Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel

3.2K 89 44
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of seductive Koyuki with chibi Izuku and Mirio.


It was the weekend for the students of U.A, thus the chance for them to put more practice on their objectives for the coming cultural festival. Which, undoubtedly, the students put all their heart and souls for this event. Band members, plus Koyuki included, continuously played the first performance without delay. Although Katsuki harshly rebuked Denki for few hiccups in their strumming, it only pushed Kaminari to do better than the last. Momo skimming over the piano notes and attempted to memorize the keys, especially focusing the notes that'll replace the trumpets in the song. Dubbing it fit for the song to become its own remix version with their twist. Thankfully, with Koyuki's help to oversee this, it was going smoothly than expected. Fumikage sat ways from the shouting ash blonde and reviewed his notebook for his keys, diligently strumming while closing out the noises next to him. Kyoko, like Tokoyami, practiced her notes for a short while before she'll announce the start of their practice. Knowing once they've done that, they'll start with the second act. With stage crew, the small group noted the set and mapped out the placements. Noting anything that'll need to add or remove if deemed impossible. Koji checking or crossing off if dance crew and or the band brought ideas to the table and they overseeing it if it's possible to proceed. Those bringing it up were Shoto and Hanta, reviewing the notes written before them, while Eijirou pitched in if they have the hands available to do so. Now with the dance crew, everyone couldn't use the gym as practice, since it was being used for the moment. Ultimately, they had to practice before their dorm. Like band members, Katsuki and Denki, Mina had to be stern with Izuku's rigid movement during the group practice. Understanding that Midoriya was a complete greenhorn in the field of dance, but was not going to be soft on her teaching. While the rest of the crew worked on their own parts during the rehearsal. Yet, class A were about to get an unexpected visitor of their life.

Leaning on his knees and panted in exhaustion from the pinkette's stern orders to repeat his steps with more fluidity without his muscles tensing. It was quite comparable to his strict training during summer camp with Tiger. Pausing at the loud mutters coming ahead. Izuku glanced up to see a head peaking out of the bushes and instantly recognizing them as his blonde haired senior, Togata Mirio. Raising his green brow in question at the sight of the Third year, "Togata-senpai?"

From the sound of the greenette's voice, Tsuyu and Ochako turned to his direction and spotted their senior as well. But it wasn't the blonde that suddenly had them stunned. A small figure with mop of pale hair peaked their head out meekly as well, before fully stepped out once their nervous crimson spotted the freckled teen. Dressed in a deep blue denim dress with metal buttons strapped over her shoulders. Under is a white button dress shirt to contrast her gown. Gripping the strap of her pink bag with flower pins decorating the pouch. Matching pink UGGs boots to accompany the bag's color hue.

Gawking at the sight of child, "Eri!!" Never noticing Mirio popping his rear out of the bush to state a joke, which sadly left in deaf ears.

Clutching her shoulder bag tightly, but politely greeted her green haired savior. "Hi, Deku-san." Shying back the moment many eyes landing on her smaller form. Flushing at the people around the three threw assumptions about the blonde beside her in the bushes. "What?! You're a father, Senpai?!" Bumping into someone from behind and glanced up to see the rugged hero stand behind her. Feeling reassurance of having the familiar man beside her.

Both girls, Uraraka and Ashido, quickly trekked to the child with bright, welcoming smiles directed towards the little girl. Tsuyu, who's actually the eldest daughter of three with two little siblings, couldn't help but speak in a baby-voice towards Eri's style, "Such stylish clothes." Which the brunette, beside the dark greenette, also complimented in a cutesy voice. "So, so, so cute~"

Defeated at everyone's focus on the little girl, Mirio stepped sadly. But Aizawa waved off the teen's downtrodden demeanor. "We got permission from the principle." Glancing down to Eri quickly, seeing them rush behind Mirio's tall figure, peaking out timidly since never meeting the rest of class A before. "We're doing this in advance so that she won't panic at school on the day of the festival--." Eri, who stood close by Mirio's side due to being in a new environment and the amount of people before her. Her round ruby orbs looked to each face, until landing on a familiar figure exiting their dorm. Sporting a T-shirt with Stitch donning in a leaf dress and red tropical flower crown, being hula dancer and red short shorts and sandals to match. Eyes lighting up immediately in recognition and glee upon noticing them.

