Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Healing Starts Slow

2.5K 103 22
By aiimee9

An- My Artwork of Koyuki and Izuku.

Honestly, I'm excited for this and upcoming chapters of the story. Although things will become slow paced, seeing the next chapter and possibly after that will go into a different route; we'll see more of our heroes instead of them out fighting. I hope to read more of your comments on what ya think and constructive criticism helps too.


"...It's not fair..."

"Midoriya-shonen...?" Toshinori leaned close to the sullen greenette. Seeing they were with the rest of those who are included on the raid mission against the mafia. All wore their school's uniforms or dark clothing for the sullen occasion. The retired hero didn't want the other students to hear their conversation and slowed their walking for the others to go on ahead. Waving Koyuki on ahead, seeing the girl noticed their slow pacing and tried to match them. Although hesitant, the girl hurried by Ochako's side with the humanized Daisy following after them. Turning back to his student and successor, waiting for them to continue.

"It's not fair..." Izuku repeated, "Everything is stacked agianst her, Koyuki." Yagi patiently waited for them to explain, but felt the weight of emotions the boy was feeling for the past days. "She lost her parents, her home is gone, her brother is somewhere training and he may never know that his sister is trying to contact him." Noticing the boy's clenched fists tremble from their bubbling emotions. Including the way their voice cracked in their words, "But worst of all...these rogue wizards that follow after Zeref...they won't leave Koyuki alone!" Toshinori understood them completely, he was just as frustrated and upset these people just wouldn't cease their path to cause harm on the Dragneel. It was comparable to All For One's ambition to kill he himself. He never wanted to witness another child going through such hardships, but the burden to carry the torch of One For All came from it. However, here was this girl from another world who has an equal amount of a burden. "But not only that...Nighteye's prediction of her demise...Why does this always happen to her?!" Ah, there it was. "She never deserved such fate...why her? God, why her? Why must it always be Koyuki."

All Might knew Izuku was taking this the hardest. The retired hero wasn't going to lie; he felt useless when his friend just uttered those words of the girl's demise. Back when Nighteye spoke of his future and his own impending doom, he didn't care so much and nonchalantly accepted it his fate in the past. Thinking he must use every second that he has to continue his legacy and find the perfect successor. However, the moment they spoke of Koyuki's...he felt like he failed. He failed his student. Now he understood how they- Sir Nighteye- felt; the feeling of helplessness and anxiety. How fate liked to rub salt on an open wound.

What's more, the girl bore a demonic curse that very much is an equivalence to a virus. A cancer. Slowly, but surely, possessing her soul. Converting her to a demon than a human being.

Toshinori sighed sadly to himself. How that day frightened many


Many continued to practice and sharpened their Quirks, even with what has happened. They still needed to continue their practice. However, the sudden aura that spilt in the air wasn't something to neglect nor stomach. It was Bakugou who noticed where the power was coming from. Katsuki's ruby pupils glared heatedly at Koyuki's strange show of power. It didn't feel right. "Dispell that shit, Frozo!"

At the shout of Katsuki's voice, Izuku snapped to Koyuki's direction, stiffening at the strange dark aura around the girl. Her back facing them all, her limiters that Hatsume given around her body. The earth beneath her slowly caved from the amounts of strength and power the girl was giving. They could see the ground freezing as well, and strangely enough, sphere droplets freezing over from midair and falling in clatters; almost like a mini hail storm around the mage.

Katsuki and Izuku froze stunned the moment Koyuki turned to them with matching ruby orbs. Staring at the two intensely, almost like she didn't recognized them, before her reaction turned to recognition.

That oddly frightened the greenette.

"Koyuki...please, dispell your magic." Izuku desperately pleaded the mage, also not favoring this strange show of magic.

Thankfully, she obeyed. Her eyes even returned their onyx colors. However, the horrors just begun. Blinking at the two in total confusion, unable to understand their worried looks turned to panic. Only blinking once to see her vision blur red albeit. Gradually her vision becoming more and more red, seeing everything crimson now. Yet held confusion at Izuku's and Katsuki's faces of horror, "Izuku...? Katsuki...?"

