Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Pained Hearts

1.2K 35 7
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of Izuyuki.


A little girl shivered, frightened under the man crescent grins looking down her. Feeling the hairs of her skin crawl with fear, afraid and alone in this darkness that only had mocking grins as her source of light. It was maddening when the only these grins mocked her, attempting to drive her insane as she muttered lowly under her raspy breath, "I'm not a monster..."

Y e s,   y o u  a r e.

Clamping her small hands over her ears to block them out, "I'm not a monster..." But those grins broadened, finding her curled little body enjoyable as she tried to block the voices now in her mind. Suddenly, those grins were the children of Magnolia, smirking at the little girl with high laughter while little pointed fingers towards the frightened girl.

Y o u   a r e.

Shaking her head as the tears behind her eyes bubbled, denying them with every fiber of her cells. Even when her once pure white hair slowly became tainted in pink, almost implying her to be impure of some sort of sins. A past unknown and blurred with mysterious that she nor her brother could ever reveal without clues to lead them of their identity. Only knowing that they're anomalies born in this world that wishes them harm. Now, more than ever, it resents the little girl to the point of driving her to tearful madness. Tears spilling down her cheeks, wanting the children turned adults, one of them being Val and the other being Hecate. Both mother and child looking down the little girl with soulless eyes, judging the little child that's daughter to powerful dragons. Witnessing the pale skin bruise with color, as they whimpered in their trembling voice, "I'm not a monster..."

O f   c o u r s e   y o u  a r e.

Digging her nails into her own skin, hoping the pain will block out the voices. "I'm not a monster!" Crimson red hues snapped open, dilated from the sight laid before her feet. Sharply sucking in air, yet the oxygen seemed to burn her throat. Her lungs constricting at such gruesome image, as the blood tainted her feet pads. She wanted to run, but her body wouldn't move, forcing her to take in the image of the two bodies. Trembling at the sight of their own blood be soaked up by their green and blonde hair. Eyes hollow from the lack of life, soulless. It shook the child to the core to the point she reverted back to her age, a young woman. Staring down the corpse of the two closest to her, her lover and close friend. One of her quivering hands fell over, splattered into the crimson liquid. But it didn't mattered to her, now when the sight of the two boys bled out of their life essence. Thus, the smiling figures revealed more faces, ones that frightened her. Zeref, the man who haunts her dreams and knew more than he lets up. Acnologia, the man who caused her grief and stolen the breaths of those closes to her, smirked at the sight of her fear.

I n e v i t a b l y,   y o u   a r e,     i n d e e d,   a  m o n s t e r.

"I'm..." Her chattering teeth sharpened, grounding them now to the point it held in the growl vibrating behind her throat. Head snapping up to unleash an inhuman shriek that deepened to a roar, "NOOOOT!!!"




Destiny...the most cruel thing to befall an innocent child...

A girl with long blonde haired that reaches up to her waist hummed a tone, smiling blithely towards the room detaining her father. Her bright baby blue eyes sparkled behind her lenses, gleaming of excitement to see her family. That girl would be Melissa Shield, daughter of the infamous David Shield. Heading down the ward for visitation, unaware of the nurses rushing passed her in a hurry. Until she noticed something zoom passed her peripheral vision, causing her to pause in curiousness. Before freezing up in disbelief at the sight of the once starry night of Japan, now suddenly its heavy and black with thundering storm clouds. Witnessing the clouds light up from the roaring thunders, frightening the blonde from such loud clap. The lights in the building flickered then returned to normal, alarming the staff in the building to act for the coming storm. However, Melisa couldn't help but sense somewhat of dread. These storm clouds just made her only uneasy, "What...what's going on out there?" Unaware that center of Tokyo is taking place the most furious battle anyone has ever seen before.

How can it choose her to be this creatures target of destruction...?

