Raiders get out (11)

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Among Xu Zifan's four assistants, Ji Yawen's current salary has doubled that of them. Recently, Xu Zifan has become more and more respected, and she has become the first assistant with good reason. In fact, the other three assistants are a little bit guessed. After all, Xu Zifan and Ji Yawen get along day and night, longer than all of them. In the surveillance, Xu Zifan hugged Ji Yawen and Ji Yawen and strongly supported Xu Zifan to the ambulance before he fell into a coma. People can't help but think.

If it's not interesting, why did Xu Zifan protect Ji Yawen for the first time when the headlight fell? Why did you hug Ji Yawen before unconscious? According to their observation, Xu Zifan and Ji Yawen are not ambiguous in their daily relationship, so they don't think much about it. They are all professional assistants, Ji Yawen is strong enough, they are convinced, whether they have anything to do with the chairman, it is not their responsibility. But with this level of speculation in her heart, Ji Yawen's position is invisibly more stable, and the assignment of tasks can always get good feedback.

Ji Yawen has recently been busy changing Dr. Chen's research room to implement various matters in the research room. She intuitively feels that the boss will not suddenly become interested in science fiction, and she does not publicize it. This must be something the boss attaches great importance to privacy. Since it's handed over to her, she will do it well. She handled everything by herself, encountered many problems in the process, and figured out ways to solve them quickly. After doing it well, she actually gained a lot of valuable experience.

The establishment of the new laboratory will naturally start the first project. After reading Dr. Chen's plan, Xu Zifan met with Dr. Chen again. He had close contact with the system that day, and he had a general direction, and the problem was clearer.

"Dr. Chen, I want to ask, can mental power affect the real thing in reality? And can spiritual power stimulate a person's natural potential?"

Dr. Chen thought for a while and nodded, "In fact, there have been related reports on the research of mental power in the world. The data in the report shows that human consciousness can interact with related instruments to make the instruments produce regular data. But it must be passed It can be discovered only through minute statistics and calculations. That is to say, adding up the mental power of all mankind to affect reality is negligible, so this discovery will not have any real effect for the time being. And the human brain is extremely mysterious. Whether or not mental power can stimulate human potential in a certain field is uncertain. In theory, I think it is possible."

Xu Zifan has analyzed the skills of the system these days. Most of them should have something to do with mental power. If the mental power is too strong to affect the real thing, is it because the headlights that day fell were also done with mental power? If so, then the system must be a mental body, and having super mental power can do some seemingly amazing things.

Xu Zifan asked again: "Dr. Chen, everyone's luck is good or bad. Can this kind of luck materialize it and how can it be absorbed?"

Dr. Chen pushed her glasses, she couldn't keep up with Xu Zifan's rhythm, but she had a lot of knowledge in doing research for so many years, and she had read many global papers and publications. After thinking about it, she replied: "I am not very I understand, but some people think that every living body is a living magnetic field. This magnetic field is affected by many aspects of the world and is so complicated that the strength, quality, and even field lines of each person are different. I remember that someone used a special camera to take pictures of different people. The photos were the skeleton of the human body and the halo around the body. The halo represents the energy field, and their energy field colors or concentrations are different."

Dr. Chen searched for the energy field picture on his mobile phone and showed it to Xu Zifan, "That's it, so luck can also be explained by magnetic fields. For example, if someone's magnetic field attracts this place, he will have good luck in this place. If a place repels, then you have bad luck in that place. Another example is that a person who is usually very smart suddenly becomes stupid in front of someone, which is affected by the strong magnetic field of the other party. There are also those who are close to Zhu Chi Jin Mo It's black because it's slowly affected by being close to a dirty or clean magnetic field. As for absorption...maybe the magnetic field can be changed by absorbing electromagnetic waves. Whether it has anything to do with luck, this is still a difficult question to study, and I am not professional in this area and cannot answer it for you. If you are interested, I can introduce you to experts in this area."

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