Starscream ( Armada ) x Reader ( Love Her Like That )

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Third Person's POV

It has been a few weeks since Starscream joined the Autobots. In the beginning, no one trusted him, because he was a Decepticons and the second in command of Decepticons. Well, there was someone that trusted him. Y/N.

She joined Autobots a year ago and they all loved it. She was the brains and beauty that Starscream noticed the moment they first meet. They became close due to her trusting him.

Two weeks after joining Autobots Starscream asked Y/N out and to his surprise, she said: "Yes." He took her out on an amazing date and soon after they began to date. In a secret of course but both of them were very happy.

Y/N wanted to tell her Autoboth family about their love but she was scared of what they may do to him. They carried about so much and she knew that they didn't fully trust Starscream.

One day as Y/N was hanging out with Smokescreen she look at the corner of the room to see her boyfriend supporting himself against the wall and his arm crossed. Their eyes meet and Y/N sends him a flying kiss without Smokescreen noticing. Starscream smiled making her heart skip a beat.

Just then Hot Shot, Scavenger, Blurr, and Sideswipe came into the room.

Hot Shot: "We need to talk to you Starscream."

Starscream looked at him and pushed himself away from the wall.

Starscream: "What's wrong?"

Sideswipe: "We need to talk to you."

Starscream: "What have I done now?"

Blurr: "Just follow."

As they began to leave the room Hot-Shot shared a look with Y/N for a slip second and that's when she knew that they knew about them.

Y/N: "Oh no."

Smokescreen: "What's wrong?"

Y/N: "They know."

She quickly approach the doors and just as she was about to open them she could hear them talking just behind the doors.

Hot Shot: "We know what's been going on Starscream."

Starscream: "What are you talking about?"

Blurr: "You and Y/N are dating."

Starscream open his mouth a little to protest but nothing came out. He was surrounded by Autobots but he was not going to step back. He stood there prepared for anything. Y/N was standing behind the doors ready to stop them if they were about to attack him.

Scavenger: "You see Starscream as much as we don't like you two being together. We can see that Y/N is happy with you."

Blurr: "You must know that that girl means everything to us. So we accept your relationship."

Y/N was so happy that she was about to open the doors and thank them for their blessing but Smokescreen who was in his human form stooped her.

Sideswipe: "We think that you should know some things about her."

Starscream: "What is it?"

Sideswipe: "She's the best thing that you'll ever have. Hey "

Starscream: "It's like you think that I don't know that already."

Hot Shot: "She always has trouble falling asleep. She likes to cuddle while under the sheets."

Blurr: "She loves Pop songs and dancing."

Sideswipe: "And bad trash TV."

Blurr: "There are still a few other things."

Hot Shot: "She loves love notes and babies. Likes giving gifts. Has a hard time accepting a good compliment."

Scavenger: "She loves her whole family and all of her friends. So if you're the one she lets intake it."

Sideswipe: "If she gives you her heart don't you break it."

Hot Shot: "Let your arms be a place she feels safe in."

Blurr: "If you break her heart you will not survive. This is our promise to you."

Starscream: "I gave you my word. I love Y/N. More than I could ever describe."

With tears of joy, Y/N shared a look with Smokescreen who pulled her into a happy hug. Everything is going to be alright.

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