Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

Por aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... Mais

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Return of Eri and Dire Information

2.2K 86 89
Por aiimee9

An- Thank you Wolves_of_England for the fanart. Also, thank you Alzena Althea for this beautiful idea in the extras~~


Mirio, donning in a pink Hawaiian floral blouse and orange trunks along with sandals, happily presented the giddy child on the couch with Jazz hands and proudly announced to the six class A students that before them, "U.A is taking her in." Expectedly seeing the stunned looks from the six of the first years in the room.

Tamaki, who was behind the three the whole time and perfectly blended in the background without their eyes catching him, sighed at their friend's childish excitement. Unlike his female counterpart, Nejire took the opportunity to doll up the child and comb Eri's pale hair into twin tails with the scrunchies between her lips during her process.

Eri, who sat patiently on her spot, wearing a long pink gown with long sleeves that hid her scars. Beaming up to the six with such happiness to be in their presence once more. Yet no one failed to miss the child's red orbs search around time to time for a certain Slayer in the dorm. Practically jumping in her seat in her bottled excitement and giddiness to see Dragneel once more.

The girls couldn't help to cooed at such adorable sight of Eri's happiness to see her maternal figure. Dotting on the child to the point of making the little girl flush from their cooing, while the boys were still ingesting this information of the school taking in Eri.

"You weren't kidding about hanging out again soon." He, like many of his classmates and friends, were baffled to see the child once again so soon. Turning to their homeroom teacher with questioning emeralds, "How'd this work out exactly?"

"Well, it's not like she can stay in the hospital forever." Suddenly asking Toru and Tenya to watch over the child with Hado. Many almost raising a suspicious brow from the Aizawa and Togata waving them over with matching seriousness, even many couldn't take it serious with Mirio mimicking their teacher. But the two complied at the orders and attempted to entertain the child while the rest followed after the two men out of the dorms. Knowing it must be related to previous event concerning the mafia and the child, but it must be mostly concerning the child if they wanted the two to watch over Eri while they talked. Watching them leave the doors, while distracting Eri.

Outside and away from Eri's hearing, Aizawa revealed to the teens concerning Eri's living case and as well tidbits of their past. "They say her mother abandoned her. She still has a grandfather, the Hassaikai boss, but he's in a coma for the foreseeable future. In other words, she's got nowhere to call home." Many felt pity for the poor child, never predicting that the mafia was owned by Eri's grandfather and her mother practically casted her aside. Maybe that was the reason Koyuki wanted to adopt children. She could understand the bleak sadness of what may have happened to them in the past and she wanted to light and be apart of the child's life for a brighter future. Admirable, knowing it takes great patience and love for a child for such situations.

Mirio could see the downtrodden looks from his younger peers upon hearing Eri's past, understanding that sympathy as well. But there was another problem, not a family concern, "Plus, Aizawa-sensee might've mentioned this, her horn is the source of her Quirk."

From the mention of the child's horn, it piqued Kirishima's from this. Only having heard of the child's Quirk through his mentor during work studies. "And everything should be fine while it's all shrunken. We heard..."

True, the child's Quirk remained inactive, much to many others relief. However, doctors and nurses have begun to notice something and were unable to ignore it even if it was just a smidge in centimeters in growth. "But it's starting to grow out a little by little."

From this news, many felt nervous sweat upon this reveal. Ochako spoke up her thoughts, "Hold on, how do we know that won't happen again?" Knowing the possibility of Eri going berserk may only just be paranoia on everyone's mind. But couldn't doubt with each generation, every child's Quirks became more powerful and proven lethal to those around. Researchers and doctors from different countries have taken into account upon ages 4 to 6 have shown a much powerful inheritance of their parent(s) or a mutation of the genetics of Quirks. Funny enough, Shoto and Katsuki had first hand experience what the newer generation of children were capable of. Another reason as to why parents and teachers must educate the children and take caution of the child's Quirk(s).

