Sunstreaker x Reader ( Wish )

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Reader's POV 

Meeting Sunstreaker was the best thing that happened in my life. He and I became friends just a few days after we first meet. Really soon I began to have feelings towards him. He was not like other guys. I fall in love with him and the moment he came to me and ask me out I taught that I was dreaming. A guy like him was asking me out. Of course, I said yes, and at the end of the date we shared our first kiss. After that, we began to date. 

I was on cloud nine. I had amazing friends ( Autobots ) who were like family to me and the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. We were together for two years and I really taught we would be together forever. But I was wrong. I know that relationships sometimes don't work out even if you are that much in love with that person. Breaking up with him was like a thousand bullets going through my header over and over again. 

I move out of the city to try to forget about him and Autobots. It was hard but each day that passed it was getting better. Of course, I taught about him every day but I had to move one. One day as I was working from home it was time for me to take Odi, my german shepherd, out for a walk. He came to me and placed his head on my lap telling me that it was time. 

Me: ''Okay boy let's go.'' 

I said standing up. Placing the shoes on my feet we left. Because Odi was such a good dog he didn't need a leash. He walked by my side until we got to the park. I played with him for a while when my friend Cristy came to me with her dog Coco. 

Cristy: ''Oh hey Y/N. What's up?'' 

Me: ''Hey. Nothing much just playing with Odi. Hey Coco.'' 

I said petting his head. 

Cristy: ''You know I know someone who has been looking at you for some time now.'' 

Me: ''Cristy I told you...'' 

Cristy: ''Yes, yes you did but he'd good looking and good guy. Trust me.'' 

Me: ''Thanks but no thanks. I told you that I don't want to be in any relationship. Not now, not ever.'' 

Cristy: ''But girl you can't be alone.'' 

Me: ''Who said I'm alone? I have Odi.'' 

I said looking down at him but he wasn't there anymore. That was really strange because he never left my side. 

Me: ''Did you see where he was going?'' 

Cristy: ''No, no I didn't. Do you need help looking for him?'' 

Me: ''No, don't worry. He can't be far. Talk to you later Cristy.'' 

Cristy: ''Okay but if you don't find him call me.'' 

Me: ''Okay, bye.'' 

I began to look for Odi. The park was quite big and after not finding him I was getting really worried. He was the only thing left from... Just as I stopped walking to look around I spotted him. He was sitting on the ground in front of men in black and yellow pants, a black shirt, and black shoes. Looking up at the face my body froze. 

The guy had black hair that was a little curly and came to the middle of his neck. He had blue eyes and a scar on his chin. It was him. It was Sunstreaker. Odi turned his head towards me and as Sunstreaker followed his gaze our eyes meet. 

( Part 2 will come soon )

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