Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows

1.2K 34 9
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of Hecate's twin sister, Hera.


Izuku snapped himself awake with a groan, realizing during the night he fell asleep for a short while. Exhausted from staying awake throughout the night. Possibly gaining an hour of sleep at most, enough in his books to gain some rest for his weary worth mind. Exhaling tiredly, glancing down to the form snuggled close to his body, silently making circles on peck. At first, Izuku smiled at the sight of Koyuki focused on her motion, finding her adorable when she nibbled her bottom lip when she's deep in her thoughts. Almost giggling how her dainty finger tickled his skin when she made circular motions, as if mapping his little dust of freckles sprinkled around his bare body. A reminder of the night they shared together under the moon without barriers between them to enjoy their erotic night. Before the events prior came barreling down his consciousness.
That morning happiness that appeared his subconscious left instantly once those memories reappeared, eyes flickering down to her missing appendage she's resting on. He couldn't feel bashful nor giddy that it's the first morning together as a wedded couple.

Remaining silent as to allow her to continue her mission to count the same freckles on his skin, sadly enjoying her gentle touch. Wanting it memorized how sweet it felt to be caressed by her fingertips. Allowing himself to glance around their shared room, his many All Might figurines proudly standing on their stands, grinning proudly as if nothing were wrong. He envied the naïve figures around his bedroom, wishing he were that optimistic right now but even he and the actual All Might weren't positive as these plastic merch.

Narrowing his eyes from the sunlight breaking through his curtains. Groaning in annoyance at the peaking light. Cradling his wife close to his pectoral in hopes of ignoring the disruptive sunlight filling in their shared room. He didn't want the dreadful day to arrive sooner, it would only be a reminder his time with Koyuki is narrowing upon seconds.

"Izuku..." Surprised at first that her love awaken from their nap, realizing she was stuck in her thoughts that she failed to hear his grunts and noises till being embraced closer to him. Smiling albeit at his attempts to block out the morning light by hugging her close, nuzzling himself into her pink-snow white hair as a shield to block out. Then remembering another important matter before she reminds him of her departure quickly approaching. Snuggling close to her green haired lover, taking this chance to savor her husband's warmth. "Take care of the girls...for me, please?"

He could only embrace her close for response, not wanting to verbally say it but know he'll do so and care for Eri and Helena. Although the girls don't know what's happening, he nor Koyuki wanted to reveal them what's happening to their mother. How saddening, the children will lose their mother. Midoriya knew this'll break their little hearts once they realize what's happened to her. As much as it hurts him to accept the reality, he'll have to be there for them once they hear the truth of their mother's absence.

With all the will they had left, they shuffled out of bed to change in their clothes for the day. While it still maybe winter, Koyuki would have put on her pale blue shirt with Stitch on, until Izuku held out one of his punny shirt that literally had the word 'Blouse' on the front. The look of surprise appeared on her features, but smiled sadly when she met his pleading look to accept the shirt. Gratefully accepting his final gift, putting on the shirt not minding how it clung to her curves, only enjoying the fact it belongs to Izuku. The two continued to dress with a melancholy aura surrounding the two, wishing they had more time together but once light coughs came from the new Midoriya member, it only reminded the appending end.
Once done, they joined hands, walking down the quiet halls, down the stairs till reaching the melancholic void that is the common room.
Not many of there friends were there to see her off, too depressed to watch her go or visiting a loved one in the hospital-- the latter being Sero, since the previous events sent Hana to stay under the hospital's care. The only one's there that decided to see her off were Ochako, Tenya, Toru, Eijirou, Katsuki, and Shoto. Some sitting around the love seats in their wait, while the rest sluggishly played with their breakfast. Quickly stopping what they were doing once spotting the couple. Saddening once seeing such depressing sight of Izuku and Koyuki are. Sweetly linking their hands together, catching sight of their once promise rings, now marital rings. Then stood, ready to follow them behind.

Daisy was soon to meet them, saying her farewells to her classmates and friends from class C. As a loyal friend and partner, the Exceed follows where ever the Dragon Slayers decides to travel. Once Koyuki decided to return home to Earthland, she followed. Imagine how emotional Namine felt once this news happened, also Hitoshi was taken aback and in disbelief. The two didn't want the girl to leave, but couldn't seem to change Daisy's mind. Taking this chance for the two to take every second they have, which Izuku could empathize with.