Nodding in understanding to his student's concern, "All the more reason to have her here with us instead of at an orphanage." He and the staff deeming it best they take in the child instead of an orphanage. Unsure how will the child handle being in, once more, a new environment and children her age nor were they sure if Eri may recede back to her silent state if so. Possibly stressing the child further and may affect her Quirk, "She'll be staying in the faculty dorm, where I'll keep an eye on her. We'll observe her and try to figure out a way to deal with her incredible power. There'll also regular examinations, everything. One step at a time." Hoping to support the child as they process her movement and housing in the school with teachers and students. Knowing she'll be much safer in an environment she has grasp of and people she's comfortable with.

Tsuyu hummed in understanding and tapped her bottom lip at such roll they're placed themselves, "That's a big responsibility, Aizawa-sensee."

"That's where I come in." Mirio butts in, grinning proudly and squaring his chin confidently. "Since I'm taking time off from school. Plus, Eri-chan and I are already pals!" Calming his exuberant aura, giving the rest hopeful azures for the child's sake. "I know you all have busy lives, but stop by every once in a while."

"Of course!" Not even a second did they respond. Even if dead in exhaustion from school and all that's happened, they'll spare every second they have for the child. Mirio felt delighted for Eri's behalf from hearing their instant responses.

But it changed when Aizawa had another concern, "Not only that..." Gaining their attention once more, wondering what else the man had to say. "I'm not going to sugar coat the reason to speeding up the process to Eri staying in U.A." Yes, many wondered how did the school sped up the process for the child to be in the school's custody. "Dragneel fears that Helios is after her too."

From the dark guild's name alone had the First years four pale. Kirishima speaking up with a nervous rasp, "You're kidding, right...?" What did that group want with Eri?

Midoriya, feeling tremendous nervous sweat, flashbacks of the time Koyuki pleaded with him to run off and take Eri to safety, far away from the fight as possible. Now understanding why. That deceased demon had orders to kidnap the child from Chisaki's hold.

Understanding his students looks of panic and concern for the child's wellbeing, he took a quick glance to Amajiki. "Apparently, from what we've gained from her, Amajiki, and Bora," Once more, Tamaki being the one who could attest after his and the gunwoman's battle against Sunny. Hearing from them themselves what planned to do before they thought of slaughtering the boy herself. "We hypothesized that they're after powerful Quirk users." Gaining panicked looks from them, "It's speculation on Daisy and Nezu's part, but cannot deny the possibilities." How the orange Exceed sat silently and scribbling down notes in her journal, debating back and forth when the principle from what they could gain from officer investigation of the premise around the detained mafia base and witness accounts from those who were able to be in contact with the rogue mages. The Dragneel only filling gapping pieces of this estrange puzzle for the two and they prayed to be proven false. "We believe they're experimenting and demonizing people due to change of environment, they must be testing longevity of being converted."

"I see..." Asui shaken nodded, ignoring the cold sweat appearing on her cheek's. "They're seeing if our world has the needed resources to create a demon in this world."

"Deku-kun..." Ochako quickly gained the nervous greenette's attention, "It may or may not be useful, but in Koyuki-chan's world, how long was it again that one of's to be cured from the demon's curse?" Knowing Izuku had been carefully burning every word Porlyusica and Koyuki have told him, not wanting miss anything and taking careful notes of the pink-silverette change in features of the curse mark on her face.

"It took a solid week for them to be cleansed." Biting the inside of his cheeks in slight frustration, "It's been almost two months with Koyuki's. Sometimes its gone then the next minute its back." The first time he saw the mark gone, utter joy filled him when it disappeared; but the second he looked away and turned to see it back on her face. He couldn't understand nor knew what to do. Porlyusica nonchalantly states its a possibly the lack of needed resources they have in order to speed the process. Then growl to have patience and that at least it's progress for them that its working, then not-so-silently complain how human's were such impatient creatures. He couldn't deny her that, it showed their efforts are, indeed, working.

