Monstrous Hero- My Hero Acade...

By aiimee9

1M 34.1K 16K

Koyuki Dragoon is an Ice and Water Dragon Slayer and a mage of Fairy tail. Her dragon parents disappeared the... More

One Snowy Day
Koyuki Dragoon
A World Called Japan- No, wait, that's a Country
The Midoriya's Dragon Guest
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 1
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 2
Izuku's Life with a Mage Part 3
Daisy the Exceed
Life Continues on and it's almost time for future plans
A F@ck You Fairy Tail Style
Enter All Might
Eat Ice, You Piece of Goop
Koyuki Shenanigans OVA- The Epic Chase
You Can be a Hero Too
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 1
Training: Fairy Tail Style!!! Part 2
Receiving the Quirk and it's time to Rumble
Exam Arc, Start!!
First Day!
The Christmas Ova- A Snow Fairy Christmas
Fairy Tail Chapter 1 Part 1- Meeting Lucy
Apprehension Exam!
Calm that Wizard!! Part 2
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 1]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 2]
Katsuki vs Koyuki vs Izuku [Part 3]
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- Heroes and the lap story
Koyuki the Vigilante or Anti Hero
Calm that Wizard!! Part 3
Electing our [Classroom] President
Photo Bomb
USJ Attack
Protecting Yuga from Moron [Villains]
Determination to Fight
Frightening Insight and Nomu, the Anti-Symbol of Peace
Enter All Might, the Symbol of Peace and a Dragon Slayer's Anger: Nomu vs Koyuki
A Teacher's Wrath
Safe and Sound
The Big Announcement and Ochako's Story of Admiration
Tension Among All
Run Little Boy! Run!!
Saddle Up for the Cavalry Race
Charging Cavalry!!
Our Scars do not Define Us, We Define It: One on One and the Siren Sings
We all dream to be the best
Semi-Finals: Shoto Todoroki vs Koyuki Dragoon
Finals: Katsuki Bakugou vs Koyuki Dragoon
Sick Little Dragon, Hero Names, and Heavy Thoughts
Hero Killer vs Dragon Slayer
Aquas' Song: The Sea King's Lullaby
Things Only Move Forward
Koyuki's Shenanigans OVA- More than one Shenanigan
Mentor to Disciple and Growing Rivalry
Teachers vs Students: Koyuki, Izuku, and Katsuki vs All Might
Encounter and Quarrel between Friends
Training starts NOW and Bathhouse
Day Two in Training
Under attack: Izuku vs Muscular
Stolen Will of Rights
The True Monster
Rescue Mission: Students
Rescue Mission: Heroes
Koyuki vs Val
Everyone's Melancholy
The Polar Siblings
The End of Winter
The Awaken Dragoon and Feelings
U.A Dorms
Forgiveness and Healing
Hatsume Mei and Girls Night
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All
Provisional License Exam: Free-For-All (Part 2) and Rivalry
Provisional License Exams: Rescue
The Truth is Hard to Swallow: Izuku vs Katsuki
Selfish Sin
Advice and Enter the Third Years
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Break in Prank
Challenge: Mirio Togata vs 1-A
Young Heroes but Still Teens: Adolescent Romance and Drama
As the Light Shines, Darkness Festers
Sir Nighteye
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- The Beginning to [Prank] Madness
Unprecedented Events
Unprecedented Events: Hello Enemy. Hello Rival.
Encounter and a Girl's Tears
A Man's Crual Fate. A Boy's Timid Heart.
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA- Dorm Life
Enter the Key Players and War Hero: Ishtar
Insane Love: Obsession
Frost's Story: The Star Princess and the Land Boy
An Incoming Storm
Horrendous News and the Burden of Silence
Raid and Rescue: Assault
Raid and Rescue: Jealousy and Blood
Christmas OVA- Merry Amongst Friends (Art Spoiler)
Raid and Rescue: Russian Roulette
Raid and Rescue: Demons amongst Humen
Raid and Rescue: Sin of Mortals
Raid and Rescue: The Martyr
Koyuki Elaine Dragneel's Origins
The Poor Boy's Melancholy
Healing Starts Slow
A Blooming Bond
Strange Magic in the Air
Lacrima Call
The "normal" life as a Student
The Young Dragon Heiress and Last Minute Call
Koyuki and Friends Shenanigans OVA: The Prank War
The Announcement of the Culture Festival
Visiting Eri and Mirio's Contradiction
Get Planning, Kids!
Practice makes Perfect
Mama Bear and Don't Lewd Ms. Dragneel
Touring some More
The Mages: Fairy Tail, Forever Your Family
Chocolate: Guilty Desires
Bumps in the Road
Protecting Their Happiness: Izuku vs Gentle
Her Wish, His Vow
Broken Vow: Goodbye My Tender Light
The Heroic Boy and the Dragon Girl
Aquarium Date
My Girl
Approval and Maturity
My Sweet Addiction, You
Return of Eri and Dire Information
Sweet Tea
Learning your Boundaries
Fire Storm
A Terrifying Nightmare or Premonition
My Sunshine
A vs. B
A vs B: The Invisible Assassin
A vs B: Look at Me
The Beast
Losing Face
Conspiracy and Papa's Promise
Young Blood
Sweet Sacrifice
Cosmos Flower
The Rift between Us
Queen of Shadows: Hecate
Solemn Peace that can still bring a new Future
Brewing Lust
Young n' Wild
The Party: Oldies Romantic Nostalgia
The Dragon King: Acnologia
Red Spider Lily
A Sinner's Guilt
Spiraling into Madness
Pained Hearts
Your pain, My Sorrow
The Ghostly Moon summons Its Shadows
The Moon's shadows Cruelty
The Lunar Eclipse
Twinkling Little Star
Starless Night
Black Star
Opposing Flames
Cometh the Night
Dusk till Dawn
Shooting Star
Diamonds in the Sky

