Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

aiimee9 által

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Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... Több

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Provisional License Exams: Rescue

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aiimee9 által

An- My artwork.

"Terrorist have launched a massive attack!" Many flinched at the voice blaring through the intercom, "There's widescale destruction throughout the city. Buildings are collapsing and people are injured!" Both Koyuki and Yuki snapped up to the opening ceiling, "With most of the roads out of commission, rescue and relief squads are having a hard time reaching the scene! Until they arrive, it's up to you heroes to take charge and rescue civilians." The moment the walls touched the ground, the Dragon Slayer twins were off without hesitation, "Save every life you can!!"

Not realizing she had a group following behind her without a second thought, but her classmates noticed quickly. Ochako and Eijirou recognizing them as the wizards that fought Koyuki, 'They're still after her?!' Yet they didn't hold smirks nor smiles of excitement, but seriousness at the situation before them.

Hana narrowed her magenta orbs at the disaster, memories of her younger-self shaking in fear; the city was under attack mythical creatures that were assumed dead, but were suddenly appearing. But did caught sight of a certain silver haired mage, that she aspired to be, rush into the battle with no fear, but resolve to fight against these beasts, 'It's not close, but ut reminds me of that day...'

Yuki glanced back with narrowed azures, unsure why these mages followed, "If you're planning to fight us, do it another time. We're in the middle of a faux disaster and must be taken serious."

"So cool!!" Rebecca squealed at the clone's seriousness for this test, even if it was just an act for the students to take serious towards the disaster.

Shira smirked, admiring the maturity they- the silverettes' held, "Nah, we're just following a fellow mage; hoping we get some guidance." Rolling the sucker in her mouth and admitted with a tinge of embarrassment, "I don't have the experience to proceed with disasters nor attacks..."

The God Slayers nodded in agreement, Charles speaking on his and his sister's behalf, "We've seen you and Fairy Tail during the GMG and the sudden attack.

Koyuki glanced back in surprise, before turning back ahead, 'They're just kids.' She could imagine them seven years younger, following behind her, 'They're following me because I'm basically a veteran in their eyes...' Smiling gently, 'I'm glad I can give some guidance to the younger generation.' Snapping ahead with a broad smile, "All right! If you wanna pass this and make things go smoothly, follow my orders! We got ourselves injured people and we have to assist as many as we can!"

Receiving strong cries of "Right!" She could feel the smiles on their faces. It is if they were not just watching Fairy Tail in their work, they were apart of it-- As if they were apart of Fairy Tail and they were a team with the Snow Fairy and Siren.

Shira and Koyuki quickly spotted a waving arm, the ravennette pointing it out quickly, "An injured citizen spotted!"

"All right!" Sniffing around deeply, snapping back to the group, "There's more close by the area, though it really reeks of chemicals, they're heavily injured." Pointing where she located the scents coming from, "Assist and be mindful of their mindset- they're hurt and scared- so calm them as best!"

Rebecca pushed up her lenses, "Siren! I have knowledge on healing magic, please bring the injured to me."

"You heard her! Let's go!" With that they split up and begun their mission as a team.

Koyuki and Yuki rushed to the waving arm under the rubble, 'How and why the hell did this actor or actress go to such length to do that?' But shook the question off and called out, "Don't panic, we heroes are here!" Yuki joining in to calm the person while Koyuki felt the area, incase any movement of the rubble from collapsing on the person under, "Stay calm and I need you to talk to me while my sis removes the rubble from you, can you do that for me?"

"Ye-yes..." Stuttered out a shaky voice, sounding elder and masculine tone.

"Good, good." Pleased at the response, Koyuki quickly got to work and removed the heavy load; with Yuki talking to the man, it wasn't long for them to dig them out. Yuki assessed the man's injury, "Do you feel any pains, something broken?"

The man, an elder in his early seventies watched the two silverette, impressed at their skills on handling a citizen under rubbles, 'It seems they know how to handle the situation well.' Returning to his act, cringing and whimpering out, "The rubbles crushed my left leg, I think it's fractured."

"Alright, we have someone who'll check on your injury. Can you tell us if you were with someone? Family, friends, spouse?"

"Yuki." The clone glanced to Koyuki, sniffing around the area once more, "He's the only one in this area, but someone has a similar scent as his. Must be child or grandchild, but the others are handling that right now."

Unable to hid his shock at the quick assumption and how the mage assessed the situation, 'All of that from smelling the area and myself? Amazing!' Even if the elder has seen this Slayer on news and has fought villains for fun. The man had to admit, she was stunning in what she did best.

Turning back to the man with a calming smile, "Okay, I'm going to carry you, are you alright with that?"

