Thundercracker ( G1 ) x Reader ( Would You Be My Boyfriend For A Night? )

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Reader's POV 

That asshole broke up with me so he could date Tiffiny! ( Sorry if your name is Tiffiny ) Maybe I should leave before he sees me? NO! I will not show him that I am weak. Not even a little bit. I came into this bar so I could have a fun time and he wouldn't ruin that. Not him not fake Tiffiny. 

Looking around I began to look for a guy which I could use to make him remember what he would never have again. Too snobbish. Too innocent. Suddenly a really good-looking guy came threw the doors making me almost drop my mouth in surprise. He was good-looking. Perfect for my plan to make Fabio jealous. 

Fixing my dress and hair I stood up and began to approach the guy. He was tall with black hair and red eyes. Before approaching him I saw him turning his head toward me and the moment our eyes met I froze. I was unable to walk. Or move. Not even a little. To my surprise, he approached me with a smile. 

Stranger: "Hello darling. What is your name?" 

Me: "Hello stranger. My name is Y/N. Yours?" 

Stranger: "You can call me Dwain." 

Me: "Nice to meet you. Are you here with someone?" 

I asked even though I saw him coming into the bar alone. 

Dwain: "No I am alone. You?" 

Me: "Alone. But I would prefer a company." 

Dwain: "That makes two of us." 

I could feel my cheeks burning red. But then I remembered what the plan was. 

Me: "Would you maybe do something for me?" 

Dwain: "We just met." 

Me: "Yeah but I wouldn't ask just anyone this question because I know they will try something." 

Dwain: "What do you want to ask?" 

Me: "Would you be my boyfriend for a night?" 

His eyes widened a little as a smile appeared on his face. 

Dwain: "Do you need to make someone jealous?" 

Me: "You see that guy dancing with that girl in a pink dress? He was my boyfriend before he broke up with me and I would really like to make him jealous." 

Dwain: "Okay, but what will I have from that?" 

Me: "What do you want?" 

Dwain: "For you to dance with me and maybe go out with me." 

A smile appeared on my face as I nodded my head yes. 

Me: "Alright. You got yourself a deal."

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