Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular

7.7K 267 145
By aiimee9

An- Artwork from DefenderOfAnime404. *9, aka author, smiles evilly while doing the cliché evil hands* How shall I play with your emotions for this and future chapters? Hmm~

Day three in their training; since Koyuki's training was ridiculous, they found it best for the girl to train against herself, literally. It gave the girl the reason to go all out on the clone and the clone to do the same. Which was the best decision anyone could have come up with. It was possibly an excuse for the girl to fight other heroes and their different fighting styles and power. As beneficial it was for the silverette, the heroes didn't hold the same stamina as she. Even with her extra lesson, though mentally exhausted; it wasn't as close to worse as Erza's tutoring days...

Even so, the mage was not swayed and trained to the point where an Ice and Water Dragon's Roar blasted a mountain in half. Again, that had Pixie-Bob whining about, "Why wasn't she born a guy?!" and ask the girl if she had any brothers. To her happiness, she did, "Yeah, I have an older brother." Then sulk at her next words, "But he's so shy to even tell his crush that he likes her~ But they're both so dense~" Making a catty face, while shielding her mouth from laughing. The blonde, sat beside a tree trunk, while making circles on the ground, mumbling in defeat.

That said, it was announced that they will participate in a game tonight; the Test of Courage as they put it. Both classes A and B will be pit against the other to see who can frighten the other class.

In which will start now in the present...

"Bellies are filled, and plates are clean! Next up--" Only to be interrupted by the excited Mina and Denki, cheering out, "The test of courage!!" Sadly, their excitement ended here from Aizawa's interruption, seemingly aloof at their reaction, "Sorry to break it to you, remedial group" "you've got your extra lessons with me now."

Unresponsive at first, but the pinkette shrilled in comedic horror at their homeroom teacher's demand, "NO WAAAAAY!!" In which everyone: Mina, Denki, Rikido, Eijirou, Hanta, and Koyuki were being dragged by the man in whips. "Sorry. But you were slacking during training earlier, so now I'm gonna cut into your playtime."

Though whining at being dragged, Ashido thought up a plan that'll go against the teacher and be the hilarity of everyone's watch, "Mush, Koyuki-chan!! Mush!!" Koyuki dumbly looking at the girl in confusion then smirking diabolically. In which many watched with either sweatdrops or biting down their laughter at seeing the four cheer Koyuki on and Shota's irked reaction at being pulled like before.

"Dragoon!" Tugging the wrapping around her forehead, "If you keep resisting, I'll force your training inside the bus." At this, the silverette froze stiff like a statue. In which was easier for the hero to tug them now with the mage standing like a frozen doll.

"NO! DRAGOON-SAN! MUSH! MUSH!" Sero and Kaminari cried with exaggerated tears, knowing they will take for tutoring and not join the others. Defeated, Ashido whined out, "HE'S USING HER WEAKNESS!" in which they left the others sight and headed back to where the building lies.

Furthermore, the rest continue their fun even with few of their classmates taking extra courses, "Right. Class B will be on the offensive first. Class A will head into the forest in teams of two, one team every three minutes. You'll find name cards at the halfway point. Grab your own, and then come back here."

The rest stayed silent with the exception of Tokoyami mumbling out, "Banquet of darkness."

Seeing this, Izuku thought to himself of this, 'Kinda quiet around here with the usual troublemakers out of the picture.'

Pixie-Bob only continued the overview of the game, "The scarers aren't allowed to make direct contact. They'll just be using their Quirks to startle you as best they can." Now Pixie, Tiger, and Ragdoll energetically cheered out to the rest of the class, with Mandalay deadpanning at their words, "So get creative! Whichever class makes the other wet their pants more wins!"

Kyoka disgusted at their choice of judging the winners, "Please don't. That's gross..."

Tenya, ignoring the algorithm of choice of win and looked to the benefits for the rest for playing this game, "I see! It's an opportunity to work on our ingenuity through competition. As well as a chance for us to broaden the utility of our Quirks. I expected no less of U.A!"

Even so, Izuku noticed one thing; especially with the numbers of students present, "Teams of two? Wait. There are twenty-one of us, minus the six getting extra lessons..." Moment later and shadows shaded half his being in defeat at the outcome of the lot, "That leaves one extra..."

Ojiro, pitying the poor Midoriya, "Since we drew lots, it was inevitable that someone would be alone..."