"Ye-yes." Receiving another broad smile from the girls, "Don't be afraid, alright."

"Yeah, we're here now." Both syncing now, "So we may be selfish, but, can you give us a brave smile?"

It seemed they didn't know how encouraging and warming they are with others, the actor couldn't help it; their lips perked up with a smile, 'This girl, she just may be a grand heroine...'

Thus carrying the man to where Rebecca waited, Shira and Hana arrived with a "child," being piggyback on Shira's back; sporting a bandage wrapped around their forehead. The ravennette seemed irked, that is till they heard the actress yap off, "Where's my Mama? I wanna see my Mama!"

"Don't worry, Kiddo. We'll find her, we gotta make sure you're okay first, can you wait for a tinsy-winsy bit?" Even if tried to pretend the actor as a child, it still irked them to hear them play the part of a blabbering child.

"Alright, the God Slayer twins have yet arrived, but let's hurry. The other examinees have set up a safe ground for the injured." Understanding this and quickly brought their injured to the girl. Though confused what they were planning, the actors watched with interest.

Removing her lenses, eyes closed till they slowly fluttered open; revealing green glows. Scanning their forms with such swiftness, before shutting them and placing her lenses back on. Holding up her hands towards both actors, their forms glowing from the flow of magic. Both flinching in surprise at the action and feel of the flow from the girl, 'What is this?!'

"There, that should do it!" Smirking at her work, even though the blood was fake; he rid any pains and stress their bodies seemed to show. Which the elder noticed, openly showing his shock, 'She didn't make any contact on my body, but she healed what ever my body held...' Watching Koyuki talk to Shira and Hana, Rebecca pointed where the safe point the other where, 'Amazing...'

"Rebecca, go find Crystal and Charles, aid them whatever you can then meet up at the safe point." The auburn nodded dutifully and rushed off to where the God Slayers ran off to the last time they saw them. Turning to Shira and Hana, "You two head to the safe point and take this gentleman." Hana gently took the elder in her arms, indifferent to the weight, "We'll rejoin you once they're safe."

Nodding to them, watching them run off, Koyuki turned to her twin, "Hey," Yuki, seeming surprised at the nervousness the young Dragneel held, "Can you still fight?"

Blinking in surprise, before smiling reassuringly, "You don't need to worry about me." Stepping closer to the girl, pressing her forehead, "You are me and I am you, though you're to nice in seeing me as a sister; I'm still a clone."

"And I still hold the same response, I'll always worry."

Chuckling with a broad smile, "Let's do this." Stepping back and brought up her fist, Koyuki joining and pressed her fist to her clone, "Yeah, let's do this!"

At this, an explosion went off and shook the ground beneath them; snapping to where it happened. Azures widening in surprise upon seeing the Killer whale looking hero, yet seeming malicious with their eyes. Though he seemed to dress formally, with the inclusion of a dark cape behind.

"What's Gang Orca doing here?" Both hearing the intercom once more, "The villains have shown up, and they're on the move! You hero candidates on the scene will suppress the villains incursion all while continuing the rescue operation."

"Yuki." Nodding at Koyuki, smiling, "When's the last time we did a Unison Raid?" Smirking at the other, rushing to where the examinees rushed off with the injured while few- such as Shoto and Inasa tried, key word tried, to fend of the hero and his sidekicks. If they didn't allow their resentment and annoyance for the other get in the way, they may have stopped few of the sidekicks from passing through.

Clicking her tongue, "We gotta hurry and stop those from passing!"

"Koyuki!" Azures snapping to where the voice came from, seeing Hana rushing towards them; scissor blades drawn, "They're evacuating the injured, but those fools are making it difficult-- I don't think they'll work with the other." Joining them on the run.

"Yeah, that Inasa guy doesn't seem to like Shoto and his family." The clone rolled her eye, "I get Endeavor, the guy as such an attitude that would piss of Gramp's."

Perking up with an idea, "Hana, think you can do us a favor." The purple-magenta haired girl blinked in confusion towards the two smiling twins, but nodded with a smile, "Of course."

With Izuku, the greenette landed a back kick to one of the sidekicks; fending them from proceeding to attack the injured. Seeing that Shoto and Inasa were in a pinch from their disagreement, leaving them paralyzed, yet continued to fight in their state. Thankfully more of the examinees and classmates were slowly coming to assist.