Calm that Wizard!! Part 1

12.6K 368 109
By aiimee9

An- Artwork from Creator Chan on Quotev.

"ALRIGHT IZUKU!!" Cheered the Fairy Tail mage, arms up, rooting in excitement. Ochako was the same for her fellow classmate, "Woo! Now that's a hero-like record if I ever saw one."

Tenya shielding his eyes from the sun to see the distance, "His finger appears to be swollen. Thinking back to the exam... What a strange Quirk..."

What the three didn't notice was a certain ash-blonde was slowly turning frustrated till they charged towards the Midoriya in anger. The three jumping back at the sudden explosion. While the who caused it charged at the One For All user, "What the hell? Explain yourself, Deku!!"

"WAHHHH!!" Cried the frightened greenette, until another figure tackled the blonde down. Izuku right away knowing who, "Koyuki!"

Arms locked around his arms and head, stopping his upper body movement. While her legs pressed down Katsuki's, "Cool it, yellow firecracker!"

"Get off you--" Grinding his teeth when the silverrete tightened her hold. He tried to his Quick on or around her face, but nothing happened. Figuring out immiadetly their teacher was using his Quirk and watching them, "Geez. Stop using your Quick already."

Huffing in discontent at the two rivals and glared angrily in frustration with red glows, "I'm getting dry eye over."

'That sucks. Considering his Quirk is so awesome!!' Many of 1-A students thought.

Aizawa sighed once more, "What a waste of time. Prepare for the next event." Before he could release his Quirk on the Bakugo, "You can let go Dragoon. You're suffucating him."

"Huh?" Turning to the now struggling red faced Katsuki. The lack of air now going through his lungs for him to breath. "OH CRUD!!" Releasing her hold on him and chuckling in embarrassment, while rubbing behind her head, "Sorry about that cracker, I use that technique on my brother a lot."

Many held deadpans at her laughing figure now, 'That's excessive...'

Standing from the ground, while Ochako fretted and asked about Izuku's wellbeing, Koyuki glanced down at the blonde. Katsuki continued to glare at Izuku's direction. Koyuki poated angrily, "Geez, quit with that angry stare, will ya."

Being the daring coot she is, ruffled his wild hair and dodged his angry swipe with a laugh, "Try being faster next time." Now holding a hand to the moody blonde, "Get up already, we have more tasks to do and I still have to kick your butt in every one of them!"

"Shut it, you cocky moron!" Trying to push her hand away, but she grasped it and pulled him up. Now for him to come face to face with her. Noticing a tiny difference, 'Did she grow an inch?-- What the fuck?!' Angryly flustered at the weird thoughts that suddenly appeared. Pushing past her with a bright red blush growing, "Don't get in my way, Frozo!"

