Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

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Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
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A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
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Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
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Rescue Mission: Students
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Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
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Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette

2.3K 93 25
By aiimee9

An- Fanart by KonichiFuckingWa.

The moment another shot was fired, the large hero stared to the barrier, ignoring the tension and heroes behind him. "Bora...Tamaki..." Fatgum, for the first time Kirishima saw the devastation on the peppy hero's face. The moment he heard Tamaki's scream, the man wanted nothing more to attempt to bust those barriers down and aid his trapped pupils. What had his student screaming? What happened to Bora? What was going on?!

"We gotta keep moving! If we lag anymore our target will escape." Rock Lock, seeing the plump hero's lack of moment from behind, they knew they needed to move on even if they have to leave behind those kids. Something the man wasn't proud of, especially with what those texts implied. A winner must be declared? In what way must those two win?

Just anxious and worried as the hero, Red Riot looked onto the path they escaped from. Brows trembling at the memory of his senior's shrill of Shira's name. Paling from just remembering how horrific the sound the meek teen made. "Ishtar...Senpai..."

"He's right, we cannot stop." Nighteye sadly had to agree with the previous hero, not quite enjoying the idea of leaving those two behind. Not when even Mirio attempted to rescue Koyuki from the barrier and only to be rejected and pushed back. There was nothing they could do. It was practically similar to his Foresight. Unknowest to them of the taller man's frustration and the clenching of their fists. Turning to Fatgum with a consoling tone, "I'm sorry Fatgum."

Eyes clenched in frustration, Fatgum cursed harshly under his breath in defeat, "Damn...!"

It was clear to Izuku how all of these sudden events affecting the group. He felt Fatgum's frustration, especially not knowing what has happened to Koyuki. They all felt defeated and anxious, not knowing what was going on and what they could do. Furthermore, who was it that placed all these traps. From what he's seen from the first rogue wizard they've encountered, they didn't seem to show any signs of Letter magic. To his current knowledge of wizards, wizards with such magic would rely on their fore and middle finger to created spells or items to write out the cast. Debunking that they weren't the culprit. But if the one behind those barriers is the one causing all this, he prayed that Bora was well and aid Amajiki against the enemy. But for now, "No, Fatgum..." Gaining the distress hero's attention, "We gotta hold faith in them." Now turning to his red haired classmate with determined emeralds, seeing the shock behind Kirishima upon seeing such fire behind Midoriya's, "Lose it now, and they lose too."

At this, Eijirou almost gasped at this, but withhold it. Frowning in agreement, now holding the same will as the greenette. Although certain heroes in the group didn't quite fully understand the greenette's reasoning. The African American hero being the to vocal speak of this, perking a brow in great confusion, "That makes no sense, kid."

"Nah, I know what Deku means..." The Fatgum glanced to his younger pupil, surprised to see the fire in their eyes as well the grin, "That's just what Dragneel taught us."

Aizawa couldn't help the slight twitch at the edge of his lip, it seemed the girl knew what say even when not present.


Both wizards glared or smirked at the other, the tension of magic going wild within the closed barrier. Half of Shira's face covered in her own scarlet blood, while her enemy only smiled at such heated look. The moment both gunwomen flicked their thumbs both sides manifested weapons, from rows of snipers against an assault rifle, firing off rapidly. Bullets from different sides flying and shattering the other while the two women leapt at the other like tigresses, Sunny pulling out a hand gun and snapped it forward for a close shot. Shira elbowed the weapon away and actually used a different weapon for once, a black and crimson musket and aimed directly at the woman. To which the rogue wizard smirked and kicked the head of the weapon, summoning a revolver and fired at the bloody faced ravennette and only for flipped back and summon a rapid rifle at the running woman.

Tamaki and the three mafia members held their own battle, although it didn't say that their partners bullets weren't hinderance to where they stood. Especially they flew around or the enemy's bullet tried to block said bullet from killing the other. Seeing that each bullet flew and cracked walls and or destroyed the ceiling above them, revealing a strange characters; possibly another language. Nonetheless, it was a destructive battle between mages with the same magic.

