Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Twinkling Little Star

1.3K 41 31
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of Koyuki Elaine Dragneel.

I'm certain, at some point, we are all thinking like this meme.


Denial. Heartache. Anger. Depression. Many of these emotions coursed through the minds of our heroes, unable to stomach the fact their pasts have risen from the dead and are now used as puppets to combat them back. Like an antagonist fascinated with the heroes wave of emotions that'll plunge them into madness. This is what they faced.

Brandish, who dusted herself off from the soot after that tackle by the retired hero, briskly walked over towards the silent man, as Zeref watched stoically of the people fought their past with great difficulty. Either be denial or trauma to see them alive and standing among the breathing. Such human reactions many would show upon seeing deceased loved ones. While the man spectated, the granny's apple colored haired woman ripped the amulet out of Daisy's neck, causing the Exceed cry out at the abrupt force to steal. As she held it out the man sluggishly, "Here's the amulet."

Bort colored hues flickered towards the woman, delicately taking the accessory carefully out of their grasp. "Thank you, Brandish." Smiling softly down at the amulet, his thumb caressed the golden outlines. Flipping it over to inspect the four lettered words that's inscribed on the gold, EKED. The last two letters delicately scratched by careful hands, hands that he almost forgotten how they felt if not for the writings on this gem to remind him. Then there were the last two...
Skimming over them with such fondness, glancing over to the unconscious Dragneel, spotting her twitching subconsciously in her sleep state. Before his eyes then landed on the trembling children, furrowing his brows to crease an ominous shadow over his eyes. "Those children are important collateral."

Back in the fight, Izuku kicked off the ground before he was skewered by the pale haired wizard's giant cross they carried on their back. Flicking his wrist up for aim towards the man balanced on their large ornament they carry and shot off another wave. Gritting his teeth at the amount of power he has used for the remnants of time, he could already feel his bones grinding against each other from his Quirks immense power. At any rate, he'll become ragged and the enemy many take note of it if he spots any move becoming sluggish. Midoriya knew he needed to think of something and fast!

Crying out at the sudden shockwave, having rolled in time to evade its devastating aftereffects. Emeralds flicking to the shredded land in awe. 'I didn't cause that...' Following where the attack came from and paled as white as pure snow, unable to process who held their fist up from their expulsion on their fist. 'Shimura...san...' That's when he finally saw the extra figures around him. Mirio leaping away then rolling back from the rocketing stamps with tears staining his flushed cheeks, evading the lanky figures attacks. 'Sir Nighteye....' Then to Hado's loud sobbing, seeing the happy-go-lucky girl sob in a fatal position, seeming to attempt to block out the sight of the grey haired heroine that stood before the crying Third year. Haunting her with her presence alone. 'Ryukyu...'

Izuku couldn't understand what was happening. Is the dead actually resurrected back to the living?

He had to snap out of his stupor to block Larcade's fist but spat out spit the man struck his jaw. Glaring up to the wizard's calm, narrowed, eyes. Ignoring the painful throbbing on his struck cheek, certain it'll swell with an evident purple bruise. These mages are truly different than anything he's faced, both villain and wizards.

"Come on, Toshinori." Called out Nana, strutting over the panting Yagi, smirking teasingly at their exhausted form.

Watching them struggle to qualm their tremoring and readjust his grip on the large pistol. Almost slipping from the excessive sweat his panic secreted. Not only that, but their deep breathing made his nerves burn wildly, causing his muscles to tense. Approaching the shivering blonde, if Yagi could see himself and deceased mentor in this moment, he'd be stunned from how old and tired he seemed while their master looked youthful as the day they died.

Toshinori struggled to control his body's tremors, mind wild many thoughts. What should he do? Why are they here? Was it one of the wizards magic and how were they able to conjure many of his loved ones here and forcing them to fight those they cherished. He would've thought further if not for Shimura's next response, "You must always smile at the face of danger. Even if the enemy haunts your past."

Yagi felt the air caught in his throat, stunned at the ghost's words of wisdom. Shakenly tilting his head back up and met her kind grey eyes. It was as if he were a middle schooler again, training under Shimura's tutelage and trained through rigorous courses. Listening to her many words of wisdom, preparing himself to inherit One For All. Now, here they are, fighting his past. Yet this ghost acted just as much as his mentor to even give him words of advice. Toshinori couldn't help but sniffle back the tears, struggling to gulp back the clump of air. "Even if you're my history, a ghost..." Clenching his hands around the handle, "You still remind me what it is to be a hero..." Cocking his pistol up directly towards the approaching woman with a look of sorrow, "Thank you, master."