"Mama!" Both Izuku and Shota stiffened in attention upon the child's yelp, especially if it's the intruder. Ochako and Tsuyu snapped to Eri's direction in utter confusion at their exclamation, including those around. "Wah?" Never expecting Koyuki, who perked up at the child's voice calling out, grinned brightly at the sight of Eri's small form. "Eri, sweetie!"

Thus the child left Togata's side and rushed to the young woman. Arms held out to Koyuki to be lifted, which they did and scooped the child up from the ground and in her warm embrace.

"HUUUUH?!" Many gapped at the Dragon Slayer, utterly stupefied to this news. Including those who were behind the youngest Dragneel, gawked the pink-silverette carrying the little girl in their arms. 'DID SENPAI AND DRAGNEEL ADOPT A KID TOGETHER?!'

"Dammit...Senpai tapped that--" Mineta harshly faceplanted the ground, thanks to an angrily flustered Toru. She was not going to hear the little pervert say such thing about her friend! Likewise, she quickly beat Tsuyu to the punch, seeing the girl ready to deliver a gib-slap. Mina also happily threw a proud thumbs up towards Hagakure.

Midoriya gapped at the sight of Eri in Koyuki's arm, the little girl had her arms wrapped around the mage's neck in her happy embrace. Never expecting the child to instantly leave the teacher's side so easily, especially being surround by a new crowd of people. 'So the 'Mama' was...' Eyes landing on the grinning Dragneel, as she embraced the little girl close. 'Koyuki.'

"I knew it." Jumping at the voice beside him. Glancing up to the smirking blonde, watching the two with just as confident blue orbs. Utterly confused to their statement, "Senpai?"

Nodding towards Eri's direction, "The moment Eri-chan cut herself off." Emeralds widening, memories of the child stopping and correcting herself. It instantly made sense now! Returning his sights to the two, brows creasing with question. 'Then how did Koyuki leave the school?' His face slowly turning to realization, her cloning magic.

Back with Koyuki, "How is my little one doing today?" Eager to hear how they were doing during their absence. Which the child responded the same amount of eagerness, "Good!"

Giggling at the child's response, pleased to hear this. Suddenly remembering the current time and her features turned concerned, "Have you eaten yet? Thirsty? Did they bring you snacks?" Directing her attention to Mirio, since she noticed that the blonde accompanied Eri. "Mirio, did you bring any apples for Eri to snack on?"

Chuckling, Mirio couldn't help to chortle at Koyuki's worried look. Especially if it concerned Eri's appetite, "Well, I'll get her a sandwich and juice, later."

Nodding, greatly satisfied with their response. "Alright! Hopefully Lunch Rush has some food good for her." Now turning to the child in her arms, grinning. "Can't have you only eating apples for your diet."

"Aw..." Pouting at her maternal figure's statement, but didn't complain. Cheeks taking a rosy color when Koyuki's cheek pressed to hers, giggling with Eri's reaction. The two quite naïve to everyone's witnessing the Dragon Slayer lavish the mysterious little girl with such affection. Many would mistake the mage to be the mother of the little girl with the way she cradled them and how the pale haired child called them "Mama." Including the fact both have snow white hair, although Koyuki has pink with long roots of white hair.

Ochako, at first was stunned, smiled at such adorable sight of the two. "She's like a doting mother."

Toru nodded eagerly with a growing blush on her invisible face, agreeing with the brunette. "It's really cute and endearing, actually." Finding her mage friend's open doting tremendously sweet.

"Her dream's are coming true." Tsuyu found this side of Koyuki very charming. Seeming mature, yet doting towards Eri. A young mother would surely act around their children. At the amphibian Quirk user didn't predict was Todoroki catching this, turned to the Asui, stunned. "Her dream?"

Ochako tensed slightly, shakenly glancing back to the handsome young man with a nervous smile, "Ahh..."

Thankfully, Toru explained to the bewildered teen, "Koyuki-chan wants to be a mother."