'Block the bullets!' Firing more rows of musket, snapping to grab one as she ran from the raining bullets flying her way. Rushing as she fired more directly at the fedora wearing wizard, her single ruby eye glaring at the woman. Seeing Tamaki block the crystalized Quirk user from bashing his face in, using what seemed to be crab shell as his armor. Multitasking, she fired twin pistols; one for the crystalized man and at the woman. Clicking her tongue when both weapons zapped out of her clutches, sliding away from different sides that fired their weapons.

Tamaki snapping to Shira in utter concern, "Focus on her! I'll handle them!" Even with his demand, she still snapped to the Larceny user and manipulated her weapons to fire at the woman. Ticking the man off at the fact his power only slowed her for a bit and yet used him as aim.

Electric pain zapped through her shoulder blade, blood oozing from the bullet hole. Ignoring her male counterpart's panicked shout of her name, but shot the bullet zooming at the unsuspected senior. Cringing at the burning pain on her shoulder, directing her sight on the smirking woman, 'Block the bullets!' Neglecting the strain and screaming pain, continuing to fire at the rogue mage, 'She doesn't care who she's aiming at!!'

True to her assumption, many of the enemy mage's bullets were deathly close to shooting the other two in the head once or twice. Although the two were solely focused on Amajiki, it didn't stop them from throwing looks of outrage at the woman's negligence of their presence. It was only then that further fueled Shira's anger, this woman really did view those with Quirks as an inferior race could be easily killed off.

Gasping in shock from the bullet closely grazing her cheek's, leaping back and freezing up when her back met Tamaki's. Snapping forward and seeing Sunny's smug grin at the sight of the two. Nervous sweat gradually grew on Shira's bloody features, unsure how she'll protect herself and Tamaki at the same time when they're facing four with their group of two. Not realizing her form begun to tremble in fear, but immediately stopped at the calm gentle voice behind her that was once a stuttering mess, "Ishtar, please, focus on her." Tensing up in shock at the soft tap of the male ravennette's fingers against her own, comforting her fears, "I have them under control."

To this, Shira grinned confidently, "You got this, Sunflower." Thus the formation of giant tentacles swiping at the conscious mafia members aggressively from the boy behind her, focusing his offense and defense on the two masked members. These tentacles are one of the senior's special attack, Chimera Kraken. Knowing that he was able to hold his own with these two and hopefully the third remained unconscious, things will be fine.

Summoning another dark musket, Shira rushed at the woman. Once they were in close aim, the bloodied mage fired the weapon and once the woman dodged the bullet, Shira flipped the musket and swung at their head. Narrowing at their quick reflex and using their arm as shield. However, the moment she heard concealed groan, the female ravennette snapped back and saw Tamaki flew back from a crystal-like sword. His back smashing into a wall with the same crystals caging him up, coughing exhaustedly at the thrumming pain in their abdomen. Blood streaming down his nostrils, half his face bruised; since his crab armor ripped from his skin. Crying out to Amajiki worriedly, but that was cut short at the deep sucker punch digging into her gut. Including the weight kicking off the floor and harshly landing on her back, wheezing out in utter pain. Trying to regain breathing, but leather sole dug into her throat, followed by another stomping on her left arm. Unable to catch Tamaki's panicked shout, "Shira!!"

"Don't look away, Darlin'. It'll only distract ya." Twisting her foot on Shira's shoulder, hearing an audible pop. Inhaling deeply, as if taking in the teen's pained shrill.

Enjoying the boy's clear panic, smirking behind their plaque mask cockily, "We might be trash, but trash can form solid bonds." Eyes narrowing in utter glee at once Tamaki snapped his attention at the man, glaring now even with the bruising on their face.

