Chapter 33: Morning After..

Start from the beginning

"No worries. I'll just go let Levi out for you, then see if anyone else is up."

I guessed I looked confused, which makes sense because I kind of was, because Jack laughed quietly to tend my headache and patted my hand before standing up. "Hannah crashed in your bed with Alex, me, Rian, and Cassadee." My eyes widened at the gross images running through my head and Jack laughed a bit louder now.

"Don't worry, Alex and Rian slept on the floor, Cass and Hannah ended up on the bed." I sighed and Jack left the bathroom, chuckling at himself.

I finished my shower and slowly emerged from the bathroom in my galaxy half shirt and navy blue sweat pants with my short hair wrapped up in a towel. I walked out to the kitchen as Jack was coming back in with Levi happily in tow. I smiled and reached over the bar to grab my cheeta print aviator sunglasses. I slid em on and went out to the porch after thanking Jack for taking Levi out. He followed me outside and sat next to me on one of the other porch chairs. 

"Nice look." He commented, smiling at my overly tall towel on my head. I chuckled, my voice raspy from last night. I lolled my head back in the chair and let the cool mid afternoon air sweep over my damp face.

"When do you think we should wake them up?" I asked lazily, looking over at him. He shrugged and I nudged his arm. "You should go shower, borrow some of Alex's clothes." It took some more coaxing, but when the flies started buzzing around Jack's head he knew he needed a shower. 

When he finally got in and closed the door, I opened the glass door for Levi to freely explore the porch and our house. I went inside and turned off the air conditioner, deciding I'd just open all the windows for now. I went from room to room as quietly as I could, opening all of them and finally made it back to the kitchen my taste buds aching for some coffee. I started up a pot and took my short hair out from the towel, and dumped the towel in the laundry room.


*Alex's POV*

I awoke with a massive headache. Mybrain felt like it was going to combust and my liver felt like it was it's own ticking time bomb. I heaved myself off the floor and practically dragged myself to the bathroom. I could hear the showering running inside and I knocked. When I got no response, I let myself in and turned on the sink to wash my face and brush my teeth. "Cami?" I asked as I felt for the temperature to warm up in the sink. 

The shower curtain moved and I turned my head to see Jack winking at me. "I can be if you turn the lights off." I threw back my aching head in laughter and Jack closed the curtain to keep showering.

I finished washing the stupid of last night off my face and brushed out the stale taste of alcohol and pizza from my tongue, before passing Jack the hair conditioner and leaving the bathroom to look for Cameo. I noticed the windows were all open, I could smell the strong scent of coffee coming from the kitchen and I knew I'd find her there. 

I looked around the corner and she was at the counter, pouring two cups off coffee, chasing them both with Peppermint creamer. My stomach growled and I held it as though that would really muffle the noise. Yeah right..

"Morning." She croaked, jumping up over the counter on her elbows and smiling at me. I grinned and came around to meet her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hoisted her on the counter, setting myself between her thighs. 

"Morning yourself." I mumbled, resting my forehead against hers smiling. "How was the couch?" I teased.

"How was the floor?" She countered, smirking at me and pushing me away lightly. She jumped off the counter and went back to the cabinet to grab another cup, I assumed for me, and went to repeat the previous coffee procedure. I came around from behind and laced my arms around her, burying my face into the crook of her neck. 

"Sometimes, when I wake up I feel like Ursula in the morning, and I blame partys like last night." Hannah yelled like an angry bear, coming out of the room with her hair frizzed and a mess. I straighted my posture, and laughed. Cameo rolled her eyes, sighing because she knew she had to make another cup of coffee. 

"I think you look great." I commented as she plopped herself on our couch and started to try to untangle the mess of her hair. She turned and stuck her tongue out at me. 

"Hey uh, Ursula? Would you be so kind as to go wake Rian and Cassadee up? I don't need one to wake up the other and something be happening in our bed." Cameo asked as she pulled Rian and Cassadee coffee mugs too. Hannah nodded, grumbling, but went to try and wake the two love birds.


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