Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Fire Storm

1.5K 47 10
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of Izuyuki/Kozuku. I can imagine their conversation going like this:

"I'm fine, Izuku."

"I told you to stop overexerting yourself. You always end up getting wounded."

"You're such a sweet worry-wort, my precious Hero~"

"Sweet talking isn't going to make me smile."

"Then why are you blushing?"


Months ago...

Fuyumi sighed tiredly, even if the woman sounded exhausted, she still retained a tired soft smile on her rosy pink lips. Her pale hair held up in a ponytail as she readied tonight's dinner for her family and their guest. Checking on the rice and miso soup as to not burn from focusing on the meal, smiling once they held its colorful concoction. The aroma of their food wafting and filling the kitchen, blanketing her form and her younger brother- who is setting the chopsticks and napkins around the table. The two siblings seemed to hold this knowing looks and smile or nonchalance. Something strangely new in the Todoroki residence.

Pouring herself broth on a little glass cup to test the flavor if it needed more spice or other ingredients to gain the perfect the amount, yet grinned pleasantly at the flavor. Glancing up from taste testing tonight's dinner, checking the kitchen's clock for the time. "They're still at it?"

"Mhm." Shoto hummed out in confirmation, walking over to his older sister to retrieve the bowls for the soups. Knowing that his sister referred the two that are outside, brawling during their training. "I've checked on them thirty minutes ago and they have yet to stop for a break."

Chuckling to herself, surprised that even her father has yet to stop their intense training with their quest. "Goodness, how is Koyuki-chan able to keep up such energy and match Otou-san's?"

Unable to contain the chuckle reverberating his throat, not catching Fuyumi's sweet grin once hearing her youngest brother's laughter. It sounded so nice to hear him laugh so freely, especially in his own home; and it's thanks to their guest- Dragoon Koyuki- that he acts this way. "You'd be surprised how energetic she is in school."

Smiling from this, as the two returned to setting the plates and food; before one of them to be chosen to pull the training duo out of the training grounds. With said people, Koyuki grinned cockily towards the scowling flame hero. Standing proudly and not in her usual battle stance, implying to show her opponent she didn't find him that threatening to be on edge or readied. Adding on the fact she crossed her arms over her chest, seeming cocky with the agitated man. "Giving up, Flamestache?"

Using their back hand to wipe away the growing sweat on their temple. Either from their overuse of their Quirk or the fact the teen was relentless in speed that baffled the hero. Possibly the amount of energy she still had during their whole spar. Clicking his tongue in frustration and displeasure of the given nickname from the silverette, "Respect your superior's, brat!"

Only gaining a mock laughter from the Dragoon, "Mah! It fits the name, Flamestache." Proving her point when the flames concealing the hero's face sparked in show of their emotions. Her smirk broadening once the man conjured flames in their fists, finding this amusing and as well exhilarating for another fight.

Teals seeming to narrow from the flames swirling from the girl's laxed feel to obey the man's bark. "You'll regret that smart tongue of yours." Yet, the man couldn't lie that he's never had such sparring partner as Koyuki who could push him further and further than she.

God damn brat...




Koyuki's eyes narrowed ahead as her aquatic magic rocketed her form and with Daisy's Aerial magic to keep them afloat in the skies. Zooming past buildings in such speed that none of their technology or Quirk to keep them in midair could compare. Not when the duo worked together to fly past homes and districts to reach where Endeavor's current battle is taking place.
Her pink-silver hair whipped around from the winds slapping her face. The winds muffling any sound of the city and the growing cries from people evacuating the district.

Daisy frown nervous at the growing raids of people running from their buildings, even leaving behind their own cars due to the rise of tension and fear in the air. "This doesn't look good. Everyone is panicking." Looking back ahead to where the rising smoke from the battle taking place and due to Endeavor's Quirk. 'This is seemingly worse in comparison to the Kamino event...' Although there was unbridled panic, there wasn't this much level of desperation. 'What changed?' That's when it came to her instantly, frowning sadly to herself, 'I guess without All Might, everyone is on edge and lost their symbol that once held the torch of peace.' Glancing down to her frowning partner, seeing the seriousness to get to the man she interned with and the father of her close friend. 'I don't know if us being involved will ease the minds of people, but if it means helping someone, I guess we'll have to be there quick!' As the two zoomed passed the news helicopter, unaware that once they were within meters did the cameras spotted them.

