Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 1
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story

9.3K 313 13
By aiimee9

An- Requested by AnimeFan17

You may be wondering to yourself, "How did Koyuki meet certain heroes of the story?"

Well, let's start with her first encounter with Backdraft and Desutegoro. It all started with a ride on the bus and a bashful greenette's lap~

"Finally! After days of doing nothing but training, I get to return to school." Cheered the Fairy Tail, wearing the black sailor uniform. Her silver-white hair loosely held by a blue ribbon.

Even with such chirpy attitude, her companions held nervous sweatdrops, "Koyuki... You do remember the reason for that was because of your suspension..." Was the greenette's words of truth. The orange exceed in his arms sighed in defeat, "Koyuki..."

The mage only laughed out boastfully, uncaring that they were true. One week before, the girl had a fist fight-- well, magic against Quirk-- with a student named Katsuki Bakugou. The reason for their fight was that the blonde blew back the Midoriya with his explosive Quirk. Leading him to be tossed out the window and into the school's tree. From there, they entered a serious battle and destroyed bits of the school's property. Thus their week suspension and community service.

"Like I would regret it, for a friend, I'll do anything." Smiling brightly towards the greenette. Izuku blushed immensely, glancing down at the cconcrete and tighten his hold his yellow bag. He stuttered out shyly, "Re-Realy? Even though you only know me for nine days?"

"Of course!" No hesitation and not missing a beat. Stopping and suddenly petting his dark green curls. Making the Midoriya peep in shocked surprise. Seeing as Koyuki was much taller than the boy by three inches.

"Koyuki!" Almost hissing, Daisy waved her paw at the teen, "You cannot pet someone randomly!" But was ignored.

"Your curls are so soft~" Hummed the mage, leaning closer to the now red faced Izuku. He almost squealed when she suddenly sniffed him, burning the brightest of red, "Hey, you smell really nice!"

Koyuki snapped back when the orange exceed pounced on her face. Almost blushing an orange-red on her furr, "Koyuki!!"

While the two Fairy Tail mages argued. Izuku fanned his burning face and held his chest, 'My heart won't stop beating erratically...!'

Suddenly, he noticed crowds of people were slowly pointing and gathering around a burning building. Many were cheering on someone, a hero, that was on the scene of the fire.

"I wonder what's going on?" Izuku jumped in surprise, Koyuki now beside him and carrying Daisy like an infant.

"A building is on fire, but I want to see which hero is there." Now conflicted, before he wouldn't second guess himself and see the commotion. But now that he has two companions...

His hand was now grasped in Koyuki's softer ones, "Then let's go!"

"Hu-huh-- ack!" Now running behind the Dragon Slayer, heading towards the scene. He blushed immensely from holding a girl's hand, but smiled shyly at the mage's excited laughter.

Once there, they were able to see and Izuku identified the hero that was there, named Backdraft. The greenette and other bystanders cheered the hero on. All that the Dragon Slayer thought about was how delicious looking the waters were.

"Please stand back!" Ordered one of the sidekicks of the firefighter hero. Seeing as more and more people gathered around. Daisy seemed disturbed that more people only came to see such destructive scene.

Thankfully, in thirty minutes, they were able to kill the fires. Satisfied, many people started to leave. Izuku was now writing down something on his journal, "...takes within thirty mintues, while average firefighters may take an hour or so to both contain the fires and crowd..."

"FIGHT ME!" Izuku almost cross-hatched his page at Koyuki's voice and suddenly seeing her before the greatly confussed hero. Taking on a stance and pointing directly at the man, "Koyuki?!"

Even Daisy, who was limp and acting part of plush mind you, sweating nervously, '...You proud Dragon Slayers...'

After Izuku profusely apologized on Koyuki's behalf, they only had twenty mintues left before they're considered late. It was then and there did the greenette discover the Dragon Slayer's greatest weakness.

"I guess we should take the bus, before we're late..." When he turned to his companion, he almost jumped in shock at her sudden green complexion, "Wh-What's the matter?!"

Greatly worried, he has never seen such reaction.

"It's fine Izuku, Koyuki will get over it." The orange exceed waved off his worried words. Though it didn't help, what did she mean 'she'll get over it?'

Moments later...

