Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

Por aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... Más

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle

1.7K 55 19
Por aiimee9

An- My artwork of Koyuki and Eri. [Now who wants to guess the little Easter eggs in this art. Specifically Er~]


"Impressive intuition, boy." The YouTube criminal before Izuku voiced their thoughts, impressed how quick they were to suspect them by voice and character action alone. But it was thanks to the rumors and few videos Midoriya has come across from the website.

The woman beside the man peaked out, seeming nervous with the look on the boy's features. Seeming menacing to her, but held the look of warning and set to stop these individuals. "This kid, I think he's..." Muttering to herself, searching why the greenette looked familiar to her.

Izuku's emeralds searched around the area, nervous sweat growing on his temple. No sign of life was around to witness what was happening, 'Saturday morning. No pedestrians around...' Snapping back to the two before him, another thing that was a disadvantage for this neighborhood he's passing by. 'And no hero agencies near U.A...' At first, it didn't seem bothersome that there wasn't an agency near the school due to the school's staff are actual heroes. However, with situations that concern an event where staff members cannot focus outside the school and inside, it gives them a disadvantage. 'Looks like I'll be without backup!' Keeping his composure from not showing any signs of concern with the lack of signs of life around to warn authorities with the situation that's happening as of now. Eyes snapping towards the cottage down the alleyway, 'I could get the café owner to call the police and--' Stopping his thoughts. He knew if he rushed to the owner and warned for police, these two will use this their chance and runaway. He had to handle this himself and stop them where they stood. 'No!' Activating his Full Cowling, eclectic energies pulsating off his form. Narrowed on the criminal vloggers, ready to stop them from whatever nefarious plan they have.

"La Brava! Let's change our itinerary." Seeming to understand there wasn't a choice but to engage in combat with the teen, "Starting now, no matter what happens, keep the camera rolling!"

"You got it, Gentle!" Pulling out her camera from beneath her cape, until realizing what's happening. "But, but! You're gonna fight? Here? What about your awesome plan?"

"Viewers!" Ignoring his partner's concern and whipped their disguise, revealing their complete identity. Broadcasting themselves like a host on a talk-show. Ignoring Midoriya and focused on the camera, which the boy felt put off and thought it felt like those cartoons he once watched where the villain declared all their plans. "Behold, the dawning of a daring knave's journey! Keep your dazzled eyes on your screen, for it is I, your savior and gentleman scoundrel, Gentle Criminal!!" Winking at their camera, "The gears have gone awry! In the light of this dilemma I call this caper, 'I Tried Invading U.A!!'"

'Are you serious?!' Just as he thought, yet couldn't believe, the man proclaimed their plan. Moreover, it angered him that they do indeed intend to infiltrate the school for their 'wake up call.' Grinding his jaw and charged at the man, "I won't let you!" before he could even land a direct hit, some force was pulling his whole body back; pressing his face, not letting him to push forward. "Huh?"

Grinning upon seeing the boy's utter bafflement with what's happening, "While uncloaking, I took the liberty of erecting that." Thinking back to the moment the man decloaked themselves and whipping the air around. Revealing they've done something to the environment around their space, "Surely you understand, loyal viewers? For my Quirk is Elasticity!" Now understanding what's happened, which was aweing that they're able to such power with the space itself. "Whatever I touch is granted elasticity. Even air itself." Sighing to themselves sadly at the pitiful sight of the teen, who kept trying to push further from the rubber. "I loathe violence as a mean of conflict resolution." Yet didn't hesitate for the force releasing Izuku back. Opposite to what the man preached, the teen rolled down the street, skinning the concrete ground and left steam from the trajectory. Not able to hear his partner's scolding, seeming to not expect their own strength; but was able to catch the man's exclaiming their apologies, "Such speed and power though. His mild looks belie his ferociousness! A thousand pardons, boy! I have to leave!"

Flipping back up, not dismayed by just one launch. But hearing their apologies just irked the greenette further, "You're sorry?!" Pushing off beneath and dashing towards the two once, now knowing what their Quirk's power. "Then stay away from my school!"