"You'll all be arrested. Whether you beat me or not--" The Third-year would have bit out more if it weren't for the rogue wizard didn't suddenly laugh out, "Beat you!! You mean kill you!" Clapping her hands, mocking the teen for his naivety and wording. Still laughing, even with the eyes on her being. Sunny, shifted her attention while still holding pressure on the girl beneath her feet, "But I must say, you can be our first specimen." Grinning darkly, seeing such reaction Shira shivered. Unable to understand what the rogue wizard meant, but Shira knew the mention of specimen; she didn't like it at all. Even more at the cunning stare the woman held on Tamaki, "A Quirk like that...hmm~ What could the outcome be?" Trying to wiggle out of their grasp, but gargled out in pain.

Like Shira, Tamaki felt unnerved and nervous at the woman's dark glare. Tensing at the Larceny user's annoyed groan at the wizard's spine chilling words, "You people and your religion are fuckin weird."

'Religion? What are--'

"Zeref accepts all people~!" Shira paled at the mention of that man, to which Tamaki spotted her frighten look. What about this person has Bora so frightened and frozen, "Those rejected from their family, society-- the world even!" Tamaki could compare the woman to an extreme follower of certain religious groups. Especially their flushed cheeks and the strange shine in the woman's eyes, "Zeref was denounced by a god in our world for his stunning discoveries. And what happened? The bastard god was but forgotten and became nothing but a memory. How ironic!" It was there, many were witnessing what extreme and dedicated worshiper from another world looked, and it was an equivalence to someone losing their sanity. It seemed her following words may confirm such assumption, "I was but a vermin in the eyes of many, but I found my way." Nervous sweat cascading down Shira's temple, knowing this mage has lost her mind. She's heard people like this, they were completely dedicated to this dark religion and teachings, even going as far to murdering or pillaging a village. Even worse when they didn't care about the lives of their fellow family or partners or even-- "My life belongs to Zeref and his creations. Even in death, my life was worth something, to Zeref's cause."

Upon catching this, Shira shivered in pure terror; she didn't think she was dealing with people of such level. How were they here? Was it one of the things the Dragneel after? A dark guild full of insane followers of Zeref. If so, would they know how she and Darla were here?

The mystery to her and her friend's presence was many things. She and Darla only remembered a sudden bright light then a falling sensation and that they're suddenly here on Earth. So, if this group was the cause of their presence, then it really is a dire situation and she needed to get Tamaki, Eijirou, and the rest out of this place soon!

"Heh, similar to Chisaki giving our purpose." At least he and the woman had one thing in common, their loyalty towards their leader's. Although it seemed one was obsessed over a figure that was basically punished from a god, while theirs with Chisaki giving them purpose.

Tamaki narrowed his dark pupils at such show of corrupt show of commitment, "So you're hoping to be sacrificed like some worthless pawns?!"

'Sunflower, no!' Seeing the dark looks on their enemies faces, even felt panicked at the woman's lack of reaction on her, now, stoic face. Struggling more even if the weight on her throat became more and more difficult to breath, especially seeing the muscular masked member's other arm crystalize and swung with an angered shout, "A hero could never understand! Prepare to die!!"

Through the rush of adrenaline and the need to save Tamaki, Shira summoned a musket that fired off behind the woman's head. The moment the woman leaned away from the bullet, they were surprised to see another musket before them; quickly leaping away from the gun's aim. Not predicting the girl to leap at them and continue their close combat. Delivering a sucker punch directly at the woman's chin and swiftly delivering down kick at their temple.

Sunny shakenly stepped back, spitting out saliva and blood from the devastating force the mage-hero struck. And yet, the woman grinned in satisfaction, "You really care about that boy, Darlin'." Shira almost thought the world froze in place the moment she saw the woman's magenta eyes. They seemed to glow such haunting craze, even the growing Cheshire cat smile gave her these terrific chills. Snapping and mad dashing towards Tamaki's direction with a loud shrill of panic, "Tamaki!! Run!!"