Shigiraki stood in disbelief, unable to digest the gruesome scene before him. Crimson orbs wide at the sight of the bleeding corpse that was once one of his colleagues. He was unable to grasp the sounds of disbelief and denial from Twice nor Toga's mutterings of questions thrown his way. All that Tomura knew was that one of those wizards caught Dabi in the crossfire or if they encountered the threat causing such mayhem. Highly the latter, if the open hole in the corpse's chest said anything, their killer intended a gory death. Which ever it was, it left a acid taste on his tongue. Angering him for the fact that the bastard even got himself killed, yet a strange sense of guilt lingered in his thoughts. Surprisingly, Dabi, who could've left him with the woman, actually came to his rescue. One would say the regret is a sense of not completing his debt towards the man who rescued him.
Strange, no one ever saved him but his master. So maybe it was guilt that he neglected his conscious of warning. Now the Dabi lied dead.

This really pissed Shigaraki more then ever.

Unfathomable to many that bare witness of a new life...

Daisy flew across the city, arms wrapped around Toshinori's mid as they fly. Searching for Izuku or even Koyuki, the two having a terrible hunch in their conscious.

Yagi tried to ignore the many texts and vibrations coming from his smartphone, bringing him to sweat nervously to what he'll read on the feed. Also, he didn't want to cause panic to the already anxious girl, she's already spastic with worry for her partner. Split on aiding the people to evacuate or to run to fly their best friend away from the impending threat. Only now that something in the air felt stale. It only brought more panic to their consciousness once witnessing the clouds in the sky start to form around in spiral. Daisy swore that the amulet isn't reacting, but for some odd reason the skies are suddenly swirling with lightening. The skies clapping with grey storms, ready to spill the waters upon them all.

Only did the two hear something akin to that of a animalistic shrill. Accompanying it was another, much deeper, cry that sounded close to laughter. The latter only unnerved the ginger haired teen, feeling a single sweat cascade down her temple from the growing cold sweat on her skin. "Was that even Acnologia?" The second roar must've been that feign, but was the first?

It was only then did they saw what was the first roar coming from; and, oh, did they wish they had come sooner.

The birth of a young king. An heir to compete for the throne.

Roaring in his face, the girl was almost unrecognizable to the spectators. As the two were complete beastly monsters locked in battle. Clawing at the other viciously, while the other attempts to evade the brutal attacks. Violently swiping, as blood splattered the grounds or the other. Coating their growing scales like honor on their armor.

Horns pultruded within the bones of Koyuki's skull, cracking then snapping forth to further the transformation. Her once lightly tanned skin seemed bruised with a blueish color, almost darkening to a familiar shade of Ultramarine. As its smeared by her enemies and her very own crimson blood.

Daisy, pale with sickly nerves, "Koyuki..."

Toshinori was just in disbelief, until he shouted in panic at the sight of the two unhinging their jaws with opposing powers, "Watch out!!" All he heard was Daisy's screams and the two being thrown back by such force, as their world is blinded by brightness. Unaware by the by a figure dashing in to snatch up two of the unmoving bodies on the ground. Only focused on regaining their bearings before they're smashed into any buildings. Leaving the ginger to direct another path and away from the disturbing fray between Dragon Slayers.

A girl who cries...

"Midoriya! Midoriya! Midoriya!" A voice kept calling out to him, but the ringing seemed to blur out who it was that called to the young hero. All he knew was that his body is numb with pain, yet there was a slight shiver going down his skin from the sudden chill that overtaken his body. Izuku only then regained consciousness when something kicked his shin, flinching from such brute strength they threw. It was only did the one who inflicted it growled out in annoyance, "Shut the fuck up!"

This voice, was it...Katsuki?

It seemed so when they muttered angrily in pain, "My fuckin ear!" hearing another grown from Bakugou then their mutters of "Is this my fuckin blood? Am I bleeding from the ear? What the fuck?"

The same hand shook Midoriya's shoulder once more, bringing back his consciousness to awaken with a groan. The first to appear in his vision was a worried look on the eldest twin and brother of Crystal, Charles. Blinking away the haze blurring his vision, shaking off the dizziness present in his mind, "Mo-Moora-san?" Regretting his head shake, feeling dizzy and coming migraine, "Everything hurts..." Reaching up to wipe away the sweat staining his brows, only did he felt the murky and muddiness it felt on his fingers. Confused, he pulled back to see it to be crimson painted his fingertips. Alarming Izuku to see that it wasn't sweat, but his blood that's smearing his forehead. Looking to Charles for answer, only to be met with the look of awe of their lack of panic.