Twelve minutes later into the game, thing were going just fine and well. Already five groups of two were already inside the woods. However, the moment the smell of something burning did the blonde heroine pointed out worriedly, "What's that burning smell?"

Mandalay flinched in shock at seeing something up ahead within the woods, "Look. Black smoke..." At that, the brunette snapped to hear her friend crying out in shock at being lifted up and thrown to a direction. Seeing a figure appear slamming something down on the woman, knocking them unconscious and pressed under the large object on their bleeding temple. The person grinning at their victim, "Stay out of our way, kitty cats."

"How...?" Minoru muttered out in horror, as they all stood back in horror at the figures slowly appearing and revealed themselves in malicious smirks, "Even with all our precautions!! How're there villains here?!"

"Pixie-Bob!" Many of class A shouted in concern for the wounded heroine under the villains weapon.

Mandalay angrily cursed at the turn of events, "Damn!" At the voice of the brunette, Izuku realized quickly, there was one lonely individual still out there and alone, 'Kota-kun!'

"Pleased to meetcha, U.A students!" One of the villains introduced themselves, body covered in green scale and lizard-like. Voice almost laughing at their open shock at the sight of them, "We're the League of Villains' Vanguard Action Squad!"

Pale and on edge at the sight of the villains here, where their location should be kept secret, "League of Villains?! How'd they find is?!"

"Should I go ahead and crush her pretty little skull? Should I?" Taunting the heroes, as they pressed their weapon and grinded the woman's skull, "What do you guys think?"

Glaring darkly at the taunting threat, Tiger growling out to the enemies before them, "As if I'd let you!"

"Wait, wait, don't be hasty, Mag-Onee-san!" Interrupted the scaled villains, then snapping at the hero as well with a warning, "You too, Tiger. Calm down." Smirking to his partner diabolically, "Holding power over someone's life is everything. or don't you believe in following Stain's tenets?"

At the mention of the Hero Killer, Tenya yapped out in shock at this, "Stain. So these are his followers!"

"Yep! We sure are." Not even hiding it, but proudly announced out to the younger heroes-in-training, "Ah, and we know about you, four-eyes!" Pointing out Iida out of the rest of the students, "You're one of the ones who brought about Stain's end in Hosu city." Clasping the giant weapon that's sheath behind them, "Let me introduce myself, I'm Spinner." Whipping out the weapon, revealing it to be chained swords, daggers, and buckled butchers within the mess of weapons. Smirking wildly at the children, "And I intend to make his dreams come true."

"Whoa..." Stepping back at the sight of the mountain of weapons the villain held, feeling nervous sweat fall from his temple was the Midoriya.

The man was not swayed in fear by the sight of the enemies mass of weaponry, "That's all well and good, but." Sights set on the blonde under the enemies shoes, "That woman lying there, Pixie-Bob, she's started to worry about getting married. Hoping to find some happiness as a woman in this world. And at this age, trying very hard." Clenching his hands to fists that revealed veins pulsing angrily, glaring darkly at the two villains, "How dare you scar her face like that and stand there yapping away like it's nothing!!"

Thus the villain, Spinner, to charge with a laugh, "So heroes really do dream of finding ordinary happiness in life?"

At this, both heroes tensed into battle position, "Tiger! I've broadcast the order! Ragdoll will make sure the other students are safe." Informing her partner and readied the incoming attacker, "It's our job to hold them back here!" Now ordering those from behind them, "Get going, everyone! And remember, no fighting!" Placing the position of leading the class out to Tenya, "Lead them, class president!"

"Understood. Let's go!" Quickly without hesitation, leading those still here out of the heroes way and to the dirt path. But there was one thing Izuku knew he could not leave without doing, "Go on without me, Iida-kun."

Hearing this, the bluenette snapped to his friend in surprise, "What do you mean, Midoriya-kun?!" Ojiro joining in, "Midoriya-san!"

But the greenette only ignored them and called out to the brunette, "Mandalay!" Catching the woman's attention. Knowing what he was doing was a huge risk, but he needed to do this, "I know where he is!!"

With a quick nod from the heroine, he rushed off in electric green pulse. Running through the brush and rows of pine trees; not slowing even for a second. Not even when he traveled up to the boulders of rock to get to the top of the hill. The moment his foot stepped to the flattened floors of the cliff, he used every ounce of pressure of his other and rocket himself to tackled the child out of his spot. If he had not tackled the child, he would have been crushed by the giant villain's repulsive strength. Even so, the crash of sheer tremor from the aim caused them to roll on the ground. Both crying out in shock and or pain at hitting and rolling on the hard ground.