Tamaki, who used the shattered crystals on the floor to blind the Larceny user and the use of his new consumed ability through the consumption of crystals; he was able to defend against his captors strength from crushing him in. But the moment he heard the female ravennette's shrilled warning and looked up to see maddened magenta's grin his direction. But it wasn't the pink glows that horrified him to run for his life and out of aim, it was the Vulcan M134 minigun. Hearing it's mechanic turrets whirls and firing off in terrifying speed with bullets pillaging and shredding the walls like they were nothing but thin paper. Following him through and leaving nothing but shredded concrete; revealing the barrier and characters more.

Not seeing the bloody terror behind him.

The moment Shira dropped to the floor, she witnessed the three men that were supposed to be the rogue wizards comrades or partners for their leaders partnership drop like rocks in the ocean waters. Tears of panic sprung from her single eye, searching erratically for Tamaki within the cloud of dust. Praying her whole being that he was safe and out of the minigun's line of sight. Almost sobbing out when she saw the boy himself rushing to her fallen body, clear panicked fear and worry on his bruised features directed to her fallen form: but Shira quickly remembered the fedora wearing mage, "Tamaki--!!"

Far too late, the head of a shotgun smashed onto the side of Tamaki's face, crashing to the ground and barely groaning out in pain, not when a leather sole dug onto his throat. The woman sneered at the teen under her foot, almost like she were disgusted at a bug they've smashed under their shoe, "I really wanted to use ya as one of our experiments, but I think killin' ya seems like a better option now." Putting pressure on his neck and gaining a gargled cry of pain from the ravennette. Almost letting out a smirk, pulling the trigger, but enraging battle cry and barreling force made her miss the boy's face by two feet.

Tamaki latched onto his throat, coughing violently for air and trying to sooth his abused lung. Shakenly shifting to see the two woman violently engage each other, fists were being thrown directly the other. Carefully evading the others summoned weapon that fired dangerously close to the others face. Amajiki glanced to the other three and to his horror, were all on the ground in their own blood. Snapping away before he could see any more of their shredded limbs or ripped body parts, stopping himself from feeling bile rising behind his throat. But completely focused on their main enemy that had no problem murdering those in cold blood.

'Shira can't fight her alone, not when she's...' Not wanting to complete his sentence, but there was another thing to dread about. The girl was becoming sluggish: Shira barely dodged a equipped rifle with a knife on the head, slicing bits of her dark hair. Grinding his teeth harshly, 'Bora-san has been holding them back and now she's trying to get their outmost attention and away from me... There has to be something to beat them!' His small pupils searching around the dark mage, analyzing, knit picking--anything!

With all his strength, he pushed off the ground and rushed at the two. Sunny, seeing this, sneered darkly and snapped her fingers, summoning another silencer. Dodging or using his acquired crystal shield to evade bullets; however, it didn't say the male ravennette didn't feel the burning pain in his arms. Dropping his shield before the woman shot through his arms, and rolled from the line of fire. Dashing around swung to club her from behind, not predicting swiftness to bend backwards and handstand. Bending around and kick Shira into Tamaki, the two rolled on the floor and harshly hitting one of the crumbling walls. Tamaki, who hugged Shira into his chest and took the whole brunt force of the wall, heaved; exhaustion and the burning pain seemed to slowly cloud his mind. His muscles screaming at him to stop, but knew if he did, he and Shira were going to die by this insane woman's hands. But flinched when the woman giggled at their pitiful forms, hearing their shoes click at each step they took.

"Sunflower," Shakenly glancing down to Shira, her form trembling slightly from each breath she took, clearly exhausted as he, "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you..." His chest clenched at the sound of her defeat and broken tone, she almost sounded as if she were about to cry. Unaware of his hands slowly reaching up and curling around hers in his larger ones. Seeming to try and ease her from her growing despair. He was not going to give up, they both couldn't die right here.

"Shira." The girl shifted, although not the right place, it still made her happy to hear Tamaki use her first name. Still not quite use to the formalities the people were educated in. But listened to his voice nonetheless, "We can still do this, together. Don't give up, please. Kirishima and your friend would be devastated."

Eijirou and Darla.