Obsidians searched bellow the rising smoke below them in the streets, hoping to spot their target. That's when her eyes snapped where the smoke are more prominent and as well recent. Seeing figures moving around, spotting Endeavor down on the ground and a large disfigured creature seeming to search for something. What ever it was looking for, she wasn't going to give it a second. With Hydro Charge, she rocketed down to the unsuspecting creature with a battle cry, "HAH!" Prompting Daisy to release her partner to blast quick towards the monster and flip in midair to axe. However, the Nomu heard her war cry and quickly evade before its disfigured skull could've been smashed in with the girl's monstrous strength that created a large dent. Giving herself and Endeavor space from the evaded creature, knowing that the hero was safe once the creature backed away from the newest challenge.

"Unbelievable! Are you seeing this?" The news reporter in the helicopter who they and another spectate the events, the camera zooming on of Koyuki who nonchalantly hopped on one leg. Seeming like a boxer amp for a fight. "That's Dragon Slayer, A.K.A Dragneel Koyuki!" Even with how things have become, many watching could hear the news reporter sounding elated to see the mage's arrival.

Both classes A and B watched with mixed feelings of astonishment and bafflement. Having watched the Slayer just run out the door a minute ago and was now on the news, standing feet away from the creature that slashed half of the newest number one hero's face.

Izuku watched with apprehension, yet in awe that Koyuki arrived in such short amount of time. "Koyuki..."

"Woo! You're a sight for sore eyes!" Scrunching her nose at the sight of the horrendous creature. It's skin charred black with its face pealed open to reveal their estrange teeth and pink brain. The sharp whites and a single dark pupils being the eyes of the Nomu. Goodness, do the villains have a knack for creating odd creatures. Its organs and body regenerating in insane speed to rebuild the arms and burned skin. Clicking her tongue that it wouldn't go down even with Endeavor's prowess. Prompting the girl to feel even more irked and enraged on the man's behalf, bring her hands together and cracking her bones for the coming fight. But before she could engage in combat, a voice rasped out behind her.

"Damn...brat!" Borts glanced back to see the man's leaning back up and threw their familiar scowl. Although it was only one eye alone that glared at girl standing before him. "Putting your nose where it doesn't belong."

"Heh!" Grinning from hearing the man growl her nickname specially for her, yet could hear their hiss of pain from the large wound half on their face. "Since when have I ever listened?" Playfully shrugging off the man's hissy spat for her appearance. Instantly losing her grin, seeming serious from the reptilian reds for eyes. "You okay, Flamestache?"

"Don't you dare take this fight." Ignoring the Dragneel's concern, which she already expected such response from the man. Strangely familiar characteristics from someone she knows in her world. Eyes still on the man who was slowly standing back up, and their scowl now set on the Nomu that watched the two with calculated eyes. "That Nomu's mine." Koyuki could help to raise a brow of surprise when the man finished his proclamation with "So don't let it leave from here."

It was the first time ever hearing them ask of her such thing, but nodded in understanding. "'kay...but if I see you're struggling, expect a Dragon Slayer joining." Her broad grin returning, signifying if he showed an ounce that he's struggling to the point of being killed, she'll jump in without his consent.

As expected, the hero clicked his tongue in annoyance from the mage. "Feh...!" But didn't voice furthermore, which left the girl to turned to her partner in the skies, "Daisy, evacuate as many people as possible."

The orange Exceed nodded and flew off in high speed, "Roger!" Koyuki doing the same and ran off, leaving the man to look ahead and not turn to the running Dragneel. Their bloodied face couldn't be hidden by the sparks of fire flaring around their features. Nor the deep scowl on them, keeping their sights on the Nomu that now had its sights on the running Slayer. Glaring that the Nomu focused on the girl and not the opponent that still breathed before them. "Why you gotta pop places where you don't belong..."




