Chapter 24: Long Live The Reckless And The Brave.

Start from the beginning


*Cameo's POV*

"Where were you?" I asked Nick, walking backstage to A Rocket To The Moon's dressing room and handing him all his picks for their set. "I was running rampid everywhere over these damn things." I took a few deep breaths and he laughed at me.

"I was warming up for this kick ass show we're going to play." He smirked confidently and I could smell a faint scent of alcohol.

"Really, already? How long have you been drinking this time?" I joked, shoving his shoulder and knocking him off balance momentarily. He gurgled a laugh and slid his sunglasses on his face. "Yeah, you better hide those red eyes in this dark, crowded place." I commented sarcastically. He stuck his tongue out at me and before he could suck it back in his mouth I grabbed it between my thumb and index finger. "HA!" I grinned and he grabbed my around the waist and started tickling me. I gave in, falling to the floor and letting go of his tongue in the process.

"HA HA!" He one up'd me and helped me back up. "I need some water, you need anything?"

I sighed and wiped the sweat on the back of my neck. "Just a break, or more responsible band members." I rolled my eyes at him and breezed past to his manager to warn him about Nick's one too many drinks.

After I talked to his manager, I got a text from Zach.

Zach: Cameoooo, I need some more water back here, Jack tried to make a mini pool. -.-

Cameo: Seriously?! Again? Tell Jack I'm gonna kill him.

Zach: Okie dokie, but I'll have to find him first.

Cameo: Find him first? The hell? Where could he have gone!

Zach: He said something about needing a fish to complete his pond.

Cameo: Oh so now it's a pond.

Zach: That's what Alex just told me.

Cameo: Wow, great, I'll be there shortly.

I sighed and put my phone back in my pocket to run back to the coolers. I found a few waters and then decided fuck it, I'd bring the whole damn cooler. I made sure there were plenty more before bringing it though. When it was all figured out, I dragged the cooler around the backstage and downstairs to All Time Low's dressing room. I knocked on the door and Alex opened the door grinning mischeviously. "Hey gorgeous." He pecked my forehead and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Where's Jack?" I pushed past him and dropped the cooler in the middle of the soaking wet carpet. I jumped on a piece of fruniture, not wanting the water to seep through my shoes. Alex chuckled and closed the door and squeaked his way over to me.

"We have no clue." He walked around and continued to help Zach and Rian step on towels to absorbe Jack's mess. That Idiot.

"Jackie!" I called, and heard nothing. The guys all stopped squishing on the towel and I jumped to another piece of fruniture. "Jackie!" I called again, trying a new tone of voice, a happier one. I held my breath to listen out better and sure enough heard him rustling behind boxes in the back manager office thing. I smirked and sneakily got off the couch and tip-toed to the room. Jack's feet were poking out from under a stack of empty boxes and I pounced on him. "Jack!" I grunted, holding him down with his hands pinned to his sides. "STOP. WITH. THE. WATER!"

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