Nodding from his answer, Ochako's round orbs mental searched for something. "From that guy she fought and her curse, I can only guess that it's a fifty-fifty result." Yet there was one thing that bothered her, "Then why would they want people with Quirks?"

"I must say," Tsuyu spoke up once more, "A curiosity for new discovery."

Kirishima felt shivers going down his spine. These rogue wizards were searching for Quirks that pique their interests. Like searching for new breed of species, experimenting and documenting what the results may show. These people seriously give him the creeps. And it frightened him to know his senior and wizard friend had to encounter someone as such.

"Which is why I want all of you," Not leaving out the seniors from the quick glances and meeting their eyes, "to be on guard when ever leaving campus." Furrowing his brows to reach his statement, "Understood?"

"Yes, Sensee." Were their instant responses.

Satisfied in this with a firm nod, seeming a sign of the students in being dismissed and head inside to interact with the waiting child inside, but Shota paused. Squinting, as if not believing what he was seeing, "Midoriya..." The boy himself stopped before the doorway by Mirio's side, who wanted to poke fun at the greenette, also stopping. Wondering what the man wanted to say, if they left out information for him in particularly, till the man pointed his own neck, "Is that a bite mark?"

Upon hearing the question, Mirio's azures snapped to Izuku's neck, and sure enough, there was a prominent bite mark. Unable to contain his snort from Midoriya slapping his hand over the mark, hoping to conceal from the man's questioning gaze. As well their skin becoming beet red.

'I'm going to have to start wearing a scarf now!' It was bad enough that his friends saw the mark, but now his homeroom teachers and seniors are looking to him either in humor or flustered bafflement.

Togata, who loves without shame and pokes fun at Izuku, chided playfully, "So~ You two eloped?" His best friend, Tamaki, sputtered at Togata's question. Feeling his smile broaden at such bashful look and his junior's spastic nature. Before he could question what did they mean until another voice interrupted, "What's 'eloped?'" Heads snapped down to the small voice peaking from the door, looking up to the two with curios ruby's. Hoping to know the definition of this new word. The three who were playing and taking careful care of Eri from harming themselves, gawked in horror of the child hearing that particular word.

Minus Toru, watching how this'll go with an mischievous smile that was sadly hidden from her ability. Tsuyu, like Toru, watched what may happen with a shaky smile, praying the Third year would avoid the question. But knowing the playful blonde may just jab some more fun towards the greenette.

Poor Tenya was frozen in utter terror, mentally praying deities to stop this man from doing what they were about to do. Even Ochako was frozen and sweating up a storm and mentally yelling at Mirio to stop and not answer the girl's curious question.

Eijirou shakenly puffed out air, looking away and heading the kitchen in a quick rush. Already knowing how this'll end.

"Togata." Both Izuku and Shota's voice holding a rough tone of warning.

Ignoring their warning, Mirio happily- well, exaggeratedly- explained to the naïve child, "When Mama and Papa"

"Togata." Tenya, Ochako and Tamaki joining the warning, paling even more. Tsuyu tapped her chin nervously and muttering, "Koyuki-chan's going to have him in a choke lock again..." How the blonde just loved to give a partial and misleading answer to the child that'll rile Izuku and Koyuki up. One time she caught Togata on the floor with Koyuki having them in a bar lock, and the boy rapidly slapping the floor in surrender and prayed to be released.

Grinning broadly with such reactions everyone held, "Wanna be together really, really, really badly~"

"Oh...!" Understanding now, eyes shining brightly upon knowing a new word. "Deku-san eloped with Mama?"

Toru couldn't hold it in, bellowing in hysterical laughter to the point of clutching her sides and lean on the couch to support her wait. Sadly, she missed and rolled on the cherry wood floor in laughter. Swearing that many upstairs could hear the girl's uncontained laughter.