"A request I cannot honor!" Pivoting and slamming their palm on the ground, softening the earth beneath their hand. "Gently Trampoline!" Foolishly blinded by rage, Izuku didn't predict their control to expand a larger spot once he got into their range. Launching him in the air and above the houses below him. Narrowed on the charismatic man bellow, "I, too, put great efforts into school functions in my days as a student. I have no doubt that your heart is in this, yet it cannot compare to my beards and soul." Feeling his soul fuel with flames of anger from their comparison. Shouldn't they empathize what they felt! "For this caper will mark the first great step of my legendary exploits." Proclaiming once meeting eyes with the U.A student, knowing how crossed they are as of now. Gentle narrowed their pupils, "You shall not interfere!" Softening the ground bellow Gentle and their partner, La Bra; launching the two off the ground to escape from Midoriya, before the follow suit. "Farewell, oh youthful, shining star!"

Izuku's mind was in a wild flurry, but thankfully remembered his training with his new support item. Aiming directly the direction the two were flying.


Natsu continued to scowl directly towards a nervous Midoriya, uncaring if the eldest Dragneel's pupils held a fire of warning. Nor was the pinkette cared if he made the greenette sweat bullets. "Hey, broccoli head!" Just his voice alone caused the teen to yelp, stuttering to respond, "Ye-Yes, Dragneel-san...?"

Snapping in warning for the boy to heed his order, "You better watch over my niece and lil' sis" Shaking their torched fist at Midoriya, "Or I'll torch your ass!"

"Natsu!" Daisy, Lucy, and Koyuki cried out. Koyuki whispering to Eri to ignore their uncle's antics, saying that "Uncle Natsu gets so passionate that you could bake pie around him." Which Mirio, who stood close by, couldn't control a snort. Undoubting believing the youngest Dragneel that you could do such task with a tempered man like Natsu. It didn't help that the fire Dragon Slayer's feline partner only egged on.

"Aye, sir!" Happy vocally agreed with their Dragon Slayer partner, but muffled their mouth from snorting loud enough for all to hear. Yet the many could hear it around, "But he loves her! Heh heh heh!"

Lucy threw a warning scowl towards the two and returned her attention to those on Earth with her kind, beaming, grin. "Just have fun, Midoriya and ignore these morons." Unbothered that she insulted the blue Exceed and Dragneel, yet smirked when she heard the two bellow in bafflement, "Oi!!"




"Midoriya." The teen himself picked his head up and turned to the voice, belonging to Kyoka. The ebony haired heroine eyed the notes before the greenette, "You're always taking notes in notebooks, yeah? What's your method?"

Suddenly, this peaked his interest. Wondering if they wanted to jot notes on certain heroes they found their interest in. "Is there some hero you wanna take notes on, Jiro-san?"

"No." Waving off his excitement, knowing how easily excited Midoriya could be when it concerns the topic of heroes. her cheeks flushing a bit with her Earphone Jacks scratching her rosy cheeks, "I wanna know how to take good notes. Like, how to make the point across better." Now understanding why she seemed timid, possibly due to her efforts to noting what could assist those reading the notebook. "I scribble too much stuff down, so the main points get lost."

"Oh, advice for your bandmates?" Nodding in understanding to the girl's request. Emeralds skimming through her notes, quite impressed what she's noted. From simplifying for Denki to understand to Tokoyami following after Bakugou's passionate tempo, knowing how pumped Katsuki could be when it comes to leaving the audience in explosive awe from his talent. Returning the notes back to punk heroine, impressed. "Did you write all this, Jiro-san?" Feeling delighted for the others behalf on the girl's hard work and efforts to assist all her bandmates concerns and faults they need work on. "Nice! I bet they'll love this."

"That's the idea." Flustered from the praise, yet her smile proved how pleased she was that she could help them in any way in the field of music. "I was so sure people would just call this a useless hobby, so it feels like I've got something to prove." Izuku found that odd, but won't comment her mindset to believing her talent as a musician to be useless in the field of heroism. If anything, he could compare this to how Mina incorporated dance to her attacks.




"Momo-Yao!!" Ashido whined on the couch, leaning over behind the sofa. Pouting up pleadingly towards Yaoyorozu, "Ya gotta spill the beans and tell us what you're both doing!" Izuku, who sat by the dining table with Yuga and Tenya, watched the girls sitting around the sofa and caught the conversation of them wanting to know what Koyuki and Momo were doing during their practice. Honestly, he wondered what the two were up to and how their performance was coming along. Since they were also working with few of class C members, which some were actually taken aback to be requested and hesitantly agreed. Later on, those members excitedly rushed to the girls to practiced some more. Seeing this, many were itching to know how it was coming along.