"Of course it does! You two just took a major hit from that man." Well, not quite true. If it weren't for Charles' chasing behind Acnologia and immediately used his God Slayer magic to create a barrier around the two they'd actually be dead where they were once standing. So, no, they didn't take a full blast, but thankfully they survived such hit. Now, he needed to get these two back to safety before they further do something drastic and actually get themselves killed. Pulling the two up by their forearms, although not without gaining an angered hiss by Katsuki, "Fuck off, icy-fuck!"

"Real imaginative, Bakugou. But we have no time with your whining. I need to get you two out of here and quickly!"

She cries a sea, a sea that's enough to replenish the starving lands across the world with her rejuvenating tears.

"Koyuki...." That name-- No, person. Where was she, where was Koyuki? Her battered, yet frightened face appeared behind his sockets, snapping him up in panic to where the girl was if she wasn't beside them, "Where's Koyuki?!" He doesn't even sense Acnologia near. It sent alarms blaring in his already buzzed mind.

At that, Katsuki noticed the Dragneel wasn't beside the three. Paling at the lack of her presence, not daring to imagine the worst outcome. Thus, the ashen haired teen gripped the eldest Moora by their collar in an instant of his blind rush for answers, "Where the fuck is she?!"

Not answering Bakugou's question but deterred it, "You two must see a medic, there's no time--" Cringing once their captor shook them aggressively, "I said where the hell is she?!" It only worsened when Charles gripped Katsuki's, desperate for some odd reason, "We seriously must get you--!"

A distant growl stole their attention, heads snapping up to its direction and only to see what emitted such powerful sound. They, Izuku and Katsuki, could never predict what they saw.

But the tears never stop. They never stop, even when she chokes for air nor when the lands crumble under the waters. Pelting the lands in waves of her salty tears.

Clouds gathering to form a storm, thrumming to the thunders heavy beats. Ready to release their showers upon the burning city below. While on earth, the ground trembled from a heavy force. Stomping with each powerful step it took till revealing themselves before the stunned humans. On the left, they recognized the dark muscular dragon with blue marks as the dreaded beast, Acnologia. Grinning at another direction with haunting pupil-less eyes. It was the other creature that appeared that left them breathless with awe. Witnessing another dragon appear on the right, slinking forward as if gaining their first baring to walk, even to the point of clawing the concrete ground with its razor claws. A much smaller, but just as muscular with a much more feminine features the this newer one has. Its scales are deep coated blue, possibly ultramarine. It's pale horns pultruded up like a high crown, giving a sense of royalty with the aura around it. Much fitting with the fur mane coated around its neck and shoulders. But unlike Acnologia, the dragon was wingless, yet that didn't last long. The ultramarine dragon reared back to reveal its wings that stroke dread in Midoriya and Bakugou's minds, spreading in waves of water behind them and as they roared above the skylines for all to hear its mighty call. From the dragon's birth, lightening striked the city around, heeding the dragon's roar.

"Ko...yuki." Never in his life have he ever seen something so terrifying come to life. Izuku and Katsuki trembled in shock to see both dragons' scales coated in blood, unsure of it was their own or their enemy but one thought kept repeating: this couldn't be Koyuki. But it is her.

She sobs, a broken heart that mourns the loss of their lover and friend. She screams the top of her parched throat for all to listen the weeping mourner.

Now the two dragons faced the other, growling menacingly to the other or coyly to its opponent. Then suddenly charging at the other like a freight train, it was only once their skulls clashed did a powerful shockwave clapped, winds currents slapped their faces to the point of pulling them off the ground.

"Oh fu--!!" Was the last thing Katsuki cursed out before he and Charles are swept away from the current. Noticing the corner of his eye that Izuku crashed against the wall's of a nearby building, an awful place to be in. "Deku!" His voice was only carried away, never reaching the greenette.

