Movie queen's domineering fans (5)

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Qiao Zixin moved everything to Xu Zifan's house and stayed there. She listened to Xu Zifan, did not use the Internet, did not turn on her mobile phone, and isolated herself from the world regardless of the disturbances outside. Watching TV dramas and variety shows every day, it really feels a lot easier. It seems that the whole network is not a big deal. If she doesn't go out like this, what if they scold her? She didn't even look at it, the group of people could only sing a one-man show, and she felt a little refreshed thinking about it this way.

A few days later, the police finally announced the cause and effect of the incident because of special concerns about Bai You's drug use on the Internet. Bai You had taken drugs and became seriously addicted. She had a bad attitude at the police station. She became addicted to drugs and even attacked the police. She was sentenced to detention for 15 days and sent to a community drug rehabilitation center for drug rehabilitation. She was fined two thousand yuan. The male model Adam has not been tested for drug use, and Qiao Zixin, who left early, has not been tested for drug use. They have nothing to do with this matter.

The navy whom Liu Jie invited still held on to Qiao Zixin, saying that she and Bai You are so good, and they must have participated together. Even if they didn't participate, they would still be able to see that they were inferior if they didn't stop their friends from taking drugs. And Adam must have had a relationship with Qiao Zixin when he went to see them so late, and her private life was really messed up.

Many people on the Internet follow the trend, thinking that they were blind when they liked Qiao Zixin. Looking at such an innocent girl, it is like this in private. What if she is good-looking and talented? The entertainment industry does not need such a mess of people!

Xu Zifan pays attention to online trends every day, Qiao Zixin has not moved, and Heizi has also entered a period of burnout, which means that he has become calmer. But if there is no evidence, you can't do nothing, otherwise even if Qiao Zixin turns over in the future, these will be her black spots, and the water must be mixed up.

He has already sold the store, one is at the corner of the commercial street, 200 square meters sold for 9 million, and the other is next to Yanjing University, 180 square meters sold for 6.5 million, the sale is urgent, the price is slightly cheaper, But before using all of these in the stock market, it can at least double.

Seeing that Qiao Zixin's mood was not so bad, Xu Zifan said to her some time: "Do you believe me? If you believe me, leave the matter to me and I will run it. You can't let them pour dirty water on you."

Qiao Zixin was startled, and shook his head: "It's useless. Lin Yan and I have been together for a year. We have not gotten along much. He also said that he hopes to keep the underground relationship and not get caught, so we even I don't even have a photo with me. My phone... I don't know when he deleted all the chat records. I have no way to prove that he and I are lovers. There are also those who say I play big cards and bully new people, I Sister Gan stood up and said that she had broken up with me. Even if there is no evidence, others will believe her. I don't know what to do."

Xu Zifan was not so distressed like her. He picked up an apple and peeled it. He smiled and said, "You are too smooth, I don't know about these dark methods. Your god-sister is the boss of Star Entertainment. She broke up with you heartbroken. People believe that there is a problem with your character. But she also has no substantive evidence. As long as these things make doubts, when you get angry, someone will naturally help you prove your innocence. How about, do you believe me?"

Qiao Zixin looked at the apple handed over in front of him. The shape was very round, no more or no less. The thin peeled apple peels were placed next to each other in a string, like a work of art. This person seems to be able to do everything well, and inexplicably makes people confident. She took a bite of the apple and smiled: "I believe you."

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