Three gunshots fired off, resounding through the open space. Stunning some at the man, who once hesitated to fight back, shot the ghost without a second thought. As the apparition disappeared into mist, as if the image of the heroine was nothing but air. Now the ragged, thin, man collapsed to his knees, letting the tears they've held back finally fall like a river.

Izuku, who knew that his teacher was so close to their mentor, watched All Might on their knees and cry silent tears. But the shock didn't last long, not when two small voices screeched in terror, snapping at its direction to see his daughters be held in shadowy tendrils with another figure he thought died. Their golden hair cascading down their backs with their dark dress that seemed to blend with their shadows, hands held up, clenched. Emeralds dilating in horror at the sight of his little ones, "Eri! Helena!"

Helena was kicking and screaming, thrashing against the shadows clutches. When her body seemed to fade from her attempted to disappear, Eri's screams followed after, stopping the violet haired from attempting to escape lest she wanted her sister's early death.

Izuku rocketed passed Larcade, but crumbled into the earth by a large force. Shakenly glancing back to see the pale haired wizard pressing their foot down on Midoriya's spine, digging into him from moving. Desperately, Izuku searched for the others to aid the girls but his hopes dwindled.
Tamaki struggled under Dimaria's weight on his back, biting down their jaw in frustration at the mage, needing to run over and save his two friends, Nejire and Mirio. Many of class A knocked out by the two figures before, the older wizard and the man in a black tux, leaving on a struggling Ochako and Tsuyu to protect the rest, while Shoto and Eijirou shield the two from any more attacks. But it seemed the four were in an awful pinch from their frightened reactions, seeing how that many of their friends are down and out in an instant.

"Mama! Papa!" Helena desperately cried out, her face tear stained. Frightened and scared in her tormentors clutches, crushing her and older sister.

Hearing this made Izuku thrash, roaring in anger when the man only pressed back harder. Desperation and rage fueling him, desperate to rescue his children but tears of frustration clouded his vision when he was an inch close to pushing the mage off.


Izuku froze at the voice, shakenly flicking towards where it belong and tensed when he spotted Koyuki's crying form. She seemed paler, much sickly and ill.

"Don't hurt my kids!" Koyuki pleaded towards Zeref, "Please...don't hurt my friends anymore than already." Just seeing Hado in tears, practically rocking herself from traumatic sight of her dead mentor. All Might, silently crying with a dead look that frightened many in thinking they've given up mentally. Everyone of her friends sporting bruises and fallen to the ground, unconscious. Koyuki quivered, unsure what had happened in the gap of time she was knocked out but seeing everyone fighting for their lives, protecting her mere life. "Please, I beg of you..." Uncaring if she seemed pitiful before these people, not with the lives of everyone at hand. "...leave my family out of this. Please...!"

"Koyuki...don't!" Coughing out painfully, mentally cursing at the wizard on top crushing him. Freezing in terror at the dark wizard's bargain, "Will you come willingly?"

"If you promise to not hurt anyone then..." Not leaving her sight Zeref, she could feel Izuku shake his head desperately for her to deny to offer. Her eyes having already gone listless from life. Koyuki felt tired and defeat, she was dying. If they wanted her short life for something in exchange for her friends and families safety then it's a small offer to pay. "I surrender."

"No! Koyuki, no!" Forcing his Quirk to push further in percentage, unswayed by his body screaming at him from his recklessness when his body is closing to his limit.

Ignoring the viridian male's cries, Zeref exhaled in satisfaction to the Dragon Slayer's response. Unlike another Slayer, they wouldn't have been wise enough to understand the consequences of their actions. "You have my word." Instantly, once those words left his lips, the Spriggan 12 obeyed the silent command without a second thought. Neinhart waved his hand and the apparitions poofed into smoke, but not without one of them- Sir Nighteye- seemed to lock Mirio in his hold then lean in close to their ear, almost whispering something, before knocking the boy out.

Eri and Helena were finally released from Hecate's clutches, dropping to the ground with the children sobbing in fright.

Hado's eyes rolled back and fell unconscious from all the hysteria she's felt after Ryukyu's ghost faded.