Groans and whimpers were heard, many of the passengers shamelessly glanced at the girl. Few were annoyed stares, others worried. Izuku was just shocked... He didn't think Dragon Slayers had terrible motion sickness. But here is Koyuki Dragoon, almost green in the face. Hugging her abdomen in pain, "Why can't we just walk... I like walking better..."

"I-I'm so sorry! If I just knew you had motion sickness--" But was stopped by Daisy's paw tapping his arm. Whispering lowly only for him to hear, "You'll have to forgive my bluntness, but, there's no going past it. Even on missions, Koyuki and Her brother have to take transportation for long distance. So please, try to look past this."

"Yo-You're so mean~" Groaned the silverette, now leaning on Izuku's shoulder's. Izuku's shoulders went stiff at the contact, 'S-So close...!' It got more intimate when the bus hit a bump and the Dragon Slayer plopped down to his lap. Now resting there, much to the Midoriya's utter embarrassment, 'A GIRL IS ON MY LAP!!!'

"Mmm... So soft..." Hummed the mage, cuddling closer to his form. The greenette was internally screaming at hearing those words. He almost went stiff as board when some high school girls whispered to one another with red tints on their cheeks.

"Oh my... The younger generations are much bolder..."

"Jeez, they're so intimate. My boyfriend is too embarrassed to even hold my hand."

"S-So cute~!"


A sudden jolt made everyone in the bus flinch, the vehicle stopped moving. Making everyone mumble in confusion, but the doors to the bus was smashed open. Making the people scream, the driver was leaning back and far away from the dark figure entering. The figure-- a villain-- held out a pistal up, smug face too, "All right! I want everyone to pull out their valuables-- NOW!!"

Few of the same high schoolers cried out in fear, hugging the other's arm. A child begun to cry and their mother hugged them close to their side. Hopping to block and shield them from the criminal.

The man only chuckled cockily, but noticed one person that did not react at all to the threat. Seeing as a silver-white haired teen in the near back rested their head on a greenette's lap. Tching in anger at their lack of reaction, "Hey you little shit! Are you listening!"

Izuku was frozen stiff in fear, seeing as the man was now pointing his weapon at the mage. What's worse, the Dragoon on groaned in annoyance and turned over and faced Izuku's direction.

It only angered the villain, marching his way, with the people whimpering in fear. Cocking the weapon, "You little bi--" he froze when saphire orbs with reptile slits stared up at the man.

"You're one noisy--" left arm freezing over and creating a scale-like texture. Launching herself at the man, "PUNK!"

Iced fist connecting the man, his figure flew and crashed out the busses window. The people inside cried out in shock at the sudden attack. The mage then ran where the man flew, freezing her other arm and cheeks. The criminal coughed at first, then rolled over and shot at the Slayer. The bullet deflected off the mage, shocking the man, "Wh-What?"

Koyuki hardened her stare into a frown, "That could really hurt someone, you know."

"Hii!!" Were the man's shrill, pointing the shaky weapon. Firing more rounds, Koyuki deflected each one easily. With the thought of the civilians behind her, she charged the man. The man now crying out in horror at seeing the girl angrily charge and deliver a sucker punch that knocked the man light's out.

Within seconds, Koyuki froze the man's hands together. Clapping her hands in satisfaction, "Well, that takes care of--"

"What in the world?!" Snapping her head to the voice's direction. A man with dark grey hair, he was greatly buff, almost as buff as Elfman. His wrists held yellow, black lined gauntlets, as well his headband and as a buckle. He wore a navy blue sleeve costume, leaving his abdomen revealed. Along with blue-white sweats.

He was openly gawking at scene: a silver-white haired middle schooler stood next to an unconscious man with their wrists frozen together. A wall that held a body shaped dent. The busses windows broken completely, along with the doors. The people inside, now huddled near the front to see the commotion.

Koyuki blinked nervously, then slowly scratched behind her scalp in embarrassment, "Oops~"

Izuku, who was still inside the bus, blinked widely in nervous-shock, 'What just happened...?'

Weeks Later...

"Fight me old man!!" Challanged the Dragon Slayer, fist held up. Desutegoro held a popped vain mark at the girl's words, "I AM NOT OLD! THIS IS MY NATURAL HAIR COLOR!!"



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