Kneeing one of the henchmen, "Midoriya-san, have you seen Dragneel-san yet?" Flicking his tail and sending another flying. Izuku, still focused at the task, "No, I saw the one with swords and the sniper one, but not Koyuki nor those God slayer." Side stepping from being bashed from their large canon gun, high kicking them behind the skull and sent them rolling. While Izuku had a wake up call on what it truly meant in being a hero, especially on the importance of what's the first thing a hero will say to calm a scared citizen. He still worried what those wizards intentions were or if they're apart of the rogue guild. The teachers nor the examiners haven't stopped to question them, but it still didn't stop the fact he was hesitant of them. Yet he could do nothing but swallow his worry and continue with the exam.

Both males froze at the sudden freezing power, sudden mists misted the area around; snapping to where it was coming from and were greatly bewildered at seeing the twins and Hana release a mixed colored glows. Izuku quickly recognizing their plans, "They're going to--"

Clasping the others hand, reaching forward with their clasped hands; icy blue and white glows released through their fingers, "Go!" Hana, her swords emitting purple miasma around, slashed forward; the icy and humid winds blasting up the earth and towards the unsuspecting "villains."

Izuku reacted and grabbed Ojiro under his arm and dodge with a leapt, hearing the cries of shock and pain from the sidekicks. The blonde teen gapped at the grand attack that left many knocked out, the moment Midoriya pulled him away from the hurricane of an attack, seeing it plow many in the air or knocked back by the giant rubble from the earth. To say, they defeated a grand majority of them, leaving backup to easily deal with the few, "Wow, what was that?"

"Unison Raid." Izuku then gain an idea, the memory how he and Koyuki defeated All Might with their combined power, 'Will it work again?' Emeralds glancing to where Koyuki continued to rush towards them, even if Yuki evaporated and yet smiled her off with encouragement. Frowning softly and hardened his resolve, 'It's a risk I'll take.' Rushing to the Slayer, neglecting Mashirao calls towards him.

"Koyuki!" Seeing her snap to his direction, nodding to Gang Orca and the two struggling duo, "Let's do it!"

Openly shocked, but smirked broadly, "Yeah!"

Sprinting to the three, seeing the hero screech and negated Shoto's and Inasa's flaming winds. Pulling back their fists, "Dragon" Green glows emitted from Izuku's fist, while Koyuki's emitted blue frosted mist for a glow, "Unity" Both their fist pressed to the other, intermixing their powers, swirling in color. With their growing volume, Shoto caught sight of them with a surprised look, especially the power they produced. He wasn't alone, Gang Orca felt the tremendous power and snapped to see them cry out, "Smash--!"


Upon this, both Koyuki and Izuku tripped back and blasted the power to the heavens. The sonic winds torrenting through the open hole of the building; yet caused cracks to form and break off with the winds. Spreading down to the walls and for many to feel the earth shake from just that alone.

"...Ah..." It seemed the examiner was left speechless and had to stutter out, "Ev-every last H.U.C member on the field has been rescued from impending danger. Therefore, I declare that this test is over!" They could hear someone yelling, "Christ! Look how much damage they did!!" Still announcing, even with the person in the background blabbering on the damage, "The results will be announced once all scores are tallied. Those with injuries, please proceed to the medical area. Everyone else, get changed and stand by for instructions."

Blinking in shock, both staring to the skies with wide eyes on the ground. They were not expecting that, at all.

That is till Koyuki snorted then started laughing. Turning to the girl in surprise at her sudden fit of laughter. Yet seeing her broad canine smile and hearing her laughter became contagious, bubbling laughter left the greenette. Leaving them both laughing on the ground.

Yet to realize eyes watching them; the hero, arms crossed, watched the two from the distance, "Those two..." The power they conjured was something that shouldn't be taken lightly, if anything, it would have easily blasted him and dubbed their victor in defeating and knocking the enemy out. His dark eye roamed to the walls of the building, the cracks and damage left from the super sonic winds. Returning his sights on the laughing two, "They'll become quite the duo."

The youngest Todoroki, watching the two; fingers curling and digging in the dirt. Glanced away sadly in defeat.

"This waiting is totally the worst part." Shakenly muttering to herself, while trying to gain a calm breath was Kyoka. Ochako nodded with clenched eyes, "Totally."

Leaving Momo and Koyuki to calm them in their nervous states, "As long as you tried your best."

"Yeah, don't sweat it, Kyoka, Ochako." Gaining thankful looks from both girls, but continued to try and calm their frantic minds. Thankfully, it didn't take them long, the same tired examiners appeared up the stand with a screen behind, "It's been a long battle, boys and girls, but now it's time for the results. Before that, though regarding the scoring system. We of the heroes safety commission, along with the members of H.U.C were deducting points on two issues as we watched you perform. Essentially, we judged you on your ability to act flawlessly in crises." Thus the reveal what they looked for within the examines, leaving many nervous, "Anyhow, here are the names of those who passed the test, in alphabetical order. Keeping everything I've said in mind, please take a look."