Dimaria wasn't so merciful, smirking deviously and karate chopped Tamaki's nap. Knocking the boy out from interfering further. Leaving the Third year on the ground and practically pranced over to the green haired woman, annoying them at their close presence. As Brandish looked down to her captives and dropped in a messy heap, not reverting them back to their normal sizes till they've left the dimension.

Irene clicked her tongue angrily, glaring down at Aizawa, before turning away the man. Leaving them to bleed.

Holding up the golden pendant, Zeref flicked the item harshly. At first it confused those that are still fight at his action, but the moment they saw Koyuki collapse, they were in pure shock. Even more to their horror, the man was now before Koyuki and catching her in mid fall. "Rest now, Koyuki..."

"Let her go!!" At the order, Zeref peaked over to Midoriya, who finally released under Larcade's hold. Seeming uninterested with the boy's demanding glare, "Let Koyuki go!!"

"Koyuki..." Though it may be, Zeref furrowed in displeasure to the mention of the name 'Koyuki.' Fluttering his eyes closed, composing himself, before finally opening his borts. "A name that will never rightfully match to whom you truly are, little light." Speaking as if the Koyuki herself could hear. That's when he finally decided to reveal a little secret to them, "Do you people truly know who Koyuki Dragneel is?" Smiling at their confuzzled looks, "Her actual identity."

"What is he talking about?"

"400 years ago on Earthland, around the year 300x; a small village away from the capital lived a small family. The chief of the village and his beautiful wife, along side them are their three children. Almost the whole family died on one faithful night. The survivor was the eldest son, who vowed to bring back his deceased siblings. Never realizing for such act he was later cursed for such taboo decision. Bringing back the dead to the living. Bound to his studies and theories, their God cursed them with the curse of contradictions. For all the love they hold shall be compensated with the life it takes. Bearing the sin for as long he shall live in his pitiful life. Nevertheless, he pursued his studies to bring back the dead, much to the boy's utter joy, results presented. His siblings are brought back, but at the cost of their brother's wretched curse. Contradicting himself of their awakening, their lives are connected to their brother, like a thin string. Not only that, they were no longer human but demons with a human vessel. Perfect and powerful to complete their older brother's wishes, to end his miserable life." Zeref allowed his lips to curl, a soft smile it may seem but kind it is not. "You see, Koyuki and her brother- Natsu- are the children in this story. They were resurrected and created to kill me."

"Resurrected?" Shoto muttered under his breath in disbelief.

Kirishima, just as blown away, seemed at lost and couldn't swallow this information fast enough. "And how would he know such story then? Wouldn't that mean..."

Zeref smiled smugly from the various looks of realization befallen them all, "Correct, I am the one who resurrected her and her brother."

"What...?" The revelation that this man brought back the siblings back from the afterlife, the realization that Koyuki was once dead hit many harder than they would have ever thought. "You mean..."

"Indeed, Koyuki and Natsu died 400 years ago in our world."

"Di-Died...?" Color drained from Izuku's face at the news, cold sweat breaking out. It was something out of a horror book, something impossible to swallow.

Ochako, just as in denial as the rest, "Koyuki-chan...and her brother..."

"Killed by hoards of dragons along with their parents..." Zeref seemed undeniably understanding of their slow process, but in truth the man was relishing at their looks of withdraws to this sudden revelation. "But did you know? Her real name isn't Koyuki, it's Elaine."

'Elaine?' Izuku was taken aback that his wife's actual name.

"EKED, Etherious Koyuki Elaine Dragneel. Bearer of amulet of EKED and..." Zeref turned to the unconscious Dragneel, eyes softening at their serene features, unlike her restless one. Fingers carefully skimming over her burnt skin delicately, pushing back her rebellious curl. "My little baby sister..."

At that, Izuku's emeralds slowly dilated and paled into a sickly lime color. Finally, his mind clicked, yet never predicted that the man that Koyuki...Elaine? His wife feared was related to her but the question is this, how are they related? The man has dark raven hair, while she has pink-white locks and Natsu's is salmon.

As if reading Midoriya's thoughts, "Surprising isn't it. How can we be related? Well, just like this," Waving his hand over Koyuki, her hair color instantly changed. The remaining silver hair blushed further up with color, till it reached higher roots to black. Her pink-silver hair darkening until it was midnight black with pink tips. Seeing why her hair seemed silver, the colors were inverted from the original.
Hugging her closer to his form, their faces close to the other for everyone to witness the comparisons between the two. Many could instantly see the obvious similarities of the two wizards. Now they could see their soft feature and eye's, both inheriting from their parent. Shaking everyone to their core of seeing the truth before their very eyes, and Zeref was taking absolute pleasure out of such stunned reactions.