Said viridian haired teen tried to keep his eyes open to remain focus on the blue dragon, but the winds kept drying his eyes. Not only that, but they also made breathing much difficult for the boy, 'It's so hard...' Eyes burning, yet no tears came to qualm his sockets, '...breath!' He couldn't feel amazed that only the dragons collision alone caused such wind currents, not when he's witnessing Koyuki fight viciously against Acnologia by the claws and teeth. The way her screeches sounded like angered sobs, and they were. He nor Katsuki noticed, until a closer look to Izuku saw them. The tears pouring down the dragons eyes. How those narrowed scarlet pupils glared ravenously towards the dark dragon. Listening to her screeches sound, plus tears, gave him a vivid picture of her humanized form sobbing. Sobbing mindlessly, mourning for something, and he couldn't think as to what she's screaming such pain.

"You two just took a major hit from that man." Charles' voice repeated in his consciousness, suddenly realizing the horrid truth. The blood coating he and Katsuki's body, having fallen unconscious, Koyuki's sudden disappearance and her transformation to a dragon. It brought tears to his eyes, but those tears only pushed up from the winds, before completely drying up.

Did Koyuki think...they died?

She slowly loses her humanity before her eyes, yet is blinded by grief to realize that the world cries for air.

He tried to move, but the battling dragons made it difficult for Izuku to even move a joint. Frustrating him, even more once witnessing Acnologia used his much larger body to overpower Koyuki in his charge, rolling her on her back in his attempts to snap at her neck with their razor jaws. Only for the smaller one to slash at them, crushing the ground in dents from such overwhelming weight.

"Koyuki!" He tried to scream out to her, but the winds only carried his cries. His voice falling deaf, as he helplessly watched the two fought. Snapping his hands up to block out the heart wrenching shrills the blue dragon made, they only echoed through his mind and body. Impelling his core to be scarred in his being, for him to remember these sounds till his last breath. Screaming her name once more for her to hear him, but her screeches blocked them out, followed by Acnologia's regurgitated one's of his own.

Izuku panicked once seeing their jaws glowed with power, acting fast and using Full Cowling and smash with his elbow to cave inside the building. Crying out once a sudden light blinded the area, and the place he once was slowly turned to dust from the prowess of two unhinged dragons. Crashing through buildings from their roars alone, only then did he came to a rolling stop. Groaning in pain, uncaring if half his vision blurred red by his own blood, only thinking of getting close to the ultramarine dragon was his main goal. The only main problem, how will he get close without being blown away. Thankfully, an unlikely alley will fix Midoriya's problem.

With Daisy and Toshinori, the girl cried in her struggle to regain her bearing in midair. Struggling to hold fast around Yagi, who was slowly slipping in her hold. Crying out with mortified tears when he slipped between her fingers from a much stronger current and the man yelped from the freefall, "All Might!!" Gasping at the sight of bindings whipped out and wrapped around Yagi's mid.

Although uncomfortable to have something tightly wrapped around his abdomen, it wasn't unwelcomed to have someone save his life. Especially when that person is the Eraser hero themselves which the blonde retired hero gratefully threw his grin of gratitude towards them, "Aizawa?!"

"Must you always make things difficult!" Chastising All Might for putting themselves in danger when they're much likely to get themselves killed in this wild fray. Pulling the dangling form back up, thankful that Daisy pulled up the rest of Toshinori up, before anymore whirlwinds could scoop them up.

Toshinori coughed under his breath, happy to be out of such situation. "You're a life saver, literally!" Ignorant of Shota's look of displeasure for such comment.

"Save those insufferable jokes for another time, we have much bigger problem in hand." True, Aizawa was right on the matter, they couldn't crack jokes when they watched the two opposing dragons fought. Their strengths and magic creating land of destruction, anymore and they'll be no city left. Which Shota clicked his tongue in distaste from the drastic increase to this situation, "One was enough trouble, but now another dragon?"

The ginger haired teen flinched at Shota's tone of distaste, knowing that he may change his views when he realizes how much dire the situation has changed. "That dragon..." Gulping down her saliva with difficulty, almost as if she, too, couldn't swallow. "...that's...that's..." shakenly inhaling, before exhaling the creature's identity, "Koyuki."