Kota shakenly got out of Izuku's hold, "Why'd you...?" Not answering the kid's question, but quickly rose and shielded the boy from the villain's sight of them, "Hm? Now you were on the list."

'We came out here purposely to avoid villains. So how'd they find us?' Glancing around where for any opening of escape, landing on his shattered phone, 'Crap...and now my phone's smashed.' Breathing a bit deeply from the rush, 'I didn't tell anyone about this place before I rushed off...' Wiping off of the dust near his lips, not leaving his sights on the huge figure before him, 'So there's no hope of backup this time...'

The villain, pulling down his cap, while smirking down at their shaken forms of the close strike, 'Alone... I'm all alone! Somehow I've got to deal with this villain alone...' Feeling more nervous sweat grow at the thought of dealing an enemy alone without support, 'While protecting Kota-kun. Not sure if I can--' Glancing back to meet the sad state of the young boy; tears and snot, shivering with tremors of fear. At this, Izuku knew he could not hesitate to protect this boy, 'No, I have to!' Turning back to face the enemy before them, "It's... It's gonna be okay, Kota..." there was no room to hesitate, 'I've got no choice here.' Allowing himself to reach five percent of his Full Cowling, 'Even if I'm on my own...' Reassuring the child and promising here and now, "I'm gonna save you!"

"You're gonna save him?" Upon hearing this, the villain chuckled snidely at the Midoriya promise, "A budding hero would say that." One of their arm's revealed something squirming-- their inner muscles slowly forming out, "Always spouting off about justice wherever you guys show up."

Not swayed in fear in his stance, his power pulsing slowly around his figure.

"Your name's Midoriya, right? This is perfect. You're high up on our kill list." Ripping off his cap with an excited bellow, "I'm gonna torment you real bad. Now show me some blood."

Tensing at their charging form rushing, 'Here he--' But they rushed to his left, reacting quickly; but rammed on the elbow and shot off. But reacted quickly enough to block the blow to the back of his head from hitting the rocks.

"Ah! Wait. Better not." Hearing their voice even from the ringing in his ears, "That's right." opening his emeralds and snapped them widely at seeing how close the enemy was now, "Might as well tell me, if you know." Orbs shrinking in shock at their words, "Where's the kid named Bakugou? We've got a job to do here.


With all his might, he launched himself out of the strike, debris and winds whipping him, 'They're after Kacchan? But why?'

"Don't know? That your final answer?" Smirking sinisterly within the smokes, "Fine. In that case." It all happened within the blink of an eye. Coughing at the burning pain struck in his abdomen, eyes bulging at the pain. Hearing the man chuckle out, "Let's play." His back harshly hitting the wall of rock and landing on his stomach, heaving in pain, as the villain laughed at his state, "Blood! Love it. So fun! What was that again? You're gonna save him, right? So why're you running?! That's weird way to save someone!!"

Shakenly propping his chin up, 'That Muscle Fiber Quirk... So fast and powerful...' Grounding down his teeth, jaws clenching, 'No. I can't be worrying about Kacchan right now!' Once more, using his Full Cowling to entrap his body, 'Stay focus...' Pushing himself off the ground and dashing at the man once more, 'on the enemy in front of you!' Focusing his five percent attack and aimed to strike the man's abdomen to knock wind and hope to knock them quick. But realized his aim to did not strike where he wanted, blocked by their fibered arm, "What the ? That s'posed to be your Quirk? Pretty Quirk, but" Smacking them back with a back hand, flinging Midoriya off, "Way too weak!"

More and more of their body was taking on an armor of their muscle fibers, smirking broadly at the teen's form, "My Quirk's a Muscle Enhancer. These muscle fibers of mine can't be contained even by my skin. They raise the standards in speed! and Power!" True to his words, they rapidly ripped out within his skins and cocooned and grew his muscle armor. Pulsing and hauntingly showing the difference of strength they both held at the moment, "Get what I'm saying? You're nothing but an inferior version of me! You understand where I'm coming from? I can't help but laugh!"

Coughing violently on the ground, scarlet blood splattered on the ground from his coughing fit. Shakenly rolling to see the villain track his way to him, stalking to his victim, "You're gonna save him? How?!" taunting him more with a sneer, "Talking is cheap when you're yapping about the impossible!" Seeing the haughty villain raise their fist to strike him dead, "You really oughta be honest with yourself!!"