"...oh..." Actually shocked from this news. Looking to the Dragneel with mixed color eyes of surprise. 'A mother.' It was a strange concept to hear, the energetic and brash Dragon Slayer wanting to raise a child. You wouldn't expect such thing from such person. You'd expect the girl with such free-spirited personality to hope to raise children; but seeing her maternal side and her exuberant smile towards the child. It was as if he's watching an actual mother and daughter. And yet, it was a beautiful sight to him. Eyes softening, his lips pulled back into a kind smile at Koyuki's obvious doting towards the meek child.

"Ah..." Realizing their watching audience, bobbing Eri up in her arms and smiled to the rest, "Guys, this is Eri." Turning to the child, "Say hello, sweetie, they'd very much like to meet you."

Eri, overwhelmed and bashful, hid close to her maternal figure. But quickly greeted the curious and watchful students, barely mumbling out with a shy wave, "He-Hello..."

Many were moved from such adorable sight of the two, including Eri bashfully pressing her face into the Dragon Slayer's neck.

Suddenly feeling a deathly aura behind, along with someone heatedly glaring behind her head; glancing back to see Aizawa's hard and disappointed scowl. Narrowed pupils seeming to glow scarlet in his silent rage. For once, it actually made the girl feel nervous. 'Oh popper nickel!'

"We'll discuss this later, Dragneel." To this, Koyuki glanced away nervously, knowing that she'll have a heated discussion with the rugged hero. Not only them, but as well with the principle too. "Back at the topic, we're doing this in advance so that she won't panic at school on the day of the festival." Referring that they've gain permission for Eri to leave the hospital and visit the school during its celebration. Thanks to Izuku consideration for the child to step out of her solitude and have a bit of fresh air, instead of being isolated her whole stay in the hospital.

With knowing this, Iida was the first to greet the little girl and introduce himself with a curt nod, "Pleasure to meet you, Eri. I'm Iida Tenya!" Not noticing the Dark-purplish hair coming behind with a impish wave, "I'm Mineta! Look me up in ten years..." Words coming to a stop at the Ice-Water Dragon Slayer's red pupil glaring him down. When enraged, Koyuki's bort dilate and lighten to a red color. Just as her brother's eyes dilate to brown, Koyuki's are red. While she cradled the child close to her hip, an obvious vein pulsed on her temple. A clear sign of warning before the mage went berserk in her fit of rage.

Minoru, frozen in his spot, bowed his head down deeply with an apologetic voice, yet held a shiver behind it. "I apologize, Eri-sama." Yet his eyes were narrowed in fear, 'FUCK! THE SHE DEVIL HAS AWAKAENS!!'

Many disappointed scowls directed in the teen's direction. 'You totally deserved that.' Thanking their stars that Mineta didn't say anything far worse or they'll have no problem with allowing Koyuki to just kick the punk to the moon.

"He-hello..." Eri, naïve to what's happening, returned the greeting to the two with a curt bow of her head.

Chuckling at Koyuki's protective side, Mirio cleared his throat to gain their attention. "Anyways, wanna join us, Midoriya? Koyuki-chan?"

Upon this Eri turned to Koyuki, crimson orbs giving the infamous puppy eyes in her pleading. "Please, Mama. Pretty, pretty please." Bouncing in the young woman's arms in her plea. Koyuki grinned broadly, chuckling at such adorable show from the pale haired child. "With a face like that, okay."

Thankfully, everyone found it an appropriate time to rest and relax their muscles; allowing the two to join Togata and Eri around campus. Not before changing out of their regular clothes and into their school's uniform, minus Koyuki, who wanted to remain wearing her current outfit.Thus begun their little trip!

Both boys watching girls from behind, how Koyuki held Eri's hand securely. Surprisingly, even if the child was surrounded by strangers, she seemed much calmer, as longs as she had a firm grip on the Dragneel's hand. Glancing around with round curious eyes, openly intrigued with U.A students working on their exhibits for the cultural festival. It's quite relieving to see them at ease, yet Izuku found it surprising that Koyuki had such affect on the child. But he couldn't deny how pleased Koyuki look with having Eri by her side. He won't lie, it's like seeing a mother duck herding her little one close by to her side.

