Grimlock x Cyber Rider ( Right Time )

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Reader's POV

My body hit the ground hard and a strong pain hit my chest making me scream. Because of the impact, my blaster was sent flying far back as my sword was laying broken next to me. In seconds I was surrounded by Insecticons. Pulling myself on my hands so I could look at Shockwave who was standing in front of his pets.

Shockwave: "So this is legendary Y/N. I heard so much about you and this is all you have to show me? I am disappointed. "

Me: "Fuck you."

Shockwave: "Without the Dinobots you are nothing."

Me: "Like you are without your pets."

I could feel my Energon leaving the wound that was in my back. I was trying to contact Grimlock but my connection with him and his team was blocked when Shockwave found me.

Shockwave: "I can let you live. But if you refuse I will let my pets do whatever they want with you."

Me: "So you can use me for an experiment like you did to Grimlock? Fuck you. I rather die!"

Shockwave: "As you wish."

Snapping his fingers the beasts the beast went for an attack. I was too weak to fight. I couldn't protect myself. Just before the Insecticons could touch me a mighty roar was heard and a transformer I knew well jumped over me and a strong blast of fire came out of his mouth. Grimlock.

The fire was so powerful that was melting the Insections that were not able to escape my mate's fury. Pushing the enemy back I felt someone picking me up and as I looked back I saw Swoop carefully helping me on my legs. Slug and Snarl were helping Grimlock as Shockwave ran away.

Me: "Just in time."

The moment I was standing on my legs I could feel myself weakening and Swoop quickly stopped me from falling.

Swoop: "You are really hurt Y/N. Let's take you to safety."

Grimlock: "I will take her. You cover us."

He said as he came to us in his dino mode. Changing into his original form he carefully picked me up. Then as Swoop began to cover us with Slug and Sharl's help Grimlock began to run away with me in his arms.

Me: "Thank you."

Grimlock: "I was so worried that we would be too late. I am sorry love." 

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