Bumblebee ( TP ) x Reader ( Leaving Behind )

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Reader's POV

In his eyes, I could see that he was blaming himself even taught I didn't want that for him. I was happy that he was finally going home. To Cybertron where he could be happy again. To be a free Transformer. He could not imagine how happy I was for him and all Aubotos.

Me: "Please don't look at me like that Bumblebee."

Bumblebee: "Y/N I...."

Me: "You should be happy. You can finally return to your home so you can be happy and free. Do whatever you wish. We talked about this."

Bumblebee: "That talk was then. But this moment is now."

He said as he changed into his human form so he could step in front of me. A fresh new scare that came over his face was very visitable to me as he stepped so close. He got many scares because of me but most of them disappeared after some time. This one was going to stay forever and I felt horrible because of it.

Bumblebee: "Now that the war is over and we can return home...I don't know how to leave..."

Me: "Me?"

I asked making him close his mouth. He was truly broken.

Me: "I know how much you wish to go home, Bee. And it's okay with me. I am very happy for you."

Bumblebee: "But how can I leave when I don't know when I will return or if even I will be able to."

The space bridge wasn't working as it should and there was a way Bumblebee would never come back.

Me: "For happiness. It's a worthy risk."

Without removing his eyes away from me he placed his hands on my waist pulling me more towards him.

Bumblebee: "I care about you so much Y/N. I will try to do my best to come back to you one day."

Me: "I will keep you for that word. Bee."

Placing my hands around him I hugged him. He hugged me back then placed a kiss on my forehead and left. Letting go of his hand brought me the pain I did not expect. I let him go so he could be happy. 

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