But stopped in his strike, glancing behind him. Izuku realized that Kota threw a large pebble at the man. Tears streaming down the child's face, "Water Hose... My mam...and papa... Did you torture them like this...when you killed them?" At this, the greenette tensed in horror.

The villain now remembering the names of the heroes and turned to the child now, "Whoa. Seriously? You're their kid? this must be fate or something." Clenching his jaw when the man now stalked his way to the young child, "Water Hose. They're the pair that gave me this glass eye."

"Because of you and those like you, things always end up like this!!" It seemed the child snapped, throwing their anger on the villain. Taking away his parents from him.

The man only sighed in annoyance at the kid's yapping, "Brats like you sure know how to pass the blame. It's no good. I don't really hold a grudge against 'em about my eye. I killed 'em, just like I wanted to." Izuku could almost imagine the Cheshire cat smile on the villain now, "And they tried to stop me. We all did our best and had to deal with the results." The armored fibers now reacting and bugling aggressively, "What's bad is when you can't put your money where your mouth is" Kota backing up at the frightening look and darkness the man gave off, "Like your dear mommy and daddy!"

Finally, dashing off the ground and bullet off to the man with an electric pulse around his body. Hearing the running footsteps and snapping to see the Midoriya airborne, aimed to strike the villain, "I knew you'd attack me, you worthless piece of shit."

"The only one to blame is you!!" Using his already damaged left arm within the fibers, "Now speed doesn't matter."

Almost mocking him in his voice, laughter behind it, "So?! Gonna hit me with that other weak arm of yours?!"

"Doesn't matter whether I can or can't because heroes" Pulling back his undamaged arm, putting the rest of the ninety-five percent in his attack, "HEROES STAKE THEIR LIVES!" 'One For All' "TURNING TALK INTO ACTION IS WHAT WE DO!!" 'One Hundred Percent!!' With amplified shocks rapidly pulsing into his fist that released wild shocks around wildly. causing an explosive current of shock wave and winds to whip around. Kota's cries being heard, as if being flung around. Without a second thought, even in his battered state, Izuku flung himself and narrowly caught the child's dark shirt by the back. Even with all the burning pain and the use of his teeth to hold something above ten pounds brought tears to the greenette. Kota, whipping his head and met his sight, "'orry...'ocked you away...(Sorry, shocked you away)" Pulling the child back up on the cliff.

Standing back up, half of his shirt shredded off now from the hundred percent use. Heaving tiredly now, but stayed alert for any enemy backup. Turning back to face the shivering Kota; shoulder's slumping now, "Let's get back to camp. It's not..." Hearing the crumbling of rumble and rocks, shakenly glancing behind where the man should be, assumingly, unconscious, "from here..." Trembling now in terror at the sight of the villain rising out of the rubble, "No way... No freaking way..." Cold sweat breaking out on his form, "That's was one hundred percent!!"

The fibers ceding back within the skins of the man. Causing Izuku to cringe in horror that the opponent he was facing could rival All Might's power of strength, "You sure telegraphed that punch." Smirking down at the young hero-in-training, "Not bad, Midoriya!"

"St-Stay back!" Threatening the villain and warning Kota as well.

Chuckling at the teen slight sway, showing the fatigue kicking in, "Not a chance. Here I come. No stopping me."

Izuku tried to frantically think of something, but only thought of trying to get a bit more info to slow them, "Wh-What do you want?! What's the League of Villains after?!"

Stalking, such as a predator to its weakened prey. Shuffling through their pockets, in search for something, "Like I care. All I wanna do is rampage. As long as I get to use my Quirk without holding back, I'm good." Seeming to find the item of interest, shuffling it out and revealing many eye masks falling out, "Remember earlier when I said we were just playing? I did, for real! I said, "Let's play." And I meant it!" Stiffening at the enemy's words, "But no more of that! Playtime's over cuz you're strong! So now" Pressing the red with purple veins, seeming wide and beastly, "I'm using my serious eye."