Sipping their chamomile, lavender honey tea; sighing from the pleasant taste of her drink. Giving Mina an apologetic smile, "I cannot do so, but the practice is going wonderful." But couldn't help to shield her lips, "I'll tease and say it brings shivers on my skin~"

"Meanie~~!" Jumping back, never expecting Momo to be such a tease and egg their interest further. It was worse when Kyoka joined Yaoyorozu. "I have to agree with Momo-chan. Their practices are going great!" Smirking when Mina wrapped her arms around them, shaking them in her hold, "Jiro! You traitor!" Causing them to laugh throughout Ashido's mini tantrum.

Toru, just as huffy and turned to Daisy on the other side of the couch, "Daisy-chan!!"

Looking up from her English homework and threw a slight apologetic look. "Sorry, I can't help you girls."

To which Hagakure threw herself onto Koyuki's form, causing them to fall back and tickle their side to get answer. "Spill it, Koyuki-chan! Spill it!" Only gaining a laughter of "Never!" and for the invisible girl to laugh evilly, "Invisible Tickle Torture Attack! Bwa ha ha ha!!"

Izuku and the rest couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the girls wrestle from the tickle fight as well their laughter.


Using every ounce of focus, almost hearing Mina's stern voice remind him to visualize during his movement. Understanding that when dancing, you'll need to focus a spot but must not trip or they'll lose that concentration. "Gentle Criminal!!" The pulsating power concentrated to his thumb and middle finger, snapping and for the cuffs direct the winds, creating a cannon strike what he'd like to call Delaware Smash Air Force behind Gentle's. Landing a direct hit and for the man to cry out in surprise and for Izuku to cry, pleased for the outcome. "Yes!"

Twisting his body once spotting a landline and jumped off the wood, launching to their path and tackled the paled haired criminal, gritting out, "Is my heart in this?" Tightly gripping their coat, glaring harshly in the man's scowl. "You bet it is!"

"How rude of me!" Never expecting or taking into account that the teen wouldn't give up from stopping them on their plans. Crashing into a construction sight with dust of clouds blinding their vision, hearing the petite woman's panicked cry somewhere, "Gentle!!"

Crashing and hitting iron poles, hearing them clang against the other, chiming around and filling the deaf silence. Rolling till he rolled to his feet and skid back, mentally thanking Mina for all her practice to better control his body and muscles. Coughing from the minor dust inhaled but kept his searching around within the clouds for the villain, 'Too much dust...' Still searching, never knowing where they could appear from. 'Where'd he go?!' Tensing, he was certain they crashed together on the same area, they couldn't be far. Snapping to where he heard the chuckles came from, "Indeed, I did not anticipate this turn of events." Grinning from their spot, body swinging from their coat being snagged by the girder. "Yet I am undeterred!"

"How'd you wind up like that?" Not quite expecting such sight of them. But snapped his hand forward, aiming his curled digits in the man's direction. Knowing he had a footing if he kept his aim on the Gentle Criminal.

However, even in the predicament, the man's cheekiness turned stern. Possibly understanding the teen expects they have the upper hand, "Do not doubt that I will see this plan through, for I am determined! A true gentleman's resolve cannot be shaken!"

'That determination... He has no intention of giving up.' Wracking any thoughts, while keeping his sights on them.

"Yes! Because I am gentle Crim--"

"Are you really a gentleman?" Cutting the man off, miffed they brought up such word. If they were the definition, why do all of this? "Why mess with U.A? What's your plan?" Curls shadowing his emeralds, making them seem to glow. He couldn't understand why target the school, but could only guess it had to be one certain group that has the guts to even raise arms against the school.

"Hmph!" Seeming to predict what the has thought, "My plan you ask?" Sneering that they even thought they'll work with such people. "Please don't lump me in with those League of Villains ruffians. I am no murderer or kidnapper. My plan, as it were, is simply to sneak your school festival. Won't you turn a blind eye, boy?" Further irking Izuku when they bowed their head, seeming to plead for such thing!

'Is he for real?!' Baffled and irked that the man would request such thing of Midoriya, "But you've gotta know that we're on high alert, right? As soo as they spot a suspicious guy like you, the alarms'll go off and the festival will close. Besides, I've got you now, so just give up!" Hoping with this knowledge will dampen their spirits to even proceed their plans. Sadly, it did none. "There's no need to be concerned. As my companion will be deactivating your school's sensors. Your show will go on, and my plan will succeed. I believe they call that a win-win!"