"Oh my god!" Izuku dashed to her side, Katsuki stepping back in his shock. The One For All user cupped her cheeks in horror. Her eyes were tearing up blood, along with her nostrils and ears. Blood staining Izuku white gloves from frantically wiping them away, but more would replace the previous.

"Aizawa! Inform Recovery Girl!!" All Might ordered, rushing to the three. Just as panicked as the boys, even more so upon seeing Koyuki stare directly towards Izuku numbly. Completely unaware of her bloody situation. Thirteen, who joined to assist class 1-A in their training, order those to stand back and not crowd the three. Everyone held faces of fear and shock, unable to comprehend what was happening to their classmate and friend. Toru's gloves clasping over the other, expressing her shielding her mouth in her horror. Eijirou and Mashirao, by the girl's side, held cold sweat at such bloody sight. Tenya had to shield Ochako's sight of Koyuki, seeing the girl pale and almost seemed faint. Doing his best to keep her on her feet, along with the help of the girls who took noticed as well, even with Momo glancing back to the mage. Shoto stood frozen in the back, hearing All Might question the pink-silver haired girl to responded, but only gained a stare of confusion.

Once they rushed her to the nurses office and had her checked over, it seemed things only continued to become worse for the Slayer. "I cannot believe I'm seeing this..." The elder looked to her papers, seemingly mortified at the results. "I could be wrong, but it's the same, yet, extreme case of your powers rejecting you...or possibly the others." Muttering to herself the last part, yet the rest- All Might, Aizawa, and the two teens heard it clearly.

Upon catching this, Izuku paled- almost shivering to this news. It was similar to the times he tried to control his Quirks. But why? Why was this happening to Koyuki? Taking a quick glance to Koyuki's face, narrowing on the crescent marks around her face. He knew in his gut those marks were the cause. The moment Recovery Girl spoke once more, he saw the mage's pupils quiver at the elder heroine's firm order, "I'm sorry to say this, Dragneel, but you must not use your magic until we figure out what's going on or until we contact your world."

The girl sat silently in the cot, looking down to her lap; no emotion on her face. Yet many could see her dark orbs swirl with such defeat and sadness.

Memories of the day of the sport festival and how Koyuki rebuked Shoto for rejecting his other half of their power, saying it's comparable to rejecting yourself. This what it was. She had to withhold of herself. Feeling his chest clench at such look, Izuku didn't stop his action to reach out her hand on the mattress nor ceasing himself of clasping her hand over. Hoping to console her with what ever shape or form. Showing her gratefulness, she shuffled her hand and fingers curled around his. Yet, Izuku could feel the small tremors...

To many's discontent, no one from Earthland seemed available. No one couldn't understand why. Why was no one answering from Earthland. It put the poor greenette under great stress and frustration that no one responded; even Wendy, Levy, nor Lucy seemed to respond.

It truly saddened Toshinori to see his successor become terribly distraught. There was one moment he wished he never seen: he saw the boy silently cry. Face sheilded by their hands, silently sobbing thanks to his palms muffling his cries. And yet, Toshinori heard their heartbreaking whimpers, "...Koyuki...*hic*...Why always Koyuki...*hic*" While Midoriya hid himself somewhere secluded so they wouldn't disturb nor let Koyuki see his grievance. Sadly, not knowing Yagi witnessed the greenette's moment of weakness. It chocked up the retired hero to see and hear Izuku's devastated sobs. Especially when Midoriya deeply cared for the young Dragneel. After Izuku's attempts to have the mages here on Earth contact Earthland, only to receive no contact from anyone. Even with Daisy's help, the poor Exceed worked tirelessly to contact anyone. Even contacting other guilds, who were pleased to see the young Exceed, but cease any greeting upon noticing the girl's tired look. Quickly listening what the auburn had to say, and sadly, revealed that many of the Fairy Tail members left om either missions or someplace else. Daisy overworked to the point for Shinso to force his Quirk to manipulate Daisy to rest for an hour or more. Not fond of the girl's restless tasks, especially showing it during classes. Many of class C became worried over the young girl's health.