And, of course, Toshinori sputtered in disbelief, "Dragneel-shojo?!" All Might couldn't fathom that the second dragon to be the girl herself! She was a Dragon Slayer, not a shapeshifter...right? It just couldn't be possible; no, it was impossible.

Although baffled, Aizawa couldn't understand how this was possible, and he need answers, now. "Explain, Daisy."

Daisy's round hues flickered between two adults nervously, nodding in understanding that she'll need to give the two a quick rundown, "She...--" A shiver went down her spine when a fingers skimmed up her neck, squealing out in terror from the sudden touch, "Ah!" Jumping away from the assailant in fright, paling once meeting tired gold eyes of the perpetrator himself, "Val...Chronos..." Having not seen the man since their escape, she only assumed they ran far away from Japan. Since they're very much unwelcomed and wanted for their jailbreak from Tartaros. So of course the human-Exceed felt frightened to see the man once more, even when they looked stoic upon holding an item in their hands. Item?

Tensing up with hairs bristling, upon further exception that wasn't just any trinket, it was the amulet she's supposed to protect with her life! The second strongest demon, EKED.

"I'll be using this for a moment..." Turning to the direction of the combating dragons, as they swiped the other, only to deliver a clean cut towards buildings nearby. Eyeing the blue dragon particularly the most, frowning at the screech the blue dragon delivered in their frustration. "A mourning dragon is no different than an unhinged one."

Val didn't even glance back at the sound of a pistol being cocked nor the authoritative voices behind, "Halt!" before Aizawa could even move an inch, the wizard disappeared within a blink of an eye, leaving the bindings to catch nothing but air. Leaving Shota to groan in annoyance to his failure to recapture a wanted man, "Dammit!!"

"He-he has the amulet!" From Daisy's shout, the two looked to the other with looks of nervousness and hesitance. They'll have to act quick, before anything else turns another turn for the worse.

back Izuku, the boy rushed through buildings in hopes to run in closer to the quarreling beasts, hiding when they bashed heads or locked in battle before the winds could pick his smaller body. Ducking instantly from the flying debris, shattering against the doorframe upon impact. Biting back the frustration he felt from the many attempts he's made to get closer but would ultimately fail when the winds picked up or random rubble flew around and evade quick lest he wanted a missing head. 'Is there any way to get close?'

Searching any openings for Midoriya to charge in and snap Koyuki out of her frenzy, but every calculations he's made only proved useless. They all resulted him being flown miles back or to shatter his spine from smashing against any opposing buildings in the way. He needed to think quick! He needed something to throw him close or something to shield him from the torrents gusts of wind--

Ask and you shall receive is one would thought.

Stiffening, Izuku only blinked and spotted a tall figure before him, golden blonde hair with purple tips. Feeling cold sweat bubble on his temple from the sight of the man alone. Unable to comprehend, well he just couldn't stomach the fact few feet away is the bastard that tormented Koyuki and Katsuki themselves, 'Val Chronos?!' If Izuku knew that the sudden emotion of hostility gave away his position. Seeing that the wizard perked up at the hostile scowl directed behind his head, glancing back to see the green haired U.A student that the villains and Helios wizards kept an eye out for. Being particularly important as a hitlist for the villains and as bait if ever captured, since determining their importance for a certain Fairy Tail mage. That's when the man had a look of eureka that unnerved Midoriya, "I guess you'll do for distraction as well."

'What--?' He couldn't comprehend what happened, all that Izuku felt was whirlwinds blowing his face in such speed, almost to the point of snapping his head back. Until it all came to a crashing halt, literally. His body smashed against something hard and cool, he almost shivered from the freezing temperature pressed on his skin till he felt it growl. Eyes snapping wide open to be met with deep blue scales. Gasping in disbelief where he was. Emeralds snapping back to see Acnologia zooming their way with claws creased, ready to strike their charging opponent. He didn't think, but reacted to snap the ultramarine dragon out of her state of rage, "Koyuki!!"