Tenya and Ochako were pale and ghostly, pitying the poor Midoriya for hearing such innocence throw such scandalous concept. And as well pitying Eri for not understanding, no, the young couple have not eloped. God forbid if Natsu heard this and rampage in utter rage if he got this false news. Tsuyu eyed her two ghostly friend then to Toru who was laughing and rolling on the ground.

Izuku was close, just centimeters away, allowing the need to actually pick up the Third year and chuck them far from filling unneeded things for Eri's innocent mind. Before he even allowed himself to rebuke the laughing blonde, Eri spoke up, "So..." Searching for something then ruby's landing on Izuku, "Mama is more than friends with Deku-san? Does that make Deku-san my Papa now?"

That innocent question caused the boy to freeze in his spot with blown wide emeralds, "Eh?"

Although both jesting and honest, it was important what the child thought. Since Dragneel and Midoriya are in a relationship, it would affect the child who viewed the mage as an maternal figure. Of course the child will wonder about Midoriya's importance to the Slayer. "If you want to call him 'Papa~'"

Snapping to Mirio, stunned. "Eh?!"

Round crimson ruby's brightened, seeming giddy. Seeming unable to contain this happiness that she gained a paternal figure in her life and a beaming smile directed to the flustered Midoriya, "Papa!"

Izuku swore the child seem to radiate this pure light from their blithe smile alone. Seemingly proud to declare the greenette such thing. From this, Izuku couldn't stop the warm sensation of the child's declaration nor his face scrunching up from the metaphorical brightness around the small girl. Ochako couldn't help but point it out even with such endearing sight, "Deku-kun, you're making that funny face, again."

"Is Papa okay?" Worried from such reaction from Midoriya and believing them may not have consented to the new name bequeath to them.

Chuckling at Eri's worry, almost seeing it radiating off their form. Mirio lightly jabbed the greenette's side to snap them out of their happy state, ignoring their surprised peep. "Papa's just really, really happy."

Coughing nervously, understanding what they did, yet couldn't help to internally curse them for jabbing their side. Turning back to the child with his nervous grin, " it okay that I'm your Papa?"

"Uh huh!" Nodding erratically, almost in neck breaking speed. Plump cheeks glowing in her happiness and relief that Izuku didn't reject the new name given to him. Perking when a voice exiting the hall, "Eri!" Beaming at the sight of Koyuki quickening her pace and holding the same smile when the child ran her way. Having finally dragged herself out of the warmth of Izuku's bed and heard Toru's laughter from her floor. It also seemed that the rest heard the Hagakure's laughter, if she could hear Katsuki's curses of "Who the fuck is shrieking at this time!"

"Mama!" Jumping into Koyuki's open arms and cradling the child in her arms. Embracing her close and left a quick peck on their horn, causing the child to giggle at the tickling sensation from the Dragon Slayer.

Nuzzling her nose into the child's pale hair giddily in seeing the child once more, "How's my little sweetheart?"

"Good!" Beaming up to them ecstatically, then perked in realization and wanted to hear it from her maternal figure herself. Hoping what Mirio said wasn't a lie, "Mama, you eloped with Papa?" Pointing at Izuku at the mention of 'Papa.'

Poor Koyuki stared the child with wide eyes, face just a beet red when Izuku's mark has been compromised by Aizawa. But wanted to know where in God's name did she get such word, "Sweetie, who taught you that word?"

Izuku had a sense of deja vu, seeing Eri point to Mirio, "Togata-san." Looking proud that she understood the word and that the blonde was helping her broaden her knowledge. Many watching Koyuki hold this frozen smile with blank eyes, walking towards Hado first- since they were the closes- and stalked towards Mirio. Who booked it out the door and leapt over Tamaki and Shota's head.

Izuku may now be known as Papa to Eri, but everyone could agree that Mirio is the uncle figure.