Appalled that this man would just wave off such thing and nonchalantly reveal all of this as if the school's security was laughable. "That'd make things worse!"

"Undoubtedly." Sighing, crossing their arms over their chest once they've stopped swinging from the bar. Keeping their composure, even in their position. "Indeed, you know my plan now. I wish to get going before the matter grows more complicated."

"I've already called this in. I'm just slowing you down until police and heroes show up." Hoping this bluff will sway them to surrender or drop their plans, very much hoping the latter.

"We shan't see eye to eye." Swiping their feet under, creating an elastic jumper from thin air. Upon seeing this, Izuku reacted before the man thought of escaping. However, they used their momentum and leapt, "While the taste of tea still lingers, I shall bring you down, U.A boy!" Keeping aim on their target even they bounced onto another girder. Flicking the air pressure, but sadly bounced off of the elastic metal. Snapping where the man could be with their zig-zagging, emeralds snapping around. Suddenly, something slapped against his neck, causing him to cough in shock and thrown back. Snapping to Gentle's direction once catching their voice above grounds, "Your own air blast returned to you care of my Air Membrane!"

"Gentle!" Their petite partner rushed below the man, still filming them even with all that's happened. Pleading to them and seeming to be the voice of reason as of the moment. "I'm bummed out about this too, but we really need to scram!" Eyes flicking to the greenette's direction, seeming on edge. Possibly the fact either being a student of U.A in the heroes department, which leads back to the sports festival and exposure.

"No, no, La Brava. Not just yet..." From this, Midoriya zipped off in electric currents of power, not fond that they've yet given up on their plans. Yet never expected their next plans for the teen. Plucking off each bolts below, softening the metal as it allowed it to bounce in its place, "I have something you need to hear, boy. My Quirk cannot be undone by my own will. Rather objects slowly return to their original state." Frowning to what they meant, but his ear catching the sounds of metal grinding against the other. "In the meantime, as the girder regains its typical hardness, it returns this springy motion." Juggling the bolts in hand, revealing the items. "What's more, I've removed every bolt from this one, where I now stand. This particular girder is destined to fall. It's quite dangerous." Emeralds widen in panic and snapped to where the villain was looking to. An elderly man below gazed up, spectating the whole thing with the look of interest, yet slight concern to what's happening. Snapping back to Gentle in disbelief. "Surely you, as a U.A student cannot ignore..." Feeling bucket of cold ice filling his veins the moment they leapt off, pushing the girder down from its perch. "...a falling girder." Thinking on his feet, the young hero dashed under the metal and caught under its weight, pushing it back up even with all the pressure.

Thankful that he still had twenty percent of Full Cowling or he'd be smashed against the girder's weight. But it didn't douse the rage that this vlogging criminal would think of committing an immoral act to crush the poor bystander. "You were aiming for that old man down there!"

"Heavens no! Just you." Emeralds glaring to the cocky figure below the sight. "For I knew you would dive to catch it before the unthinkable happened." Thankfully, the elder saw that things weren't quite safe and booked it from the area. Finding it best they ran off and prayed they were going to call authorities with all that's happening. This couldn't be seen legal in a retrospect. "I want you good and grounded. Yet once again, I'm reminded your terrifying speed and power. Though it pains me to leave you like that. You will have to endure just long enough for me to succeed." Keeping sight on the figure as they calmly trekked towards one of the machines. Softening the metals with one touch, pulling back the hook of the crane and calling back to the struggling teen, "Perhaps someone will take notice."

'No! I can't let him get away!' Grinding his jaw, frustrated that he could barely move under the girder's weight.

"The plan went slightly awry, La Brava." Watching under the metal, seeing the man left their small partner off their feet which caused them to peep in fluster. "And yet, should I manage to get in now, despite heightened security, my name will truly go down in infamy!!" Groaning, both upset at the man's cockiness and frustration at the girder. "As a man capable of great spectacle!"

Seeing them being launched by the elastic crane, becoming frantic seeing where the direction they're heading to. A sudden image of Eri appeared in his mind, 'Eri's finally happy and enjoying her time...' How the child, although timid with everyone surrounding her, she still wanted to push herself out of her comfort zone. Wanting to meet many people.

Another person appeared, a beaming pink-silverette he's infatuated with. '...and Koyuki... Koyuki finally gets the chance to care for someone- a child.' How the Dragneel mentioned her seven years of being frozen, though she waves it off as nothing; ever since Ashido and Hagakure mentioned Koyuki actually dreamt of being a mother, it was never realized because of being frozened as a twelve year old.

