Western Fantasy World [Arc 6.5- 6.6]

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The two men were in no hurry, walking at an unhurried pace. Orvis gave a sudden lurch and stopped in front of a large tree.

Cusi advanced two steps and then fell back, turning his head and asking, "What's wrong?"

Orvis shook his head, "Nothing, let's keep going. There should be someone not far ahead. It's just that alchemists and priests are mortal enemies, and with the two together, running into them may lead to a verbal altercation. "

Cusi was dreading this too, and he hurriedly said, "We had better hide far behind them for the time being, lest we cause unnecessary strife."

Once the two men had discussed the matter, they walked more slowly.

As night fell, Cusi used a light spell to set up a barrier against vampires. When Orvis saw the light spell, his footsteps gave a slight pause, and he smiled, "You sleep first, I'll keep watch for the first half of the night."

Cusi patted the spot beside him and laughed, "What's the point of keeping watch? I've set up a light spell boundary. Vampires will be extremely traumatized if they come near, so come in and sleep too. "

Orvis shook his head, "You are, after all, only an intermediate priest. If a vampire above the count comes, we will still be in danger. It is safest to keep watch. You don't need to say anymore. Rest early. "

Cusi thought about it; he wasn't sure that a vampire above the Count wouldn't come, so he had to nod, "Alright then, I'll rest first. Wake me up after midnight and I'll keep watch for the second half of the night. "

Orvis gave an "en" and walked further outside.

The darkness of the forest was exceptionally still, so still that it was eerie in every way.

After a long day's walk, Cusi fell asleep in a few moments. After making sure Cusi was sound asleep, Orvis then gently got up and flew off to the place where he had noticed the anomaly during the day.

Entering the boundary and going into the cave inside, at the deepest point, Orvis only saw an empty crystal coffin.

The smell in the air of this cave had not yet completely dissipated, and Orvis' eyes flinched at the smell of Yaphisor and another powerful Blood that he had never met before.

This Blood's scent had an extremely strong aura of nobility to it.

The Bloods were bound by blood, and their hierarchies were extremely strict. Things like the third generation killing the second generation could only be done by the incredibly powerful third generation.

For all other generations, the vampires had strict seniority levels.

The taste of blood is the most common way to distinguish between the generations. If a fourth-generation meets the third generation, they will be subjected to the system of the transgression of blood and will have reverence and jealousy towards the third generation.

The fifteenth generation is the lowest of all. By the sixth generation, the vampires had gradually intermarried with foreign races, wolves, and humans, so the remaining children had a thinner vampire bloodline.

The Bloods valued seniority and bloodline, and between the two, seniority in a generation was the most important. Although the eighth generation had pure blood and the seventh generation had mixed blood, the eighth generation is required to salute the seventh generation, but although they do so, it is not from the heart.

The air smelled of a human being mixed with pureblood, and Orvis checked the smell with all three princes and the Blood king, only to find that it was not any of the four.

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