"I haven't seen the other classes, but they're so into it." Like Eri, Koyuki looked around to see all the rows of tools and planks that everyone brought from stores to hand-build their booths.

Mirio, understanding the girl's awe, had to agree with her. "Saturday's usually a day off, but because of the dorm system, there should be plenty of people around working on projects." Both Izuku and Koyuki hummed in understanding, since it would make perfect sense the students would use such chance to put all their time and effort on the weekend.

"Hey it's you, Togata-san!" The group paused, hearing some of the Third year students from the Business depart spotted the blonde in the group. Coming over to greet their fellow peer, but paused at the sight of Eri, who hid behind Mirio and peaked out shyly and all while holding onto Koyuki's hand. Which the pink-silverette cooed to ease the child's worries about the two. Gawking at them upon seeing this. The first to utter in their shock was the one with the protruding horn, "You've got a kid?!" Followed by their partner, "And with Dragneel!"

Izuku actually chocked on air to this assumption. Where were they getting such idea?

The two teens flushed deeply, although threw envious stares towards Togata. "Don't tell that why you're taking time off?"

Before Mirio could tease his peers any further, it was instantly shot down when Koyuki threw dumbfound look. Baffled that they jumped to such conclusion. "You two have odd ways of thinking."

Mirio bellowed in laughter at the sight of the boys blushing crimson, hearing their blunt answer from the girl herself. "Oh Koyuki-chan!" Throwing an arm over her shoulder in playful manner. "You could've played it a little longer."

"Dude!" Slightly miffed at Mirio's jest, but couldn't hold it against and snorted while the other chuckled. "Jokes aside, class I is doing great stuff this year. You oughta come check it out!" Shuffling out three flyers and handed to the three.

Mirio, skimming over the flyer and grinned at the exhibit they'll be having on their side. "This is an awesome flyer you made."

Koyuki nodded in agreement with the blonde Third year. "Very well printed and eye catching color scheme."

"Thanks!" Pleased with their appraisal, before propping their box higher and waved farewell. "See you guys later!" Thus the two left in a rush and chattered about their event for their class.

Continuing their walk, they were greeted with more booths with playful games with prizes. Seeing many students scattering and running around with arms full of tools or pieces to build their booth. Some had photo booths with props and covers to pop their face in. Statues of heroes and heroines alike around the area. Everything seemed colorful to the eye, giving it a pleasant and joyful feel to it.

"There's still a whole month to go, but this place is already bustling!" Just like the girls, Midoriya couldn't help to be in awe that many students scuttling around and putting such efforts to bring this festival to life. Yet they still had weeks before the festival would arrive. Showing just how passionate the other departments are to this very event.

Understanding this, Mirio inputted further how the departments are during this time. "Everyone's trying to one-up the attractions from last year with their usual "Plus Ultra" thinking."

Glancing down to the child, "Pretty neat, huh, Sweetie?" Gaining a quick nod from the child, returning to looking around; seeming to want to catch every detail and colorful booth her eyes could spot. Upon noticing this, Izuku couldn't help but giggle that Eri did this. Until something blinded the sun and shadowed over them, jumping back in surprise at the head of a scaled beast before them. Izuku peeped in shock at the sudden surprise and caught the little figure that leapt back in fright as well, "Wah!"

"A dragon?!" Koyuki, oddly ecstatic to this at first, until turning disappointed that it was a prop.

"Sorry dude--" The person carrying such large head peaked out to apologize the people he spook with such props found that it was duo from class A. Grinning at the sight of them, "Oh, it's Midoriya and Dragneel!" Prompting his two companions beside to look over and see them. The one who leaned over higher to see was mop of pale blonde hair and baby blue eyes that seemed to grin at the sight of them, "Wha-wha-what's this! Dawdling back here? Can you really spare the time?"

"You okay, Eri-chan?" Unable to hear Monoma's comment, since his first concern was the surprise child in his hold. Seeing it was Eri who leapt back in fright, not expecting the sudden item popping in their vision. Craning her head back, bashful that she worried Midoriya from her jump. "I thought it was the big lady who crashed down." Referring to Ryukyu, remembering her as the large dragon from before.

