Optimus Prime ( TP ) x Reader ( Sparkmate )

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Requested by @autobotfan02

Third Person's POV

It was 1:55 pm and Optimus was patiently waiting in front of the school for the clock to strike two. He was waiting for Y/N. He was never late and he always came for his human. Y/N joined team Prime one week after Jack, Miko, and Raf did. She was kidnapped by Megatron. He was about to use her for his evil plans to get rid of Autobots, but she was saved by Optimus. 

The moment Optimus first saw Y/N he knew that he had to protect her, so he became her guardian. They became close friends. But there was something more. Optimus had fallen in love with Y/N. She was the most beautiful girl that he had ever seen. Every time they were together his spark would beat faster. Y/N was a smart, kind, funny, optimistic, and beautiful girl that took Autobots leaders heart. 

But he could never tell her. The only one that knew about Optimuses feelings was Ratchet. Just then as Optimus was waiting the bell rang and students began to leave school. Soon Optimus saw his girl. She was walking with a book close to her chest down the stairs with a smile on her face. But when she saw him her smile got bigger. 

As Y/N came to him, Optimus opened the doors for her. He was such a gentleman. He was using his hologram form so it wouldn't be strange that the truck would open the doors by itself. 

Y/N: ''Hey Optimus.''

Optimus: ''Hello Y/N.''

As Y/N came inside of the truck, she placed her backpack in front of her legs and closed the doors on her left. Optimus placed seatbelt around her. Y/N was always safe with him. Since the moment that they meet she knew that he will always be there to protect her. She couldn't ask for a better guardian. Optimus began to drive.

Y/N: ''So how did the mission go?''

Optimus: ''We got the artifact but then the Decepticons came and attacked us.''

Y/N: ''Omg are you okay? Was Megatron there? Did you get hurt?''

Y/N was always scared for Optimus. Every time he went on the mission she was scared that he wouldn't come back to her. She had a crush on the leader but she was scared to tell him.

Optimus: ''Don't worry Y/N. I am fine and no Megatron was not there.''

Optimus could feel that she was glad. As he looked at her she was looking out of the window. She was so beautiful. Everything on her was so perfect. He wanted to tell her how he feels but it was too dangerous. He was in the war with Megatron and if he would know that Optimus had a weak spot he would try to take it and destroy it. He looked back forward. 

As Y/N looked at Optimus she saw that something was wrong.

Y/N: ''Optimus? It's something wrong?''

Optimus looked at her. His spark was telling him to tell her the truth about his feelings, but he knew that she would be in even more danger than she already is. So he just smiled.

Optimus: ''Everything is fine Y/N.''

When they came to her house Y/N looked at him.

Y/N: ''Thank you for the ride Optimus. See you tomorrow.''

She took her backpack and then she jumped down of the truck. To Y/N was strange that Optimus didn't say goodbye but maybe he was thinking of something again. He is a Prime after all. He had a lot on his mind. When she came to her house she looked back at him like she always did and waved him goodbye. 

Optimus began to drive again. He must stop. He must stop thinking about her. He must stop dreaming about her. He must stop his feelings. Even if that means that he will have to stop being her guardian.

The next day...

As Y/N came out of the school she stopped just in front of the steps that were in front of her. Her eyes were looking at the parking spot where Optimus was always waiting for her. But this time to her surprise she saw Ratchet. She quickly went to him.

Y/N: ''Ratchet what are you doing here? Did something happen to Optimus?''

By that point, Y/N was freaking out.

Ratchet: ''Calm down, everything is okay. We need to talk.''

He said and opened the doors for her to get in. Y/N quickie jumped in.

Y/N: ''So what is it?'' 

Ratchet: ''I am your new guardian.''

( Second Part Will Come Soon! ) 

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