Chapter 38: The Start.

Start from the beginning

"So why is it you look so flustered when you know how he feels, and he looks so.. I can't tell?"

"Because he kissed me again." I murmured, looking into the fire and thinking about it.

"Well, I was wondering, in the non weirdest way possible, can I sleep with you in your tent? Since Zach i'm sure, isn't going to sleep with you after tonights events." 

Just as Gabe finished that sentence Zach walked around from behind my tent with his sleepingbag in hand. He stopped to look at me and like Gabe has described, his expression was unreadable. He nodded at the two of us and went into the big tent that everyone else, minus Rian and Cassadee, were sleeping in. 

"Sure." I patted Gabes arm as I leaned off the table. "Mi casa is su casa." I led the way to my average sized tent and climbed in, Gabe not even bothering to grab his sleeping bag. "Where are you going to sleep?" I asked curiously as I unzipped my bag and stopped to look at him. I twirled my finger around in a circular motion. "Turn! I need to take my pants off." His face flushed red and he quickly turned away from me.

"I figured I'd just sleep on the floor, it's really no big deal and I just, want to sleep." He sighed and yawned. I bit my bottom lip, not exactly happy that he was making himself sleep on the floor. 

"Are you sure?" I asked, throwing my pants to the floor next to me and crawling into my sleeping bag. "You can turn around now."

He turned and pulled his shirt up over his head, and I was surprised. I was not expecting Gabe to have any muscles, I mean, they're nothing compared to Zach's, but he's sure got a little somethin' somethin'. I felt myself staring and turned away, distracting myself by pulling my hair in a sloppy bun at the crown of my head. 

"I'm sure, goodnight." He commented nonchalantly and scooted flat on the floor. I laied down and instantly fell asleep.


*Alex's POV*

"My m- mom ate my chicken stick." Jack mumbled in his sleep, finally letting us pry the empty bottle from his hands and covering him with the fully unzipped sleeping bag. I laughed at my best friend and brushed his sloppy fringe from his face. 

"I'm sure she'll give it back in the morning." I played along, and stood up as Hannah was coming in. Our tent was a bug, two "roomed" tent what basically was just a huge tent with a divider down the middle that made two rooms. "He's talking in his sleep. Enjoy." I smirked and Hannah laughed quietly, scooting to her blow up matress next to Jack and sitting on it to look for her clothes in the bag infront of her. "Night Hannah." I reached down and gave her a hug before walking back over to Cameo and I's side. 

"Night Al." She replied as I was zipping up the divider. 

I finished zipping it and when I turned around Cameo was changing from her sticky, wet clothes to pj's. "Those aren't yours." I commented smiling as I walked closer to inspect the familiar clothes she'd laied out on her side of the bed. She turned around smiling and continued to undress. 

"So? You never said I had to pack my own pj's." She shrugged and slid on her new pair of undies and some blue sophies. "Who cares if it's your shirt? I like it." She hung her bra from the compact coat hanger and threw her previously wet clothes to the corner of the room. She was wearing one of my glmr kills t- shirts. That one was actually one of my favorites too. 

"I'm glad someone does i guess." I chuckled and of course, she rolled her eyes at me. I striped off my jeans and shirt, going boxers only tonight. I was in bed minutes before Cameo, because she "has to" mosturize and brush through her short hair and do all this night time matinence apparently. I watched as she got ready for bed and when she finished and turned to look at me, I was smiling at her adoringly. "You know something?"

She rolled her eyes, which I found was becoming a habit of her's, and crawled into bed toward me. "I'm sure you'll tell me amyways, so what is it?" She smirked, curling into her usual place on my chest. 

"I feel lucky everytime I curl up in bed next to you, and wake up seeing your face first in the morning." 

"I'm still not used to your sweet, corny gestures and sayings. But that's sweet, and I love you." She twirled her finger on my chest and smiled up at me. 

"I love you too. I'm also really glad we came on this trip, this is fun, we need this." I rubbed her arm and I knew we were both thinking about all the negative fan stuff that's been going on on all the social networking sites. A lot of fans have been super supportive of how long Cameo and I have been together and that I've left Lisa behind, but there's also a good group of people who hate Cameo and I together and are still in the, "Lislex phase." I sighed, thinking about all the bad comments and things Cameo gets instead of me, and it's not fair to her. It's not like I'm asking my fans to date Cameo with me? The whole thing blew up into a mean experience that's still ongoing to this night.

"Agreed." She mumbled, sleep overtaking her voice. I leaned in and kissed her forehead and she curled tighter around me. "Lex?"


"I'm not tired." I looked down and her eyes were open, she seemed to be thinking and from the look in her eyes I knew she was thinking about the twitter blow up we had coming here. 

"Hey, it'll be fine, we turned our phones off, we're not surrounding ourselves with negative energy, everythings fine. It's just you, and me, right now, in this tent next to each other." She rolled onto her side to look at me better and I cupped her face in my hand. "And we love each other, so very much, therefore, it's a perfect night, don't let those thoughts ruin it." 

I leaned in and our lips touched briefly for a moment. My breathing became unnoticeably shallow and our lips grazed one another's again. I want her to forget all the rumors about her, about us, I want her to forget about all the stress  at home with the fans and my mom, and the fact that I'm leaving for England soon. I just want her completely emersed in happiness for once, with me, making it just completely about us until tomorrow, when it's about us and the others who love us too. 

I deepend the kiss and on cue, she rolled on top of me quietly, molding ourselves together.

Kiss me again. [An All Time Low Fan- Fic.]Where stories live. Discover now