Although he couldn't see it, but the blue dragon's crimson hues was blown wide in awe at the sound of his cry. Almost in denial what she heard, until Izuku's pleading cries of her name snapped the dragon to her senses. Snapping her wings open to slow her speed to escape before Izuku could be harmed, but her close position couldn't evade the vile dragon. Her only choice was to shield the small form hidden in her crown with her own watery wings in hopes to take the brunt force and protect Izuku from the blow. Which the teen curled behind her horn, readying himself for impact.

The two never predicted that the once enslaved man popped before the two, gripping the amulet nervously with a trembling hand. Was Val actually frightened? Of course! What he's about to do is truly his last act.

'Huh...never thought this would be it.' Sadly, the man thought he would die out as a mindless husk. Since being possessed by the demon for so long, they've practically drained his life essence away. And yet, for some reason, he just couldn't seem to give in to solitude. Why was it again, it was for...someone.

"Val, please..." Ah, now remembered. It was because he that girl, the one that was kidnapped and taken to experiment on for their Quirk. Her muscle enhancement. Although Hecate wanted nothing but to experiment and study the girl's power and biology, they never cared for the girl's name. So once the demon left Val to limply sit in the cell, his neighboring prisoner would timidly talk. He still remembered how she looked; long waves of mauve hair, peach skin almost tan, and their grey eyes. He remembered her eyes mostly, due to the woman being blind from the lack of focus she had in her gaze. But her voice always reached out to him, even when she was ill and sick from the growing life inside her. "I don't want them to take the baby...!" Yes, Hecate knew that he was dying because of her constant possession of his body. So she needed another, much stronger and durable doll to possess. Hecate favored Val's teleportation magic since its useful conveniences and she then looked to their captured human. It was then did the woman further tested if the two humans from different dimension could create a subhuman with their parents abilities. And low and behold, they could procreate a hybrid.
Honestly, he pitied the growing fetus. Doomed to be a puppet for the demoness and their goals, very much fated to be a doll to that monster of a woman. Val honestly thought the Quirk user would resent the child, hate it for growing inside her womb. And yet, they still felt a maternal connection that he never had in his life. That's why he felt moved of her pleas for him to promise, but mostly fears what the demoness will do to their child. "I'm scared that they'll hurt Helena..."

Helena. The name she gave to their unborn child. Strange that they assumed it would be a girl, an intuition perhaps. Nonetheless, he heard her woes, "No..." He clearly remembered what he said in that cold jail cell they had for them, "I'll make sure that she'll be born free, until my last dying breath." He still wasn't sure why he was determined to see this promise through. A paternal side, maybe? Or to promise something so they'll pass on peacefully, knowing that they were far too ill to even bear children. 'Helena may be just an experiment child, but she's still my flesh and blood, right?' They've made no connection what's so ever, but he still asked the girl he hurt to save his offspring. Surprisingly, they did, and so much more. 'She'll be born without her parents, but I pray she'll have a much better life down in the future. Better than her parents lives...'

And she has... Living under the protection of Koyuki.

He still remembers the times he caught glimpse of them, taking a peak of their condition and seeing the little child that come off as a carbon copy of their mother. As they scurried behind another child like a little duckling, innocent and free from the demoness's clutches. What a child should be, free from the chains that their parents are doomed to die with.

This truly did bring a smile on the man's lips, unafraid even when Acnologia's large form slowly closed in. 'Hey...Cora...' Spreading his arms out, his grin broadening, feeling warmth spread behind and as well the vortex pulling him in, 'I kept my promise.' With his last act, he summoned another portal to drop the amulet a distant on the ground, as darkness overtaken him. Instantly killed from the creature's jaws chomping down on them.

In Acnologia's shear focus on the blue dragon, they failed to stop in time to evade the large portal. Roaring angrily when they were sucked in and were too late turn back, seeing the portal shut itself closed in an instant. Silencing his roars and the pungent air of his power now gone, leaving behind an air of unease. Now leaving one more problem for the world.