Only to hear her laughing and following behind the teen, "You wish firecracker!"

And with that, the two returned to their normal rivalry.

With every course of the exam, it finally ended and everyone stood before their homeroom teacher. Or possibly their last time seeing him.

"Moving along. Time for the results." Announced the man.

Nervous tension was in the air. But out of everyone, a certain Midoriya didn't do so well as the rest. Clutching his hand with the broken digits, shaking in great anxiety. But flinched when a hand fell over his shoulder, glancing at Koyuki's passive face. No fear nor anxiety washed her delicate features. Something he envied about the girl, she didn't fear nor worried the little or big things. But at that moment, he did realized she only worried about those around her more than herself.

"Your total scores simply reflect your performance in each of the events. Explaining the process would be a waste of time, so all you get are final rankings." Revealing the scores to everyone. Many were releaved, disappointed, or felt defeated and mortified.

Those who felt relieved of not being at the lowest. And felt their achievement of excelling their middle school scores.

Only two felt utter disappointment and frustrated: those being Katsuki and Shouto. Seeing as expected, the silverette acced this first hero exam with flying colors at being the top number one. Above the person in second place, a girl named Yaoyorozu Momo.

And Finally, the two, the Dragoon felt utter horror at seeing Izuku at the bottom scoreboard. And the young Midoriya felt defeated and knew he didn't even pass the first exam. Ultimately, he was the one leaving the first day.

"Also, I was lying about expelling someone." Removing the hologram scoreboard, with an impassive face towards the shocked ones. Now, a cocky smile bloomed from the tired man, "That was a rational deception meant to bring out the best in all of you."

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" The four shouted the loudest of the whole class, those being Izuku, Koyuki, Tenya, and Ochako. A tall dark haired beauty, with her dark hair pulled up in a ponytail, sweatdrop at their reactions, "Well of course it was a lie. Didn't take much to figure it out..."

Koyuki didn't believe that for a second! She knew a liar when she see's one. A good liar is hard to spot, a great liar is taking their words for the truth. And their homeroom teacher was good at that. Either way...

"I'm going to throttle him..." Muttered Koyuki, hands up and held up to choke someone. Unnerving her friends at the seriousness and shadowing over eye's.

"Ko-Koyuki-chan..." Was Toru's voice, if anyone could see her reaction, the girl held a sweatdrop.

"Koyuki, please calm yourself." Peeped the shaken Izuku, clearly surprised and shaken to the core at the sudden turn of events.

"Anyway. We're done here. Your syllabus about the curriculum and such are back in the classroom give them a look." Dismissing the class back to the classroom, then turned to the greenette, "Midoriya."

Holding out a pink slip of paper, signed with his last name on it, "Have Recovery girl fix you up. Tomorrow's trials aren't gonna be any easier." Giving the teen a fair warning for the next day. With that, their first class ended.

Hearing one of the gorgeous words of "Class dismissed" not before hearing "Stand, bow" towards the front. Koyuki was already at the window and jumping out of class with many shouts of "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" from her peers and new friends.

"Yahoooo!!" As the silverrete jumped out the window and over the heads of U.A. students. Few looked up and gapped in surprise, rare few walked on like it was normal. Many were shouting in utter shock at the falling figure.

Once landing, she ran to the gates with laughter. Three third years saw their young first year with different reactions:

"I like her enthusiasm!" Laughed the tall and buff blonde. His polar opposite male companion shivering in shock when she landed in front of them and ran off with laughter, "Tha-That surprised me!"

"I hope I see her again! She seems awesome!" The final member, a female with long light blue hair.

Many shouts of "Koyuki-chan wait up!", "Dragoon-san!", "Wa-Wait Koyuki-chan!", and finally "Koyuki! Don't leave me behind!" Two first years chasing behind, one of them was a floating girl's uniform and the other was a male spiky red head with a broad toothy smile. The other two following behind, a bob brunette with pink cheeks and a tired greenette following behind her.

Koyuki stopping by the entrance and waving their direction, waiting for them. Toru and Ejiro catching up with her, "Hey you two! Joining us on our way home?"

"To the train station, Koyuki." Butted in Izuku, bending over and grasping his knees in exhaustion from his already low stamina. Knowing the girl already wanted to take the long way home.

