Plastic uncle and nephew (31)

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The assistant quickly bought the navy and sent out all kinds of black materials of Xu Zifan. Drag racing, alcoholism, nightclubs, chaotic private life, look down on the poor, etc., each of them can easily provoke the disgusting nerves of the masses. The three words "rich second generation" can easily make people think of bad things. The real-looking materials were released on a large scale, making them seem to be real, and immediately aroused large-scale attention.

Although Xu Zifan is very popular, more people on the Internet are definitely passers-by. Seeing these materials, many "sane passers-by" began to analyze.

[Flies do not bite seamless eggs, Xu Zifan is usually so crazy, I think it looks like real. 】

[Your eyes are so NB? Know at a glance? This is obviously a rumors and frame, is there any evidence? If you have the ability to hammer out, help @徐子凡, you are waiting to receive the lawyer's letter! 】

[Why is Xu Zifan's fan so loyal? What did he give you? You can kneel and lick something if you leak something between your fingers? 】

[You love to kneel and lick yourself, don't think of others that way, Zifan is so charming, we just like him! Talk less if there is no evidence, @徐子凡 quickly come out and beat them! ! ! Don't shut up, want to kill you, come out and show your face! Take a selfie! @姚可欣 Sister-in-law sends Fan's Jiugongge! ! 】

Fans of Xu Zifan and Yao Kexin have experienced strong winds and waves. They are extremely powerful and fight head-on without fear when something happens. They have been following Xu Zifan for a day or two. Many real people have seen them. Do you still know who they follow? If there is a real hammer exposed, then they will be regarded as blind. Now without a hammer, they will not allow anyone to spread rumors like this.

The navy is not afraid of big things, and there are more and more black materials, and the fans are also comparable to the navy, and they are comparable to them. And fans especially like @徐子凡, and they happily called him to show up and take a selfie, calling Yao Kexin to take Xu Zifan's handsome photo. He didn't take Heizi seriously, and they seemed to want to take this opportunity to blow Xu Zifan out.

Xu Zifan really came out and posted a Weibo: [My girlfriend's first movie will be released a week later, do you know what to do? Follow my girlfriend and repost this Weibo, draw 666 lucky fans, each will get two movie tickets + 1,000 yuan for meals (the movie doesn't have to be a meal, you use this money to buy more tickets to bring relatives Friends, three aunts and six women, go to see it together). By the way, who doesn't think so much about me spilling dirty water on me? Be careful, I want to find out who you are and kill you! Accept the report, whoever finds out who this person is, report to me. If it proves to be true, reward 5 million. 】

Xu Zifan helped Yao Kexin to promote the movie in a rare appearance. Yao Kexin's fans and their CP fans are simply sweet! Some capable hackers or naval forces in the industry are also ready to move, and the person who unearths the black Xu Zifan can earn 5 million. This order is accepted! In short, the number of Yao Kexin's followers has risen sharply again, and Xu Zifan's Weibo has been reposted more often than the top traffic niche. #带全家支持姚可欣# and #五万找徐子凡的黑子# quickly became the top two in the hot search, and the word "explosive" was added at the end.

Upon seeing this, Xu Hao immediately asked the assistant to find a high-level hacker, erased the trace of the assistant and the navy, and stood by to ensure that he was not found here. With a hacker in charge, the assistant became more courageous and began to find someone to open a pornographic live broadcast on Zifan, ready to report. Unexpectedly, this kind of live broadcast will be blocked as soon as it is opened for less than two minutes. He asked people to try several times but failed to open it. Zifan Live also posted an announcement on the homepage: [Recently, it was discovered that someone was attempting to conduct pornographic and illegal live broadcasts. We are constantly monitoring and welcome reports from the audience. If you report successfully, you will get a 100 yuan bonus. We resolutely put an end to all live broadcasts that endanger everyone's mental health. Please join us in monitoring! 】

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