The thought of the two gave her the needed spiritual boost. Unaware of their interlocked hands emitting strange miasma of power. With Tamaki's pep talk, she knew she needed to win with one shot.

As if the two knew what to do, they held up their interlocked hands and chanted together, "Through the flames of Hell, six weapons shine through bloodshed of war: Ares Wrathful Smite!"

It was instant, six glowing rays of light glowed around the two, barely revealing summer-like color glyphs. The power emitting the six almost seem to shake the gravity around, causing the debris around to actually tremble from the amount of pressure. Releasing a beam that seemed to zap straight at the stunned woman. Clouds of dust clouded their vision of their enemy, although they could still see the barrier around; which meant the woman was still conscious. Tamaki's dark pupils searched the mage spastically, hugging Shira close. Glancing down to the girl in concern, cold terror gripped his heart; her eyelid's closed and her skin was now pale. Her chest slowly fell and rose, panicked when it stopped but thankfully rose again.

"Hu, hu, hu~" Tensing in terror, the fedora wearing mage stepped out the dust, yet her suit was completely shredded. Thankfully her clothes was still enough cover her body. But that was the huge concern, the woman was still standing even with Shira's powerful blast of magic. "Now this is far more interesting."

His form quivered and yet kept his narrowed glare directly towards the woman, who ever so slowly approached the two. Trying to manifest his tentacles to keep the woman away, but his skin wouldn't even form; quivering then receding back into skin. Revealing he, too, was at his limits. Freezing the moment Sunny crouched before them, smirking directly at the boy. Eyeing the two with a strange gaze, almost looking at them as if they were but specimens on a lab table: completely intrigued. They almost have this childlike glow in her eyes. Something that looked dangerous.

"Thanks to your little presentation, I'll let you both live." Even in his weak and beaten state, Tamaki shielded over Shira's body: turning his body and moving Shira away from the dark mage's sight. Glaring up at the wizard with such favor of warning. Smirking diabolically at such weak, yet admirable show protectiveness over Bora. Tamaki cringed at the woman's harsh grip on his hair. Forcing him to look directly into magenta glows. Glaring directly into smirking one's, "For now, that is." Dropping him to the ground, watching the woman leave through the door from the opposite the other left through. Quickly realizing the barrier was now gone, releasing them from the trap.

His eyelids slowly fluttered closed, until snapping open, 'I have to stay awake...' His suit becoming damp from Shira's blood; her bullet wound still pouring scarlet blood. Pushing his body off the wall, falling back, but still pushing himself up and cradling Shira against his chest. Carrying under her and pushing the two up, pushing his screaming legs to move. Listening his own breathing with each step he took, 'Shira's...losing so much...blood...' Leaning on the walls for support as he continued his track to the surface, leaving behind trail of blood. Was his or Shira's? He didn't know. "...I...have to...--" Almost tripping due to exhaustion, but persevered through the pain. "Save Shira...!" the more he traveled through the underground halls, the more he could hear voice of police officers. 'Please, Shira, stay alive!' And, indeed, there were officers rushing through the hall. Spotting the injured two, ignoring their voices of concern and trekked through. Leaving one of them to assist them and for the others to rush down and continue their assault. Nonetheless thankful for the person's assistance and concern, he couldn't seem to allow them to carry injured girl. Determined to carry himself and get her to safety and as well help. He needed to save her! He had to save her!

"Why do you call me that? 'Sunflower?'"

"Which ever direction you face, it's where the sun shines. I guess you could say, you're the flower that knows where the light is."

Tears cascading down his beaten face, ignoring Bubble girl's worried voice or even what was happening outside the mansion.

"I still wanna hear you call me 'Sunflower.'"


Koyuki shakenly peaked her eyes open, seeing nothing but yellow blurs and dark spots. Although there was movement that seemed be forming bubbles, until realizing those are indeed bubbles within her vision. Confused, then panic filled her mind; snapping her eyes completely open. Meeting an oddly familiar face. Where had she met them?

They smirked darkly at her, revealing sharp canines in their grin, "Well, morning there, lil' abomination."

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