"Crap..." Dreaded the Dragon Slayer, paling a bit with a deadpan.

"Sorry Koyuki-chan, I justed wanted say 'see ya later,' before you leave. So, see ya tomorrow~!" Again, surprising everyone, but the two new friends at their hug. Koyuki smiling down at the invisible girl, "See ya tomorrow, Toru!"

Waving the running figure that headed the opposite direction they were heading. Turning back to the quiet three, "What?"

"Nothing." Was their quick responses. The silverrete shrugging it off and turned to the red head, "And you, Ejiro?"

Again, it was very strange to have their new friend call the other by their first name. But hearing she's from another country, he'll let that one slide. "Also saying my farewells. So," holding a fist up for the girl. "See ya tomorrow?"

Only for the mage to connect hers in a fist bump, "Definitely!"

With that, Koyuki waving another friend goodbye.

Once more, Izuku was always in awe how the girl could easily make friends. It only took her to be herself and already on the first day, she's made three new ones.

"How's your finger?" Asked a voice, a large hand on his shoulder. Izuku peeped in surprise at the person behind him, "Gah! Iida-kun...! Its fine, thanks to recovery girl."

"That's great to hear!" Relieved in hearing that from her greenette savoir from the entrance exam. Koyuki was confused about this all and held her hand up in question, while the two boys had a bit of talk about the teacher's deceit, "Like, what did happen to Izuku? I didn't see much?"

"Ah, Midoriya-san was it? When he used his Quirk, it seems to brake his body which ever part it projects its strength." Filled in the Zero Gravity user.

Koyuki was impassive at first, until it turned into a deadpan, 'Crud, All Might wasn't kidding about it...'

"Also! I'm sorry I didn't properly introduce myself to you three! My name is Uraraka Ochako!" The girl smiled to three, turning to the now listening boys, "I already know Koyuki-chan. Um, you're Iida Tenya and Midoriya..." Koyuki just said his name already in the first day and she forgot! "Um... Deku! Right!!" The "Ku" was very prominate from Koyuki and the way the explosive blonde said "Deku" in their exam.

"Deku?!" Gapped the two, both silverrete and greenette.

From their reactions, she got it horribly wrong, "During the test, that Bakugo guy said it and I remember the "Ku" part from Koyuki-chan..."

"Um... My real name is Izuku... "Deku" is just Kacchan being a bully..." Explained the jittery boy, arms waving around as if he was explaining the big picture through motion.

"A derogatory pet name then?" Concluded the glasses teen.

"More like a rude ass." Tched Koyuki, when she first heard the nickname, she actually liked it. She didn't think that calling him that at home would hurt him, but when she saw the hurt reaction. She dropped it quickly and apologized profusely to the Midoriya.

"Oh, gotcha. Sorry!" Apologizing for such assumption, but.... Holding a fist up with a broad smile, "But "Deku," well... It just screams, 'Do your best!!' I kinda like it and the way it sounds."

"Ooh! I like that meaning better, Ochako! That completely describes Izuku!" Smiling broadly, rubbing under her nose with a bright blush, "Izuku always does that, doing his utter best and beyond of his abilities. So hearing 'do your best' just fits so well."

"DEKU'S FINE!!" Koyuki jumped back surprise at the high pitch and loud tone from the Midoriya. His face and neck completely red from blushing profusely.

"MIDORIYA-SAN!!" Gapped Tenya, utterly gobsmacked at the change of face Izuku had on the nickname. "Show a bit of backbone! It's an insult, isn't it?!"

"Hey, I accepted the nickname 'Siren,' because how many times I almost drowned someone!! AND IT WAS ALL ACCIDENTS!!" Pointed out the mage.

"Good lord!!" Appalled to even hear that and her nickname about a mythical sea creature.

"It's like the Copernican Revolution..." Muffled out the greenette, seeing as he hid his red face in his hands.

"Coprni-who?" Asked Ochako.

With that, their first day of high school ended. Until for the next day on their next challenge for the students of 1-A.

An- I totally wonder who were those third years were~? *Shrugs in "confusion"* and I totally wonder if anyone is blossoming a crush for the silverette *Shrugs again in "confusion"*

Another thing before anyone asks, Koyuki is not in any teams. I want everyone to guess why, but she is going to fight~

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