Minato Arisato - part 3

Start from the beginning

" what ?! No ! "

Minako noticed that she was caught in a pincer , thinking quickly , she turned to Takaya and called both Loki and Susano'o , momentarily sealing his Persona . As she tried to run past him , however , a gigantic golden fist descended on her from the sky and knocked her to the ground , before she could react , she was froze on the spot by a potent ice spell . While trapped in the iceberg , she saw the Reaper closing in on her . While trying to force her way through Takaya was a good idea , she left herself wide opened for the Reaper to attack her , and as it became apparent , that was a fatal mistake . The Reaper quickly slashed at her with the edge of its guns , crushing the iceberg and wounding her greatly .

Despite shivering from the cold and wincing from the pain , Minako tried to escape . She knew that Minato had failed to push the Reaper back , so anything that wasn't Orpheus Telos would not hurt it . However , she still dares to think of another way , and tried to inflict the shadow with an ailment to stops it momentarily . Calling Jack Frost and Pyro Jack , Oberon and Titania , and even Incubus and Succubus together didn't seem to work , and every time she missed an ailment infliction , the Reaper countered with an attack that would leave her limping from the pain . She was running out of time , as Takaya recovered from the seal and was preparing to call Hypnosis , and as the Reaper continued to attack her . She really had no choice .

" give me strength ! Orpheus Telos ! "

The Reaper was struck by a barrage of glowing spheres , and was immediately knocked on the ground . Just as Minako felt an intensifying headache and her vision blurred . She realized Takaya was going to aim at her and shot her down , as Orpheus Telos had no physical resistance , but as she turned to defend herself , she realized Orpheus Telos was still present and casting another Magidoloan at Takaya , whose attempt at blocking the spell with his Persona proved overwhelmingly futile , and was lying on the ground , astonished and scared . It was only then that Orpheus Telos dispersed.

" this Persona ?! What are you ?!! " Takaya screamed at her " is this why the Reaper is hunting you down ?!!! "

Minako realized that Orpheus Telos was different than other Personas in a sense that he doesn't disappear instantly , and that made him even more of an advantage for her . She noticed the Reaper slowly recovering from the strike , so she called Metatron and Mithra and destroyed the roof on its head , before calling Scathach and Cu Chulain and causing the same to happen to Takaya . While she definitely established a name for her Persona and herself , Orpheus Telos was already tiring her out and she was sweating bullets . She wanted to believe that if she would give herself some cooldown time before calling him again , she wouldn't be as tired , but as it turned out she really had just two shots of calling him every night , and now that she had just used her second shot , she couldn't afford getting herself ambushed again.

" that one ... That one is ... for Shin-chan ... " Minako perspired as she stared at the ceiling that she had fall on Takaya , before hurrying away .

No sooner than she had left that the Reaper broke free , its wrathful roar shook the entire block as it chased after her . It was after it broke free that Jin arrived at the scene and witnessed the destruction , and he immediately used his Persona to call shadows to destroy the rubble on top his partner . When he managed to free him , he was shocked to see the wounds on his body .

" thanks ... " Takaya perspired , had it not been for Jin , he would have perished below the rubble

" didn't I tell you to hold back so she seemed more powerful ?! " Jin exclaimed " see what the Reaper did to you ?! "

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