The walk was silent, no one wanted to break the silence. Especially when the couple seemed to be cherishing each others presence, not wanting to break their moment. All of them ignorant of a figure watching their walking forms.

Sudden shivers went down the mage's spine, uncertain why she felt the hairs stand so suddenly. Till something caught the corner of her eye, throwing a brief glance before snapping at the direction of her interest. Koyuki froze in awe, as that look of awe slowly morphed to utter horror that could be read on her features at who stood in the courtyard. Their face held a kind shadowed smile that haunted her dreams in the past, even when they met once more during the return of her dragons and reunion with her brother. Feeling cold sweat began to break out, slowly dripping down her temple, as her eyes shrunk into nonexistent dots, "It can't be..."

Izuku stopped when Koyuki froze, catching her voice drip with fear, turning to his lover in worried confusion "Koyuki?" Frowning at first of her terrified look, following her face gaze ahead. Instantly tensing upon seeing a man stand distance from them. The man stood out like a sore thumb with their black robe they wore, fluttering gently from Japan's winter winds.

Ochako and Tenya stopped as well, causing the rest of them to stop in confusion at the hold up. Katsuki getting agitated at the silverette's sudden stop and frozen form, "Hey frozo, what's the hold up--" Freezing as well in alert, ruby's dilating in shock, "When the fuck did he get here?"

The man only smiled towards the girl, ignoring others beside the Slayer. As if the rest didn't exist, but the girl alone. "It's been awhile, Koyuki." A calm voice spoke, the moment Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, and the rest felt shivers of fear filled their bodies in that moment from their voice alone for some odd reason. The man had black as night hair, it was a soft spike style with an odd ahoge. Kind black-ish brown eyes that did not match his aura surrounding his person. But the strangest thing, he held such strong and similar features of someone they know, and the aura around him felt haunting.

The three boys who either faced the Killer Hero and or All For One knew the villains had nothing on this man-- although Acnologia will forever remain as the top villain they never want to face again. His aura felt like it alone can kill you dry where you stood. Realization hit Izuku like a speeding train, as he paled drastically at the slowly approaching figure, still grinning toward his wife. Cold sweat, freezing his blood with ever growing horror.


"He's one of the darkest wizards in my world, he defies and brings the dead to life...His name is--"


"Zeref." Midoriya became rigid once realizing he utter the name out loud, even more when the said man finally broke contact towards Koyuki.
The dark wizard smiled a bit broader at his name, "So you know my name. Koyuki must have told you."

"Midoriya-kun, who is that?" Tenya asked while keeping an eye on the stranger. Preparing himself to bolt and inform the staff of the intruder, but how was it possible for another intruder to get in?

Izuku was feeling the cold sweat and tension around everyone, tensed at the fact the alarms in the school haven't gone off. It felt like USJ all over again, and this was far worse than that event. Especially who was right before their eyes! "That man...he's also from Koyuki's world and--"

"The very wizard who created the Books of Zeref." Filled in the very man himself, smiling softly that someone from another world has heard stories of them from the Dragon Slayer herself. Like foreign celebrity that's being introduced to another culture, finding this amusing. "How very informed."

Glaring directly to the dark mage, unsure what they wanted and how they even arrived to this world. No matter what, Koyuki needed to handle the situation and get the others out quick, before the man did something unfavorable. "What do you want, Zeref."

"It's very simple, really." Chuckling softly at such serious look on the Slayer's features. Calming his laughter, gazing directly to matching dark orbs. Holding up his hand to count off his request, "I want two things at this very moment." Popping one digit for the girl to see, "One, I want the amulet back." Causing many to further tense nervously, realizing the man wanted their sealed demon back, possibly to later release the beast. Koyuki and Izuku tried to remain calm externally, but internally they felt dread at the fact that Daisy is carrying the amulet for safekeeping and may later be the target once realizing the Fairy Tail mage didn't have it with them. Popping the second finger for the rest to see. "And two, " his next sentence set alarms in everyone's heads, "I'm taking you home."

"...what?" Was what came out of Koyuki's lips. Pale with the look of panic taking over her face, unable to understand what the man wanted with her. Out of everything, she couldn't fathom what they wanted with her.

"You've been here long enough, Koyuki. It's time to return home, to the world you truelly belong." Holding their hand out towards the girl. Beaconing her to join his side and willingly return home with him. All while giving such comforting smile on his face that still made the girl uneasy, "Come, let's go home."