Koyuki wanted to raise a child.

'She never got to realize her dreams...but with Eri...' How the Dragneel cradled the child in her arms, smiling to the shy little girl endearingly. Even with her bashfulness, Eri looked up to her maternal figure with such happiness in her ruby's. Something so precious that a once captive child was never able to express. All of this directed up towards this kind mage who'll far and beyond for them. Even if it's baking little sweets or singing stories to pass the time. The thought of this vlogger who commits pranks for videos and ruining for these two girls enraged him. Izuku knew it wasn't just everyone's enjoyment and peace on the line, Eri's smile and Koyuki's dreams are too.

And he was not going to allow this villain invade his school just for damn views!

'I'm going to protect their happiness!!' Shakenly moving his other hand to aim while carrying the whole weight in the other. Focusing all his might for this one aim, narrowed emeralds quivering for focus. Concentrating his aim and muscle movement as to not miss this one shot. Launching it the cannon pressure in their direction, from the sudden snap, the beam above him snapped forward and he quickly grabbed it with both hands now. Knowing that even it didn't hit his targets, by dodging the attack they'll need to change the winds direction; thus, them being pushed to another. Using the bar to land him back on the ground and carefully place it down as to not further damage the property than it already has. Yet yelped at the sudden bounce under him and landing safely on the ground, snapping where he bounced from in midair, 'He left some invisible barriers behind!' Quickly swiping some of the metal poles and placed them where the rubbered air lays. And without a second to lose, he dashed to where the elastic crane is and used the remaining time it has and pulled it back, launching him in air towards the two. Taking aim once he was in close range, focusing and ignoring the surprised cries below of the Gentle Criminal. Memorizing where they bounced off from their shaky landing around the tree line, knowing he'll couldn't miss this or he'll be launched back and they'll run off towards the school. Snapping footing to the left, he felt the rubber being pushed under and jumped off from it to evade the barrier before Gentle. Taking aim at the two once more, to which the man conjured another; using this chance to shoot the first barrier and directly bounced off, crashing against the man's abdomen. "Gah!"

Not wasting a second, he pushed off and used their second of distraction to jump on top of the two, pining them down. La Brava, the petite pigtail red head squirmed under his hold, attempting to free herself. "You'd better not resist either, miss." Even if she was just recording all of this, they were an accomplice to this man's scheme. "Just give up, both of you." It seemed the woman stopped her movement, thinking they've given up. Hopefully if he bluffed once more, they'll remain docile and drop all of this nonsense. "I'm handing you over to the police. They'll be here soon."

Until the small woman craned her head towards their partner's direction, "I love you." Frowning, Izuku couldn't comprehend what was happening. Was this their declaration of defeat and were now professing?

"Thank you. La Brava."

Tensing, a sudden intense wave of aura emitted from the prankster villain, literal smokes with heart shapes misted off their body. Feeling nervous sweat cascade down his temple from this, "Where's this power coming from?"

"Apologies, boy." Gasping, his whole form being flipped in midair, seeing the man who was under Midoriya now standing pink mist emitting off their body. Cradling their partner in their arms protectively, "I prefer not to resolve matter by force. Which is why I always edit out this part." Where ever they gained such power boost, not only their aura emitted; but their speed was amplified and as well strength. "Enjoy a nice nap, if you will." La Brava turned away from seeing Gentle knocking the teen unconscious. "Sorry about this, Midoriya Izuku. But in the end, love always triumphs."

Before the man could hit Izuku's nerve, the greenette gritted out, "I've fought plenty of stronger people than you..." Aiming behind their assailant and fired. "And I haven't lost yet!"

"GOOD MOORRRNIN!!!" The perfect moment of them hearing Present Mic's voice project through the miniature forest. "HEY GUYS!! HOPE YOU'RE READY, CUZ IT'S FINALLY TIME!!" However, this meant it was 9 A.M, the time for the festival to open. "TODAYS' THE DAY WHEN CLASS YEAR DEPARTMENTS DON'T MATTER. WE'RE JUST HERE TO CUT LOOSE!! NOW SAY IT WITH ME, EVERYONE!!" Meaning the teachers will be on high alert and roaming around, if he didn't get these people packing back, they'll call off the event! "LET THE U.A SCHOOL FESTIVAL BEEEGIINNN!!!!"