Smirking to all these other worlders before him with dark eyes that looked down to them, "Pleasure to meet your acquittance, I am Zeref Dragneel. Older brother of Natsu and Elaine Dragneel." Throwing a quick glance to his unconscious sibling before returning the rest, "A friend had to change minor details of her identity, so no one questioned her. Especially our brother, Natsu, the bearer of the book of END. But more so for her safety of being recognized." Imagine the look of satisfaction on the man's face from witnessing the looks of confusion and horror spread upon their mortal faces. "Heh, I could imagine how confusing this is for you people upon realizing Elaine's actual identity and as well her brother. How shall I put it...?" Honestly thinking it over to explain their minds then smiled softly towards all. "Koyuki and Natsu; they're the ultimate demons of the Book of Zeref, my greatest creations." Izuku trembled, the very demon he and Koyuki stopped from being resurrected wasn't inside the amulet.

Koyuki is the assumed demon.

"The very demons that could destroy continents within hours. Their items-- their power connects to them. If say, one of you decided to destroy the amulet, thinking it'll end the connection for those wizards to pass here." Hearing those playful words, Izuku's body quivered more. It is as if Zeref knew that he and others thought of that. However, his next words made their hearts stop cold in terror, "You would have killed Koyuki, because that amulet is connected to her life."

'What...?!' Complete utter dread and horror filled Midoriya's veins.

"Don't believe me? Well...why is it the moment I flicked the amulet, Koyuki fell unconscious, hmm?"

'That's...' Ochako quivered in terror, 'That's horrible!!' A little accessory held Koyuki's very life. Yet her brother held no regard of fear at the thought. She trembled terribly in her spot; she almost tipped over if it weren't Kirishima catching her in time.

Tsuyu shivered in mortification, "Your very own siblings..."

Izuku trembled, hair shadowing his eyes; hearing all of this disgusted him. How dare this man do this, how dare they do this to Koyuki! "So, you're telling me, all these years of her believing she's abandoned," how the girl suffered from abandonment throughout her childhood, yet strived to get passed them through her teens, "targeted--ridiculed!" how through her fights and struggles are by demons her brothers created, scarred by each fight she's faced, "Was because of you!!"

Uraraka was taken aback at such fury Midoriya contained behind their voice, even his emeralds seemed to glow from his rage. "Deku-kun?"

Zeref's fond smile slowly widened into a dark smirk, "All for the benefit to defeat Acnologia and killing me in the process. And once Natsu and Koyuki have successfully killed me, they'll die along with me." Tilting his head mockingly towards the heroes, "You may say, they're my perfected monster-- my ultimate demons." Red glows of insanity gazed to all with an equal smile that Koyuki matched, yet the man's gentle grin couldn't match his eyes. "Demons that'll end my prolonged suffering. My merciful suicide."

Utter horror filled the air from the man's confession of why Koyuki was resurrected. It was nothing but a slap in the face to the young mage. She and her brother, Natsu, were only brought back to life to defeat a powerful being then kill their suicidal brother.

Shoto trembled in anger, almost causing his veins to pop with all the fury coursing through. This was far to close to home with his parental problems but this man-- Koyuki's own brother, is manipulating her life for his suicidal craze.

Eijirou, the free-spirited hero, enraged beyond belief that he almost popped a vein from his boiling rage. His ruby red eyes were ablaze, red veins of anger pulsing.

Izuku grounded his teeth, burning with anger. This is Koyuki's relative, her biological older brother? This insane man, who brought the dead back, only to use them for his own benefit! The one who's destroyed thousands upon thousands of lives for his research to end his own life! He used his two younger siblings for his causes! He used his SISTER!!

"I won't let you..."


"If you think I'm going to let you take Koyuki before my eyes" Green electric power coursed through the greenette, his glowing emerald orbs glaring into annoyed red ones, "You have a storm coming your way!"

"How quaint." Chuckling under his breath, Zeref cradled his sister close. Not believing he needed to release hold on her when facing people from another dimension. His borts bleeding red, showing another feature that he and Koyuki shared. "But I won't hold back, even if I promised my sister."