The moment the screen lit up and reveal the rows of names, the area was a ablaze with chatter. Azures roamed quickly around, muttering her old surname- seeing that it'll take time for her to go to court and request a change of name, but still searched. Brightening up, lips pulled back and revealing her canine smile; spotting her name on the screen, 'I did!'

Then heard Izuku's shaky shock, turning to his gapping reaction, then where the rows of names again; now seeing why. His name was also on the screen, "You did it, Izuku!" Ruffling his curls, snapping him out of his stupor of surprise; blushing with a shy smile, "Uh huh!"

But the two stopped and glanced at the silent Todoroki beside them, glancing back at the screen once again; sadly, Shoto's wasn't there. Clear worry for the boy, "Shoto--"

"Todoroki-san!" In came Inasa, seeing Koyuki tensing and throwing a warning frown; but calmed, well, flinched in shock upon seeing them once again bash their head in a deep bow, "I'm sorry!!" Shaken by this and unexpecting this turn of apology from them, "It was entirely my fault that you didn't pass! My pettiness is to blame! I'm sorry!!"

"Nah. I started it, back then. There's no need for all this." It seemed the Shiketsu student didn't expect this from the chrome teen, "You approached me openly and honestly. And it helped me realize some things."

Stunned at his words, "Shoto..."

"Todoroki-kun, you failed?" Mina was also bewildered at this news, Sero joined in as well, completely stunned, "So neither of our top two dudes passed!" Referring that Katsuki was the second who also failed as well. This stunned Koyuki more, both Shoto and Katsuki failed.

"You both failed because you two are big-time. Your own defining qualities worked against you here." Minoru butted in, seeming confident and cocky; rubbing more salt to the wound with a pat and leer, "The old hierarchy's falling to pieces."

'Frick!' Muttered the silverette, though she wanted to curse how blunt and uncalled for from the teen. Thankfully Tenya pulled Mineta away and guided him from adding more.

"Todoroki-kun..." Izuku was also worried for his fellow classmate and friend. The Yaoyorozu showed her concern as well, "Oh, Todoroki-kun..."

"I assumed you've all had a chance to view the results." Interrupting their chat, "Next, we'll be handing out score sheets." Few men with dark suits and sunglasses held packets of papers in hand, "We've explained the scoring system in detail, so read them over carefully."

Many were nervously-excited for what their scores were and what was it that they needed to improve on. Handing out the paper to the mage, "Dragoon." Thanking the man and read through, "It was a punitive scoring system, with a threshold of fifty points. On your score sheets, you'll see how many points you lost for each given action."

Ochako, being inches shorter than the Dragneel, wanted to see what Koyuki scored. Floating above ground and looked over the mage's shoulder, openly gapping at the score, "Ninety-six?!" Causing the silverette to bellow in shock at Uraraka's cry, "BWA!"

"S-Sorry..." Blushing in embarrassment at her bellow. But it did catch Kyoka's and Momo's attention. Jiro gawked at the Slayer, "Seriously?!" Turning to Momo, "Woah! Momo she's..."

"Two points above mine. Thanks amazing, Dragneel-chan." Praising the girl with a kind grin.

Giggling, rubbing under her nose at the praises, "Aw shucks..."

"Going forward, those who passed now have the legal right to act in a heroic capacity, but only during emergencies. That means fighting villains, rescuing people in disaster scenarios, even without a professional hero's guidance, you're permitted to take action on your own."

"I think I just felt the relief of many court houses and officers." Hearing this, Ochako tried to hold back a snort; but her cheeks puffed from the held back chuckle.

"But keep in mind that every action you take comes with a heavy responsibility to society." Many perked at this, "As you all know, the great hero All Might is out of commission. His active presence served as an important deterrent to crime. Without that factor holding them back, we can be sure that the more brazen villains out there will start showing their faces. The balance has shifted, and the world is bound to start changing in a big way. With that in mind, know that you, the next generation, are the central pillar of society." Hearing these words brought out embers that burned to small flames, "Now, as heroes you will set a standard. You must become the new bulwark keeping crime at bay. Be aware that the licenses you now receive are provisional ones. The road ahead is still a long one, so study hard at your respective academic institutions!" Meaning they still had a long way to be professionals, but with these provisional licenses were the stepping stones.