From the quick think and prowess from his flicks, his arm harshly smacked against his face. Already taste the metallic blood dribbling down from the hit, but he wasn't going to pause. Rolling back on his feet and pushing off the ground after where they've flown, desperate now. "Please!" He needed to stop them, and now! "Stop this, please!" Attempting to knock the wind out of them from bellow, but evade the strike.

"Gentle, I'm so, so, sorry! My love wasn't enough!" From hearing this, he could assume the power boost was coming from her Quirk.

"Not a single soul has yet to prove that your feelings for me are inadequate!" Before Izuku could deliver another blow, the man smashed layers of their elastic barriers over the teen's body. What the man would like to call the Gently Sandwich. Unable to crawl out of them crushing weight, "The thinner the sandwich, the classier it is, inherently. So I am loathe to stick them, like this." Barely craning his head to catch sights of Gentle before Midoriya. "And yet, I must see this through. The fleeting dream of a man past his youth." Seeming defeated at the mention of their past. Unable to comprehend as to why, what could've made them become this way? Until that's man's features twisted, awfully hellbent now. "To carve my name in history, for future generations! So that going forward, someone out there will give a moment's thought to the way I lived, and aspire to it. And this dream is no longer mine alone." He could only assume he meant his partner, who they threw from being rammed by Midoriya. "Today marks my first step towards true infamy. My dream would be trifling indeed if your words could move me to abandon my course!" Izuku kept his sights on gentle, while feeling the ground under. Thick and hardened by the lack of water from the rain. "As you are a U.A student I assume you can comprehend my penchant to dream." Clenching his teeth, he curled his fingers and crushed the earth beneath; allowing him to make his escape and surprising the enemy at his opponent's swift plan.

"So why?" If they could empathize with him and others of all their hard work, why would they think to trample it. "If you get it, then why attack our festival?!" Charging the enemy and swiped to flip himself over their shoulder's, "Why trample all over our feelings? Our hopes and dreams?!" Fastening his hold over the coat and used his strength to flip them over; yet never predicted the elasticity of their clothes nor took into account of their prowess with the woman's Quirk. Forcing Izuku to trip from this and whipped back with the clothes.

Gentle, becoming ticked with the teen's preaching and snapped their direction, "Such is the way of the world!"

Even he's being flung back to the vlogging villain, he turned his body to face the man and crash against them. Both rolling the grounds and wrestled against each other. Locking hands and pushing the against the other, glaring down their opponent. "For your dream, huh? So you'd ruin all our hard work? Our passion?!" Biting out, enraged on behalf of many of his friends, classmates, peers, everyone in U.A. "You'd steal a smile from a girl who doesn't know meaning of joy yet?!" Eri, who still attempts to smile, but would puff her cheeks and clamp her hands over that causes other to giggle on her behalf. Finding everyone's laughter to brighten her mood, seeming to find delight that she made others chuckles. All because one mage taught her this method.

Grind his jaw, fury burning in his emeralds; fuming, "You'd steal another's chance of happiness by giving that child that smile by being her mother!!"

Possibly believing it was one of the staff who are thinking of raising a child, spat back. "If that is what it takes." Thus the two wrestled to deliver the blow. Izuku evading their power boost swipe, Gentle creating a barrier to block Izuku's grab while he clutched their forearm. Softening the ground to project him off and over Midoriya's head, the teen snapping their direction as to not lose sight of them.

"Gentle!" La Brava's cried from the side.

Creating another barrier behind and lunged the greenette's way, Gentle's face taking on a dark look of wrath. "You find me unprincipled? Mock if you must! I can live with that!" Pulling back their fist, before connecting Izuku's palm. Both sides pushing the other back either with Full Cowling or Lover Boost.

Izuku and the villain almost bashing heads now, "Nobody's mocking you, Gentle Criminal."

"You can win this! Gentle!!" Cheered on La Brava, almost sounding in tears of seeing their brawl. Yet with this, it seemed to further boost the man's power further. More of the pink mist emitting off the man's form.

'The steam from her Quirk.' Locking both hands against Gentle's, feeling himself being pushed back by the earth beneath him. 'More keeps coming out! He's getting stronger!' Clenching his jaw, being pushed back to the point of bending backways, but kept his firm stance on the ground to not lose footing.

"Boy!" Emeralds flicking up to glaring topaz, "Why did you become a hero?"

