Cyclonus ( Armada ) x Reader ( Matching Costumes )

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Reader's POV 

Halloween! The one day in a year when you could dress in whatever you want. Well, I took that tradition seriously every year. But not that I was in a relationship with Cyclonus I wanted to make it special for him. It was his first Halloween and I wanted him to enjoy it. 

Me: "Cyclonus!" 

I called and he quickly came running into my room, almost tripping over the rug in the hallway. 

Cyclonus: "Yes Y/N? Are you alright?" 

A chuckle left my mouth as I rolled my eyes

 Me: "Yeah I am fine. Come on we are going shopping." 

Cyclonus: "Shopping? For what? We were in the food store yesterday." 

Me: "Not food store. It's called a grocery store and no. We are not going to the same store. We are going into a different store." 

Cyclonus: "What store?" 

Rolling my eyes again I took hold of his hand and took him to the Halloween store. At first, he was a little scared of the scry mascots at the front doors but as I convinced him that they were fake we stepped into the store. 

Cyclonus: "So what are we doing here again?" 

Me: "We are buying costumes. For the Halloween party, we are invited to." 

Cyclonus: "What kind of costumes are we looking for?" 

Me: "Something cute and that describes you and me." 

With that, we began to look. There were thousands of costumes everywhere you looked but I was looking for the perfect two. One for me and one for Cyclonus. After looking and looking Cyclonus found the perfect duo costume. 

Me: "Let's try them on." 

Both of us stepped into the changing room and as we both stepped out we looked at each other. 

Me: "We looked-" 

Cyclonus: "Like food." 

Me: "-cute." 

Cyclonus: "Yeah you do look cute but me?" 

Me: "You are adorable." 

We were dressed as pumpkins and we were matching. He was cute. 

Cyclonus: "You sure?" 

Me: "Hell yeah I am sure. I love it." 

Cyclonus: "Well I do like this idea actually. I like pumpkins." 

Me: "Good. So this is it?" 

Cyclonus: "Yes."

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