"Kota-kun, grab on!!" Bellowing out the order frantically. Once he felt the small body leap on his back and saw the villain charging in the dangerous speed; leaping off from the deathly attack. The moment he glanced back at the destruction, he felt his blood run cold in horror. Half of the top cliff was gone, where they once stood was gone and sliding down in rubble. the realization hitting him within his consciousness, their enemy was toying with them. Rushing on the rocky walls, but they both cried out in shock at the explosive tremor from above. Rolling on the ground; sitting back on his behind; tremors of pain shooting through his bones, 'No good!' 'Aizawa-sensee's at camp, if we can make it that far!' 'Don't back down!' 'But can we make it back with him on our tail?!' 'Impossible.' 'Plus, I'm exhausted from recent training. Trying to run away through the woods with him after us will just--' 'Don't think!' Clenching his eyes shut, trying to block out his hammering thoughts of doubt. Glaring heatedly down, hardening his resolve; even knowing how dire and impossible it seemed to face this villain head on and alone. But knew, it had to be done, to save Kota, "Get back, Kota-kun. But not too far, or he'll go after you, so, yeah. About seven paces. If he gets me, you run as fast as you can back to camp."

"Gets you? Come on, don't do it!" Begging the Midoriya to listen, "It's hopeless, so let's run. You saw, your attacks didn't even scratch him!! And both your arms are broken!" Seeing that both arms held shredded skin, large and terrible bruising that could not compare to his past injuries. Clenching his hand into a fist and reassured with an electric charge, "It's okay!" Using his one hundred percent once again. Biting back the popping pain within his bones, tears bubbling now. Internally screaming out the move, 'DETROIT SMASH!!!'

But with how damage and fatigued he is, the outcome of the strike wasn't what he was hopping for. Pushing back the blazing fibers pushing him back, "What's wrong?" Digging the soles of his shoes into the ground, dragging him back at the blasting weight of force from the enemy, "That was even weaker than before!!"

"Okay..." Trying to reassure the frighten child, "I'm okay!" Even with the pain and blood pouring, "He's not getting one step past me! So run!!" Ordering the child, now. More of the muscle fibers pushing him back to the point it was now pushing his forehead back, "RUN!!"

"Wow, kid." Overpowering him and smashing him down, causing a dent; but Izuku still held his ground, even if being pushed for to the earth. More of his skin shredding, blood spraying to the ground bellow him. Lips pulled back and bellowing in frustration, "Sh-SHUT UUUUUP!!"

"Show me some BLOOD!!" Smashing the Midoriya into the earth; creating a wider hole.

Izuku was only teeth away in being crushed to death; hearing something being snapped and ripped apart. the unbearable pain catching up in his joints, 'Sorry, Okaa-san! Okaa-san, I'm so sorry!' The flooring deepening behind his back 'All Might! All Might!'

Silver locks fluttered from the winds, the girl glancing back and turned. Stunned at first then smiling broadly, revealing her canines that would brighten anyone's day.

Streams of tears he did not realize fell in waves, 'Koyuki! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!!' Is this how he dies, crushed to death by the villain? Never apologizing to the Dragoon? To his best friend?

"I'LL CRUSH YOU!!" Was all he heard before losing bit of his consciousness, slowly fading to the darkness. Thoughts of regret clouding his mind. It wasn't till splash of water hit them, knowing only the closes right now to him in the area that had a water based power. Hearing the terrified child cry out in horror, "St-Stop it!!"


"Wait your turn, 'kay? I'll kill you when I'm good and ready--" he cannot die here!

With new strength unknown; the electric green pulsing and zapping around his beaten form, pushing the villain off his body, "As if" Rising back to stand, the earth shattering at his new fold of power, "I'd let you" Ignoring the enemy's question and demand at the new fold of strength and roared out, "KILL HIMMMMMMM!!" Going beyond his body and stamina, reaching beyond one hundred- one million percent, 'Delaware Detroit SMASH!!!' And with a devastating throw that cratered the villain into the rocks.

Crying out at the shredded pain, blood spurting out in the air. Almost tripping in his step, but took one step. Deeply breathing in great exhaustion at the deathly battle. Ears ringing that he didn't catch Kota's questioning and tears. Heaving deeply, this time, almost falling over.

"Oh! Hey--" Catching himself in time and reassured tiredly to the younger boy, "I'm okay..." Hearing their pitter patter of running footsteps, "There's still something I hafta take care of..."

"What could you possibly do all banged up like that?" Not understanding how the greenette could still continue to fight on in his poor condition.

"I knew he'd keep his guard up. That's why I didn't hold back." Already imagining their confusion, "Even accounting for that, I was expecting to do massive damage, but that villain is insanely strong." Huffing, sweat falling and pelting the dirt. Not feeling it burn into his injury "If all the villains attacking tonight are on his level, everyone's in trouble. And they might be after us students. I need to tell Aizawa-sensee and the Pussycats what I know." Staring up ahead with determined fire in his jades now, "If my actions can save any of them, then I've gotta do something." Images of his friends appearing in his mind, he could not fail them now.