Eri sipped her warm milk and honey, humming at the soothing taste. Enjoying her drink, while playing a game called 'House.' The role playing game was suggested by Ochako, since when they were little, she enjoyed the game with the little time she had with her parents. Momo, who was just as surprised as many at the news of Eri now being housed by U.A, quickly complied and doted the child with her tea cups and whipped up the sweet drink for them. Pleased to know that the little girl enjoyed the pleasant drink, giggling at such goofy grin from the smooth warmth the drink gave her.

Since the child had full control of the game, she chose played who. Given that Ochako gave her list of characters for the girl to give them. Obviously, Eri played the 'Daughter' role and had the young couple play 'Mommy' and 'Daddy'. Not without gaining a inappropriate comment from Minoru who threw an envious glare towards Izuku of his role, "How lucky it is to be called 'Daddy' by Dragneel, huh, Midoriya!" Not without gaining warning looks from practically everyone, Eri being naïve what the teen meant. Ochako and Toru playing the big sister roles and Kirishima playing the big brother role.

Everyone in class A were doing their own personal thing: Katsuki out training. Tokoyami visiting the school's library in hopes for solace. Rikido went out grocery shopping for ingredients to bake more sweets, also picking up extra stocks for Dragneel. The rest are in their rooms, studying, musing over their instruments or video games, some reviewing their studies.

Eri eyed the couple across her from the dining table, mulling over what Togata told her an hour ago.

"Eri-chan." Kneeling before the child, containing this aura of mischief for what he's about to quip, "When a Mama and Papa kiss, Mama becomes pregnant." Since the child has caught her Mama tease her Papa and leave peaks on their cheek. Seeing the greenette become bashful with a meek grin. Pleased to see them be open and loving towards the other, yet the blonde waved her over from his hiding place in the bushes. As if to tell her a secret and only trust her to reveal it.

"What's 'Pregnant?'" Tilting her head in curiosity, another word she had no clue what it meant.

Patting his own stomach to emphasis the meaning, "Mama would have a baby in her stomach."

"A baby?!" Stunned to hear such reveal. Unable to believe it was possible!

"Mhm~" Nodding at such baffled look at such discovery, "A brother or sister~" Smiling at such look of awe on Eri. "But Mama and Papa must kiss on the lips for Mama to have a baby."

Sighing once finishing her warm drink, straightening proudly for her next command, "Mama and Papa." Gaining their attention from their own drink of water or mint tea. Declaring proudly as if it'll bring the greatest peace upon the world, "Must kiss on the lips!"

Both glancing at the other, smiling at the other with a shrug. Leaning in a giving the other a sweet peck, until Eri squealed out ecstatically, "Mama's pregnant now!" Koyuki, freezing up, mind whirling in utter chaos that she fell backwards from her chair.

Toru who was drinking her lavender milk tea, cupped her mouth from spilling on the table, but only to snort from the laughter; sadly choking from the liquids spilling from her nostrils. Yet couldn't hold back the laughter from her friends' reaction.

Ochako chocked on her drink, and thanks to Eijirou's assistance, didn't suffocate from her drink entering the wrong pipe.

Izuku sputtering in shock at Eri's sudden declaration and flushed a deep scarlet hue. 'Where'd she get that idea?!' Bashful as he may be with Eri's sudden chime, "E-E-Eri-chan?!" Knowing the girl was naïve and hoped to correct the child and reveal that's not how procreating works.

However, it seemed life had other plans. Denki, who exited the hall, on exiting his room to get more chips he's left in the kitchen. But saw Koyuki on the floor, glowing red and her little curl flicking in such rapid motion, "What's wrong with Dragneel?"

"Mama's pregnant!" Eri cheered, beaming happily to this. "I'm going to be a big sister!" The thought of having a little sibling looking up to her made her giddy.

"What?!" Snapping to Izuku's direction, unable to believe what he's hearing from the child. If there's one thing he'll believe, it's this child who has no bone to lie. Not with such aura of innocence around them. "Midoriya?!"