Izuku instinctively snapped his arm before Koyuki, shielding her from the dark wizard. Emeralds narrowed with warning towards the man, "Get away from her."

"Hm?" Quite surprised at such protective tenacity the boy held, "A friend?" Was what Zeref hoped to assume but noticed small shining glares coming of from the two, specifically their ring fingers. Narrowing his black orbs on the matching rings, their wedding rings. Zeref's pupils narrowed, "No." Which instantly brought a dark reaction on the dark wizard's face, "A lover."

Koyuki felt alarmed for her spouse's behalf, "Izuku, don't."

What came next from the man stunned many, especially from the venom filled tone Zeref held, "I don't approve of this relationship." Instantly gaining a reaction from the wedded couple, Koyuki and Izuku felt enraged. How dare this wizard decide if they approve or disapprove of their relationship.

Even Katsuki was taken aback of this random stranger acting menacing on discovering their relationship. A random stranger of all things! "This wak-job is talking to her like if they're friends."

Shoto knew they needed to act, while the man is focused on the two. Leaning close for he and Tenya to catch, "Iida-san, warn the school, now."

"Understood." Without another word, he was gone like a lightening bolt, Iida blasted off without seconds to waste.

"Hmm." Zeref then hummed in amusement at the oddities these people have on their bodies, even the air around them felt strange. Nothing to worry nor to fear, just strange. "Quite a strange group of friends you have."

With Tenya, he rushed through the halls, calling out to those inside to evacuate the premise immediately. Intriguing those inside the laboratories for the Support department, Mei and Power Loader being one of them. Curious at first, before the hero's look of curiosity turned to panic once hearing that an intruder entered the school without the sensors setting the alarms off. Sending Power Loader alert to order everyone out to exit the school, while rushing down the halls for anyone remaining. Which Tenya did the same for any other souls remaining inside. Hurrying everyone inside to get out, ignorant that Mei was still in the lab to get one of her important items out till the man did another check for anyone remining till spotting the girl searching for something. Only to find the girl throwing things around and prop up happily once finding her searched item.

At the entrance of the school laid the Bakugou couple and Inko, entering the school to also say their farewells to Koyuki one last time. Ignorant to what's happening with their children.

The one mocking humor quickly changed back to his stern demeanor, now ordering the teen, "Koyuki, come here." Narrowing when the green haired boy only shuffled the girl back, glaring back into Zeref's narrowed gaze. Huffing angrily to such stubbornness, "Very well, if you won't listen to me, Koyuki. I have no choice..." His raven hair shadowed over his orbs, seeming to give the man a menacing look that sent alarming shivers from such glare. "Eileen, destroy this main building."

Koyuki's onyx orbs dilated in horror once a woman's voice suddenly spoke behind them, "As you wish." She and Izuku pivoted on their feet to see a woman they've never seen before with scarlet hair hold out a staff towards U.A's main building. A flash of light with an explosion sent them off their feet, hearing glass shattering.

Groaning in pain, Uraraka tried propping her forearm beneath her. She and Hagakure were shielded under by Kirishima, using his hardened body to block the explosion behind. Shaken that such explosion happened. Looking around her, seeing her friends on the ground, face contorted to pain from the sudden event. Roaring fires crinkled ahead of her, that's when her shaky eyes finally set on the building that was once their school. Hysteria hitting once remembering who rushed in there. Ochako was screaming in horror by now, "TENYA!!"

From the brunette's scream, the others shook off the haze in their minds. Eyes landing on their school and paled to such horrendous sight of their school. Hagakure cupped her mouth to conceal her quivering voice, but her sob couldn't be hidden, "...our school..." Tears fell in horror, U.A high burned in crimson flames. Devouring everything it touches.

Zeref seemed satisfied of the look of horror on the teens faces, smirking to himself momentarily till returning his stern glare. "Everyone, we'll be expecting unwanted attention, handle them."