Izuku sensed it, without thinking he kicked off, peaking back to see his friends and those around inside a dark sphere. Feeling nervous sweat to see them under some sort of gravitational pressure. Snapping forward, flicking his fingers, summoning Black Whip, only capturing air. 'Let her go...' Pivoting around to find the man behind, ducking down from their swipe, barely dodging the black magic behind his beam. 'Let her go!' Grinding his jaw, reaching out to Koyuki, only for his hand to be struck back by Zeref's harsh high kick. Ignoring the throbbing, far too focused to rescue his wife. Practically roaring ravenously, "Give her back!!" Crying out at the harsh impact on his side from Zeref's helicopter kick, cradling his wounded side. Reaching his limit and finally felt the full force of various muscle aches.

"Are you responsible for her missing arm." Emeralds dilating at the pressure on his shoulder blade, flicking up to meet glaring crimson. As they glared heatedly at the boy under, "Then as her brother, accept your punishment." Smashing his foot down and as the bone snapped into an odd angle. Screeching out at the excruciation, tears sprung from the terribly burning pain.

"I don't give a damn if you're my sister's husband..." The man held up his nose in distaste at the boy's pitiful form, "You could be a chief, a president, a king, a God- but I'll never accept a rodent like you." Pivoting around to leave the boy to whither away in pain but stopped in his tracks, slowly looking down at the hand that grasped his ankle weakly. Izuku, all bloodied and trembling in pain still held the determination on his battered and grime stained face. Tightening his weak grip on the dark wizard from leaving any further, "Let...her...go..."

"Very persistent." Bending down and grasping Izuku's collar and lifting him up like a weightless rag doll, meeting the teen in eye level, "But I can't allow her to stay. She and Natsu have an important part to play." Only to receive a bruised glare from Izuku, "Let her...Go!"

Zefer only frowned at their demand, tossing the boy into the school's barrier wall without a second thought, as Midoriya crashed through it with such force.



Ochako and Asui bellowed out in horror.

"Like I said, she doesn't belong here. I'm just returning her back home." Were the dark wizard's impassive words.

"Screw...that!" Izuku pushed off the rubel off his form, grasping his dislocated arm in silent pain. As his emerald orbs glared hatefullly into red ones, "What gives you the decide for her!"

"She's happy here too. She's making friends and family- she has daughters'- here too. She's making memories here too! She's living happily here too! So what gives you the right to decide! So don't decide her life!!"

Zeref's eyes widened at the greenette's words, feeling his heartskip in sudden happiness for his sister. Yes, he wasn't fond upon discovering that his sister being in a romantic and sexual relationship with anyone. He's known Koyuki as his innocence baby sister. Instead here is this boy who's willing to fight for his sister. If their father was alive, he'd find this kid's determination and tenacity damn admirable. However, even if he felt happiness for Elaine to find such a loving husband who'll both cherish and protect her, there was another feeling that overpowered it; strong, bitter, jealously.

"I see now," Smilling bitterly at their preached words the boy bellowed, the desperation to keep this girl in a world not her own. Fighting a losing battle, all for his sister's sake, "You're truelly in love with her."

"Wha--?!" Izuku flinched back, evident growing blush on his freckled cheeks. He shouldn't react this way in a situation like this!


"But even so," Twirling out and holding up the amulet that Koyuki protected and the key to opening portals, "I'm not stopping my mission to bringing her back to Earthland." A bright light lit up behind the wizard, rubble near it was being pulled into it and disappearing. At its appearance, the mages that obeyed the eldest Dragneel calmly passed through or leapt in from such speed, leaving the two siblings last. Zeref, glancing away from the bruised greenette, implying this ended here, by turning and facing the glow.

Izuku's jade green orbs widened in horror, "N-no..."

The silverette smiled brightly towards Izuku, while reanacting her stories of her adventures.

Laughing and smiling towards him with her broad smile.

Rubbing her palms together in apology towards a contempted Inko.

Hubbling out of the rubble and rocks weakly, heading towards the two, "Koyuki..." His sights focused on the pink-ravenette.

Koyuki headbutting Katsuku when they shouted at Izuku. Glaring at the other angrily as they were close to fighting the other in the room with a frantic looking greenette watching.