A complete polar opposite she was to Shoto, and yet, held similar elements. But the girl mastered her powers with such refinement that she's able to manipulate her elements without batting an eye. That was proven with her battle against Shoto, how he could see the frost surrounding her skin like armor. Then the surprising reveal she's able to ingest opposing elements and make them her own. Such power that has swiftly ended her match within seconds.

The greatest partner for him- my son- in the future-- a perfect duo.

Fire and Ice.

Water and Ice.

Greatest potential these two have for the other.

But never predicted the annoyance of different strength she held.

Annoying to remind me of the previous number one hero, All Might. The shame of being reminded of mountain of distance I held, yet this mere child remind me of such thing.


Remaining silent at the sight of his sobbing daughter, her dainty hands shielding her tears from sight; but was in vain when her father and brother sat in silence for her to weep. Having seen the comatose Dragoon was proven too much for her. Shoto, her only support- minus their brother and mother- console her of her tears. Yet the man could see the bubbling tears on his youngest. Struggling to contain them for his sister's sake.
Natsuo, who heard that the girl is a close friend to Shoto and Fuyumi, checked in them through cellphones and only to hear his older sister bite back sobs from the young man's concern.
Rei, who attempted to console her son after gaining special permission from her hospital to visit Shoto's friend, but never predicted how seeing the girl's body had affected the poor boy nor her daughter. She only wished she could ease their pain, but could not do so when the mage is fighting for her life to live.

Enji couldn't deny one thing, the Dragoon somehow made herself apart of the family.




Teal's narrowed, seeming to hold a swirling flames of an inferno within them. Once seeing the Nomu even moved and inch, thinking it was about to change targets and chose to engage with the running teen. Endeavor wasn't allow shmuck run from his sights, not when they left such bloody wound on their face and choose another to fight. That just ruffled that man's feather's, especially when it's the Dragneel. Charging forward without a second thought and projected concentrated beam from his flames at the Nomu with one thought bellowing out, 'Watch me, you cocky brat!'

Ignoring the sound of a fight happening, Koyuki dashed down the destroyed streets surrounded by many falling buildings. Sniffing the air in hopes to sniff out anyone was still here in this catastrophe. Brows farrowing once catching someone's scent and made a harsh right, sprinting down the street. Borts landing on a building that's leaning against another, the two being support to the other building before it could completely fall over. Picking up speed and leapt off ground in amazing heights and crashed through the building's window, seventh level. Rolling on the ground, head jerking up and eyeing the slanted hall. Quickly sniffing once more and booking it down the hall, her ear catching more sounds of a scuttle happening, 'He's seriously making me doubt leaving him alone. Maybe I should've left Yuki to aid him.' Shaking the thought off quickly, 'No, I should put more faith in Enji.' Continuing her search for the trapped citizen.

She abruptly stopped before a door, finding the scent here the strongest. "I can smell some blood..." Not hesitating and kicking the door down with such force that it ripped it off its hinges. "Is anyone here? Can you make a sound?" Listening for any cry or rasp for help. Gaining a pained whimper to another room of the apartment. Trudging her way through the fallen cabinets and couches, kicking away broken glass from fallen photos and vases. Quickly spotting photos of a young couple and the assumed newest is the two with a newborn. Frowning, feeling such burning wrath how this Nomu, which is no doubt from the League, caused such havoc.

Unlike the front door, Koyuki twisted the knob and eyed the room, the couples bedroom with many of the cabinets fallen over. Landing on the person bellow the wreckage of their cabinets, a young woman with long waves of pale baby blue hair that's covered with shards of glass. Unable to see where the wound was coming from with the woman's locks concealing their body.

"Miss are you all right?" Trudging through the broken wood, concrete that bashed through the window; pushing the broken and twisted bedpost. Gaining another whimper from the woman, who shuffled and craned their head to catch sight of the voice that's calling out to them. Their shaky crystal blue orbs that seemed glossed with tears, falling once spotting someone was actually here to help. " me."

