Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
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Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
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Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
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Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
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Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
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Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
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Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
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The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
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The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
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Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar

4.1K 130 18
By aiimee9

An- My artwork of Shira!

As many Marvel fans may know, the great Stan Lee has passed away. though he will be tremendously missed, the man lived a good 95 years of his life. You'll be dearly missed.

Late in night of Japan, two mammoth size villains fought the other with such malicious aggression. Their violent actions and shoving destroyed concrete apartment buildings to the ground. Those in the district shrilled and cried in fear from being crushed by these two Quirk users.

"A fight's broken out between two villains! Both have Gigantification Quirks!" Radio an officer, leading residents out of the scene of the fight, "Their fight's threatening to destroy all of Espa Avenue. Get some heroes here on the double!" Quickly noticing a figure fly in close to the raging two. Their modified gantlets powering up with energy, swirling around her compartments, "Charging complete. Output level 30."

Snapping both gauntlets towards the unsuspecting culprits of Gigantification, "Nejire Wave!!" The energized power smashing them to topple over from the canon of energy. Until black ice coated their bodies and held them down, "What?!"

"Goodness gracious," Muttered a voice, wearing a black vest coat and baggy jeans with belts, along with the traditional Shiketsu cap. Dark shell of ice around the citizens behind him, "Such rudeness towards these poor innocent civilians and you both have the audacity to fight in the streets."

"Hey, hey, why're you fighting? Is it cuz you both have the same Quirks? Kinda weird." Chirped questionably Nejire, floating in midair with a bright grin of naiveite. The oohing at the male bellow, "Hey, hey, Moora-kun, why's your ice black? Is it your magic--?"

"Hado, focus please." Calmly requesting the light bluenette, even smiling up to the heroine with such serenity that's surprising to some. Especially the situation around.

Humming, then smiling up towards another direction, "Now! Do it you two!!"

Finally noticing the tremendous amount of debris floating above them all, two certain figures standing on top of the debris, "Ultimate" Chanted the two girls; Tsuyu slapping the broken concrete debris towards the two, while Ochako clapping her hands and releasing the gravitation, "Meteor Fafrotskies!!" Crashing the concrete around and on top the two, nailing more to the ground and knocking the two unconscious.

Acting quick, the male bluenette flicked his wrist which conjured a dark slide of ice for the two to slide down from their descend. Gliding down the ice and hopped off to the ground safely, both first years grinning to the other at their success. Then nodded in thanks towards the male wizard, to which Charles tilted his cap in acknowledgement of their gratitude.

In the beginning, both U.A first-years didn't expect to encounter nor be working with the Ice God Slayer-- Yes, Charles Moora is the Ice God slayer, while his twin sister being the Water God Slayer. At first, they expected to see his sister to pop out and use her silver tongue, but discovered she's working in another agency. In which it was the agency both Izuku and Koyuki are working under...the irony for the two. Even so, the wizard is very much a gentleman and patient. Seeing that Nejire had a knack of asking plethora of questions, especially when the young man is from another universe as well and having a different form of mage than Dragneel's. So, he took her raining questions with stride and a kind smile.

Present time, the police surrounded the two giants while the heroes that handled the scene regrouped with their mentor. A woman dark fins spread behind her head like long ears. A scaled headband with claw-like hairpiece held her dark hair back and concealed her right eye. Wearing dark scaled Chinese dress with slits by her thighs. This would be the number nine hero on the billboards, Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu. The youthful woman awaited her students with a welcoming smile, and the first to greet was none other than Hado; who chirped giddily to the two U.A girls, "Nice. Really, really nice. Were you two nervous?"

To which Ochako grinned brightly, the opposite to the female bluenette's question, "We did it just like you said!"

Nodding in agreement to her partner, "Kero! I wasn't worried at all, surprisingly."

Pleased with both their responses, "You're both as good as Nejire said. I can see why she recommended you two. And good job improving on timing the attack, Nejire." Then turned to Charles, "You as well, Moora-san, you're quite quick in your actions in both defending the people and against the two culprits."

Feeling bubbling pride in their accomplishment and success, as well the compliments from their mentor. Both Ochako and Tsuyu bowed in respect towards the heroine, "Thank you so much for hiring us." Charles, though not bowing, placed his hand over his heart and nodded in gratitude, "As these ladies have said, I thank you as well."