Koyuki bro fisting Eijirou, giving the other a toothy smile. As they laughed boastfully at the other, before she almost tripped over from Toru's sudden hug. Iida karate chopping at Hagakure's direction, scolding her for her action. While Ochako giggled at this, finding it humorous. The five seemingly merry of their close friendship.

Koyuki laughed hysterically from the story of her drenching Endeavor to cool off with Shouto smiling to the side at the scene. While Izuku pouted in the background, later to realize what he felt was actual jealousy for Todoroki.

Izuku's calloused hand combing through her rosy-white hair lovingly and as he gazed to the young woman with an equally loving gaze.

Katsuki, Shouto, and Eijirou groaned out in pain, both slowly glanced or looked up in time to see what was happening. They too, felt utter horror and dread when Koyuki was still in that man's arms. More so when they saw all pro heroes and the rest of U. A students down and out cold to even fight.

Spotting Izuku's slow, weak, form; grasping his dislocated shoulder and his weak hubbles towards the wizards, "Let Koyuki go!!" Almost tripping over on the school's rubble, but continued his desperate track. "Let her go!!"

"Stop this nonsense, boy. You'll only hurt yourself more." Turning away and holding the unconscious Koyuki closer to his broad chest. His sad brown-red orbs on his unconscious sister. She had the same nose and frown as their father. Their mother's kind eyes, her soft facial features. Their sister was a mix of their parent's, a mix of him and Natsu. From her bright smile to their dark and pink hair. She's their greatest joy when she was born, the first girl in the family. Bitting his bottom lip, but his resolve hardened. Frowning deeply to himself, now glaring hatefully towards the portal and spat out "She never belonged to this world. This world doesn't even deserve her either." His obsidians bled red in rage. With one hand, he removed Koyuki's precious item on her finger. Holding out for Izuku to see, "YOU don't deserve her!"

Dropping the ring.

Time seemed to slow down, seeing them slowly entered the glow, Izuku felt the quick heartbeats speeding and nothing else. Koyuki's bruised face leaning back, her midnight-pink hair fluttering. Eye's widening in utter terror.

Now booking it, green energy and lightening filling his veins. As he shouted a roar of desperation of the mage's name, "KOYUKIIIIIIIIII!!!"







'Please, wait...'




'Don't go!'




'I'm begging you!'


'God, please...don't go!


'Don't leave me! Please!!'










A pink-midnight haired girl turned to the crying greenette, the boy was chasing behind the girl. For some strange reason, the faster he ran, he could never get closer to her. Reaching out to her, wide pleading eye's towards the girl. Pleading her to not say it nor leave him.

Her pigment and dark tresses of hair fluttered, seeing her sad red orbs. A sad smile on her lips. As they moved to say what he dreaded the most, "Thank you and...good bye"


Grasping onto nothing as the glow disappeared from sight and Izuku fell ungracefully and harshly on his face. Rolling over and yelling out in pain from all the bruising and fractured bones, the young hero ceased rolling and halted.
The moment he slowly looked up, utter horror and despair was on the teen's face the moment he looked up and saw the same destroyed field, "Ko...yuki..." Tears welling in his quivering emerald orbs. Koyuki's smiling face, now being reminded of the unconscious one filled his mind and carried away by that monster of a man.

As he smashed his fist's into the ground, creating a small dent on the earth. "KOYUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!" Bellowed out Izuku, everyone who was even conscious heard Izuku's heavy and pained cries of the mage's name.

"We...failed..." Was Asui's disbelief, feeling the despair of failing to protect her fellow classmate.

Ochako sobbed into her hands, the realization hitting her hard as well, "Koyuki-chan!!"

"DAMMIT!!!" Were Katsuki's angered shout, punching into the ground angrily over and over, ignoring his parents worry. "FUCK! FUCK! FUUUUCK!!!"

"Ko...yuki..." Shouto was in disbelief, he failed to save the girl. He failed to save the girl he cared and loved.

"You're...kidding right..." Eijirou was just as distraught as the three, the girl, he too, cared dearly was captured and taken away from them. Not even his whole class, Third years nor pros could stop that man's followers.

"NOOO!! KOYUKI!! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!!" Izuku was hysterical by this point. Tears blurring his vision, he couldn't accept it. His best friend, his partner, his wife, his Koyuki-- is gone. What's even worse, she was in greatest of danger with the darkest and most evil being in her world: Her own brother!!

A devastated filled scream filled the air.

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