Mirage x Reader ( First Choice )

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Third Person's POV 

Mirage was busy listening to Optimu's plan when he saw his human from the corner of his eye. She was walking by them quickly her eyes red from crying. No that can't be. No one makes his human cry. Looking back at Optimus he gave him the look and Optimus nodded his head letting him go after her. 

Mirage quickly went after Y/N who he found in the empty room with her sitting on the grey sofa and her hands resting on her knees. Hearing him coming she turned to look at him but then she quickly looked away. Wiping the tears away with her hands Mirage stepped into the room. 

Mirage: "What happened?" 

He asked as he stepped in front of her. She didn't want to look up at him, so he went down on his knee in front of her. Taking her hands with his she slowly looked at him. 

Mirage: "What did he do?" 

Mirage knew exactly who made Y/N cry. 

Y/N: "He....he broke up with me." 

Who the hell in their right mind would let a girl like Y/N go? She was perfect. From inside and out Mirage saw it. He knew that the guy wasn't right for her from the start. But he could not tell her that. She was happy with him but now he wished that he could break every bone in the boy that broke her. 

Mirage: "What happened?" 

Y/N: "I wasn't his first choice." 

Hearing her say that he looked at her blindly. 

Y/N: "I wanted to be someone's first choice." 

Mirage: "Yeah...you are." 

Y/N: "What? No, I...I know what you are saying Mirage, but I am not his first choice. I guess I never was." 

Mirage: "But you are someone's first choice." 

Y/N: "Am I your first choice?" 

Mirage: "Of course." 

Y/N: "You are just saying that because you are my best friend Mirage." 

Mirage: "No, no, no, no. Do not think that. Sure we are best friends and I will support you no matter what you want to do. But you are not my first choice because of being a friend. It's because you mean so much to me." 

Tears began to roll down her cheeks. Mirage pushed himself off the ground and pulled her into a strong hug. A hug that she really needed.

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