"Yes, of course." Smiling at their open gratitude towards the woman.

"Ah!" Hado perked in realization and pointed out to the heroine, "Ryukyu, didja know these two" referring to both Uraraka and Asui, "couldn't work with their old internships heroes? And as first-years, they could only work at a really accomplished agency. Did you know that?"

Charles, having not heard of this, raised a brow in question, 'That's quite difficult for those who may not have the same luck of gaining the internship.'

Nodding at Nejire's rows of information the school has done for the first-years; ever since the constant villains attacks from the League of Villains, they've taken extra precaution. It was a miracle the school even allowed these students from class A who have become the constant targets and the one's involved. However, even if these are U.A students and the school has taken lengthy precaution for their students, it didn't change the fact they shall be treated like heroes during this work study: both U.A and Shiketsu, "You may be students, but you're already showing great promise as fighters during this work study. You may even prove helpful for a certain case."

"A case?" The brunette of the group seemed awfully intrigued at such vague topic of case.

Narrowing her golden orbs, "All Might's former sidekick, Nighteye, has requested help."


In Kansai Region, Esuha city. Building full of shops and restaurants all around for those who hunger entertainment and food. And there is just one person perfect enough to walk these parts with their three students following behind. The hero towered the three in height and width with their round form; carrying metal tray of Takoyaki on hand and the other plucking one by one from the tray, "There's no shortage of trouble from gangsters and street punks lately!" Munching onto the snack and swallowing the treat, "Makes me hungry as heck!" The hero in yellow suit and white mask along with texts of F on both sides of G. This man is the BMI Hero: Gat Gum. "Which's why hero agencies round these parts are in need of good fighters. You both were perfect for the job, Red Riot, Ishtar." Glancing back to the two new recruits; Kirishima Eijirou, also known as Red Riot. By him is dark haired ravennette, the right side of her hair shaved, leaving her to pull her hair to the left and concealing her dark eye. Even if her hair concealed half her face, it didn't hide the fact she had an attractive face. Wearing a black long sleeve with buckles strapped to her shoulder, along with black military baggy pants and combat boots. Rolling the lollipop stick between her rosy colored lips.

Happily grinning his sharp canines at his mentor, enthusiastically smashing his fists together for what's to come, "Happy to be here!"

Smirking up to her mentor, is Shira Bora and also known as War Hero: Ishtar, pointing her chest with her thumb, "You can count on me, boss man." Pleased to hear the enthusiasm from his two young students, "Fourth kind couldn't take me on, so I sure am glad you both were able to!"

Not forgetting that there is a fourth member within the group; though they were much slower, seeming hesitant in joining the peppy group and mumbled under his breath sagely. Something about "...Mirio..." and "how aggressive you are." Until suddenly reacting exaggeratedly at the hero's choice of speech for the third-year behind them, "You'll make a fine team member too, Tamaki, once we do something about that fragile psyche of yours!" Clasping over his heart as if in great pain from Fat Gum's "insult." "That sort of pressure sends me spiraling even deeper." "It's always like this. I swear he scouted me just to have someone to torment. It's an abuse of power. I wanna go home!"

glancing back at the male ravennette, who's wearing a white cape with their hood up and shadowing over their eyes, purple and black protectors over his chest, shoulders, and along with pouches. Smiling reassuringly to the Quirk user, "Oh, he's just looking out for you, Sunflower."

Straitening up like a plankboard, face slowly taking on shade of scarlet from her nickname for him and not his hero alias. Pulling at his hood and slowly pulled down to shield his reddened complexion, "Mmm...hmm..."

"Yeah, like Ishtar said, he's just encouraging you." Agreeing with the mage's words, though he too, shoulders straightened and face coloring pink at her chosen nickname for him, "See, even Sweet Cheeks agrees with me."

The first day he properly met Shira, he didn't think the girl would remember him-- though not by name.


"Ahh! It's you!" Jumping back in surprise once the mage spotted him in the entrance of Fat Gum agency, the girl about to enter and request for mentorship with the hero here. Wearing their female sailor suit, the same that Hana wears. Well, they and the other girl, Darla are in the same all girls school.

Tapping her temple and biting down her stick, trying to remember something, "Gosh darn it, I wish I remembered names..." Furrowing her brows in complete concentration, though it seemed very comical. Puckering her bottom lip and having her lollipop stick pointed up and pressed to her nose.