Thinking back to what Gentle stated, their dream wasn't his alone. Finding all of this nostalgic now. "We're not so different, Gentle." This piqued the vlogger's interest, "My dream's not just about me!" Thinking of his poor mother, how she constantly worries over his health, but continued to cheer him on. Even she's against it, she'll cheer his dreams on. But he'll work harder to make her worry. "It's way bigger than me! It was one I'd totally given up on! But I had people who don't mock me for it!" All Might who gave him the opportunity to prove his worth, to push himself than ever before if he hoped to reach these goals. Daisy, although timid at times, won't hesitate in standing up for his behalf and remind him that has a choice in what path he choses. He'll make every effort count and make them both proud. "There are people who respected me for it! I gotta honor that!" Mirio, Nighteye, his friends. "Plus, there are those who have suffered." Eri, she still needed to see that happiness.

" have the most unpredictable future I've ever seen..."

Koyuki... he has to save Koyuki from that future. He needs to change her future! "I wanna be the guy to show them all a bright future!!" A hero is someone who'll always save people, and he'll save Koyuki! No matter the cause!

"The same... Are we?" Quickly using the moment of distraction and flung the boy to the side. Rolling against the grass, blood spilling from his nostril and coughed from the sudden crash. Pivoting on his toes, surprised to see the determined look on the man. "So I haven't yet measured up to the foes of your past?" He didn't block in time when they kneed his abdomen and rolled back from the force. "I shall abandon all notions of dignity" Hearing Gentle bouncing around the trees, "Honor." Ground and air, "And style" Speeding across the space, "to bring you down!"

On his back, curled all fingers under his thumb; focusing and concentrating his power to his digits. The man never expecting this and attempted to evade them, only evading three as the fourth shot his calf. Leaving them to fall forward on their hands. Not letting them to take a breath, Izuku charged in and to deliver one of his perfected moves, Shoot Style: St. Louis Smash. Swiping and knocking his foot against the man's temple, thus knocking them of breath.

leaping onto the man's back and restrained the man's hands together, while pushing their nape down to hold them in place. Heavily breathing, the force of exhaustion getting to the greenette now, inhaling to regain his breath. "That's been the toughest battle I've fought so far, Gentle." True, he almost thought the man would have bested Midoriya. It was only by sheer luck did Mei created these gloves. If he fought without these, he's certain he would have lost.

"Gentle!" Bushes rattled and rustled from movement. La Brava, who must've ran off during the fight in an attempt to complete the mission on Gentle's behalf, returned with panic in her voice. "Some heroes're close by!"

Gentle, spotting the petite red head, pleaded in a raspy voice. "Please...just run."

"No... Stop it!" Direction his attention from Gentle to the whimpering woman, seeing them drop the laptop they would've used to hack through the school's security. sluggishly walking their direction, trembling with bridled emotion of desperation. "Get offa him!" The moment she got close, she pounded her fists against Izuku's shoulder, wailing. "Get offa my Gentle! Go away!! Stop!" Tears staining against her flushed and grimy face. Never stopping her assault to have the move moved from their defeated partner, "Gentle put his heart and soul into this plan! He didn't even stop for his beloved tea breaks while planning it!" Izuku felt unnerved of the woman being in tears, unsure how to even respond. "So get off! Where's our bright future, huh?!" Gripping his sweatshirt now with quivering hands, shaking his arm. "Gentle's my only light in this world!! He's my everything. You can't steal him from me! Don't take my Gentle away!!" The contorted look on her face, even the desperation behind her tearing orbs as she cried in sobs. "IF I CAN'T BE WITH GENTLE, I'LL JUST DIE!!"

Before Izuku could even realize, he was project off the man and into the air, yelping in surprise from the man's second wind. "Now vanish, Midoriya Izuku." Unsure what was happening, but suddenly bouncing off one of the previous barriers and out of their sight. "All for her. For her bright future."

"Gentle Criminal!" Not understanding what they were doing till he spotted the heroes appearing out of the bushes. Flying out of the pine woods, he snapped to where he assumed they should be. Dashing through bushes and tree lines, searching where they could be. Midoriya couldn't forget what Gentle said, understanding what they planned.

Once he reached and broke through the leaves, he arrived the time the vlogger revealed to the four heroes, "...abducting this poor, naïve woman and brainwashing her." Imploring them now, "So I ask you now to pardon Aiba Manami." The way Gentle kept his gaze and not glance down to the weeping woman, making it seem true to their story.