That's when Izuku and the others finally realized they weren't alone once the ten other voice are heard, "Yes, lord Zeref." Just like the man, those voices sent shivers down their spines. A man with pale haired appeared behind Zeref, pushing up their spectacles back up their nostril. The scarlet haired woman leapt in midair, landing on top of the walls with such grace, smiling to herself as she looked out to the city. Beside that woman was another man, he too, had a staff beside him with a strange crown collared cap that made the elder seem more menacing than he seemed. On the far corner, a man with mahogany-brown wild spike hair smirked to another's direction. A strange armored figure grinning down at them all, glancing around then towards the Heights Alliance where the rest of U.A's students are. On another side of the wall was blue haired man with green armor with blue rose and chain markings, playing with their nails lazily.
On the ground level, a tall, almost bald, man tugged on his glove. Staring off to the students with scrutinizing eyes. Ignoring the man with split tailed hair beside them, doing the same with the blonde haired woman leaning against the wall. The blonde woman kept glancing to the woman beside them, grinning mockingly, "Brandi."

"What a drag." A woman with green bob hair sighed in annoyance, narrowing to herself at the prospect they'll deal with more useless trouble. Holding up her dainty hand up sophisticatedly, snapping her fingers that sent a change in the air. Many felt the earth suddenly quiver and shake beneath their feet, believing her magic to be related to earthquakes when in fact, it's not. Stunning those around that the walls around U.A enlarged right before their eyes without the woman touching the concrete. Unaware of the adults entering the school squeaked in fright to the sudden change of size the wall grew, ridding their escape now.

Satisfied that they've establish they area as their space, Zeref returned his sights on the Slayer, who shakenly returned on her feet with the boy's help. Irking the man further of this, "See, because you're making this difficult, I must resort to violence for you to understand, Koyuki."

"You..." Koyuki felt her jaw quiver, biting down the contained rage, before it finally exploded with vengeance. Looking animalistic of what the man has done, "BASTARD!!!" Suddenly, pain contorted her angry face. Gripping her chest in pain and fell against Izuku with a strained cough, "KA!!" Where she gripped is where her beating heart lied. It's beats became sporadic and unbearable.

"Koyuki!!" Izuku cradled the withering mage, worried that in such state will make her vulnerable before the dark mage. Which mentally prompted Katsuki to kick off and stand as shield before the two, glaring ahead of the enemy mages.

"Goodness...who knows how long you've resisted your transformation?" Honest look of worry appeared on the raven haired wizard, never predicting such result.

Catching this, Izuku narrowed his sights on Zeref, 'Transformation?' Does he mean the Dragon Seeds...?' Uncertain where the man even got such information, but possibly researched their work to discover Koyuki's condition. Furthermore, it didn't add up as to why they wanted with his wife. Why her of all things. Yes, Koyuki and the man have crossed paths, but even she couldn't understand why they are interested in her.

Tensing once another figure walked passed them, "Wha-What...?" Waves of raven hair and purple iris popped out the most to him, recognizing the woman at the party nights before. "Simpson-san--?!"

"Ah, Hera." Midoriya's body became rigid when Zeref addressed the woman with recognition, "You've finally made an appearance."

"My apologies." Voice directing apologetic to the Black wizard, bowing their head in respect. Glancing back the stunned boy with a grin, "I just needed an opening to leave my mark in their memories~" Sticking out her tongue mockingly towards the betrayed boy, even when there wasn't formed trust to begin with. As sudden shocks entered Izuku's brain that made his eyes widen from the images passing his vision.

Timeline I

Inside a dark room laid three figures, the humid air of Japan's summer made one of the three shakenly swallow their spit with a struggle. Dehydrated and exhausted from the beating they've faced with Muscular, Izuku's body was still coated with nasty bruises and burns from the villains. It was only worse when he and his two friends were captured by the League of Villains and their wizard allies. It was excoriating when he and Katsuki watched the wizards beat Koyuki to the pulp right before their very eyes, mocking the mage if she moved they'll nip the boys head right off their necks. Threatening Midoriya and Bakugou's lives, while beating the docile Dragon Slayer. It had been five minutes from the girl's recent beating and Izuku grew worried when the girl hadn't groaned in pain, remaining silent. He needed her to remain conscious or her condition will worsen.

"Koyuki...?" She didn't even flinch at the sound of his voice. "Koyuki...?" Izuku grew worried from her lack of response, grabbing Katsuki attention now.

"Frozo...?" Kicking his legs to shake his chains for the girl catch, but she remained silent. Sending alarms in the ash-blonde's mind, "Frozo!"