Eijirou was quite surprised in seeing one of the mages from the Provisional exams once again; yet, also surprised in being recognized by the girl, "Oh, I'm--"

"But I remember you as the one with the darn cute smile." Shaking her head in self-disappointment in her forgetfulness, neglecting the fact the red head is sputtering at the compliment, his cheeks taking on a pink hue.

Snapping her fingers in excitement, grinning brightly towards Kirishima, "I know, I'll call ya Sweet Cheeks!"

"Wah?!" Stepping back in surprise, while his face burned red at their blunt declaration.


Ah, yes, having the bold girl was almost having Koyuki. Though the fact Shira isn't the same level of energy as the Water-Ice Dragon Slayer and had a bit of a temper when some folks act rude. He's learned that when some villains have thrown snide remarks towards Tamaki and can act quite terrifying. Speaking of Tamaki, the way he gained his nickname was through his hero alias. The girl wasn't quite, enthusiastic with his hero name and bluntly stated "I'm calling ya Sunflower, because you remind me of the sweet flower."

Yeah, the third-year couldn't say those were insults when they were straight up compliments; which he couldn't handle on mission when she throws her nickname for him. Becoming this timid whimpering mess that hides under their hood.

Were all mages this bold?

Kirishima may even have to agree. This is the second person- mage- who's thrown such bold compliments at him. though strangely enough, he's never felt this a bit timid or tongue tied at such kind compliments before. How strange.

Back in the present, Amajiki peaked under from his hood and barely muttered out with a shy stutter, "I-I'll never be as cheery and positive as you two or Mirio."

Kirishima, frowned slightly at the male ravennette's blandly putting themselves down. However, even the red haired hero couldn't help to even sympathize with his senior, "I know how it feels, man. There've been plenty of times when things're bad and I'm totally useless." Thinking back the times he couldn't run out and save those in need, such as his friends during the invasion in summer camp or when he's been saved by friends. He felt like he's a burden that's in the way of other. How was he going to be a hero if he felt like a burden than a hero, "It feels like my classmates are getting stronger and gaining experience, leaving me in the dust. 'Swhy I wanna close that gap and stand as equals with 'em!"

Both young heroes flinched when arms wrapped around their necks and pulled close to a form, "Aww~ My boys, Sweet Cheeks and Sunflower, needs some lovin'." Turning to look at both boys, neglecting the fact it really made them react in their own respective bashful ways.

"Hmmm mm m mm!" Amajiki, pulling down his hood and hiding his reddened complexion from the Gunner's words.

"Ah ha ha, thanks, Ishtar..." Glancing away, not expecting them to boldly say that nor wrap their arms around them and pull them pull so intimately. Ah, yes, those from Earthland are quite the strange people.

Fat Gum could only chuckle at his students behind him, the mage was a great addition to the group. And honestly good for Amajaki's constant self demeaning, the girl could come off a flirt and yet didn't mean no harm and threw kind and encouraging compliments. The group suddenly snapped from their joyful naivety from the cries of fear, "It's a fight! Someone help!!" Which the BMI hero frowned at the broken peace, "Speak of the devil!"

The three, both U.A and mage, became serious and followed after their mentor; who rushed ahead to where the shouts and supposed scuttle is taking place. Quickly noticing that many of the figures dispersed once someone shouted and spotted the group who may or may have not instigated the fight. Signing for the three to stand back while he, Fat Gum, charged at the approaching group and restrain before they harm any bystanders. In which, their forgetful downfall of not paying attention to what's ahead and not noticing the towering man and smashed into plump-like form, "Not so fast!"

"It's fat! Shit, we're sinking in!" Panicked the men, seeing that the fats of Fat Gum's body is indeed absorbing their forms into him. Which the man chided out, "That's Mr. Fat the sinker to you!" Snapping to the zigzagging form escaping his clutches, glaring in shock that another held the same Quirk as a certain ninja hero, "Hey, you have the same Quirk as Edge!"

the face painted gang member smirked at first at their swift escape but did not expect the third-year hero morphing his hand to tentacles and whipped them at the tightly in their clutches. Crying out in utter shock at the aquatic animals tendrils that belonged to the male ravennette, "Where'd this stupid octopus come from?!"