"Now then, ahem, as for those who didn't make the cut." Bringing attention for those who have not passed, "Don't be disheartened by your scores. You don't have time for that. Especially because there's still a chance. If you sign up for and complete a special three-month training course and pass the induvial test at the end. You, too, will be awarded your provisional licenses." Thus those who had yet show their respective ways of relief that they still had a chance, "You may recall that I just said "Going forward" Looking to that future, we need as many top-class heroes as we can find. The first round was basically a qualifier, and you hundred who were chosen to move on all have potential worth cultivating. That's exactly why we monitored you all to the very end. Just because you failed doesn't mean that all hope is lost. Rather, if you go back and work on your deficiencies, you have the potential to surpass even those who triumphed today. Attending the training course while maintain your regular course work will make for a packed schedule, but if you're up for the challenge, the next test is April." At that, it motivated for certain two to take the chance of the life time to catch up.

Elated, both Koyuki and Izuku turned to the chrome teen, "Isn't it great news, Todoroki-kun?" Both ignoring Minoru's whining and trying to convince the teen to "Give up," to put it bluntly.

"You can do it, Shoto!" Though not verbal, Tenya joined the two, grinning as well; the three waiting for his response, "I'll catch up soon."

Trying to hold back her bubbling giggles upon glimpsing Izuku's ID, "Your shaky smile!" He stood stiff with a quivering smile and wide eyes, seeming try to stand with a smile; but ended up this way.

"I was nervous...!" Pulling away his ID, cheeks pink and the teasing; then pointed out, "You kept posing when they said you can't do any of that."

Defeated lines over her face, memories of Mira and Erza chibis whispering to pose, "Habits never seem to die." Revealing her card and held a poker face, though she smiled normal; they could see a blur at the bottom, her hands about to do peace and the photographers caught this. They had enough and chose this as her picture, the rest were peace signs or cutesy faces. "Curse you Mira and Erza, also Cana... But Mira the most."

Chuckling at Koyuki's muttering, but pulled his card up; unnoticing the tears bubbling, proud at the feat he accomplished today.

"Are you crying, Deku-kun?" The brunette pointed out in surprise.

Flinching at being caught, and Koyuki snapping out of her little cloud and turned to him with raised worried brows, "No-not really... I mean..." Pulling the card close, "So many people have helped me along the way. And I caused trouble for so many others. So, it's like...this is proof of progress. It just makes me happy."

"Heh heh! Say that to some of the teachers and you might make them blush." Referring about All Might, ruffling the greenette once more, receiving chuckles and pleads to cease. Ochako tilting her head in confusion, 'I don't think Aizawa-sensee would react, but might say "Work harder."'

"I gotta send a picture to All Might." Fumbling for his phone, perking up in surprise at the hand grasping his device. The Dragon Slayer smiling broadly, "Here, give me your phone and hold up your card."

Bewildered at this, knowing Koyuki had a strong distaste for phones and certain electronics; yet was elated for the offer, "Really? Thanks, Koyuki." Holding up his phone with a proud smile to Izuku, but flinched back in shock at the flash hitting her. Realizing she forgot to flip the camera aim, "Shoot! I took a picture of myself." Frantically searching for the switch button.

Chuckling at the girl's mistake and held out for the phone, "Why don't we both send a picture of us with our cards. We'll both send it to All Might."

Blinking owlishly then smiling brightly, "Good idea!" Joining Izuku's side, and now both teens held onto the camera with their cards held up. Izuku tapping on the screen to capture the moment of the smiling two. Taking back his phone and quickly sending the text to the hero.

Ochako chuckled seeing the two, though, it didn't stop the feeling bubbling in her chest.

It seemed two schools, well, Ms. Joke and few Shiketsu students came for a quick farewell. That included a certain God Slayer, "Gah!" Squealing out a high pitch at a hand slithering between her bust. "Koyuki! Here's my number, call me~~" Giggling happily, skipping backwards from the blushing Dragneel.



"UNCOOL MAN!" Were the upset voices of the girls, clearly upset at the Moora's actions. They didn't even see her coming and she appeared behind the Slayer quietly.

Waving the silverette farewell, pivoting to now face the boys. "Her skin is really soft too~" Smirking down at Izuku, giving a cocky bow, proud at the one-up show off. Hmphing at the Midoriya and the rest with her nose up proudly, strutting off with a sway of her hips, heading towards her brother. Who, mind you, held a face of disappointment towards his twin bluenette, the moment she stood beside him, he seemed to be scolding her as they walked away.

Izuku and Shoto glaring at the girl's rudeness towards them and harassment towards the Dragneel.

Eijirou and Katsuki trembled in rage; if it weren't for Kirishima holding back Bakugou, the blonde would have run after her and deck her face.

"I really, really don't like her." Growled out Ochako and Toru, tensed in anger. Irked that the girl had the audacity to do that towards their [best] friend.

"I second that. What ill suited manners!" Huffed Momo, frowning at the bluenette. Tsuyu nodded in agreement, clear frown on her soft features, "Not too mention crude."