Further growing worried worried now, Izuku kicked his seat to drag closer to the girl. Frustrated when the heavy wood wouldn't move, gritting when his exhausted body burned from his rash action. But he didn't care, not when the mage wouldn't respond their calls. "...Koyuki!" His voice grew louder, panic filling his heart. "Please...! Please respond...!"

Cold dread dunked his head when the pixie, dirty haired, silverette remained quiet. He felt his throat tighten, almost to the point of choking; yet a weak whimper seemed to escape his lips. In deep denial to all of this. Calling out with tremoring sobs, "Koyuki...please..." The only thing that moved was the crimson blood dripping down from the tip of her nose, sending him to be petrified. Dark voices and thoughts muddled his brain, naïve to the figures entering once catching their sudden growth of volume. It was like a virus static his vision, framing around the figure entering his vision. Spotting the very man that beat Koyuki to death. Causing the teen's eyes dilating to narrow pupils of madness.

Losing someone close that you love with guilt lingering can make a sane man snap.

He snapped, Izuku actually snapped mentally. Screaming the top of his lungs, ignoring his body's burning plea to cease his drastic action to move but was left ignored. Ripping himself out of his restraints from his Quirk, even in his poor state, charging at the menace that killed his precious friend. His dearest friend he failed to admit his apologies and admittance of his affection. Reaching for the glowing amulet that sent him to the past few days...

Timeline II

It was during All Might's and All For One's final battle did it happen again.

Her death.

Right before live television, the world witnessed the wizard beat Koyuki to death. Dying with her blood soiling the ground, as she laid curled on her stomach. She didn't move on live television, only bleeding her life essence out. Blood streaming down her nose with her hand reached out towards the fighting heroes against the very wizard that ended her life instantly.

He stood in disbelief, Midoriya couldn't seem to believe it. Not when he encountered his future-self. He thought he changed the future for the better, only to witness this. Izuku screamed in denial, unable to accept her death. In those seconds of denial, he blasted off, ignoring his friends voices, as he returned to the destroyed district in his phase of denial. Never realizing once he got close to the wizard, his finger tips tapping the amulet sent him back to the past.

Timeline III

The flowers in Izuku's hand dropped, horror could be read on his face when the doctors pulled up the white duvets up to the pale mage's face. Concealing her ashen skin from Izuku's sight. He didn't want to accept it, but it only meant she was declared deceased in that very moment.

He couldn't accept it! Koyuki couldn't have died in her coma! She just can't.

Midoriya didn't realize he rushed in the room, tears streaming down his face with sobs. Begging her to wake up, ignoring the doctors pleading him to calm down. He didn't care, only waving them off from him. Praying that this was all a lie, praying that this was another nightmare. He preferred to be haunted by nightmares than accepting the truth.

What he did accept was to find that damn amulet that wizard had and destroy it. Months later once Hecate declared war against Earth, he and others went on a suicide mission to infiltrate the wizards headquarters. Many died and he was the only, beaten, survivor to face the Hecate. He almost died, before the amulet suddenly sent him back to the day he was despondent and gazed longingly towards Koyuki retreating form from the boy's room.

Timeline IV

"Midoriya, don't look!" Tenya tried to block Izuku eyes on the television, but the viridian saw the screen.

He saw it. He saw them burning her in her sleep. The army caught her unsuspecting form with the same tranquilizer they used to detain her. Many thought they'll offer her sleeping body to the mages, but instead, they mounted her to a handcrafted cross and burnt her alive on live television. Haunting many that witnessed the scene.
This timeline hardened Izuku, becoming cynical against the government and heroes alike. Even when he traveled to the past, he made sure to do that for his past self, to be cautious to what he must trust.

Timeline V

Frowning, Izuku couldn't accept that he convinced Koyuki to come peacefully, but it seemed to qualm the authorities from instantly sending her to Helios. Now he needing to make a plan with the mage to convince the Japanese government that the wizards weren't honest in their promises. Theorizing many plans that'll aid the Dragon Slayer, he finally arrived the room that's detaining her. Thanking All Might and Nezu on convincing them to allow the boy in, not thinking an average teen will do anything to interfere their captive.

"Koyuki--?" Emeralds dilated in horror as splattered blood coated the pale floor, staining his already red shoes. Trembling at the sight of it, almost tripping over. Eyes shakenly moving up, landing on the body on the floor. Quivering once spotting where the blood was coming from, "A-A-Ah ahh!" Sprinting to the girl in hysteria, his voice matching his emotion, "KOYUKIIIIIIIIIIII!!" Cupping over the wound in hopes to block the blood flow. Trying to coax Koyuki awake from her daze, believing her to be in shock and nothing else. Denying that she committed suicide, denying the crescent marks on her neck from her ripping her skin open with her nails. "KOYUKI! PLEASE! HANG ON!"

