Bayverse Shockwave x Reader ( No Way Out )

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Third Person's POV 

Y/N was running as fast as she could through the woods. He was behind her. It was getting dark and even if she would hide behind a tree or somewhere else he would find her. She was making a sound as she was stepping on leaves and branches. 

Voice: ''Run Y/N, run but you can't escape me.'' 

Said his voice loudly through the forest. Even taught she was ahead of him, she knew that once he would start running she would be his. She was cruising herself for dropping her phone as she tried to call Bee her guardian. Just as Y/N jumped over the log she could hear loud steps. He began to run. Tears began to roll down her cheeks. 

Y/N was Sam Witwicky's older sister and the day her brother meet Autobots so did she. She helped them save the world. Two weeks ago she came across a man with brown eyes and black hair. They bumped into each other and Y/N immediately saw how handsome he was. When she saw him again he asked her out and Y/N said yes not knowing who he actually was. 

The date went perfectly and as they parted ways Y/N forgot to ask him for his number. She began to run after him but the moment she came around the corner she saw him changing into a car. He was a robot! It was not that she could not love a robot from another galaxy. She could. He was a Decepticon. The enemy of her friends and her brother. The enemy of hers. 

Y/N looked back to see him getting closer and closer. She began to run between tick tress which would make him slow down. But as she looked back she saw him changing into his human form. She was trying and trying to get away from him when a hand grabbed her left hand pulling her back. 

Her body hit a strong chest. Slowly she looked up in horror to meet red eyes which used to be brown. 

Shockwave: ''Hello darling.'' 

His voice sent chills down her back. She wanted to turn around to escape but Shockwave had a good grip on her. 

Shockwave: ''No you are not going anywhere.'' 

He said pressing her against the tree. With her back against the tree, she looked up at him with scared eyes. She did not fear Starscream or Megatron. She feared him. 

Y/N: ''Leave me Shockwave. Please...'' 

Shockwave: ''Can't do that love. You were born to be mine and I will not let you go.'' 

He said making Y/N knees get shaky and weaker. His right was gently packed on her waist. He was looking down at her like he was the hunter and she was his prey which he deeply desired. Shockwave began to line in. She wasn't even able to yell for help. When their lips were only a few centimeters apart Showckwave looked into Y/N's eyes. 

She looked at his eyes, then she looked at his lips, before looking into his eyes again. A smile grew on Shockwave's face. 

Shockwave: ''I knew it.'' 

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