Bumblebee ( TP ) x Reader ( Rose Petals Under Umbrella )

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Third Person's POV 

Valentine's Day. What a beautiful and romantic day for couples around the world. Well Y/N and her amazing boyfriend Bee were one of them. They meet a year ago as Y/N was walking home in the pouring rain and Bee offered her a ride. Of course, she declined it because she didn't trust him but when he offered her his jacket to cover herself she knew that she could trust him. 

A few after they meet they went on a first date and ever since the first kiss they were crazy in love with each other. Y/N didn't care if Bee was a robot or not. She was in love with him and that it's all that mattered to her. Last year they spent their whole Valentine's day together but this year Y/N had a really important exam and she couldn't miss it. 

So Bee decided that he will take his girl out on an amazing date after school. Y/N was super excited. She did not know where they were going but she didn't care. As long as they were together it was good for her. Because she was an amazing student the exam went great. When it was over Y/N went out of the class and as she took her prone she saw a text from Bumblebee. 


Hey babe. There was something important going on with Decepticons and Autoboth needed me. I am sorry that I will be late. But I will try to be as fast as I could. Love you to the Cybertron and back. 

End of the text...

A smile grew on Y/N face. She wasn't mad because she knew how important his work was. As she came to the main school doors it started to rain. Y/N placed her school bag on the ground next to her. Then she took her phone and began to grow through the picture of her and Bee. She loved him so much. No one made her as special as he did. 

She was so busy watching their pictures and videos that she didn't even notice that 15 minutes had passed. Just as she looked up she saw him running towards her with an umbrella in his right hand and flowers in his left hand. 

Bee: ''I am so sorry babe.'' 

He said as he came to her almost slipping because of his wet clothes. 

Me: ''It's okay.'' 

Bee: ''Here I got you those.'' 

He said offering her the flowers. They were her favorite flowers. 

Me: ''They are lovely thank you.'' 

She said as she took them in her hands. 

Bee: ''I am really sorry.'' 

Me: ''It's fine really. But why didn't you open the umbrella when you were running here? You would stay dry.'' 

Bee: ''Oh for this.'' 

He took her hand and pulled her backward so they were standing under the rain. Before Y/N could ask what he was doing Bee placed his lips together with hers and opened the umbrella above them. Red and pink rose petals began to fall around them making a big smile grow on Y/N's face as she saw it. 

Y/N: ''Oh I love you so much.'' 

Bee: ''Love you too love.'' 

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