The young One For All user was slowly losing hope. Izuku, quite indeed, hit rock bottom. They all did...


Arriving the place of Sir Nighteye's funeral, many could feel the aura of sadness and grief around the space. Excusing himself, Toshinori went to pay his respects to Nighteye's family. Leaving Izuku to stand in the back, while his peers- who many spotted their mentors and mage partners- went to pay their respects to the deceased hero. Shira openly hugging Kirishima and Amajiki close to her form, sporting a black eyepatch on her face. The Moora twins silently nodding to Tsuyu, Ochako, and Hado; both with matching sullen looks. Matching the emotion of those here. Mirio stayed by Bubble Girl and Centipede, the newest owner of Nighteye's agency.

It was very diffacult for Izuku to even see pictures of the Nighteye. Their voice of warning towards Dragneel would never be forgotten. Not when it involved her future.

"Izuku...?" Worried on her partner's silence. Having been by their side ever since they entered the building, noticing the greenette didn't attempt to approach the casket nor their companions from the agency. It seemed the boy just, they just wanted to avoid something.

Snapping out of their own inner bubble, Izuku glanced up and met worried borts. Attempting, but failed in giving her a relieving smile, "I-I'll be fine, Koyuki. Give me a momemt...please."

Searching for any signs of something, an emotion that pleaded her to stay. But sighed to herself and gave his hand a gentle squeeze, silently giving him support. "Okay..." Heading towards Bubble Girl and Mirio. Centipede, who instantly noticed Midoriya distant form, excused himself from the group and headed towards the boys direction. Once approaching close enough did they call out to them, "Midoriya?"

"Yes...?" Honestly surprised that the man approached them, although working the same agency- during Nighteye living- they barely conversed with the other.

Reaching into their pocket from their lavish suit, Centipede shuffled out a letter and held it out for the boy, "This is for you."

Confused at this, but gratefully took the letter and thanked the person. Watching the man return towards their group. Befuddled for receiving a letter, his eyes scanned the envelope. Emeralds freezing on the symbol belonging Nighteye on the back. 'This is...Nighteye's...but how?' Hesitant at first, but slowly ripped the envelope open and shuffled out the note. It wasn't a long paragraph, but those words alone had him hold his breath in disbelief.


As both Izuku and Koyuki left the agency, heading back to their school and dorms. Once finishing shuffling papers on his desk back into their proper places and finishing the mess Izuku made of his office. Nighteye glanced to the cardboard cutout of All Might then back to their papers. Pushing up his lenses, a gentle frown on their brow. "Goodness gracious, All Might. Must you be involved with someone's love life?" Having seen through the contents of Midoriya's past and the boy's talk with the blonde hero. Finding this quite a scene with the retired hero's adamant of setting those two together. Sighing to himself in defeat, knowing once the blonde set their mind on something, they'll see it through. He might as well give the greenette a linear direction of advice. Grabbing a blank piece of paper and ballpoint pen, scribbling sufficiently and signing it.

"You care for that girl, do you not? Just as All Might said, cease your thoughts of self doubts and as well constant inferiority and comparison towards others. Do not compare yourself with others just because of those who chastise you in the past. We're all human with flaws. Another thing, keep your emotions in check, you tend to be closed off, especially with her. Likewise, it is not wrong to be a bit selfish, as is not wrong to sacrifice one's happiness for the other. So, do not lose that light you've got there."

-Sir Nighteye.


"When did he...?" It was crystal clear what the deceased hero was saying, do not lose the one who brought you such happiness. Clenching the letter close to his thundering heart; bowing his head, hiding his tears, "Thank you, sir. Thank you..." Shakenly reaching up and wiping away the growing tears against his uniform's sleeve. 'I can't let my grief and depression blind me in the present, if I do...I'll lose her.' Straightening himself, as to not bring attention onto himself. His emeralds searched around and landed on the Dragon Slayer, who stood close by Bubble Girl. 'Koyuki...I'll change your fate! No matter what, you'll see that future.' Finally, he moved from his spot and headed their way with a clear sense of purpose in his mind. Almost as if the storm of emotion of his mind passed and calmed, just from one letter alone. 'Because I want you to live! You deserve to live in happiness.' As if sensing eyes on her, Koyuki glanced up and met Izuku's.

