Demolisher ( Armada ) x Reader ( Not For Him Not For Anybody )

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Third Person's POV 

To Demolisher there was nothing more important than Y/N's happiness. She was his girlfriend and he would do just anything for her. There wasn't a day that he didn't call her beautiful. Like every Friday Demolisher was taking Y/N out on a romantic date. 

He was sitting on the bed with his hands on his knees, patiently waiting for his girlfriend who was getting ready in the bathroom. 

As the doors opened his head looked to his right. 

Y/N: ''What do you think?'' 

Demolisher stood up and began to look up and down. Y/N was wearing a dress that came down to her knees with matching heels. ( Sorry if you don't wear that ) She looked beautiful but there was something that Demolisher noticed. Y/N wore this kind of dress before and it went perfectly with her body. But looked a little big on her. 

Y/N: ''So? What do you think?'' 

She said stepping to the room so she could look at herself in the mirror. 

Demolisher: ''Beautiful as always. But your dress...'' 

Y/N: ''My dress? Is something wrong with it?'' 

Demolisher: ''I saw you in that dress before and not that I don't love it because I do. It's just that it's a little bigger than it used to be.'' 

He said stepping behind her and looking at her face in the mirror. 

Y/N: ''Oh yeah I know. I'm tinner. Isn't it amazing?'' 

Demolisher: ''Tinner?'' 

Y/N: ''Yeah. Are you proud of me for looking weight?'' 

She asked as she looked at him. That made him step back and Y/N turned around. 

Demolisher: ''I didn't tell you to lose weight dear.'' 

Y/N turned around and made a few steps away from him. Just then Demolisher noticed. She really was a tinner. Her hips, her hands, her legs... He was so busy with the missions that he didn't even notice that she was changing. 

Demolisher: ''Have you been eating?'' 

Y/N turned to look at him. 

Y/N: ''You mean overeating? Of course not I've been working hard for this body and...'' 

Demolisher: ''I mean when I'm not with you.'' 

Y/N: ''Y-Yeah of course.'' 

Demolisher: ''Don't lie.'' 

He said with a serious face. Y/N's smile dropped as she heard his tone of voice. 

Demolisher: ''We have been together for almost 2 years and I know where you're lying to me Y/N. Why are you doing this?'' 

Y/N: ''I'm not doing anything wrong Demolisher. I'm looking weight and I'm super happy about it. What's wrong with it?'' 

Demolisher: ''What's wrong about it is that you are losing weight too fast which means that you don't just exercise but you starve yourself.'' 

Y/N: ''I'm not starving myself!'' 

That was the first time Y/N raised her voice and Demolisher knew that he was right about it. He loved that girl and he couldn't imagine that she would harm herself just to look better when she was already amazing from inside and out. 

Looking down Y/N felt tears rolling down her cheeks. She covered her face with her hands trying to cover her guilty face. 

Demolisher: ''Y/N...'' 

Stepping to her he pulled her into a loving and powerful hug that she really needed. She began to cry in his arms as he began to speak in her ear telling her that she was the most beautiful girl in the world and that she didn't need to change. Not for him not for anybody. 

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