Scoffing at Izuku's negligence of his comment, "Oh? Ignoring me--"

"I'm not afraid to give ya a chill-pill, Neito." Koyuki threw a warning deadpan, although neutral to Monoma's constant jabs and competitiveness towards her class, but with Eri being here and exposed to the teen's quite extreme nature could make someone on edge.

"Ah ha ha ha..." Laughing nervously at first from the threat, but shook it off and threw on a snarky grin. Confidently ignoring her warning. "Your class is putting on alive show, I hear! Are you sure about that? Because believe me, class B is gonna outshine you this time!" Pointing at the dragon head behind them proudly, "Romeo and Juliet and the Return of the prisoner King of Azkaban. It's a totally spectacular original fantasy screenplay from none other than class B!!" Not missing the wizards open cringe to the mention of Azkaban. Oh how she screamed "Moron's the lot of them!" towards many characters throughout the movie. Many actually thought she had a British accent, until Pony pointed out it sounded too husky to be that dialect. Mentioning it sounded more Scottish, she even swore it sounded Greek for a moment. From the sight of the Dragneel's reaction, he grew more arrogant and laughed mid-sentences. Growing louder and louder that it had many glancing in concern to the pale blonde's mental health. "You might wanna get back to your own practice, because you'll be crying when class B blows you outta the water--" Slamming her forehead against Monoma and from the harsh headbutt caused the boy to instantly dropped into waiting arms from behind and was knocked out cold.

"KOYUKI?!" Shielding Eri's eyes at the violence, but assumed Yosetsu would be the one to knock Neito out first, since they swung back a wooden blank; never expecting Koyuki briskly walk to the blonde and literally smash foreheads with the other. It didn't help that Mirio snorted then full on laugh at the mage's excessive action.

The ebony and bandanna wearing hero threw a thankful grin towards the Slayer, "Thanks, Dragneel."

"Don't encourage her, Awase-san!" Izuku yapped in discontent to the other's response.

"At least he's out cold for awhile..." Chuckling at Izuku berate, but no one was going to lie and say it was needed to silence the vocal Neito. "But yeah, sorry, Midoriya-san. His usual handler isn't around, so he's got no filter." Swing the unconscious Monoma's arm over Yosetsu's shoulder, propping the blonde higher as to not drag them on the ground.

Instantly noticing their statement was true, glancing and looking around for the ginger haired girl around. But to no luck was she around. "Kendo-san's never been far from Monoma, though..."

"She's doing her own thing this time!" Gaining his two fellow First years attention, smirking to what he's about to reveal and the reason to Kendo's absence. "The Beauty Pageant! People pushed her into doing it." The ebony haired teen contain a chortle due to the greenette's mixed reaction of confusion and awe. Assuming they've yet heard the news that such event will be taken place during the festival. Suddenly, his ear perked up at the Tetsutetsu's voice hollering him over and returned to the three before him with an apologetic look; but quickly threw competitive grin, "I ain't Monoma, but good luck! Cuz you're gonna need it with what we're doing!"

From their declaration, the Fairy Tail mage confidently returned the response, "Ha ha! Challenge accepted, Yosetsu!"

"You bet!" Throwing his last cheer with a thumbs up towards the two class A students and dragged the body over his shoulder to the metallic haired teen, who bellowed out in laughter at the sight of Neito.

Once they left, Izuku rigidly blinked in stupor, then turned to Mirio for question. "Sensee never said word about a Beauty Pageant." Then turned to Koyuki if she knew, which she shook her head. She didn't hear such news.

Mirio only sighed sadly to himself, turning to Eri- who rushed and grasped onto Koyuki's hand once she finished her act- giving the child an apologetic look. "Sorry for exposing you to the dark side of U.A right off the bat, Eri-chan."

"Oi, Mirio, don't word it like that." Raising a brow to the golden blonde' wording, yet her lips were perked; not seeming upset.

"Kidding, kidding~" Waving her off, but continued on. Seeming to realize an important detail that concerned the pageant. "Speaking of the Beauty Pageant! I bet she's going all out this year."

