Knockout ( TP ) x Reader ( That's Mine Love )

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Third Person's POV

Y/N was standing in the middle of the room, practicing her speech for her project when Knockout approached her from behind. He placed his hands on her hips making her jump a little. She was so in her papers that she didn't even hear him coming. But as she looked back a smile grew on her face. 

Knockout: ''Hello love.'' 

He placed his hands under her head to match his lips with hers. Y/N kissed him back then she looked at him with a smile. 

Y/N: ''Hey Knockout.'' 

Knockout: ''What are you doing?''

Y/N: ''I'm practicing my speech for my school project next week.''

She said showing him the papers in her hands. 

Knockout: ''Sounds boring.''

Y/N: ''It is.''

Knockout: ''Hey let's go out tonight.''

Y/N: ''I can't.''

Knockout: ''That school project can wait.''

Y/N: ''I don't know Knockout.''

Knockout: ''Let me take you out on a date.

Y/N: ''That sounds nice but...''

Knockout: ''It's Friday love. You deserve some romantic time with your boyfriend.''

He said as he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her to him so their body could touch. A smile grew on her face as he looked at her with begging eyes. 

Y/N: ''Okay...okay I'm one.''

Because Knockout came from a workout he needed a quick shower and in the middle time, Y/N got ready. But as she was waiting for him an idea came to her mind. She took his jacket which was on the top of the bed and put it on. 

She turned towards the mirror and checked herself. The jacket was a little big on her but still, look good on her. 

Knockout: ''That's mine love.''

Y/N quickly turned around so their eyes could meet. She knew how much Knockout liked his jacket. 

Y/N: ''Sorry I just wondered how it would look on me.'' 

She was about to remove the jacket but Knockout stopped her. 

Knockout: ''Don't worry love it suits you.''

He said as he began to put his fresh clothes on. Y/N turned around and looked at herself again. 

Knockout: '' goes supper well with your new dress love. ( Sorry if you don't like dresses!! )

He said as he pressed his back against Y/N's back. He placed his strong arms around her and kissed her on the cheek. 

Y/N: ''So you like it on me?'' 

She asked him and he nodded as he placed another kiss on her neck. 

Y/N: ''Cool. I will wear it the whole evening then. Let's go.'' 

Before Knockout knew it Y/N was out of the room. 

Knockout: ''Y/N! Wait. It's still my jacket! Love!'' 

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