Rushing over and pushing the wooden cabinet off the woman, finally finding where the smell of blood coming from. Shards of glass dug into her calve and with the cabinet crushing them it deeper in her muscle. Plus with the large object smashing their leg and deeming it broken from its bruised and odd shape. Which with the removal of weight, the woman bit down the pain, yet even with the pain, the woman looked to the mage with pleading eyes. Desperation filling her being, "Did...did you see a man with a baby?"

Understanding their concern, since spotting the family picture of the young woman with their romantic partner and child. Remaining calm for the frantic civilian, hoping to ease albeit of their concern. "No, you're the only one. But did he perhaps went out for errands with your child?"

"H-He went out to take our daughter for a playdate..." Seeming to mutter themselves, "Please, God, I hope he's still with Kane-kun."

Frowning in slight concern on their behalf for her family, but she couldn't waste anymore seconds, not when Endeavor was still fighting out there. And as well with the woman being exposed in the battle, she's is in potential danger and harm. Hardening her resolve, even with her concern for any potential lives taken, she had to get them out. However, she'll need to quickly treat that wound and ice wasn't going to aid that wound of theirs. Thinking quick and ripping the lower portion of her sweatshirt. "Alright Miss, I'm going to treat your wound, but I'll need you to remain calm as I remove the shard." Gaining a shaky nod from them and clenched their eyes closed once the girl reached over and gripped the glass. Knowing she couldn't prolong it, quickly icing the wound to numb it and swiftly lifted the shard out. Quickly wrapping the ripped clothe around the wound tight enough to stop the bleeding. Once done, the rosy-silverette propped the woman up in her arms. Suddenly a crash from outside could be heard, causing the woman to scream in fright. Using her body to shield the woman from the any debris or shards, Koyuki knew the fight was becoming far more dangerous.

Instantly moving and dashed out the doorway, obsidians snapping to the window outside and seeing the buildings sliced through by something. Leaping out the window and being caught in midair by someone, Glancing up to see Daisy being the one who caught her. "Did you find anyone trapped?"

"The majority have been evacuated from the area by the heroes, but..." She didn't need to know what happened to those who were not fortunate.

Her dark eyes snapping back to where the fighting is taking place, knowing she couldn't leave the hero alone with such Nomu. "Daisy, take this woman to safety!"

"Wah--?" Before she could question them more, Koyuki wiggled out of their grip and threw the woman up for the Exceed to catch the wounded woman. Landing perfectly on the ground and sprinted back to the battle, complete intent to aid the wounded man. Not even meters close to the sight, she was able to see the Nomu climbed on the building and scouting out for something. Her borts narrowed once realizing they were looking to the direction the people were running away.

'Oh, no you don't!' Flicking her wrist and conjuring a large ice wall that blocked the Nomu from jumping to the evacuations direction. From this, it gained the creature's attention from whom has conjured such wall of ice to block their path. Dark narrowed pupils narrowing once spotting the person, the mage, that conjured ice.
Rolling her shoulder, causing it to crack from built stress and pressure. Stalking her way to the beast without concern, but rage for the fact it caused such mass destruction. Throwing a quick glance to where Endeavor shaken held themselves on four, blood pouring out of their mouth like vomit then back to the Nomu that seemed highly intrigued of the opponent that ran off moments ago. "Yeah, sorry Flamestache." Ice coating her knuckles, hardening to the point of becoming her scaled armor, "I think I'll have to tag in for ya till you catch a breath."

Thus the creature leapt off the building with such force and used their organ to form estrange wings to fly in high speeds her way. Koyuki pushed off the ground as well, propelling herself in speeds and pulled back her iced fist for collision. It seemed the creature predicted this evaded her aim and went for her legs, making her flip in air, but not without the girl thinking quick and summoning water chains to chain around the Nomu's throat and land on her legs to hold onto the flying creature. "Ha! Gotcha--!" Feeling her something knock into her side and crashed into crumbled buildings, further destroying what's left of them standing.