"Who?" Both questioned in sync. Wanting to know who they were referring too. To which Togata smirked at the duo's confusion. Not answering their question, but for the two follow after him. Thus the two obediently followed once who glanced back and waved them to follow. Minutes later and they arrived before a door with a sign that read 'Equipment room.' And slid the door open for them to see a photoshoot happening inside. Rows of clothing on portable racks, plus shoes on layers on the shoe rack. Four people inside during the take were some that surprised the two. Recognizing them as their seniors, but the one in charge of the camera lenses and angling it was none other than Tamaki. While camera aiming towards was posing on their wavelength in a aquatic colored gown. Reaching bellow her thighs with layers reached further than the skirt. Matching heels and accessories to compliment. The model during the shoot was Nejire herself. "I'm talking about last year's runner-up, Hado Nejire!"

Upon hearing Mirio's voice, Hado perked up in curiosity and spotted the child in the midst of the group. Quickly leaping over Amajaki's head, which he found it the perfect time to look over the images. "Hey, hey, why's Eri-chan here? Weird! C'mon, tell me why? How exciting!"

"You're a runner-up in the Beauty Pageant, Hado-Senpai?" Quite surprised upon hearing the news of the Third year being runner-up.

"No, get this! Listen, listen!" Completely ignoring Izuku question, which the boy was taken aback. "I haven't won this thing yet because of this one girl!" Suddenly pouting at the memory of her defeat, but held none malicious grin in her eyes. A health competitive look in the childish Third year's eyes. "The Pageant Queen. Kenranzaki Bimbimi of Support course class 3-G!"

"W-Wow!" Finding this quite surprising to hear, since having seen the girl's...interesting style.

Tamaki, who gave the camera to his fellow peer, joined the group. "Kendo-san's also competing this year, and she's built up following of underground fans after making a commercial. So Hado-san's giving this all she's got."

"Tamaki?" Raising a concerned pink brow upon seeing the ravennette's complexion slowly turn green.

"Performing in front of a huge crowd, though... Just imagining it..." Hugging around his stomach and actually fell to his knees, groaning sickly. "Ughhhh...! Feeling nauseous..."

Concerned for her friend's health, but jumped back in shock at Nejire's excited face coming close to hers. "Hey, hey! Koyuki-chan, are you also going to join the Beauty pageant?" Her fingers curled to fists, waving them in an energetic and excited matter for more competition in this event. "I heard class 1-C of General department are sending Daisy-chan!"

Koyuki gawked in surprise till it turned to understanding, "That explains why she looked exhausted!" Having remembered of the girl walking through the front doors with Koji greeting before yelping in worry to her plopping face first to the floor. Becoming skittish and yelling about "Her soul is trying to leave!"

While the girls conversed, Mirio slinked closer to Izuku and leaned in close so none of the others heard their conversation. "Hey, hey, Midoriya-san, imagine [Koyuki-chan] entering and wearing a pretty dress." Mouthing Koyuki's name so the Slayer wouldn't know.

"Senpai..." Raising a questioning brow, yet his tone warned them to cease. Especially the growing grin on the Third years face. It only seemed to be an invitation for the golden blonde to further their talk. "Hm, the dress may be blue for her elemental theme. Maybe red for confidence and her allure." Mirio's voice taking on a much knowing tone, "Maybe green like your hair color." Feeding Izuku images of the Slayer, wanting to implement these thoughts. It didn't help that it was working.

Izuku's freckled cheeks took on a burning red glow, his hormonal adolescent mind imagining the mage wearing an forest green gown. Her gown spread out in waves of velvet green with an open slit by her thighs, revealing her long creamy leg's. Heart shaped bodice that hugged her breasts, pushing her bosoms up nicely. Koyuki would certainly be more of the fierce beauty in the pageant. Confident and powerful as the waves, radiant as the glaciered snows; the woman who'll capture your heart with just one charming grin.

Slapping his mouth in mortified horror that his mind conjured such vivid thoughts of the Dragneel, "Se-Se-Senpai!!" Not realizing his yelp alerted to the little girl standing beside him.

"Deku-san?" Snapping down to see Eri gazing up to him with curious, yet, worried eyes. Causing her maternal figure to glance back from her conversation with Hado to pause, "Mm?"