At first, Tamaki seemed unfazed, dark slits narrowed at their suspect, until he flinched with a meek whisper, "So cruel..."

"I don't think he was insulting you, Sunflower." Pointed out the mage, seeming slightly concerned for the teen's mental state of taking things as personal insults. Which she wasn't alone on this, "Like Ishtar said, he just means your tentacles. It's not an insult." Kirishima pointed this out as well for his senior.

Shaking off the hesitance and snapped his hand back and pulled in the man, manifesting something large and round on his other hand; slamming the object into the gangsters chin. Knocking them unconscious from the powerful force. To finish it and make sure the man wouldn't use other tricks, a bird-like claws entrapped him down to the ground, "Clams sure are handy, good on offense and defense... That's why I try to eat them every day."

Revealing the third-year hero in training's form, His right having moving tendrils from consuming Takoyaki, his left sporting the clam shell from eating preserved clam foods, and the last one the claws along with the wings from ingesting fried chickens. Glancing nervously at the flapping wings behind, "Didn't need the wings, though." Revealing his Quirk as Manifest, whatever the user consumes, he's able to conjure parts of his body.

Impressed with their senior's abilities and control on their Quirk, though for the mage it remined her of wizards having Animal Takeover magic, minus the consumption part.

Glancing up to the two nervously, "I...did good, didn't I...?" Trembling slightly, still not adapted to being focused on by others.

Smiling brightly down at the male ravennette and Quirk user, "You bet, Sunflower."

"Yeah, awesome! You're a beast at whipping out your Quirk all Quirk-like..." Bonus points for Kirishima to even compliment, even if his sentence could confuse these poor individuals.

Silent shy whimpers coming from the older teen, not quite use to honest and kind words from them. Shrinking even more when Fat Gum threw his two cents and proudly announced, "My little Suneater's already as good as any pro when it comes to his skills! Even if his psyche still needs work." Followed by the crowds, who were watching the heroes do their work of handling the troublesome gangsters, cheering out giddily at their successes. However, amongst the crowd was a single gunner, enraged and upset that people cheered at the capture of his fellow gang members. Fat Gum, noticing the glint of a weapon and knew it was aimed at them and bellowed out in warning, "Look out! Get down!"

Sadly, unable to react in time, both Tamaki and Shira were shot in the arm's. Shira hissed out in pain and at the surging fires suddenly filling her veins. Whatever shot her, it was affecting her magic violently and her own magic was becoming hostile at whatever is evading her system. Notice it was reacting negatively when her once black as night orb turned red and seeing the target icon in her pupils. Hair shuffled and revealed her other scarlet orb. Crumbling to the ground and curled her fingers, clenching them into fists.

"SHIRA?!" Panicked Tamaki, unable to understand why the bullet didn't affect him than his female partner. Crawling to her hunched side and threw himself over her when he heard the shooter cry out cheerily, "Run for it, Onii-chan!!" Firing off another shoot, which Kirishima threw himself before the two and took the shot and his head snapped back from the force hitting his temple.

Knowing that the police that arrived and will take care of the remaining members, Fat Gum charged in worry for his disciples, "Suneater! Ishtar! Red Riot!" Though no one predicted that the hardened Quick user blocked the bullet from both harming the two behind nor himself. Causing it bounce off and snapped for with an enraged glare for his wounded partners behind, "You're mine!"

Panic spread amongst the crowds of people, shrilling out that the heroes were shot and noticed the gunman amongst them all. Evading from getting harmed and ran away.

"It didn't hurt like it should've, but it's doing something to Bora-san!" Holding the quivering girl against his chest, her angered and pained groans could be heard.

Glancing back to the two, holding a concern frown at the mage, "You're really okay?" Unsure if the bullet didn't affect Tamaki in some way, not when Shira's literally shriveling in pain.

Ticked off and enraged for his junior's pain, Tamaki snapped to where the slightly confused yet smirking gunman was. Flicking his wrist in their direction, "Octopus is just the thing to nab you!" But something unexpected happened, nothing conjured out of Tamaki's fingers; if anything, his skin wouldn't morph. Both Surprising then turned to complete horror. While the third-year panicked, Kirishima dashed after the gunman, who's successful glee turned to panic; running from the following heroes.