The Nomu attempted to free itself of the water chains, but the girl was still conscious for the mage to be released. Deciding it be best to take the girl a joint ride.
Jerking her head up once being snapped forward and suddenly flying around building, grinding her jaw in seeing where the creature continued to head towards. Thinking quick and rashly, she puffed her cheeks and let out a beam of ice from her Ice Dragon's roar to create the largest wall of ice that blocked this monster's path. Successful, the Nomu had no choice in the last second and evaded the wall entirely.

Craning her head upon seeing body of fire heading towards their way, smirking in knowing who was flying their way. It seemed the creature saw them too and attempted to swipe at the fires with their whip of an arm, yet the flames from Todoroki burnt them to crisp within feet. 'Thank God that man is stubborn!' Snapping out of her thoughts when another figure got close enough to attempt to slice in close range with the Nomu's head, but their feather-like weapon wouldn't cut through their skin, actually shatter upon contact with the thick muscle. It only agitated the creature and launched another part of their appendage to strike the man, but forgot their second opponent holding onto them on chains. Gripping the chain and twirling her body around throw their course of aim, succeeding in putting weight on the chains around its neck and ruining their miss-shot of aim. Only cracking and shattering half their goggles, but missing their target of aim.

It seemed within that span of seconds, the second hero with wings- Hawks- used what ever remaining wings and controlled them to push Endeavor from behind. Giving the flaming hero flight to engage the Nomu close and deliver a close shot directly towards the abomination's face. Blasting in torrent of flames with burning wings did Endeavor strike below and into the monster's brains, using their fire to project their elbows to slice through the hard muscle and organs.
Koyuki cringed at the pained screeches the creature released, almost imaging how excruciating it must feel to have something burning inside your brain. Going wild and insane from the burning fires flaring inside them, causing the two- mage and hero- to fly around crazy in midair. Crashing through the ice wall and flailing around wildly.

"Hawks! Brat!" Both jerked their heads to Todoroki and saw a flaming arrow pointing up, quickly understanding this now. With Hawks aiding Endeavor to stay adrift in the midair, Koyuki chanted Hydro Charge and rocketed to the skies. With the Dragneel's chains still wrapped around Nomu neck and Hawks pushing Endeavor up, the two flew higher and higher to the skies, seeming like a bright rocket for all to witness.
Once Koyuki knew they are high enough into the skies, she negated her mage, both the one around Nomu's neck and Hydro Charge. Allowing the hero to blast passed her momentarily and the lightly tapping the back of the man's burning costume, "Hey, Flamestache," Smirking to herself, she could still remember it like if they sparred yesterday. "Bet your flames can't burn like my brother's."

Gaining the familiar response, "You cocky, Brat!" Thus her magic of water propelling the hero higher up and allowed them to release their final attack that literally lit up the skies with their bright fires. Blinding most from gazing up the skies momentarily. Till she made a face when gravity decided to bring them back to earth and shooting down. Feeling something- Daisy- latching onto her back and the two smoking figures flew by, Koyuki whipped her chains to slow them down before they crashed their landing.
That didn't say the poor Exceed cried out from the weight, "Heavy! Heavy!"

Silently apologizing to her partner, but they couldn't allow the figure still latched onto the charred Nomu to crash head first. So the ginger Exceed had no choice but bite it back and bared the weight. Thankfully, few heroes bellow rushed in aiding to lighten the weight of Endeavor's fall, crash landing in steam. Thus releasing her hold them and two waited in silence, praying the man was still conscious and alive. Silently sighing once seeing the man is indeed alive and surprisingly held up their right fist, even if slouched. It seemed with that alone, people who are watching the news cheered loudly from a distance for many to hear.
Even if injured, the wingless hero- Hawks- rushed to Endeavor's aid and became their current crotch to lean onto. With the two mages landing a distance from the two heroes, pleased in their success in arriving in a nick of time.