Tenya was off searching for Shiketsu's teacher, needing to report this inappropriate and awful behavior against his friend.

Ceasing his frowning and turned to the blushing Slayer worriedly, "Koyuki, are you okay?"

"Uh huh."

"Pardon me for intruding." Yelping at the voice before, it belonging to Hana. The purple-magenta haired girl seeming apologetic for the scare, "But I couldn't help to hear that we're-- ah, wizards- are sharing phone numbers?" Quickly pulling out her small notepad and scribbling down her number; handing it to the silverette, "If you need anything, contact me anytime." Clear show of nervousness on the girl, seeing the familiar upside down 'V' on her lips.

"You should give one to one of us, in case Dragneel-san won't answer in time." Denki pointed out happily, hoping to persuade the girl to give him her number.

Perking up at the idea, and agreed silently, she quickly scribbled another note; heading towards the electric blonde-- or so assumed. Passing the excited Kaminari and handed the paper to Hanta. The lanky teen gaping at the girl in surprise, stiffly accepting the offer unconsciously. Hana then tilted her chin for a bow towards the boy and speed-walked to her bus.

Many gapped at this; Mina turned to the male in open shock, "Sero-san, she gave you her number."

The teen himself was stunned to make coherent words, "I... Wha?" Turning to the paper, as if it'll be a joke; yet, numbers were scribbled with the person's name on, Hana Evergarden. Face slowly painted with color, "I got a girl's number."

"You" Started off Denki and Minoru, turning to Hanta with such faces, veins pulsing on their temples, "LUCKY BASTARD!!" Charging at him and did the same to Sero as they did with Midoriya, "Come'on share that number!" Holding the paper away from the two, "No way! Forget it!"

"Siren!" Squealing at another voice appearing, it was Rebecca this time. Pushing up her lenses, as they gave off a glare from the sunlight, "I heard that we're sharing phone numbers?"

"Um, if you want too--" Almost flinching back at the card presented to her, shakenly taking it from the smiling girl, "Um...thank you?"

"You're very welcome!" Grinning from ear-to-ear, "It's the least I could do for Fairy Tail's Snow Fairy and Siren!"

There was another thing that many picked up, they called the Dragneel either "Siren" or "Snow Fairy," "Those wizards know your Earthland alias..."

"But of course!" Rebecca, openly appalled that they do not know about Koyuki's infamous alias, just as her fellow guildmates from Fairy Tail. Still holding on her grin, even when she threw personal information, "Joined Fairy Tail at age four, legally joined the guild at age ten. She and her brother are infamously known as the Polar Siblings, siblings of fire and ice-water. Gaining her aliases from her magic and wonderful singing voice-- which by the way, I squealed the moment you sang during the sports festival!!

Koyuki, feeling nervous sweat at their growing smile and the gleam in their lenses.

'She's Iida-kun, Deku-kun, and Hatsume-san all combined!!' Ochako gawked at the grinning mage, clearly unnerved how much she could see the three combined.

"Also, part of a team named after her brother- team Natsu- with team members of, you guessed it, Natsu and Koyuki. Along with their cat partners Happy and Daisy, with Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, and Koyuki's mentor- Erza Scarlet-- Oh! And about Erza Scarlet, has taken Koyuki under her tutelage at age four, almost five. Yet their team has the same teammates, they'll have Juvia Lockser" Ochako and Momo noticed Koyuki glancing away nervous at the mention of 'Juvia.' Quickly realizing why. "Wendy Marvell a Sky Dragon Slayer and Carla joining the group. On rare occasions, Gajeel Redfox, an Iron Dragon Slayer."

"Woah, so there's four Dragon Slayers in your guild?" The pinkette seemed awed that their guild held four Dragon Slayers, but jumped back at the cry of "Wrong!"

"There's five Dragon Slayers within Fairy Tail, making them the one that has the most Slayers: Fire, Ice-water, Sky, Iron, Lightening." Denki deadpanning, though he silently teased that Todoroki's ice as Koyuki lunch and energy fuel and now in comes the mention of a Lightening Dragon Slayer.

"Almost the whole" Momo, stunned at this; Tsuyu nodded in agreement, "That is quite the feat."

Grinning still, anyone wonder how her cheeks weren't hurting, "Right! While Sabretooth holds two; the Twin Dragons, Shadow and Light." Fumikage perked at this, then cringed at the reminder that Dragon Slayers consumed their elements; if he ever battled this Shadow Dragon Slayer, he'd be the worst in a match against them.

