Chapter 71: The Big Moment.

Start from the beginning

I love this girl so much though, and I can wait to show her what's been hiding in my pocket and tell her how I've always felt about her. I knew the other times we've discussed marriage, we've decided to not because marriage has always seemed to bring problems in her family, so it made her superstitious and I understood, so I always let it past. But, I'm not getting any younger.. And I want this family to be bound to forever. I hope she says yes, and everyone else agrees too..

My biggest fear out of all this is how my mom will react.. God please help me.


*Jack's POV*

I know now isn't the time.. But I never thought their relationship would come to this and I never thought I wouldn't have my chance to tell her what I have to say! I was skating through the mesh of family and friends, racing Zach around and trying to calm down, but by Zach's constant looks I knew, that he knew, that that wasn't going to happen.

"Jack! Lets go!" Zach hopped up out of the rink and onto the carpet. He held his arm out and as I came around the corner he took my hand firmly in his and pulled me out too.

"Where?" I flipped my fringe from my eyes and cleared my throat.

"Lets just go and talk awhile." Zach gave me a reasoning smile and his posture sucked me in. Just get it over with Jack... I sighed and followed him with my back slumped in its usual posture nowadays, dreading the conversation that I knew was coming up.

"That bad huh?" I groaned and Zach nodded without looking at me as he led me to the back tables around the corner near the bathrooms.

We sat finally and Zach was giving me a stern look, like he wanted to be serious, but was more worried than anything. "You can't wallow today. Any day but today Jack. This day is about her.. Hopefully her and Alex by the end of it, and you have to take a step back and relax. Get over it." He sighed and his arm muscles looked tense.

"That's easy for you to say, and I know, but I can't. It's like I didn't really realize what I could be giving up if I don't say anything."

Zach nodded, no judgement crossing his face. "Look, I get it, when Alex was gone she'd come to you to talk about their issues. She'd confide in you and because you guys were already friends from past tours and whatnot, when she picked you to come to first, you felt special.. You felt reliable. Make you happy." He softened his face and his cheeks picked up a little. "Even when Alex was back home.. When the REST of us was back home, you two stayed pretty close. Then it was the three of you hanging out a lot, and then. What happens Jack? Why were you already near Florida with Hannah and Gabe?"

I sighed and covered my mouth with my knuckle, embarrassed and at a loss for an explanation. I mean, I have one.. Just not one that I know I want to say out loud.

"When we started hanging out more, even the three of us, it was fun. You know how Alex and I can get, and Cameo just joined in. It was awesome, and even though I knew Alex was with Cameo.. It still just felt like we were just three best friends hanging out. I started to ignore the looks her an Alex gave each other.. I started to see her in a new light too.. I guess.." I swung my head around and rubbed my hand roughly on the back of my neck. "Ugh! Zach, man, there's no way! I feel stupid." I licked my lips frustratingly and smacked my hands down on the table top.


*Alex's POV*

People were more off the rink floor than the carpet, and so I figured the birthday was coming to an end, aside from cake that's yet to come. I planned everything out smoothly in my head, and figuring now was a good time as any, took a deep breath and walked out to the middle of the roller rink with a mic I got from the DJ music booth.

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