The hero knew when to be cleverly cheeky when they wanted to.

The day after he received Nighteye's letter, things begun to finally look up for Midoriya. Someone from Earthland answered their calls.

"--Koyuki!" Daisy dashed out of the hall, spooking Koji and their pet rabbit. Quickly apologizing the teen for frightening them suddenly, but snapped to Koyuki with a relieved grin, "Porlyusica finally answered." Although receiving confused looks from many in the room. Even so, Koyuki seemed stunned to this and quickly, she followed after Daisy. Izuku, knew this was good news if Daisy finally looked relieved and calmer than ever. Excusing himself and following after the girls, wondering who this Porlyusica was. The first thing he heard upon entering Koyuki's room was an angered "Hmph!" from a woman with magenta, almost pink, color hair that's held up in a bun from strange martials that seem to be golden crescents. A large coat around their shoulders with their collar framing their tired face, but their dark mahogany orbs scowled harshly at the Dragneel, "You Fairies and their destructive tendencies."

Koyuki felt her brow twitch at their rebuke. "Wah--"

"Quiet, you!" The three- Izuku, Daisy, and Koyuki- flinched back at the elder's stern order. Honestly, Midoriya was unnerved and unsure of this woman now. They seemed less, well, friendly. But that was quickly gone the moment the woman's eyes roamed Koyuki's face and nodded to themselves in understanding, "It seems the effects are becoming stagnant, unlike the results you may compare with the other human from Sabertooth."

Instantly thinking one certain member in particular, "Minerva..." Since remembering her short time in Earthland both Sting and Rogue were on aa rescue mission for the woman.

"Human?" Joining by Koyuki's side and sitting himself on the mountain of pillows. Turning to the mage, confused at the woman's speech, especially the word 'human.'

Leaning in close to Izuku as to not further agitate the already annoyed woman, "She calls others human for her distaste for such. Even when she's human herself." Perking her lip slightly, trying to suppress a grin.

Quite surprised at this new information of the woman's character, "That's...unique."

"Although you were demonized, it's not showing normal signs. But nothing worrisome." Further analyzing the sight of the curse marks around Koyuki's face. "Your feline friend already informed me the owner of the lacrima has experience with healing magic and properties. So I'll keep in contact with them and begin the treatment for your case."

Upon these news, Izuku was unable to contain his relief, emeralds began to gradually glaze over until tears begun to bubble. Instantly, his tears spilled from their dams, rivering down Izuku's freckled cheeks. Saltly droplets hitting the floor and his back hands. Nor was he able to speak clearly without the sound of his voice croaking, while bowing towards the woman deeply, "Thank you...thank you so much...!"

"Izuku..." Shaken at the sight of her partner's outburst and thankful bow. Daisy, just as stunned as Koyuki at the sight of the greenette's action, but remained silent to all.

Stunned at first with the greenette's tearful outburst and gratitude, but quickly shook off the shock. "See to it that she remains in check with her magic. Also to inform me what ever other cases that comes up or happens. If this is all, then good day." Instantly ending their call, leaving the lacrima to dull and return to its crystal blue color.

Izuku, unable to contain his tears, he wept openly in happiness at the greatest news he's had all week. Even with Koyuki watching this worriedly. Sensing that the two needed to be alone, Daisy calmly excused herself and took the orb off the floor and left the two to themselves. To which Koyuki scooted to the boy's side and carefully reached out to the tearing Midoriya, "Izuku...don't cry." Cupping their wet cheek gently, attempting to comfort their sorrow.

Cupping over her hand, basking in her warm touch. Gazing up to her obsidian gems, lips stretched into the most relieved smiles. Causing the Dragneel to blush at such warm grin from the weeping greenette, "I'm just so happy..."