"Koyuki, I'm all right!" Izuku didn't know what happened, but he wasn't going to look a good horse in the mouth and leave such opportunity for him to reassure his lover of his health. Sliding down her snout to meet her gaze with a trembling grin of consolation, "See, I'm fine--!" Meeting tearing hollow eyes, feeling the waves of relief and sorrow exude from the creature before him. It made him freeze at such look on the dragon. Hearing their sad sound that's close to similar of crying, striking him deep to the core. His heart dropping at such pitiful sound emiting from the dragon before him. Never had he heard such sound emitted by any creature before, and it pained him that the whimpering to be coming from his lover.

"...Koyuki." His voice quivered. His bottom lip quivered, attempting to contain his emotions in favor of consoling the sobbing dragon. Pressing his forehead against her muzzle, listening her relieved chirps. Rubbing against him for comfort, mostly needing to feel his warm body against her scale to reassure she wasn't hallucinating Izuku here in her grief. But his cooing in his attempts to console her made the youngest Dragneel whimper, holding back the sobs in her chest. Which she froze in place, realizing the ebbing pain springing through. Plopping onto her stomach, whimpering further from so. Which Midoriya mistook it for tearful ones and not of that of pain.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you went through that." Gasping from the sudden shuffling of her body, shrinking down to size, causing Izuku to fall back at the sudden shifting of size. But rushed to the dragon's side until finally revealing her human height, lying bare naked with red scabs littering her body. Her head laying onto his lap, giving the full view of her face contorted in excruciating pain. At this, Izuku panicked at such reaction on her features, "KOYUKI?!" Hurriedly propping her body up, searching what's causing such reaction.

"...kill" Rasped out the pink-silver haired mage. Hearing those words made him freeze. Izuku slowly turned the girl in shocked horror, "Ko...yuki..."

"...kill me...! It hurts...!" As Koyuki dug her nails into her scaled neck, her ears kept ringing and it wouldn't stop. They felt like they'd explode any second, but wouldn't do so without creating a nauseas feeling in her stomach. Everything hurt and she wanted to stop so bad. "It...hurts...Izuku!!" Blood oozing from the small punctured wounds she created.

Seeing this made the boy grasp her hand tightly and pull it away from her wound. Tearing up at the sight of it, "Koyuki, stop it!"

But the girl only whimpered in pain, withering and sobbing out. Clasping onto his hand in hopes it'll ease her mind from this pain that grew.

Izuku could feel her shivers of pain. As his own tears spilled upon witnessing Koyuki's state of being, 'Wh-What do I do?! What do I do?!'

"Midoriya-shonen?!" From the familiar call of his mentor, albeit sense of hope filled his heart momentarily. "All Might..." But then he remembered, the man was just as naïve as he on all of this. They didn't know what to do for a transforming Dragon Slayer. Tearing up once he met eyes with the hero who rushed around the corner from Daisy's aid, following behind them was surprisingly Aizawa. The three freezing upon spotting Koyuki quivering against Izuku's battered form. As if unable to believe such state the two are in.

"I don't know what to do...!" Midoriya only sobbed weakly, hugging Koyuki close. Hearing her repeated whimpers of "Kill me" over and over again. Until she began to scream, thrashing in Izuku's hold. The greenette tearfully tried to hold her down, but his emeralds pleaded up to them to do something.

It was like seeing something out of a horror movie for Shota and Toshinori. Her little patches of dark blue scales digging into Izuku's side. Her frozen stubble dripping blood and fluids. As she cried tears, eyes hollow, but held clear pain at the slow transformation.

Daisy clasped her mouth shut in her attempts to conceal her sobs at the sight of her friend. Was this what her foster parent's feared if Koyuki stayed in this world? The Dragon seed taking over.

"Kill me..." Begged again the mage, more scales grew. Forcing her skin to peel for the new scales to form. Toshinori turned away, face pained at seeing such thing.

Shota bit his bottom lip sadly, carefully approaching the two, as he crouched before them. It was, indeed, a depressing sight to see. So with mercy, he reached for the girl's nerve with a soft voice, "Rest a bit, Dragneel." Knocking her unconscious for the moment, but for how long will this little relief will last?

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