"But that's not all; she and her guild has saved our country countless times!" At the mentioned of topic of saving a country, many were openly stunned. They couldn't voice it when the auburn mage yapped off, "From saving the guild masters around the country from being assassinated by the instrument of death: Lullaby, destroying the device of resurrection that was used by hundreds of kidnapped and captive slave: Tower of Heaven, the device that could make the purest of souls to the most wicked wretched soul: Nirvana, and the possible human extinction from the dragons attack!"

"Human..." Started off Toru, clear nervous sweat forming on her temple. Mina ended it, her pink skin paling to a paler complexion, "...extinction..." Everyone clearly unnerved at horrified that something like that happened.

Rebecca, unaware at the tension growing, "Yeah! You think the Kamino disaster was terrible, you have not seen a real war till you've read what Fairy Tail has fought!" She was proud that she knew more about Koyuki, showing her fangirl side, "Even with her and her guildmates being frozen for seven year, Fairy Tail fought furiously to be number one guild once again. Then suddenly dragons appeared and this really weir phenomenon happened..." At the mention, the younger mage turned to Dragneel, "I don't know if you remember, but did something happen to you?"

Thrown off that even girl remembered that day, even brought up this phenomenon, "Um, nothing happened to me, do you know about this premonition?"

Bewildered and confused, the auburn mage blinked worriedly, "I swore I saw you die." At this, Izuku and Katsuki felt spine-chilling shivers, faces paled at this; both with different reasons.

Izuku could hear Daisy's voice speak the back of his mind, the one sentence she mentioned during Koyuki's comatose, "So many times we were close to dying...or did at one point...."

Katsuki, trying to block out the vivid memories, memories of witnessing the torture; the most that seemed to beat itself back. Crawling in his mind to remember her tortured state, her bloody smile. Her burned and open wound on her jawline bled down her neck. Ruby orbs trembling at the memory of those days.

Koyuki, frowned at this; yet, beads of sweat appeared, "Oh..." It was all she could say, because that's what the premonition showed her. She died from being savagely killed by one of the dragons, while saving both Sting and Rogue from being in the line of fire from the monster's open jaw.

Finally, realizing the discomfort on everyone's faces and aura; quickly pushing her lenses back up on her nostril from falling, "Ah, I see." Quickly changing the topic to something that may just be a peephole for the Dragneel, "Koyuki," Meeting Koyuki's azures, "I have a lacrima that can still contact people from Earthland."


Tamaki waited nervously by the bushes, he would hide when he saw one of the students from1-A; afraid they may think that he's come by the younger students for less pure reasons. When in actuality, he waited for a certain Slayer and as promised, has brought the gift he, Mirio, and Nejire have bought for her. Especially how during the Kamino disaster and her and one of her classmates kidnapping, lost her long hair. He hoped that she at least liked the gift, it may not replace her long locks, but hoped it may be some use.

"Tamaki?" Almost leaping in fright at the voice next to him, the girl herself stood few feet away from the ravennette. His nervousness sky rocketed, holding the gift with clammy hands, "...Dra-Dragoon-san..."

Chuckling at Amajaki's formality with her, "Come on Tamaki, you know you can call me by my first name." Only to recieve a rapid head shake in denial. Sighing in defeat, but gave the teen a kind smile, "Okay..."

"Um..." Glancing around, nervous to meet her gaze; face taking on a color glow. Holding out the small box with a pink ribbon on top. Pale cheeks flushed deeply, "This i-is for you... For your hair."

"Huh?" Then memories of what Mirio and Nejire mentioned during the group chat. Gently receiving the gift, as to not to frighten the already nervous male. Opening the lid and the first thing she spotted was a blue butterfly pin, "A blue morpho butterfly!" Turning back to the teen, flinching at the awe her azures held, "It's so pretty...can I really keep it?!"

"M-Mhm." Nodding vigorously, watching her roam through some more and found two long red and blue ribbon for her to use, along with a white bunny-eared headband. Seeing the smile bloom on the mage, turning back to him with a thankful smile, "Thank you, Tamaki." Closing the lid and hugging it close, "I love it, please thank Mirio and Nejire for me."

Extra (2)

There was something that needed to be said, even though things will become tense and difficult. The youngest Todoroki could not lie to the greenette, not when he's close to the person of topic. The moment he found Izuku alone, before he heads to the main room with the others, he didn't hold back his question, "Midoriya-kun, do you like Dragoon-san." Izuku, stunned at the blunt question, turned to Shoto, "Wh-Why are you asking that, Todoroki-kun?" However, the two didn't realize that they weren't alone, not when they accidently heard Shoto's voice thrown such question. Ochako, who used the elevator and froze stiff upon the first thing she heard was Shoto's voice and question. The second one to hear Shoto, was none other than Katsuki. Now the two couldn't seem to move and listened in on the conversation.