"At least it's all over--" Crying out in surprise from the heat hitting her, causing her to crash into Koyuki's chest and for the Dragon Slayer to wrap her arms around her partner. Protecting her feline partner from the wild flames that swirled around in the middle of the street. "Blue fire?" Furrowing her brows from this, 'The League of Villains?!'

Before Koyuki could react to jump in the heroes aid, another figure beat her to the punch and leapt overhead the blue flames. Few nanoseconds later did the flames cease and saw the person, a woman with bunny ear, seeming upset for something and lift their leg up to sniff; before snapping away to gag. Only deducting this as the villain had escape within their grasp. Unsure how to think of this, but they could only think that for now everything is fine once more.

The sound of footsteps stopped feet away from the two, causing Koyuki to turn her head and see a stoned face officer she knows very well, "Hey, officer Satoshi..."

Their tussled brunette hair from the amount of nervously tugging and flipping back, while their deprived topaz orbs eyed the girls with raised brow, "You're seriously a pain in the bum, Koyuki."

Snorting from this alone, to which Daisy sighed deeply and wasn't able to deny the man of this. The rosy-silverette only grinned broadly towards the man, "Hungry for ramen?"

Rolling their eyes to the Slayer's response, but the corners of their lips perking slightly, "Fine." Till grinning now, "Because you're paying for the meal."

Gapping at the man in bafflement that she's the one footing the bill, "HUH?!"


"Daisy!" Once entering the school's gate with impatiently waiting teachers and few students, Namine's voice called out to the humanized Exceed in glee from spotting them. Once the two were within feet, the hair dyed brunette glomped the ginger haired girl in an embrace. Causing the petite mage to flush from the amount of happiness and relief from the older teen. "Namine." Then dark orbs lifting towards the silent violet haired male, seeming concerned from their silence. "Hitoshi?" That's till the boy reached the two woman and held out a hand and flicked the Exceed's forehead, "Eep!" Holding her forehead in slight pain from the sudden flick.

The one who delivered it, crossed their arms in disappointment towards the shorter girl's action. "Are you trying to be like Koyuki-chan, Dragoon-chan?"

Her feline ears drooping back from the mauve haired teen held narrow irises of disappointment towards them. "I'm sorry..."

"He's just worried since he saw the news." Throwing quite the catty grin towards Hitoshi's way. Oh, how she remembered the how they were when class C was scrolling through channels and the news popping up with the two mages front and center of the news. Not ignoring Endeavor's and Hawks' battle, but once seeing the two other worlders flying in battle, many lost their minds and started gossiping. "You should have seen him, Daisy! He wouldn't stop fretting and wouldn't glance away from the TV!"

Shinso's dark iris narrowed form the girl's jesting grin, "Ren."

Quickly jumping in, not wanting the two start bantering now, "I'm Okay, Hitoshi. Really!"

Looking back to the ginger haired girl, before slumping from their comforting look. "Jeez..."

Namine couldn't help to poke once more, "Someone has a deep--"

"Another word and I won't regret making you publicly shamming yourself." Threatening with a harsh glare. Although it didn't mean the mousy Quirk user didn't still hold their grin, "Hmmm...!"

With Koyuki, Izuku almost practically slammed into her body from the speed he went. Many would think he used his Full Cowling to get to her, but just sprinted once hearing they've arrived back safely. "Koyuki!" Gripping her forearms and throwing her a disapproving scowl, "You dummy Dragon Slayer, I was worried sick...!"

Chuckling from such pouty look from her love, she couldn't even feel threatened when he's mad. "Ah, I can't sorry or I'll be saying I regret what I did. When I really don't." True, if she apologized for running off to save a friend, then that be saying she regretted it. So, she couldn't apologize to her poor love, even if they worried for her well being.