"Wait, not so fast! Move hastily and it could backfire. If you're okay, Suneater, then take care of Ishtar and the things here! Other heroes should show up soon!" Intending to chase after Red Riot and the escaping gang member. Moreover, they didn't expect his student's response, "I'm fine, but my Quirk won't activate!"

Snapping back at the male ravennette in horrendous shock, "Is Eraser around here?!" Shaking that off quickly, "Just wait, Suneater!" And ran after his other student.

Hesitant, but looked down the girl worriedly, "Bora-san?"

Cracking an eye open and threw a strained smile, "Don't worry..., Sunflower... I'm fine." Receiving a sigh of relief from the male ravennette, standing up and pulling her up; though timid upon having lean onto his side, he wasn't going to push her off when she's obviously hurt. Seeing the police cuffing and restraining the gang members; lining them up by their cars. Assisting Shira and leading her to the police, but the mage muttered she can walk; removing her weight from the boy. Both turning to the police officer who came over to give his thanks to Amajiki, "You really helped us out here." Referring back to the gangsters behind them, "This gang's been selling illegal drugs and goods. We've been looking for a chance to catch them."

Nodding in understanding, but narrowed in suspicion at the group, "So whatever's keeping my Quirk from activating and for Ishtar to react in such way must be of your illegal products then?"

Only to receive a snide glare, "Go to hell."

Which irked Shira at their remark and strode in front of the group with her own glare, "I'll gladly take you gentlemen there, though it's quite" Summoning a 50 caliber sniper her hands, cocking it and hearing a spine chilling sound from the weapon and as well something you would hear a canon powering up. "dark and ghoulish." Blinking her dark pupils and revealing reddened orbs with a scope target in her eye's. Narrowing onto their forms, they swore they could hear "Target locked!"

"I have the right to remain silent!" The members were suddenly huddled inside the cop car, trembling in fear at the show of hostility.

'Well, that spooked them...' Many of the cops thought nervously, who wouldn't shrivel away in fear at such look and the hostile military weapon. "Anyway, leave the rest to us."

"Right..." Nodding agreement then turned to Tamaki, "Sunflower, I'm gonna run after the escaping culprit."

"But they're probably caught by Red Riot and Fat Gum. Besides, we don't know what that bullet did to you." Not quite understanding why the girl still wanted to run after the last member, he doesn't know if the mage is able to keep up after them.

Smiling to herself and marched a distant from the police and third-year, glancing back to him, "The hunter is never far from their prey." Snapping the weapon to aim the ground, firing off and sending her in above the buildings; firing behind her to blast after the gunman that shot her and Tamaki. Flying through midair, whizzing in top speed, hearing the winds whistle by her ears. Noticing an area heavily damaged and barely new from those scrapes. Narrowing upon seeing the escaping figure shooting themselves off the ground with elongated blades pushing them off. Clicking her tongue and pulled back her weapon, flipping them over to use it like a club. Neglecting the fact fat Gum about to corner the man, but only to see his female student smashing her gun behind the man's spine and denting the ground from her force.

"ISHTAR?!" Completely surprised at her arrival.

"You da-damn, bitc--" Cursed at first, but froze at the head of the weapon aimed at his face. And the red glows holding it, "I may be stuck in this world, studying to be a hero; but it doesn't change the fact I'm still a bonafide wizard at heart." Biting down her lollipop stick, "And also a hunter. You can run and hide all you want, but learn this buddy." Cocking the weapon and orange-red glyphs appearing behind her, manifesting two more 50 cal. weapons, floating in midair, "I'll hunt you down, and the hope of escaping you believe will always be the rush I crave to see, until you realize you're never far from my sights. So get this bud," Narrowing her crimson orbs, "Don't you dare shot that lazy shot at me nor the people closes to me unless you want to become the hunted."

Fearful shivers went down those who've heard the mage gunner.

Furthermore, the two Quirk user heroes didn't expect the man to shakenly put his hands behind his head; submitting to the mage. If anyone could see the man's face, their eye sockets popping out in fear and their face sweating in terror. They just knew that the girl actually meant and promised it. From their magical aura and weapons floating beside her.

However, these two agencies shall be apart of something beyond their expectations. Something cruel awaited them. And from what Fat Gum and the police have collected, they'll know it's something far sinister and inhumane.

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