Staring into her eyes, he truly lost himself in her gaze. His heart fluttered from her gentle smile. Not one of her toothy bright grins, this was one of her rare gentle smiles. The one's that he honestly believed her eyes sparkled such warmth. The one's that made him jittery and most definitely make himself a fool at such sweet gaze.

In the heat of the moment, Izuku made a daring act: Throwing his arms around Koyuki's form. Snaking his arm around her waist, while the other cupped behind her nape. Holding her tenderly in his embrace. Causing the Dragon Slayer's face to flush deeply at their abrupt action of affection, "Iz-Izuku?"

"I'm sorry for being crudely bold, but can we stay like this a little longer, please?" Hiding his, just as flushed, face into her shoulder from the girl's sight.

Feeling the small tremors on his body, Koyuki returned the embrace; holding them closer to her body. "Of course, Izuku." Feeling his green curls tickle her nose time to time. Feeling her Ariel T-shirt dampening from Izuku's growing tears of relief. Almost becoming rigid at his soft mutters, "You're so warm, Koyuki..." Allowing her hand to reach up and brush his wild hair, hoping it'll ease his tears.

"So warm..." Izuku was entirely grateful to the elder woman. Thankful that they answered their desperate calls. Now Koyuki will get the help she greatly needed.

With Porlyusica firm direction and list to create the medicine to handle domification. Both Rebecca and Recovery Girl worked vigorously on the antidotes for Koyuki's semi-demonfication. Although they're bound to find ingredients on the list impossible due to dimension differences, both women were dead set to make a similar concoction. Test after and after test, they've seen results on the Dragneel. It was slow, but enough to ease everyone's state of mind. They've tested if the girl could use her magic once more. Both good and bad news. The good news, she was able too. Much to the Dragneel's happiness. The bad, she had a limit to it untill she coughs up blood once more. Many could guess the reaction everyone held, especially Midoriya, Toshinori, and Daisy.

A not so great deja vu.

Nonetheless, they were results and no one was going to complain. As long as they rid of those curse marks from further affecting the girl, it'll bring a greater peace for everyone.


It was already late at night and yet Izuku fallen asleep. Staring intensely upon Koyuki's sleeping face. Lips slightly open from her soft snoring. Feeling himself breakout in nervous sweat; he constantly berated himself to stop his mind wondering off. This time, it had to do with cupping her cheek-- Which mortified him at such bold and daring thought. He couldn't do that! Let alone touch her cheek with his fingertip. And yet, he did-- the latter that is. He unexpectly grew a terrible habit of poking her cheek's when the girl slept. As much as he enjoyed it, seeing her face contort in confusion or a dorky smile at the light tap. He'd slink back and cover his mouth behind his knuckles; face terribly red from his action. Although he took pleasure of her confusion, snapping awake and searched for the culprit. Only to see Izuku fast "asleep." Assuming that a ninja-like fly is in the room, she'll hide her face in the crook of his neck. Until he knows she's asleep once more, his lips bloom into a broad smile. Concealing any sound of laughter from how pressed her nose is to his neck or even the fact that she's using him as a shield from anything flying close by to her face. Finding her act endearing and adorable.

His eyes landing on the scar on her jawline, 'I wonder how it would feel?' Hesitant at first, mind screaming at him to cease this; yet, he did not stop his shaky pursuit. With feathery touches, he finger skimmed over the soft scar. Delicately fingering the healed wound, it did stunned him the fact it felt soft under his touch. Suddenly, her skin shivered under his fingertips. Suddenly, almost punching himself at his quickness, pulling back when her cheeks puffed up. Seeing her brows tremble, rubbing her face on the pillow, "Bu bu bu!" Relieving herself from the sudden ticklish-itch. Returning her previous position of sleep.

Slowly and shyly shielding his reddened face under his palms, 'To cute! To cute!' This is the third reaction he's seen of the Dragneel. Debating which of them did he find the most adorable. Smiling under his hands like a dork, almost releasing a giggle. Pulling down his hands, smiling towards the Slayer with such warmth. Reaching out and pulling the covers up to her shoulders, 'Sleep well, my Fairy...'

