Interstellar World [Arc 8.17- 8.18]

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Arc 8.17 [Chapter 166]

On the aircraft, Ghar set the trajectory and autopilot before stepping down from the pilot's seat.

"It's strange. Why did these guys stay on this desolate Alpha planet for three or four days? " Bai Lixin wondered as he took a sip of his drink.

"Who knows, maybe they're stupid. Believing that we from Garbage planet are easy pickings, kidnapping people and resting here leisurely." Graverson was unfazed as he took a big gulp and casually stroked Rubbish's smooth head.

Rubbish's baked body felt so much better in his hands than it had before.

"No, it doesn't make sense. Even if they were resting, there was no need for them to do it in such a deserted area. What kind of rest is that? Could it be that the aircraft malfunctioned? " Bai Lixin speculated.

Ghar, who was coming towards them, paused slightly at Bai Lixin's speculation, then came over at his usual even speed, "Master, the course is set. The aircraft is travelling at one light year per hour. Since Helium is far away from us, it will take four days to arrive."

"Hey, this aircraft can actually reach 1 light year per hour. My craft can only do 0.07 light years." Graverson said, surprised.

"It's not that this aircraft is fast, it's that yours is too worn out." Bai Lixin chuckled, "I wonder how many years it would take for you to get a new aircraft if you were to sell scraps every day. But that aircraft of yours has some perseverance. It has not yet broken down after all these years."

"It depends on who's piloting it. Can it break down that easily in my hands?"

Rubbish nodded cheerfully, "Master is correct. I was to be sent to the junkyard because I was of no more use, but master bought me and I have been of use since then. "

There were still four days to go before they could reach planet Helium and meet Manskoo.

It should have been a happy event, but Bai Lixin could not bring his spirits up.

[S419M], Bai Lixin called out in his mind.

[Yes, Lord Host.]

[Re-scan the souls of every creature and every corner of the planet, and tell me who has the highest soul and physical attributes]. Bai Lixin thought about it, and decided to verify it once more.

[As ordered, Lord Host. Ding! The scanning begins! Ding, the scan is complete.]

[Lord host, the highest soul and body attribute still belongs to Manskoo, who has an S-ranked soul attribute and an A-ranked body attribute.]

Bai Lixin was silent for a long time and nodded: [Okay, got it. Let's go and verify if Manskoo is Dijia or not.]

Outside the aircraft, there was a dead silence. The meteorites in the interstellar were silent as if they were set in the darkness. But they were in fact moving slowly, only their movements did not follow a pattern and had no destination to speak of.

Bai Lixin lay in the resting room, staring into the darkness, lost in thought.

What if Manskoo was not his lover, as Ghar guessed?

And if he was not, then where was his lover? Or was he not in this world?

What stage has the robot riot on Helium reached?

Has Sano committed suicide?

[S419M], Bai Lixin felt really worried about the plot this time. In the previous worlds, he had always gone with the flow, but he now had so many questions. [What stage has the plot progressed to now?]

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