Decepticons (TP) And Reader ( How Does It Work? )

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Third Person's POV 

It was an ordinary day on the Nemesis. Megatron was on his throne talking to Breakdown, Knockout, Shockwave, and Starscream about his new plane to destroy Optimus and team Prime when the doors behind the four Decepticons opened. A human girl stepped into the room making all optics look in her way. 

Y/N: ''Dad.'' 

Megatron: ''Daughter.'' 

Y/N: ''I am sorry for bothering you dad, but I have to ask. How does a woman or femme come to be with a child?'' 

The moment those words left her mouth Megatron became surprised. His daughter was fourteen years old and of course, she knew all about that stuff. But he didn't understand why was she asking this. He didn't care if she was asking him this right here and now because she always came first. 

Megatron: ''Y/N what kind of questions is this?'' 

Y/N: ''Well I thought they needed to be married. You know because you and mom were.'' 

Megatron nodded. 

Shockwave: ''Whatever are you talking about Y/N?'' 

Y/N: ''Apparently it's not even a requirement!'' 

Starscream: ''Y/N that is more than enough. Go play or something.'' 


That maid the skinny Decepticon running out the doors. Megatron turned his attention towards his daughter again who was looking at the Knockout and Breakdown with her hands crossed. 

Y/N: ''I take it the two of you know.'' 

Knockout: ''Do not look at me.'' 

Breakdown: ''Do you remember the time you visited the farm?'' 

Shockwave: ''I do hope the two of you are not encouraging improper topics of conversation. 

Knockout: ''Not at all.'' 

Breakdown: ''In fact am... We are just heading off too... Take our sticks out.'' 

At that moment Megatron shot his cannon towards Breakdown which he bearly missed. 

Breakdown: ''A round of fencing my lord!'' 

( I'm sorry I know this one was hard to understand but some of you may know where this is from! ) 

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