He finally allowed sleep to take over his consciousness.




He woke to soft tapping on his cheeks. Blinking in confusion and was met with gleaming obsidians staring intensely into his green one's. Pouting childishly towards him. Now he knew where the poking was coming from when both his cheeks were poked.


Blushing profusely in being discovered and recieving his punishment, "Uh... I--" Peeping out in surprise then bubbling laughter left his lips. Koyuki, wrapping her arms around Izuku and started her tickling assault on his sides. Wrapping her legs around his and holding him in place, seeing that his form wiggled around in his laughter. "Revenge~!" Purring by his ear.

"N-N-- Haha! Wa-Wait-- Pffft! Ah Ha ha!" A terrible habit indeed. Does he regret it? Not at all.

With his constant wiggling to escape his captor, his laughter grew in volume. However, he was on the edge; pushing forward and crying when Koyuki both bellowed in warning and latched around him. Both toppling to the ground with a thud.

"Ah..." Groaning at the fright he given himself. Yet, why was the ground soft and plump? Plump? Plump?! Snapping up only to be face to face with Koyuki; staring up to her between breasts. Her body under his. His face exploded to a darker cherry red hue from their position. "I-I-I-I'm so sorry!" Fumbling to get off, but was pulled back down. Pressing his head back down on her mounds. Her hush voice reassuring him, "Izuku, calm down."

Head pressed on her chest, even though his body was stiff and frozen. Mind going wild like a disturbed flock of birds, unable to think nor excuse himself. Well, except that one perverse thought about her breasts being so soft. Very comfortable to rest on. He really blamed Hatsume for painting the picture and damn teen hormones!

Emeralds slowly widen, he picked up a gentle rhythmic beating against ear. Yet, he slowly laxed at the strong thumps against his ear. Hearing her heart beat thrumming such rhythm. It was the most soothing thing to him, ever. Not only that, hearing her heart was a reminder that she's alive and well. Something he greatly cherishes.

"You've calmed down." Noticing his lack of resistance like before.

"I'm sorry, it's just..." Seemingly entranced and in awe at the strong beats, "I like hearing your heart." Pausing, his mind rewinding what he just uttered. Realising how intimate and bold he sounded; his face burned the brightest of reds. Still unable to move due to Koyuki wrapped an arm over his back; the other, her hand massaging his scalp. Bashfully shutting his eyes tightly; not wanting to see what her reaction may be. Possibly one that'll judge him at his choice of words.

Openly stunned upon hearing Izuku's honesty, yet Koyuki smiled brightly at this, "I see."

'Idiot! You sound like a freakin creep!' His scarred knuckles pressed to his lips. Shielding his bashfulness and shame, afriad it may have been very inappropriate. But their position is already bold enough in comparison to his confession. Frowning gently, feeling a great desire and affection, 'Although I wish she understood what that really meant...' Mentally shaking off the thought, 'No, no. Little steps.' Enjoying her gentle caress and the rhythmic heart beats against his year, 'Like All Might said, little steps.' Sighing pleasantly, smiling tiredly and allowed his eyes to flutter closed. Lulling him to actually sleep on the mage.

Blinking in surprise, actually seeing Midoriya fall asleep. Smiling, Dragneel began to hum her Mama's lullaby. Continuing her petting, as she hummed her tune. Not able to see the little content smile on Izuku. Hearing the thrums and soothing hums against her breast, a secret music only he is given permission to hear.

Another habit he now gained from that day-- but, it is more of 'they,' they both gained a habit. A habit of embracing the other while one of them napped and enjoyed their gentle caress. Which is mainly Izuku being held and caressed by the Dragon Slayer.

It seemed that Izuku's getting the endearing attention he craved.


