Plastic uncle and nephew (2)

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It is not easy to decompose the system. Last time he dealt with the system, he invested in top domestic scientists to research for a long time before destroying the system, and he also integrated hacker technology. Although he learned a lot at the time and understood the general knowledge and theories, it would take some time to research something that can deal with the system again. This idea can only be put on hold for the time being. He doesn't even have the money to invest in the research office.

Thinking of the money issue, Xu Zifan checked the original owner's assets after eating. The original owner has a villa facing the lake, a half-hill villa, a villa with a sea view, and 15 well-located residential apartments. The home is a real estate company. There are not many other things, but there are too many houses. The basic company will reserve a house for the original owner for every project developed. Unless the location is not good, the original owner will refuse to accept it.

The original owner's car has six supercars, two of which are limited to the world, and there are ten off-road vehicles, commercial vehicles, and RVs, parked in the underground garage and it looks spectacular. Xu Hao also bought a yacht for the original owner, and asked his assistant to pay him 20 million yuan a month as pocket money, which was calculated separately during the New Year. Therefore, people in the circle said that Xu Hao loved his nephew very much, thinking that their uncle and nephew had a deep affection, they had forgotten that Xu Hao was already a great threat to the heir of the original owner. The uncle who really loves his nephew will never let his nephew eat, drink and have fun, but will train his nephew to learn to take over the company. Xu Hao perfectly hides his ambition in the aura of his elders.

Xu Zifan found out that the original owner had a deposit of about 100 million yuan. He didn't spend a lot of money every time he went out to play. He saved a lot in the past few years. No wonder he gave 30 million yuan to the breakup fee. Since the deposit is okay, let's do some small actions first.

Xu Zifan went to the audio-visual studio, turned on the TV to find some popular actresses, and then began to watch their movies and TV series, mainly to see their appearance and acting skills. There is a newly promoted first-line Xiaohua, whose status is not stable yet. He developed from a child star, and the audience is more demanding of her. But she looks good, smiles very sweetly, can be cold and frosty with makeup, and has very good acting skills. She is called Shi Xueman. There is a second-tier actress whose status is similar to that of Xia Shuangshuang. She is a competitor who is often compared by the media and netizens. She looks bright and has a little better acting skills than Xia Shuangshuang. She is called Yang Jiaru. There is also a third-line actress who is not well-known and has only played two female thirds, but she has a good appearance and is very talented in acting. As long as she is given a chance, she will definitely be able to rush to the front line. Her name is Yao Kexin.

Xu Zifan selected these three actresses from a group of actresses, and sent their names to Li Ping, and asked him to investigate the character and temperament of these three actresses, and whether they have any inferiorities such as playing big-name stars and not being professional. Li Ping didn't wake up Xu Zifan's WeChat account in the middle of the night, and immediately replied, "Okay, young master." He didn't know what the young master was going to do, so he could just give him a task and handle it well.

Xu Zifan glanced at the time, it was already more than one o'clock in the morning, pinched his brows, got up, stretched out, and went back to the bedroom to sleep. At the same time, Xia Shuangshuang and Xu Hao were still awake. The reason Xia Shuangshuang didn't respond all afternoon was not because she didn't want to respond, but because she didn't see it. In order to hurry up, she gave Xu Zifan a green hat before breaking up. After splashing Xu Zifan, she turned off her mobile phone, went to the spa, did styling, and then went to the hotel where Xu Hao was on business.

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