Ironhide x Reader ( Five More Minutes )

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Reader's POV

My eyes opened as the sun shined true the curtains making me weak up. As I moved a little, I could feel the strong arm of my man around my waist. I wasn't in the mode to wake up jet so I snuggled back into my pillow. There was a wild night behind me so I needed more sleep. I was about to fall back asleep when I felt his fingers move. At first, I taught that he was moving in his sleep, but as I felt his lips on the back of my neck I knew that he was awake.

Ironhide: ''Y/N.''

I chose to ignore him. I was still tired. I wanted to sleep a little longer before I will be on my way to save the world again. I was a human partner of a transformer who was actually my boyfriend and we never knew when someone will call us for work. He kissed me on the same spot. I was trying so hard not to move because he knew that that was one of my favorite spots and it will turn me on.

Ironhide: ''I know that you are awake love.''

Me: ''Stop kissing me.''

Ironhide: ''Why?''

Me: ''Because I want to sleep and I know what you want.''

Ironhide: ''And what do I want?''

Me: ''My attention.''

We have been dating for a year now. We began to date two weeks after we meet and after I became his partner. Lennox my uncle introduced us to each other. I was in his team before I became a partner of the Autoboth. From the first day, I liked him. No, not like that, but I liked him because of his cannons. But my feelings came after me. I like him in every way. He was handsome, cute, protective, and brave. He was always watching over me. Even when we were not on the mission he had always his eyes on me watching over me.

I could feel his hands coming around me. I could barely feel his touch but that was even worst. 

Me: ''Ironhide...''

Ironhide: ''Five more minutes.''

A smile came on my face. I turned towards him and the moment our eyes meet he lined in and we shared a long kiss. He pulled me closer so my body would touch his. He got on top of me and we began to make out. Suddenly my phone started to ring. 

Ironhide: ''For God's sake.''

I took my phone and answer it. It was Lennox.

Phone call:

Me: ''Yes uncle?''

Lennox: ''New mission.''

Me: ''We are one our way.''

End of the phone call...

Ironhide: ''New mission?''

Me: ''Yes. But first, five more minutes.''

I said and we began to kiss again. 

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