Blinking from the bright light hitting his closed lids and was unable to neglect the sudden sunlight. He flinched from the sun rays hitting his sight; surprised to be met with a large open spaced tavern. Boisterous laughter and chattered could be heard all around from each corner of the building. But what stunned him the most was seeing a familiar blonde and pale haired beauty up ahead where the booth are. Heartfilia conversing with the eldest Strauss; both woman seem to be conversing giddily about something. Near the two women few tables down was the young Sky Dragon Slayer with her Exceed. Wendy giggling with Carla by her side, seeming to frown at the sight of a brawl between Gajeel and a dark blue haired man, along with a pinkete that could only be Natsu. Two other Exceeds entered and stood by Carla. Instantly identifying Daisy by Carla's side, holding a nervous smile at the three and their competitive brawl. But couldn't seem to put a name for the blue one.

Then his emeralds landed by Koyuki, sitting along side Wendy, laughing humorously at the three brawling men. Clutching her side at all the laughter, taking joy out of such friendly, yet, competitive fight. The greenette's lips pulled up into a greatful smile, happy to see the youngest Dragneel so happy with her family. 'She's where she belongs... Her home.' That's till suddenly a figure approached behind the girl. Catching her attention and craning her head up to the person; grinning brightly upon who it was. Rogue nodded in greeting to their fellow Slayer. Joining the four in their table, while their partner- Sting- suddenly leapt into the fight with a excited roar.

Slowly losing his relieved smile, feeling the growing ache in his chest, 'And yet...' Both pink-silverette and ravennette turned to the other. Smiling broadly towards the man, while they gave a small grin to the girl. The ebony haired male skimmed their hand over the back hand of Koyuki, until cupping over it tenderly.

His lips quivered in the dream, and as his tears spilled down his face, 'I'm so scared to let her go.' Reaching up and clapsing over his beating and aching heart. Its deep thrums seem so painful and wretching. Aching at the fact the person they hold dearly leaving them forever. It wasn't like he could just keep in contact with her. Eventually they'll al leave and have to put this adventure behind them like another chapter in a book. Honestly, that is the most saddest thing to even think of. He wanted nothing more to rush in there and be with her. Beg her to come back. To come back with him.

How greedy...

Clenching his eyes tightly. It's not easy to separate yourself from someone who's been closely been with you for the past three years. Supporting you in your moment of weakness. Encouraging you to go beyond your compacity. Challange the norm and deny those against you, for only you know your own strength.

It wasn't fair... It wasn't fair that he allowed himself to forget her birthplace in another world. He, Midoriya Izuku, was just a bystander who found the unconscious mage and Exceed. A bystander that allowed himself to cherish these two girls deeply in his life then becoming the closest of friends with Koyuki until suddenly falling in love with her.

People say falling in love with someone you couldn't have is the worst. But they never said you should regret it. If you did, you'll regret having them in your life for they, too, built your character. And having the youngest Dragneel in his life was no regret.

'Koyuki...I've never, not once, regret meeting you.' He swore her dark eyes met his own, until they returned to Rogue's. 'You're the best thing that's happened to my life.

Awakening from sudden taste of bitter salt on his tongue. Realising he was indeed actually crying in his sleep. Teary green eyes glancing up to the sleeping mage, thankful hadn't she snap awake from his tears. He didn't want to her see him in such state. 'Koyuki...I want to be selfish and beg you to stay...but.' Teary emeralds smoldered sadly, 'Will that really make you happy...? I'd be asking you to leave behind the life you know and those you love.' Her warm breaths gently fanned his face, 'Your happiness is what I treasure the most and above all.'

'Even if I can't be selfish in asking you that...' Leaning up to her face, cheeks aflame with tremendous heat. His lips gave the most feathery chaste kiss on her cheek, barely putting preasure on her skin. But just his lips touching her soft skin made his heart thunder giddily.

Cuddling into the crook of her neck bashfully for what he did. Blood rising and coloring his face from his timid character from such intimacy. Heart beating erratically in deep thrums. Even if he couldn't loudly claim his romantic emotions to the Fairy Tail mage. He'll continue to repeat his silent confessions to the girl until the day comes when he bravely announces it to her, 'Koyuki, I love you.'

Strange, he swore he felt a soft pressure on his forehead. It felt quite pleasing. Slowly, a smile bloomed on his lips at the warm sensation on his forehead.

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