Kota, understanding now, nodded.

Glancing to the unconscious man now, "We'll leave this villain here for now. My arm might've been messed up and weakened. But I still damaged him good. He won't wake up anytime soon. Even if he does, he's not going anywhere." Turning back to the shaken child, "But first and foremost, I've gotta protect you."


"There's one thing only you can do." Crouching on his knees for the boy to understand how dire it is, "With the forest ablaze like this, pretty much every path's gonna be blocked off." As much the child hated the idea, this was the only way, "Get it? We need your Quirk here." Smiling reassuringly to Kota, "You can help us. Just like how you saved me earlier."

Furthermore, he turned his back to the kid, "So hop on. First, I'm getting you back to camp." Hearing this, the child fretted worriedly, much different than how he was before, "Can you still move with those injuries?!"

"This is what I saved my legs for!" The electric pulse returning, more focused in his legs now. As they rushed off; Izuku thought where the Bakugou could be. Not liking the sense of something terrible may happen. Even so, they sped through the woods without stopping. Not even feeling the bushes and twigs scrapping his cuts, "Almost there."

"Hey! Look!" Snapping to where the boy pointed, seeing the familiar figure of their homeroom teacher, "Sensee!" Causing them to snap in their direction, "Midoriya--" Narrowing on his beaten form darkly. though relieved to see the hero, "Sensee! Glad I found you!"

"It's really bad. There's a lot I've gotta tell you but." Spuing on without stopping, even when the man demand for him to wait, "First off, there's something Mandalay has to hear." Remembering the child beside him, "Take Kota-kun with you. He's got a water-based Quirk, so please protect him!" Ignoring the second demand of waiting and rushed off with a shout, "Please and thanks!" But froze at the loud order, "Wait, Midoriya!!"

"Those wounds, you've gone and done it again." narrowed darkly at his arms now.

"Oh... No, but--"

"As I was saying." Now silencing the teen, "Tell her this."

Now more than ever, Izuku was running off like a bullet. Whipping and running through the foliage, leaping in the air and smashing the soles of his feet at the villain, Spinner, shattering through his weapons. In their shock he bellowed out to the woman, "Mandalay! Kota-kun's safe!" Seeing her gawking shock at the sight of him. Not even paying attention to his landing, he rolled on the ground and continued to shout out, "I've got a message from Aizawa-sensee! use telepathy to tell everyone." Skidding on his feet now, "Tell everyone in classes A and B that pro hero Easerhead says it's okay to fight back!!"

Hesitant at first, but relayed the new order to everyone quickly, "Thanks for the message! But get back to camp now! Those injuries look nasty!"

Though not glancing to see the reaction, he didn't stop and took a sharp turn. rushing off with a new message, "No, sorry! I mean, there's one more thing I need you to relay! One of the villains targets is Kacchan! Use your telepathy, please! stopping and headed off to where the fires were. hopefully they were away from there. Hearing Mandalay's voice speak through his mind.

"One of the villains' targets has been identified! It's the student known as Kacchan!! Kacchan needs to avoid battle!! And don't make any move alone! Everyone get that? Kacchan!!"

"We found you, little Snow Fairy~"

Mandalay froze in shock upon hearing another voice within her consciousness, 'What?!' head snapping up in her shock. Did one of the villains also posses the same Quirk as she?

She and Tiger tensed in horror, it seemed they weren't the only one's hearing the broadcast, many of the students and heroes were listening to the horrors in their minds as well. Cries of shock turned into grunts, followed by many crying out to Koyuki. Those being Mina, Kirishima, Iida and many more. It sounded like they were holding someone down, followed by things being thrown and shattering around in the scuttle. They could hear Vlad in the background, fighting someone- no- people. Many and they didn't know how many, but estimated around four at best.

"We found a fairy!"

Terror filled many, hearing their friends and classmates shouting and crying out to Koyuki. "We found a fairy!" What happened next shook many to their core.

"Let's clip its wings."

Followed by screams and pained shrills; more of their classmates screaming out to Koyuki, as her screeching filled their minds. It warbled out and disconnected their heads; leaving them to burn her cries in their minds. Pale in the horrors that they just heard, there must be more information they do not know. And it seemed Katsuki wasn't their only target if they're at the cabins.

Izuku trembled in horror at hearing the mage's pained screams, 'KOYUKI!!!'

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