Waving off their confusion frantically, "No-Nothing at all, sorry." Praying they wouldn't question his sudden crimson complexion.

Once the two women turned back to their conversation, Mirio's cheery facade returned to the teasing one. Smirking at his junior's reddened feature, knowing he's slowly getting to them, "Do you have a preference? Hoping to see kimono or dress? Kimono for tradition of elegance and nature. Or a dress to show off her confidence and see her proportions."

Izuku really wished his senior would stop their graphic description. Face becoming terribly red that someone may become concern and ask if he needed to see the hospital.

"Sorry, Nejire, I won't be entering."

Awing upon hearing the Dragneel's response. "Aw, there goes your chance."

"Senpai." Though relieved this'll stop Mirio from further painting an image, but couldn't help to honestly feel disappointed. He did want Koyuki to enjoy herself during the festival. Was she worried that her curse marks may hinder with the audience?

"But I'm am in need of a dress for my performance." The three- Izuku, Mirio, and Nejire- perked up to this.

"Oh, really?" Smiling brightly, excited to assist her young female friend. "Do you have an idea of design, theme, color?"

"Ice-blue, almost white, bells, horns, and I'll need a veil." Mirio gently jabbed Izuku's side, holding a broad smile on the blonde's face and already imagining Izuku's growing bashful look. This all described one theme to them all.

"Oh!" Hado flushed excitedly now, clapping her hands. "Are you going for some wedding gown theme?"

Mirio accidentally jabbed his junior's side harder than intended, causing them to wheeze out in both pain and shock.

"Izuku?!" Snapping to the wheezing greenette's direction, worried.

Mirio shielded his mouth in worry, attempting hide his grin. "Oh my, the topic of weddinng has made him bashful."

'TOGATA!!' The sneaky devil used this moment to their benefit!

"Ooh~" Izuku doesn't know if he likes the pale bluenette's tone; he prayed it was curiousness and not knowing. "Well, Koyuki-chan would make an adorable bride."

"Huh?!" Now snapping towards the woman, blinking owlishly with a growing blush.

Giggling to Koyuki's ignorance, clearly not understanding what she was hinting. "Nothing, nothing~" Leading the Slayer towards a pixie haired Third year searching through racks of gown. Eri, now following the two behind, not wanting to be far from the Dragneel and clasped onto the mage's hand, who held on to Eri's as well. "But Yuyu-chan may help!"

Chuckling the moment Togata spotted Tamaki's eyeroll to their childhood friend's previous actions and left to follow after the girls. Suddenly feeling a heated stare and turned to meet the flushing greenette's flustered scowl. "Don't give me that look, Midoriya."

"Jabbing my side then throwing out the fact I was indeed flustered at the theme-- What are you even doing?!"

Playfully scoffing to this, but turned serious. "Helping out my Kohei. Cause I can clearly see he really needs a push."

"What?" Taken aback to this, Midoriya wasn't expecting such response.

"Look, you cannot just stand there and hope she'll notice your hidden affection, okay. This isn't some shojo fantasy." Softening his features upon spotting them flinch to this. "You gotta be a bit more assertive, just a bit. Don't get aggressive or you'll tick her off."


"Be confident."


Lightly bumping Izuku's shoulder and nodding to the girls returning, "Look, here they come!"

Attempting to act suave by leaning against the nearest thing, which was the clothing rack. Assuming that they've locked it into place and attempted to play the part, but only for it to roll away under his weight. Ultimately for Izuku to topple forward onto the ground. Groaning at the fall, but quickly tensed at the feet standing ahead of him; glancing up to catch Koyuki gazing down to him with a worried look and Nejire's grinning stares.

"Izuku...are you okay?"

"I-I'm alright, just...enjoying the floor."

In the beginning, Mirio attempted to conceal his laughter, but it gradually bubbled. He was completely losing his mind in laughter and he wasn't hiding it so well, not with Midoriya's, oh so smooth, response. Even to the point of bending over and hugging his cramping abdomen from the amount of laughter. Both women plus child looked to the two young men with questioning eyes. Not quite understanding Mirio's sudden laughter nor Izuku's reasoning for being on the floors. While Izuku's face flushed deeply in crimson red, 'Why me?'

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