lucky ... for all the wrong reasons

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