Raiders get out (21)

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Lin Siyan counted on Luo Jian to save her, but at this moment, Luo's biggest project had an accident! Major banks reassessed their strengths based on a series of recent events in Roche, and stopped granting loans to Roche, and began to negotiate for loans in the past. All those that were due were not allowed to be delayed, which made Roche worse.

Luo's father was completely unable to get up after a series of blows. Many people in the industry gloated over misfortune, and they were more or less copied by Luo's father. Every time something promising appeared, Luo's father immediately copied it and suppressed the original version by various means. Fortunately for a large group like Xu, many of the amazing results of those small designers and programmers have been taken up by Roche. Now that Roche collapses, it is natural to cheer and celebrate.

Before that, everyone who thought that Roche defeated Xu to grab the project was stunned. They thought it was a good thing to **** Xu, but ended up smashing themselves, and the turning point was too shocking. At this time, Xu Zifan suddenly proposed to buy Roche, and it was extremely strong. Any business person with a little brain can see that Xu Zifan was well prepared!

Looking back at Xu Zifan's attitude towards the big project, he showed interest and mobilized funds, but immediately after the failure, he invested the funds in new projects and new products, as if the funds were originally prepared for new projects. Generally, it was not affected at all. If you think about it again, wouldn't the Xu family never think about that big project from start to finish? It's really scary to think carefully!

Xu Zifan successfully acquired Roche, and the Xu Group expanded again, making him famous in the business world again. This time, everyone clearly realized that Chairman Xu is not easy to provoke. Regardless of his young age, he really provokes him, just like Roche did. Everyone can faintly see Xu Zifan's future achievements, and he will definitely become the top existence of the business pyramid.

Luo Shi disappeared, and Lin Siyan could not count on anyone to help her again. After two months of collecting evidence in the lawsuit, the dust settled. Luo's father and Luo Dashao's wife forcefully accused Lin Siyan that she had done it herself and deceived them, and the USB flash drive of the plan was also It was used as evidence to confirm that there were traces copied from Xu Zifan's computer, and the information was all Xu's data.

Father Luo did this to pick out the younger son, and Young Master Luo's wife did it to avenge Lin Siyan for seducing her husband. Lin Siyan's guilt is conclusive and will be sentenced if no accident occurs. When Luo Jian went to visit her, she cried and said that she was so scared, and she kept wiping away the tears and said that she did not regret it, and she could do anything for Luo Jian. Luo Jian's favorability rose to 100 in one fell swoop, and unexpectedly surrendered that he had instructed Lin Siyan to do all this.

The main crime was more serious. Luo Jian was sentenced to seven years in prison. Lin Siyan became an accomplice. She thought she would be sentenced to a lighter sentence. Who knew that she was sentenced to three years in prison, which made her disappointed. There was no response from the last affectionate confession of Shang. This person is no longer useful. Once the Raiders reaches full marks, he won't lose his favorability. Even if she dismisses him, he will love her forever. The most important thing is that Luo Jian's little luck has been absorbed by the system, and he will become an unlucky ghost in the future, who is willing to be with him.

Father Luo hated Lin Siyan deeply, and spent a lot of money to buy several prisoners who were in prison with Lin Siyan and let them clean up Lin Siyan. After that, Master Luo took his wife, son and father Luo quickly to go abroad. There was no news. Since then, Lin Siyan has been in dire straits. She is beaten every day in the prison, still in the kind of tactics that cannot be seen on the surface but can only feel pain. It made her hard to tell, even to complain.

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