And again, he faced the wizards alone and was sent back in time...

Timeline VI

He couldn't stop his sobs, "Koyuki!" Tugging the mage's arm, ignoring the tears spilling down his face. Snapping around in hopes the area was safe for him to pull the Dragneel out from beneath the rubble that was absorbed from Earth. Izuku tried to not let his eyes land on the bloodied sight of Daisy's body, he didn't want to accept that a friend of his died right before his eyes. Nor did he want to accept another life slowly dying before his sight. Only tugging Koyuki more, but the girl cried out in pain. Her tears spilling down from the excruciation she felt.

"Get...out of here...Izuku!" Pushing the amulet to his chest. Pleading him to run away, knowing with half her body gone, she was useless in their escape.

"No! I won't leave you!" Denying her order; he, now, tried to push the rubble off her form. Ignoring the warmth emitting off the item against him. It burned his skin when the mage forced it in his pocket, pushing him off when a large figure came falling above. "You have to! Just run! Run away!"

In an instant, he was thrown back in time once again...

Timeline VII

Izuku tried to blink away his blood, glaring at the dark Dragon Slayer chocking Koyuki. It was sudden, they arrived here so suddenly that sent many to panic of their appearance. Demanding in desperation, before they did something to end her life. "Let go of her!!" Muscles tensing when the man only grinned darkly at the boy's voice then smirked down to the quivering girl. Koyuki tearfully looked to Midoriya, voice quivering. "Izuku--"

Izuku froze, clear horror read on his face as he watched Koyuki's head was instantly lopped right before his eyes. Screaming her name the top of his lungs at such gruesome sight, "KOYUKI!!!"

Timeline VIII

The final timeline was Deku's memories and they weighed him down like a giant glacier. All these memories of the non-existing futures opened like old wounds that healed over time, now reopened to all the gashes inside out. Placing the full brunt onto his anxious mind to the point he crumpled to the ground even with Koyuki on his side, clutching his head from the splitting headache axing his mind. Thus, an inhuman scream of grief and terror was ripped out of Izuku's lungs. He wasn't the only one affected.

Katsuki gripped the roots of his ashen hair to the point of almost ripping them out of his roots, while feeling tears blinding his fearful crimson eyes. Memories of his and Koyuki's kidnapping came back with a vengeance, never wanting Bakugou to forget his weakness on that day.

Ochako cupper her mouth, skin sickly pale as memories she never wanted to see flitted through her eyes. Trembling as she witness in first-person of struggling with a knife that was close to plunging into Izuku, her friend's, eye. Crumbling to her knees, feeling sick to her stomach that such event even happened and she was the cause of it.




They didn't understand what just happened, once that woman walked passed them, the three suddenly crumbled to their knees with looks of terror.

Rushing to Midoriya's side, Todoroki scanned over Izuku and turned to Katsuki. Noticing the same symptoms of being in shock.

Clutching to Midoriya's trembling side, Koyuki tried to snap him out of his hysteria. "Izuku--" Freezing at the sight of the golden blonde woman leaning over them, never suspecting them to be so close. "Ah?"

"You're wasting time," Smirking darkly, as she snapped forward and gripped Koyuki's hair harshly, "princess."

The sight someone manhandling Koyuki and sound of his lover's cry finally snapped Izuku out of his shock, only now to see the enemy gripping Koyuki off her hair off her knee. He couldn't even act, the two that should've been before them, only to be on the other side where the blonde once stood. Unable to comprehend what happened, only the fact that his wife was now in the enemy's clutches. "Koyuki!!"

Fighting against her captor's hand, growling angrily at their harsh vice, "Let go of me--!" Jerking forward, coughing out air from the impact hitting against her gut. Eyes glazing over, falling unconscious from the hit. Giving the woman satisfaction of the girl's silence, "Now that's better!"

"Gentle, Dimaria." Zeref scowled at the woman's violence towards Koyuki, only gaining a shrug from them. Ignoring the teens looking to them in horror. All that the teens knew they needed to get Koyuki back from them, and fast!

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