"I won't lie to you, Midoriya-kun. Since you're one of my close friends." Heterochrome orbs meeting emeralds with such narrowed seriousness for what he's about to say, "But I like Koyuki."

Many thoughts running amuck for the three. Izuku, couldn't hide his shock on his freckled face upon hearing the honesty from the youngest Todoroki. Ochako covering her mouth from peeping in shock at the revelation. Katsuki, ruby's wide in shock, clenched his hands into fists. 'He said her first name.' The three thought in utter shock, Koyuki kept trying to persuade him to call her by her first name for awhile now.

"I intend to pursue her favor, and seeing your close friendship with her. I assumed you may hold feelings for her as well." Especially when Sero questioned Midoriya as well, though he wasn't quick to answer as everyone hoped; Shoto noticed was the slow process on their feature and glow of color on their form. But not only that, but once they all began to live in the dorms, it may have festered more reasons Midoriya could hold romantic feelings towards Dragneel. The way interact in the dorms, how comfortable they are with each other. Knowing they've lived under the same roof(, including bed, mind you).

"Todoroki-kun, can I ask why?" At first nervously glanced around before meeting Shoto's once more, resolved to know, "Why do Koyuki."

He did not hesitate in his answer, "She brings happiness." Stunned at Shoto's reason, yet continued, "Happiness to here in the school and home. I thought at first that she was an annoying rambunctious girl. But, knowing her more and her honest concern for others, it intrigued me." Listening to him and how he felt about the mage, "Then the sports festival, how she spoke with such knowledge and wisdom of understanding; I couldn't help to listen. They wrung to me for a moment."

"Then the internship," Smiling to himself at those seven days they've been together during that time, "every day interning my father was much more bearable. Even in my own home." Memories of eating at the table, his sister watched the girl tell about stories, that he didn't realize were her chaotic adventures. Even when the man, his father, ordered the girl to remain silent; received a catty smirk and continued her story, it seemed she's dealt with such attitude and knew how to pour the gasoline for a reaction. But even so, it was comedic to see what will happen, such as the time when she did gained a heated reaction and the hero gained water squirted in his face. Thus for the girl to run off with laughter and dodged flying flames. As much he and his sister should fret, it was what the silverette hoped for. "She made my sister smile and laugh. I even smiled and laughed. She'll even bring my otou-san's ego down a peg with each bruise during their spars." Times of healing her wounds, it has become a habit he didn't know he gained until the provisional licenses.

"She's my light." Slowly, the smile faded from his lips, "But that light can never stay alone, because many have seen that light." And he implied him- Izuku- and others as well, "And I know you're one of them, Midoriya-kun." Thus declaring to the stunned greenette, here and now, "So, I'll win her favor."

Shinso's voice appeared behind his mind, now Izuku understood what they meant. How did he not see it, he's friends with Koyuki, "Todoroki-kun, like the time at the sports festival; you challenged me directly and I returned that call." Squaring himself up to follow that declaration, "Like now, you're fighting for her favor; so, I'll return that call once more." Even though he has no idea where to start nor how to court someone. During middle school, before meeting Koyuki, he had no idea how to converse with the opposite sex. He was, and still is, the awkward teen. But even so, even if he is naïve to all this and the concept of relationships; there was one thing he wasn't going to give up on, "I won't let you."

Even though he still held hesitance about himself... He hoped to build confidence, enough to even be honest of his feeling towards the youngest Dragneel.

An- Oof! Things are getting serious now. I would also like to say that relationships, topics, and things will become more mature. So if you're uncomfortable on certain mature content... I'm pretty sure this book has the mature sign; so, you already knew what you're getting yourself in too~~

Another thing, let me quickly speak about the ship wars that's still going on. *Takes on a Satsuki tone* I must be firm and say only ONE of the ships shall sail. I as the author make the final decision, and I must reiterate myself- that poll does not choose who Koyuki ends with. It was only for me to see where everyone stands in their ships. Which means, there shall not be alternative endings for each character. I was going to at first with one of the characters once the book ended. But I, honestly, felt annoyed; because doing that wasn't fun anymore for me. So here it is, if you're disappointed if there's no alternative endings, I'm sorry but there's other fanfics that have that, I'm sure. And once the time comes and clearly reveals who ends with Koyuki, and you're terribly disappointed who it is; I'm not sorry. I shouldn't be feeling apologetic if that ship didn't sail. It's the same for animes that have certain couples becoming cannon and there's a huge storm of anger that they didn't end up with this other person. So a warning here and now, I as the author make the final call-- And it was preplanned who she'll end with. How will you know who it is? First hint will come when she talks to a certain Dragon Slayer in the future.

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