The three Ectoplasm clones finally spotted Izuku and were aghast at the sight of the battered teen. "Your injuries!" Which caused Hound Dog and Gentle to look the greenette's way.

Unsure what to what make of the scene, seeing the heroes, Gentle not look eyes with La Brava, but petted her head to ease her tears. Almost silently saying none of this is was your fault, none of it is your burden either.

"You fought this guy?" Emeralds flicking to his doggish teacher, hearing their gruff question.

Mulling over his thoughts, knowing he couldn't quite lie, "I figured out that he was going to prank U.A. So yeah, we fought a little." However, it's neither a lie when he could see a man seemingly admitted defeat all to save their partner. "But everything's okay now."

From this, La Brava wailed, seeming to further pit herself. Digging her face into Gentle's ripped coat, hiding her tears.

"Snipe?" One of the clones perked, holding over their earpiece. he and Hound Dog held over their pieces, listening to the other side; before the dog hero informed something that left relief to Izuku's spirit. "Just some troublemaker who uploads prank videos. He wants to turn himself in." Throwing the vlogger a scowl, "Can't say I get it either, but there's no emergency for now. Keep everyone on alert, though." Ending the call and pushing the surrounded man forward, "You'll be explain yourself in detail over at the police station."

Before they left, Gentle had something to get off his chest, "Midoriya Izuku." Not glancing back to the boy. "I, too, was once enrolled in a hero course." surprised on the reveal, the greenette wouldn't expect this. "Gentle Criminal is a mere shadow of a failed, would-be hero. Though I am in no position to give advice. Those feelings of yours-- make sure to see them through." Watching the man leave with the two Ectoplasm clones and Hound Dog following suit, keeping them from escaping. Wiping the blood under his nose, silently sighing in relief that they've decided to proceed with the event.

"All Might was worried about you, also Dragneel." Izuku almost flinched at the third's voice beside him, but perked on their next sentence. "Dragneel's been on edge since you haven't come back." Watching the clone chuckle and shake their head, seeming to find it comical what happened prior. "Literally almost ran past us if it weren't for All Might calming her down." How he remembered the girl almost jumped over their heads, poor Hound Dog accidently growled at her to stay put. Only for her to throw such catty eyes in the hero's direction and muttering "Is he challenging me? he is, isn't he!" Oh, did he and the others got a good laugh from seeing Hound Dog actually turn tail. The girl had a serious bone to pick on them when it comes to animalistic tendencies.

Unable to help to help and release a giggle from hearing this, cheeks flushing a rosy color. He could actually imagine all of this of the girl such things. "I bet she is...' Scratching his cheek meekly, thinking how he must've worried her and the others.

Gasping, tensing upon realizing what he forgotten, "I'm so sorry, Sensee! But I left my shopping bags back there!"

"Where? I'll come with you." Thus the two running off the regain the items he left behind. While running through the forest, he found the camera La Brava recorded throughout his fight with Gentle Criminal. Swiping it off the ground and sprinting where left them on the streets by the café. From arriving and finding them missing to bowing erratically in thankfulness to the shop's owner. Running with every fiber of his being to his school, even if it meant he might leave the clone behind. Spotting Aoyama waiting for him by the gates, waving him over with wipes, possibly for the sweat. But never expect the dirt and grim on their person. Apologies profusely to his classmate and before he could run off, Ectoplasm's clone reminded him of the state they were in and order Midoriya to get cleaned. reminding if he walked in such state, he'll worry many. Agreeing, he did so in a sprint.

Finally, getting to the changing room in his dance clothes, practically huffing out of breath. And as expect, he gained an earful from the rest of his classmates. Mina clapping and ordering every to get in place, being stern with Izuku for his tardiness.

On stage, panting in exhaustion from all the sprinting he's done today, he lined up with the rest of the dance crew. Keeping their arms up in their stance, waiting for the band to begin.

Gazing out the crowd, searching for a certain group of three within the huge mob of people. And finally spotting a small child out there, locating Eri sitting over Mirio's shoulder, getting the perfect view of the stage. Beside the golden blonde was none other than Koyuki, pointing Izuku's direction for the child to see. Which the child perked excitedly, a small smile appearing on Eri's face. 'Yes...' The Dragneel faced his way with their toothy and broad grin, just as excited as the crowd for their performance. 'I want to protect her future and happiness.' Koyuki's future and happiness. 'It's not a promise.' Calming his breathing, returning his own broad grin.

'It's a vow.'

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