"Don't run off like that again." Warning her once more, before his forehead plopped onto her shoulder. Seeming exhausted from staying in the doors with chills of worry for his Dragneel. It didn't help when had to keep Eri from entering to ask about their maternal figure running off so suddenly. He attempted to make up an excuse of them leaving for something important, but the accursed news reporter sounded so giddy and loud to spectate what's happening. Thus the girls having no choice and say their Mama was dealing with something and helping someone. Saying Eri couldn't see because something 'scary' was happening. Thankfully, the child understood and would ask if their mother was winning. Which she'll gain shaky nods and unsure shrugs when the mage wasn't on screen. "You really worried me when you ran off."

"I'm fine, Izuku..." Smiling from Midoriya's low meek voice, hands gently rubbing their back to ease their worries from all that's happened today. Until glancing up and meeting bicolored eyes of gray and teal. "Shoto?"

"Koyuki..." Hearing Todoroki's voice, Izuku backed slightly until distancing himself in surprise from Shoto suddenly throwing his arms around the surprised Dragneel. Unable to hear the boy's low voice of thanks, but the Dragon Slayer could, "Thank you."

The look of surprise slowly disappeared and turned to a look of understanding, "Mhm..." Suddenly realizing that the bicolored teen has yet to release her from his embrace. Becoming awkward with the prolonged hug and was uncertain if she should return the embrace.

Noticing his lover's look and had to clear his throat, "Todoroki."

"O-Oh!" Realizing this once hearing Izuku's voice bringing them back to earth, distancing himself from the mage. "My apologies." But the couple could see the boy curl their fingers, looking to them sadly. Knowing how they seemed to cherish that hug.
Koyuki knew that their friendship is currently on thin ice, yet never seemed to crack. Knowing that even if she has admitted her true feelings and gave him her honest answer, it wouldn't mean he would still not hold those same feelings towards her to this day. To this, Koyuki couldn't help to look away from Shoto.
No matter what, no matter how many looks at it: when your closest friend views you in a romantic window and has been rejected, the kindling cinders that is their love for them has yet to be put out. Put out to understand that it will never become a fire. It takes time for something to be grasped and understood...


Few days after Shoto's visit to his family, he couldn't help to frown from the events that occurred.

"Gosh, Shoto!" Natsuo, his older brother who is currently studying in college, grinned blithely towards their younger brother. "Your girlfriend was awesome out there!" Having witness the whole events with their sister in a taxi cab; although the two were tensed with dread and fear, they watched in awe once seeing the Dragneel intervene and fought with the hothead of a father of theirs. However, never predicting such jesting comment to tease the boy stung them deeply. Having no clue that's occurred behind dorms.

"She's...not my girlfriend." Glancing away and slightly hiding half his mouth behind his bowl. "She's someone else..."

Natsuo cringed internally, ashamed in wounding his sullen brother. He didn't predict that his tease would wound the poor boy's already broken heart. Flinching when he felt a sharp pinch from Fuyumi, who scowled in disapproval for his naïve jest.

"Shoto." Said teen glanced up in annoyance from his father's voice, but raised a curious brow from the man's next sentence. "A word with you about the brat."

"Koyuki?" Recognizing the familiar nickname of the Ice-Water Dragon Slayer. But hesitantly obeyed and followed the man out the room, ignoring the glances from his older siblings. Once the two are in safe distance from the two, the man crossed their arms, "One of the League of Villain members brought up an interesting message for her." Upon this, Shoto tensed, knowing the one villain with blue flames belonged to one certain villain he's encountered. ""Don't trust the lambs around you." Mixed colored brows furrowing further from this, "They may be wolves in sheep's clothing." Unable to help but feel sudden cold sweat growing on the youngest Todoroki's temple. Surprisingly hearing the man finish with a quick glance from the injured hero, who now attained a large scar that's slashed down half their left face. "Keep an eye on the Brat."






Hawks couldn't seem to rest well with the conversation he had with a certain male, a villain. The glare and cold look behind those teal eyes of theirs. He couldn't wrap his mind around what the man had said to the winged hero...


"If ya want some trust, keep a look out for suspicious activity amongst you heroes or those higher than you."

Frowning deeply from those words, those words alone made the hero's mind go array with curiousness. What did they mean by that? 'Higher than us, huh?'

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