Frantically waving his hand before his face, almost fanning the red blush burning his cheeks. "I didn't--"

"Don't be silly, wrap your willy! But you didn't wrap your willy!!" Slapping his forehead, ashamed for them that they forgot the condoms! It was bad enough he got his from the nurse-- Every male shamelessly gained a box! And this green haired, meek freckled teen forgot about them!

"DEKU!" Izuku became rigged, snapping to the front doors of their dorm. Bakugou, who was split, looking mortified and enraged of hearing such scandalous news. "YOU BARELY DATE HER A WEEK AND YOU ALREADY GOT HER KNOCKED UP?!" Like Denki, he couldn't believe Midoriya in being this foolish in forgetting the most embarrassing box given to them. Now here they are, hearing the little pale haired child happily proclaiming Koyuki being with child and an older sister. Oh, did the ash blonde want to blast the freckled teen to the moon.

Before Kirishima could interject, Toru's invisible hands cupped over his and Ochako's. Containing her snorts to watch all of this unfold, and it was a glorious comedy happening before her.


"Oh my god!" Snapping to see Kyoka's flustered figure, concealing her mouth in hearing Bakugou's gruff yells. "Her brother is going to murder him!"


"How many weeks is she?" Turning to Momo, who was frozen in hearing this whole commotion.

"I-I-I-I-I SWEAR--" Izuku wanted to correct them that they have it all horribly wrong and Eri incorrectly got it wrong. But froze when his shaky emeralds turned to the human-Exceed holding Rebecca's lacrima and Happy was throwing the most diabolic grin ever. 'He wouldn't...'

"Natsu!!" The Exceed flew off in a rush and started to announce, "You're an uncle again!"

'HE WOULD!!!' Utter terror filled his veins, paling upon hearing Natsu's chokes turn into roars of rage, "WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!" Followed by Mira's excited shouts, "GREEN HAIRED AND DARK EYE BABIES!" Plus the guild members going bonkers. He swore he heard someone be thrown by the sound of their screams. Knowing it was Natsu, since the pinkette himself popped into the lacrima's vision, looking enraged, "YOU KNOCKED UP MY SISTER!" Face almost pushed aside by Lucy and Erza's, "Is this true, Izuku?!"

"I demand to know as well, Midoriya!"

Juvia's face barely popping from below with popping wide azures, "Midoriya, y-y-y-you and Koyuki are with child?!" Envious of the lucky bastard that his relationship was going smoothly and swift as well!

Oh, how Izuku's was burning in embarrassment from all the eyes on his person. He wished Koyuki would help him, but the poor Dragneel on the floor was frozen like stone. Shielding her reddened face and spastically muttering in her fluster.

The dorm of class A never expecting that few other students from other department eyed the loud building with raised brows. Wondering what could be happening in there, "Every day, I think class A gets wilder and crazier too." Before they could leave, their attention landed on the jogging hero. Becoming giddy at the sight of the retired man, "All Might!"

"Goodness, what are the children doing in there?" Like them, Toshinori could hear the loud commotion, but had no clue what it had them riled up in there.

Shrugging lazily, "Something about this Deku person knocking someone up." Never predicting that the man would lose his mind like the people inside the dorm.

"Oh." Yagi's sunken eyes slowly widened, "My." Jaw slacken to the concerning pointing of snapping, "GOOOOOOOD!" Booking towards class A's dorm, "MIDORIYA-SHONEN!!" Accidently tripping on his on feet and crashed into the hedges, the students gawking the man buried in the bushes...

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(y/n) Dragneel is the twin sister of Fairy Tail's famous Salamander. Even though they are twins, they are very different. When Natsu got taken in by...
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(Y/n) (Y/l/n) has been a Fairy Tail Mage for a long time, since she was a child. She has a history with Gray and Erza. She is also a Dragon Slayer, o...
42.9K 655 38
Vega is a 12 years old celestial dragonslayer, part of the Fairy Tail guild family, and after doing a mission she is found in another dimension. Will...