Bumblebee ( TP ) x Reader ( An Accident )

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Reader's POV 

It was a beautiful day and I was out jogging. It wasn't just the thought of staying fit that made me go out and run for hours. I just loved running. I guess I got that from my dad who was also the runner. To my luck, I was living right next to the forest so I knew the place very well. I was running and enjoying the cold breeze when suddenly a deer jumped out of a bush just a few meters away from me. A scream came out of my mouth as I slipped on the mud hitting the ground hard.

Me: ''Shit.'' 

I landed on my right side and my clothes were fully muddy because it rained yesterday. I was about to pick myself up and return home because I needed to clean myself up but as I moved a sharp pain in my right leg hit me.

Me: ''Aw...''

I never felt a pain like this before. I tried to move again but I couldn't.

Me: ''Shit.''

 I wasn't able to walk, so I began to look for my phone to call my boyfriend for some help. My phone had to fall out of my pocket as I fell because it was not in the left pocket of my jacket anymore. I began to look for it and as I found it under some leaves I began to call my boyfriend. 

Phone call...

Bumblebee: "Hello Y/N. Ready for our date?''

Me: "Bee I had an accident.''

Bumblebee: ''What?! What happened? Are you okay?''

Me: ''I was running when a deer jumped out of the bush and scared me. I fell and hurt my leg. I'm in so much pain Bumblebee.''

Bumblebee: ''I got your location. I'm coming.''

End of the call...

Me: "Please don't be broken." 

Unfortunately, I did break my leg. When Bumblebee came he carefully picked me up and took me to the base to Ratchet. He was super worried but Ratchet took good care of me. 

Ratchet: ''So we are done Y/N. You will be fine but you must use crutches for 6 to 8 weeks.''

He said as he placed the pair of crutches next to me. Where did he even get them? 

Me: ''What? 6 to 8 weeks? What am I supposed to do at that time?''

A pair of lisps came from behind me right next to my right ear.

Bumblebee: ''You can focus your attention on me, love.'' 

He said in whisperer but Ratchet still heard him, making him roll his optics.  As Bumblebee brought me to his room he carefully placed me on his bed.

Bumblebee: ''Do you need something?''

Me: ''No...thanks.''

Bumblebee: ''Hey don't be like that love. You will be back on the run in no time. In the middle time, I will be here keeping you company." 

Me: "Okay." 

I said as he kissed the top of my head making a smile appear on my face. Maybe those weeks will pass really soon with Bumblebee right by my side.

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