Hot Shot ( Armada ) x Reader ( Dance In The Rain )

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Third Person's POV 

Y/N jumped into Hot Shot's arms and as he spun her around their lips met. They haven't seen each other for five days because Hot Shot had to go on a mission in Europe. The moment he sent her the message he was back she needed to see him.

Y/N: ''I missed you.''

Hot Shot: ''I missed you too baby.''

They shared another kiss before Hot Shot placed her down.

Hot Shot: ''I taught that you have one more hour.''

Y/N: ''I told my teacher that I did not feel well, and she let me go.''

Hot Shot: ''You shouldn't skip classes because of me.''

 Y/N: ''It's not like I'm falling this class. Don't worry my friend Amber will tell me what we did at the class. I just couldn't wait another hour.''

Hot Shot smiled they hugged. Y/N picked her school bag from the ground and they started to walk.

Y/N: ''So how was the mission?''

Hot Shot: ''It was a success. I found the Mini-Con and we are one step ahead of Decepticons.''

Y/N: ''That's amazing Hot Shot.''

Just then the sky became covered with clouds and it started to rain. An idea came into Y/N's head. She took out her phone and she quickly went true the music box. She found her favorite love song and as it started to play, she placed her phone in the pocket of her pants and she started to dance.

Hot Shot: ''What are you doing?''

Y/N: ''I always wanted to dance under the rain. Come on join me.'' 

They started to dance together. Y/N loved to dance. Even if Hot Shot did not know much about dancing, he saw some couples in the movies dancing and he began to copy them. Both of them were enjoying it. They did not care if people look, they just wanted to dance in the rain. When the song came to the end, Hot Shot pulled Y/N to him and as she touched his body they shared a kiss.

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